Sunday, June 28, 2009


I love little get-a-ways with my hubby...we have lots of fun!
What a cute 4th of July face..."Where's the sparklers?"

Little Caleb...he loves the water, and is so brave! Doing his "simming thing"

Every 2 weeks Ron is in Ceder on business, so I tag along and spend the days with my kids. They come over to the motel and swim at night, lots of fun!

Caleb, safe in his Daddy's arms...Isaac just got hired by the Ceder P.D.~he'll be a great policeman!

Caleb loves" simming"...and he is so good at it too! He would run back and forth from the hot tub to the pool, jumping in and we had to be ready to catch him!

It was a 100* degree day in St. George so ice cream was a must, Caleb had "superman"..num!

This old store has been in this same spot since 1911...I loved all the colored pop lined up in a row, my favorite as a kid was orange crush!

Caleb loved his ice cream cone

This place had a little river running through it~ it's a wonderful (free) water park, right in the middle of the old part of St. George. It was a super hot day, so this was a good place to be!

Caleb has such a good self-image, confident about things...

I thought the water in this picture looked cool~ almost as "cool" as Caleb

WISHING EVERYONE A FUN 4TH OF JULY with your family~great weather is finally here, we are SO blessed to live in the United States of America and we have SO much to be grateful for! Our freedom is precious, fragile, worth keeping and fighting for. May our way of life never we take it for granted I wonder? I pray our children and grandchildren will live in freedom and may families always be the center of our greatest joys~

Monday, June 22, 2009

HOLD YOUR HORSES...close to your heart

There's nothing in life that's worth doing, if it can't be done on a horse! We SO enjoy riding together, spending a day away with "us and our horses"..wonderful
Apache, the sweetest horse ever, he loved to lick your hand, give all the grandkids a ride. One of those, "best horses ever"~

I love the smell of a horse, the feel of a horse, the sounds of a horse, the trustability of a horse...the smell of the saddle, the smell of the pines..pure Heaven, all of it!

Ron and I enjoying a ride in the hills up by Fishlake..a great way to spend a day

Who ever said a horse was dumb...was dumb! They are; Friendship without envy, Beauty without vanity, Nobility without conceit, A willing partner, yet no slave."

The only thing better than having a horse, is having at least two horses!

Nothing is as fun as raising a new and it's mommy, taking care of and loving it!

Nothing so peaceful as spending time in the pasture with your horse . You don't "break" these animals, you come to an understanding with them.

"The eye of a horse see's into the soul of man

It's so much fun to have a baby feel their little nibbles, to scratch their backs, to have them follow you around, to watch them lift their tail and fly like the wind~

To have a horse that you can totally trust, is a gift from God .

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse

God took a handful of Southerly wind, blew his breath over it, and created horses.


"Horses"...the most beautiful, the most spirited and the most inspiring creature ever to set foot on the grasses of America.

Horses have brought such joy into my life, as a child, I'd spend hours out with our horse, just laying on his back, soaking in the sun shine, feeling him move under me. Sharing my sugar daddies with him, I'd put a piece of twine over his head and around his nose for a bridle and ride him around. I loved to ride bare-back, running through the fields, jumping the ditches. I'd tell him all my troubles, he was my motivation for getting my chores done so I could go riding. His name was Rusty, he was part wild mustang and part work horse...he was so kind, he tended me real good. It broke my heart when Dad retired from farming and we moved to the city and Rusty went to live with one of my brothers.
Later in my life I would have more horses to enjoy, I've been blest to have had wonderful, trustworthy horses all my life. To this day, I still have horses, we enjoy them so very much. I'm glad the weather is warming up, time to dust off the saddles and head for the hills~

Someday, when I am old old, and I can't ride anymore, I'll still want to have long as I can hobble out to them with a treat in hand, feel their soft muzzles, stroke their silky necks and share a hug, sit and watch them graze and bow their noses and swish their tails, I'll be at peace with the world
Hopefully, when I get to Heaven, there I'll see all my great companions who have gone on ahead, to blaze a trail in Heaven for us and who have come back for me, there, I hope to find "Rusty", "Fiddlers Fancy", "Omar Sareef", "Apach","Big ole Black", "Mr. Red", "Jeff" and maybe even some more. The first thing I'll say is; "Where's my boots and my saddle?" "I'm going for a ride!" Eternity might just be long enough, for "taking the long way home."

Saturday, June 13, 2009


May families everywhere be blessed with a "good dad" who will lead his family well, who will listen to the voice of the Lord and follow him in rightousness.
~ Safe in a daddy's and grandpa's arms~

My sweet husband, who was a "good dad" and now is a "good grandpa"

"Good Dad's" to be, will never take you any place but this to marry you~

Our son's Darin, Shane, who are "good dad's" with their dad

How wonderful for a daughter to grow up and pick a "good daddy",for her child

To Daddy's girls who had a "good dad"

To brothers who were "good dad's" brother Orville who passed away because of cancer, he would have been 50 the day of his funeral. I miss him SO much, he was a great brother!

My dad, served a 3 year mission to Australia

Oh, I'm so blessed to have had the "good dad"

My sweet, handsome Dad

Me and Corey, who's a "good dad" to his two little girls

"Good dad's" make good husbands, dad's and grandps's

"What a beautiful place this world will be when every father sees the importance of teaching their children the principles that will help them be happy and successful. Fathers teach best when they lead by good example; govern their little ones with patience, kindness, and love unfeigned; and have the same spirit of love for children that Jesus exemplified."(M. Russell Ballard)
Dad; the one who is versatile enough to plow a field, build a house, or lead a corporation; change a diaper, soothe a hurt, or throw a ball. He's asked to be strong enough to protect a family and gentle enough to cry on his shoulder.
We ask him to love us when we don't deserve it and forgive us when we don't love in return. We need him to watch only us, to see something special that others over look, even when we're not the star of the team or the lead in the play.
We ask our Dad's to provide us a feeling of safety and security in a world they know has none. We ask them to turn a positive face toward us, despite problems of their own, so that we may grow up in confidence.
We expect Dad's to teach us about consequences of our actions, to be firm enough that we believe them and not so strong that we rebel. Dad's have to watch, unflinching, while we suffer the results of our own actions and not rescue us too soon that we do not learn the hard, important lessons.
I don't remember that Dad preached order, but many mornings I saw him poring over the family budget. He didn't preach about how I should treat others: I just watched him lift everyone who came into his presence. When people needed his help, it was given. I know because when I needed him, he was always there. He didn't command me to be honest, but I knew I could trust his word.
So, do we ask too much of our Dad's? Perhaps...just as we ask too much of our Mom's. Yet, it is in the Lord's great wisdom that as we come to earth so vulnerable, so open, so innocent, that we must depend on someone who has jouneyed here a few years longer.
I'm so grateful for my Dad, he held my hand, helped me to have courage. Taught me so much, things I depend on everyday. From him I know what a "good dad" is. He taught me how to work, how to play, how to get along with people, how to love, how to be easy going, how men should treat me, how beautiful I am.
From him I learned to love animals. I get my sweet tooth from him, he always was handing out candy to all the grandkids, they loved it. No one could say my name so lovingly as he did. He always protected me, made my brothers treat me good. He'd take me and my sis to town on saturdays and take us to movies and out to eat. I loved watching him talk to people, he had so many friends. He had the most beautiful deep voice, he was always called upon to sing. He played the piano by ear and sang, he would gather our family around the piano and have us sing together. He taught me of the great love Heavenly Father had for me because he had given his most precious son, for me. Dad served a 3 year mission to Australia, what a good example, in all things.
Dad loved my Mom, they were sweethearts. I loved to peek around the corner and see them kissing, it made me feel so secure. She told me of their great romance, I loved hearing those stories!

So, Happy Fathers Day to all those "good dad's" out there, value them, love them, treasure them, treat them good, let them know how very blessed your life is because of them. (I miss you Daddy, sending all my love to you~)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE..(and love to serve there too)

I love temples..they have brought sacred experiences into my life. I have had the great blessing of singing in two temple dedications, the Logan and the Bountiful temples. It was a high spot in my life both times, with moments never to be forgotten. Now as my husband and I serve in the Manti Temple, our lives are blessed with richness and joy beyond expression. I took these pictures last week at the temple as we went there to serve, I think it's impossible to take a bad picture of the temple, it is a place of beauty, inside and out.
My daughter Lindsey suggested that I do a post on my blog about the temple, so here it is. I hope you will feel the "spirit of the temple" as you ponder on the temple here for these few moments. I hope you will "Love to see the temple"~
Say the word "TEMPLE". Say it quietly and reverently. Say it over and over again. Temple. Temple. Add the word holy. Holy Temple. Say it as though it were capitalized, no matter where it appears in the sentence. "TEMPLE."
One other word is equal in importance to a Latter-day Saint. HOME. Put the words holy temple and home together, and you have described the house of the Lord."

Pres. Boyd K. Packer said; "The ultimate purpose of all we teach is to unite parents and children in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are happy at home, sealed in an eternal marriage, linked to their gererations, and assured of exaltation in the presence of our Heavenly Father."

A house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God...this provides insight into the type of home the Lord would have us build.

Are our homes a place of love, peace, and refuge from the world, as is the temple? Is it clean and orderly? Do we see uplifting images which include pictures of the temple and the Savoir? Is our bedroom a place for personal prayer? Is our gathering area or kitchen a place where food is prepared and enjoyed together, allowing uplifting conversation and family time? Do you have a personal gospel study space? Does the music you listen to offend the spirit? Is the conversation without contention in your home? We all have need of "home improvement" I'm sure.

We need to replace leisure activities with Temple service. Our dear prophet has said; "As we touch the temple, the temple will touch us." It is the most holy of any place of worship on the earth. Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness.

I am so grateful for my ancestors who left to me a strong legacy, they were true to the faith, and because of them, I am also. We are so blessed to live in a temple building dispensation..146 temples dedicated or announced so far, it is just the beginning of the Lords work. Temples will dot the earth, how wonderful!

In a recent General Conference talk given by Elder Gary E. Stevenson, he said that his grandpa told him that; "you are never lost when you can see the temple." This is SO true..the temple will provide direction for us and our families in this world filled with chaos. It is an eternal guidepost that helps us from getting lost in the "mist of darkness."

The Temple is such a great source of strength and power in "these times" of need. It is so important for us to attend and participate in the ordinances there.
I am so grateful for the incomparable blessings that flow to me from the sacred ordinances. I love to go there, take off my watch, feel unhurried, absorb the peace.

I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday,
to feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple. I'll go inside someday.
I'll cov'nant with my Father; I'll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place, where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I've learned this truth: A family is forever.

As a little 5 year old, my Tiffany stood at the pulpit and sang this song in sacrament meeting as the music number. She sang this solo, in the prettiest little soprano voice, I was so proud of her!
My greatest joy has been to sit by the side of a daughter in the temple, as she is about to be sealed to her eternal companion. This, is the JOY of posterity!

Ron and I love serving in the Manti Temple, we have been doing this now for two and a half years. It is such JOY to speak sacred words, to serve the Lord, as we serve his children that come there, seeking his peace. We love it so much, every time we leave, we are filled with great happiness. It is so true that, "As we touch the temple, the temple will touch us."
Serving in the temple has expanded our vision and it helps us to be closer and more focused on the "right" things. It is a blessing to our marriage and to our family, because as we go forth from his house we are armed with his power and his name is upon us.
Brigham Young said; "Now is the time for labor. Let the fire of the covenant which you made in the House of the Lord, burn in your hearts, like flame unquenchable."
We do now and will yet face great challenges to the work of the Lord. But like the pioneers who found the place which God for them prepared, so we will fresh courage take, knowing our God will never us forsake.

The house of the Lord brings us such great joy and comfort in the midst of all our sorrows and enables us to have faith in God, knowing He will guide us and sustain us in the unknown journey that lies before us. We have no reason to worry or to feel despondent, we will never be lost if we hold to the temple, because His hold on us, is "Eternal." Jesus Christ is REAL, he is our Redeemer and Savior, he directs the affairs of His church through revelation to His anointed servants. He is the Master, the Lord of this earth, he is incharge, we have no reason to worry. WE need only to follow him..GO to the Temple now~