Pretty cool to sit on the deck at night and catch the sun setting...beautiful~

The summer sunsets are breath taking, I took these pictures just off my deck

The flowers of summer are out... I LOVE it~

This little guy was so cute, not shy at all, he loved that I stopped to talk, rub and scratch him...I loved it too~

This is the place...the scratching place that is...as I scratched him, he would raise his neck and head up really high and nod his head up and down...cute!

This little colt just hung out at the fence, letting me pet him, I miss the days of raising and training baby foals

This is a BIG, chocolate brown sheep..he had a long swishy tail, unusual to say the least!

These two are sweet little friends..."Summer Friends"

Only cows can get away with pickin there noses and eating it in public!

The cows along the way...my dog loves to play with them and they are so curious of the dog..it's fun to watch

A beautiful sight...tourists stop all the time to take pictures of things like this, things we don't even notice!

I love to see the hay baled in the fields...these are the big old monarchs of the fields

I've always loved Hollyhocks..these sit next to a pioneer house in Torrey

these buffalo are just down the highway from my house, there are 3 new babies this summer

I love this canal, it's so wide and trees grow along it the whole way

Torrey's beautiful main street...a rare and very beautiful sight

I love this canal that runs along main street in Torrey, this is a rare thing, even in small country towns anymore. It's so pretty...I love to let my big dog out of the truck to watch him play in it.
Oh how I LOVE living here...I so enjoy my morning walks and all the things I see along the way that make it fun and not just a work-out! Summer is finally here, with so much to do, to see, to smell, to touch, to enjoy. I'm going to get out there everyday and soak it all in...love it, love it, love it! Guess I'm still just a kid at heart, I hope that never changes. I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for creating "SUCH" a world...so full of sweet smelling flowers, beautiful sunsets, animals to enjoy, families to love, water and clouds to gaze at, the colors to touch us, and on and on and on...Hope you'll truly be grateful for and totally enjoy your Summer!
Simply breathtaking! I love the sunsets, the canal, the streets, and especially the hollyhocks. I have a print of The Girl with the Hollyhocks (can't remember the artist who studied in France during the Impressionist period. It was in the dressing room in the Seattle Temple and I had it framed after buying a copy for $10 at the Church Museum of Art. Your place looks BEAUTIFUL!
We're so Lucky!! All the beautiful things to enjoy here in Wayne County. I love your love of the things I love!! Thanks for some great blogs.
All I can say is YAY I love summer!!
Beautiful pictures mom. I showed some friends the temple pictures you took in sepia (they were framed in black and on my shelf) and they couldn't believe that you took them and that they weren't from the store. :)
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