Saturday, November 3, 2012


The St. George Temple

I got to St. George just as the sun was going down
and snapped these pictures of the temple. This
sacred place is so very beautiful each morning
and night, I love to walk over to it and take pictures
and just sit and enjoy the peace of it.

I love going to the temple, in this crazy world,
it surely is a place of great peace and joy.

Our St. George home is just 3 blocks from
this beautiful place, so I get to see it every
day...I love that so much.

This past month of October I got to spend nearly the
whole month at our sweet cottage home. It was
Heaven to me...I feel such peace and happiness there.

I ate out and shopped and saw friends and family. I
love being around people too and I get to see and talk
to many people there. 

I saw this sweet statue at a thrift store and I could not
leave her behind...isn't she the sweetest thing?!

We got a touch of snow one day, which is so rare there. It was
mostly in little spots here and there in the yard!

I loved my bumpy pumpkin!

Yes, I have a new friend there too...
This old male cat has taken up residence on my
front porch. He is an old wild cat and I am feeding 
him and he even is letting me give him a few pets
on the head too.

He is cozy on my porch chair, I even got him a
nice flannel blanket!

Loving these new darling pictures of this family of sweet grands!

Isaac and Tiffany's  cute little family

Isaac & Tiffany from just a few years back at 
Halloween cute!

Their cute family enjoying a beautiful Fall day.

Caleb, Ella and Sophia painting their pumpkins.

Sophia...the Pumpkin Patch Princess.

They all did such a good job painting their pumpkins!

Caleb...Claire...Ella all ready to go Trick-or-Treating.
Ella's little Princess dress was made from one on her mom's
old prom dresses by her Grammy Michele A.

"MEOW"...says little Claire.


Claire and her ...Giddy-up Mr. Pumpkin!

Lady Bug Sophia...loves to pose so cute!

MaKayla and Megan are a bit older...

and a bit scarier too!

Ella loves her princess dress...and what a
pretty princess she is too.

Caleb drew this turkey and I think it is so good!

Well this month will bring another new baby into our family.
Our daughter Lindsey is having her second baby, a little boy.

I will be spending more time in St. George, and with her to help out
and mostly to love love love...that is what grandma's do best isn't it?

I need to get a lap top computer, all I have is an old desk top and it
is so slow! I need to keep up with my family and friends better...
maybe for Christmas I can get a new one. 



GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hey, Julie, popping in to say hi and catch up with you and your family! Nice to see you adorable pics!

Julie said...

Loved hearing from you again. Nice to catch up!!!!! Your babies are so cute, and I can't believe how much Claire has grown! wow. The costumes are cute and I see your super hero guy is still being a hero, even at Halloween. ;-) Love the bumpkin pumpkin and your new found kitty guest. *you won't be getting him to leave any time soon! And I love the shepherdess figurine. {I have a pic in my entry hall of a shepherdess with a baby sheep and just love it so much.} You and I together will get laptops for Christmas. How about it? My desktop is SO slothly slow it is one of the reasons I quit blogging for a time. but I am starting back up next week, because I have missed it and I have so much I need to start journalling again about family...and so I will come back. HUGS to you Julie. I hope we ALL are celebrating this coming week. Many prayers that my heart's desire will be lined up with what God's will is going to reveal. A hope and a prayer!!! xoxoxo

janis said...

oh Julie what a wonderful post! Your precious little grands gave me smiles seeing their costumes and pumpkins. And the old Cat.... so lovely! He looks like he is ready to retire and I am glad you are allowing him some comfort in his golden days.
Love to you and that sweet family. Thank you for sharing your joys and bringing a smile to my face this evening.

Kerin said...

Good Morning Julie!
How darling are all your grands??!!!
What fun to get to spend time with them, and kiss their little cheeks.
How blessed you are.

I'm so happy for you, that you are able to spend time at your cottage... and I hope very soon, it is for always :)

Have you thought about changing your header to a picture of your cottage home? I think it is so charming, and love when you show us pictures of it!!

Hope that this week is full of smiles, warm thoughts, and blessings.


Saimi said...

What a beautiful family!! Those grandchildren are as darling as can be- in and out of their costumes! You are one lucky Grandma! I can't wait to be one too, just about a month and a half left, if she goes that long!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Julie,
It sounds like you really enjoy your new town and cottage there.
Your grand-kids are so adorable dressed for Halloween!
So exciting that you have another grand-baby on the way!!
My Mom has 27 grands and two great-grand-kids.
You must be getting close to her!
I would love a laptop too...our computer is rather slow but it's still a working.
take care and best wishes on the new baby boy.

Cindy said...

Hi Julie,
You have such a beautiful family, your grands are adorable! Even in costumes, they're adorable.
Snow! That's unbelievable, especially so early in the season. We have seen lots of snow on our trip to see our daughters and grandchildren.
Have a good week, sweet lady.
Hugs, Cindy

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I just can't believe how fast those little ones have grown!

Your daughter is so beautiful.

Glad you were able to enjoy a week at the "cottage" .
I've only been to St. G a couple of times, but it seems like such a wonderful place.

Betsy Brock said...

cute halloween fun to see them all dressed up!

I'm slowly recovering from a week of post depression blues. Oh my.

Love Mr. Cat on your porch. His grey fur looks like a little hood pulled snug around his forehead! So cute!

Leslie said...

Look at all of those little cuties dressed up... I love it!!!! They looked like they were having a blast with thier pumpkins.

Your new friend does look super cozy ~ what a handsome cat!

I love the new goodwill statue ~ what a great find.

Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!!!!