Friday, February 27, 2009


A sweet day&night tending these cuties..
Giddy-up Brody...


I'm SO COOL, atleast thats what they tell me!

Keep swingin Grandma!

But Grandpa..Where's your horse?

Yehah..make this thing go faster...

This little guy, I swear has a motor in him..varoom--varoom !

There's nothing much thats more enjoyable than the grandkids! They truly are the Sunshine in our lives! So...if your at your wits-end with your kids today, and you feel like giving them away, just look ahead a few years(and it does come faster than you can imagine) one day you"ll have some of these little jewels who'll adore you like no one else ever will. It's the BEST thing ever!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Don't you just hate it when you wake up with a headache AND the computer is slower than a turtle(it seems to have a headache too) AND you feel embaraced?! OK..I get it! This is for all of you that wondered WHY does she put LOL at the end of her messages? This is why...My daughter called last night and said; "Mom do you know what LOL means?" My grandchild sitting by me said; "Laugh out loud." So I repeated that(like I really did know) Then my sweet daughter said; "Well Mom , if you know, why did you put it at the end of that serious message, and I've noticed that you put it on alot of your messages?!" OH MY GOSH!!! Suddenly, I am feeling SOOOOO embarrassed ! (It's bad enough when I misspell words and make other mistakes)

My grandaughter said; "Grandma, you didn't know what LOL means?" And I try to give her an explaination like...Well when I was your age, we didn't have computers AND I didn't grow up knowing all the things you now know. (never mind that if I'd been listening at all I would atleat know what LOL means)

OK, You have funny kids to write about in your posts...apparently, I have ME ! You know, it's a strange thing, I spent my life teaching-teachin-teaching (no I wasn't a school teacher, just a Mom) , then now at this age, my children are teaching me! It feels so odd! Thank goodness for their patience with me (I think they have more with me than I did with them).

SO..sorry for all of you who wondered...Why did she just put LOL, when that wasn't funny? I'll try to GET IT, so I won't look so silly and so you won't need to wonder about my meaning. This has been a stretch for me to learn how to blog and do Facebook and navigate through this NEW world of Knowledge...but also lots of fun! Thanks to my sweet daughters for SO much help! OK eveyone...keep LOL...(P.S. so your wondering, well what did she think it meant? I thought it meant something like..Love ya alot!) Gee, I wonder what I'll do next? Stay tuned for the next episode of: When The World Turns Will Julie Be With It...Ha Ha Ha

Saturday, February 14, 2009


For Valentines, Ron and I went to a wedding reception and out on the town for a Mexican dinner(shrimp enchiladas) with his brother&wife, that was fun. Will you still be mine? Yes, yes. yes!
A storm passed through the other day..I love to sit in my home all snuggly and warm, and watch Mother natures great show! I took these 3 pictures and later was looking at them, and I thought...this reminds me of life, how all of a sudden things seem to get scary and we get filled with all our worries, not knowing whats going to happen . Things become increasingly cloudy, we wish we could see into the future, but that never works!

All of a sudden we feel like we can't even see where to go, will all these things we so constantly worry about happen? We sometimes forget that 90 percent of all the things we worry about never do happen. We have to remember that it's always darkest before the light comes.

As the Sun comes out, warming us again, we see clearly now that all those worries were not so real after-all. We have learned so many good things in this lifes lesson. Life really is so very wonderful!