For Valentines, Ron and I went to a wedding reception and out on the town for a Mexican dinner(shrimp enchiladas) with his brother&wife, that was fun. Will you still be mine? Yes, yes. yes!

A storm passed through the other day..I love to sit in my home all snuggly and warm, and watch Mother natures great show! I took these 3 pictures and later was looking at them, and I thought...this reminds me of life, how all of a sudden things seem to get scary and we get filled with all our worries, not knowing whats going to happen . Things become increasingly cloudy, we wish we could see into the future, but that never works!

All of a sudden we feel like we can't even see where to go, will all these things we so constantly worry about happen? We sometimes forget that 90 percent of all the things we worry about never do happen. We have to remember that it's always darkest before the light comes.

As the Sun comes out, warming us again, we see clearly now that all those worries were not so real after-all. We have learned so many good things in this lifes lesson. Life really is so very wonderful!
Life is good :)) Hey,
Michael and I are flying into SLC this week and thought about possibly driving down for a quick visit...not this Monday but next. What do you think?
His Grandparents are not doing so well, and his daughter Krimsen just had a baby. So we are coming down for a few days. We may or may not have time but I would love to see you! I made the nutty sweethearts & boy are they sweet!
Mollie, I left a comment on you blog and here...We would love to have you guys come stay with us! We're about 3 hours South of Salt Lake City...come stay over night or so! LOL
Pretty pictures mom! I think your camera takes better pictures than mine. That is a really good picture of you and dad, too! Glad you had a happy V-day!
Hi Jullie! Thanks for the facebook invite and the blog! I added your blog site to mine, hope that's ok!
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