Saturday, November 3, 2012


The St. George Temple

I got to St. George just as the sun was going down
and snapped these pictures of the temple. This
sacred place is so very beautiful each morning
and night, I love to walk over to it and take pictures
and just sit and enjoy the peace of it.

I love going to the temple, in this crazy world,
it surely is a place of great peace and joy.

Our St. George home is just 3 blocks from
this beautiful place, so I get to see it every
day...I love that so much.

This past month of October I got to spend nearly the
whole month at our sweet cottage home. It was
Heaven to me...I feel such peace and happiness there.

I ate out and shopped and saw friends and family. I
love being around people too and I get to see and talk
to many people there. 

I saw this sweet statue at a thrift store and I could not
leave her behind...isn't she the sweetest thing?!

We got a touch of snow one day, which is so rare there. It was
mostly in little spots here and there in the yard!

I loved my bumpy pumpkin!

Yes, I have a new friend there too...
This old male cat has taken up residence on my
front porch. He is an old wild cat and I am feeding 
him and he even is letting me give him a few pets
on the head too.

He is cozy on my porch chair, I even got him a
nice flannel blanket!

Loving these new darling pictures of this family of sweet grands!

Isaac and Tiffany's  cute little family

Isaac & Tiffany from just a few years back at 
Halloween cute!

Their cute family enjoying a beautiful Fall day.

Caleb, Ella and Sophia painting their pumpkins.

Sophia...the Pumpkin Patch Princess.

They all did such a good job painting their pumpkins!

Caleb...Claire...Ella all ready to go Trick-or-Treating.
Ella's little Princess dress was made from one on her mom's
old prom dresses by her Grammy Michele A.

"MEOW"...says little Claire.


Claire and her ...Giddy-up Mr. Pumpkin!

Lady Bug Sophia...loves to pose so cute!

MaKayla and Megan are a bit older...

and a bit scarier too!

Ella loves her princess dress...and what a
pretty princess she is too.

Caleb drew this turkey and I think it is so good!

Well this month will bring another new baby into our family.
Our daughter Lindsey is having her second baby, a little boy.

I will be spending more time in St. George, and with her to help out
and mostly to love love love...that is what grandma's do best isn't it?

I need to get a lap top computer, all I have is an old desk top and it
is so slow! I need to keep up with my family and friends better...
maybe for Christmas I can get a new one.