Come with me for a Summer Time stroll...our son Darin took this of his children Britton and Megan..I just love this photo, they're even in step together!

A pony ride for Caleb at Gardners Village...Grandma along for the ride!

Megan..she found this snake in their roses bushes..she does not take after me, I hate snakes!

Climbing trees..a fun "to do" in summertime!

Little Emry...being very cute and patriotic!

We're waitting for Tiff's little girl to be born..any minute now...Isn't my sweet daughter beautiful?!

Our neighbor took this picture of a big bull elk...he's jumped into the back of their old farm truck to get some hay...WOW

~We love our country and love to fly our flags all through the month of July~

This mama bird has babies under our deck, every time I go out back, she fly's up onto the fence and keeps an eye in me, chirping at me if I get too close to her babies.

Can you see 2 little baby birds in this nest? Their mama built this nest right on the back of our house, underneath the deck. I love to watch her feed them~

I just love flowers, even in my house, this is a painting my uncle Orville had commisioned for his wife Mel...somehow I was lucky enough to inherit it!

Beautiful Petunias...make me smile

Roses just don't do very well here, but there's a wonderful lady friend of mine, she's 85 years old, her name is Remola Woolsey and she has a whole back yard of the most beautiful roses you'll ever see. I just love her and her roses!

Can't you just SMELL them?

~Nothing like a Rose~

We got two little parakeets this summer, Poppy and paisley. They bring alot of joy into my house...the cat loves them to as you can see!

~ Beautiful Fishlake, where record size fish get caught once in a while~

He swam out to visit a mama duck and her babies, I had to call him back~

WHAT A SWEET BABY FACE...love my Cougar!

Me and Cougar love the Fishlake trail, except when we walk into a moose!

I just can't get enough of this big old lodge at Fishlake, nothing like it anywhere

This is inside the Fishlake lodge...love these big old chairs

I LOVE to go to the Fishlake lodge, sit here by the window, look out the old wavy glass at the lke and have lunch. Or, in the evening, and look at the full moon over the lake...so awesome!

A darling baby donkey, just down the rode from me, everyone was stopping to take a picture of it~

The other day I was packed and ready to go...I looked around to see my little Bo sitting right by my things like;"Don't forget me!"

Oh, "The Dog Days of Summer"...I had to look at these twice...very cool work!
This is a very strange Summer...we've had lots of rain, about a week of HOT weather, fairly cool temps.,and lots of fun.
We are waiting for the birth of a new grandchild, our Tiffany is having a little girl any minute! We're so excited for that, I'll be going up to help out for a week...this equals Grandma Heaven!
Ron and I have been camping, riding our horses, taking little trips here and there, but not very far. It's still fun, sometimes a little get-a-way is just as fun as a big trip away.
I hope you are having a wonderful Summer, I am, I feel just like a kid...still love my Summers :D
I love these photos! I love summer!!
It HAS been a strange Summer. The weather is changing and I'm soo sad. I'm not ready for Summer to end, but I do love the light of fall.
I LOVE Fishlake. That is where Jeff and I honeymooned. My dad's aunt and uncle had a cabin there, and for $0 we had a week stay away from all the hustle and bustle of wedding plans. We will celebrate our 39th anniversary on the 28th of August--and now I will think of YOU at Fishlake as well. How far away is it from your place? We had a bit of a drive, having been married in SLC and reception in Logan that night. But when we lived in Richfield it was a short drive to Uncle Orv's and Aunt Lynn's cabin. He owned Slice 'Em Thin's restaurant in Richfield in the 1960s!
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