I went up north to Tiffany's the other day to help her out for a bit...we also played alot and had lots of fun. We went to all my fun places; Gardners Village, Tai Pan, Quilted Bear, the mall...out to eat...just alot of fun! On my last day there, I brought this cute little grandaughter home with me, she'll be here for a week or so...she is so sweet and so fun! My little dog Bo just loves Shanedel~

One of my favorite places to go when I'm up north is Gardners Village. I have been going there for years, taking my daughters for a day of shopping and lunch in the old mill. The most fun time to go though is October..they decorate the whole area with giant witches etc. also Christmas time is fun. Tiffany and I went the other day with her little Caleb, it was so much fun..Tiff was a good sport (due to have her baby in about 2-3 weeks) she sat down a few times to rest because it was hot. This place holds lots of warm memories for me, I just have to go at least twice a year!

There are 2 covered bridges there...it's just so nice to walk along exploring the many shops and enjoy the grounds with it's many trees and flowers.

It's always fun to see the ducks around the stream

This is a huge water wheel..I think it had something to do with the workings of the old mill. It's really impressive tucked into the corner of the mill/resturant.

A sweet mama pig and her darling babies, I thought Tiffany was going to take one home!

The Lama was ignoring everyone..too hot, the water was cool on his feet

He loved the little pygmy goats

What a cute old face to pet

He went for a pony ride and really liked it

Caleb loves Elmo, he thinks Elmo is is little friend. Apparently Elmo IS being a good friend here..enough said! :D

Cute little Mr. Bubble head...he has so much fun in the bath, and Grandma loves to give him his bath too!

We went out on the lawn to do sparklers...Caleb loved it! I think that is something that we all love to do at any age, at least I do!

He thinks he's going to love grandma's pickle......

Tiffany and Caleb and I went to Quilted Bear..it was so fun, then we had lunch there, Caleb wanted my pickle...but dill pickles sure can make your face do the pucker-puss dance!
Summer is passing so fast, the kids will be back in school in about 2 1/2 weeks, it just doesn't seem real! I had lots of fun spending these 3 days up north but it about wore me out...so much to see and do. Tiffany said that it wore her out for sure but then she's due to have her baby in about two and a half weeks. It was hot too but we went so many places, it's a good thing I don't live up there any more, it's way to easy to spend money, so much to see and buy!
I really wouldn't trade it for where I am right now though...it is so peaceful and beautiful here. It seems to be enough for me to head 40 min. over the mountain, do my shopping, have lunch, then head home, listening to nice music and taking in the mountains and the beautiful giant sky along the way.
So a couple of trips up north a year will do me just fine, that seems to be all I want and I sure save more money living here! It was alot of fun though :D