To think about the girl you love and hold her tight, so happy together.
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you for all my life. When you're with me,
baby the skies'll be blue, for all my life.
Me and you and you and me, no matter how they toss the dice, it has to be.
The only one for me is you and you for me, so happy together, so happy together.
It's that time of year.... love is in the air and it's time to break out the love songs and
the love poems, and the goodies to share with our loved ones. I just love Valentines Day!
I want to share with you a couple of delicious recipes, they are just right for Valentines Day!

Spray 40 mini-muffin cups
Prepare a box of brownie mix according to it's directions.
Spoon 1 heaping tsp. into each muffin cup. Bake at 350' 14 min.
Take out of oven when top is set but slightly wet inside, wait for
centers to fall a bit as they start to cool.
Place 3/4 cup of peanut butter in microwave for 45 seconds,
then stir. While brownies are still warm, spoon about 1/2 tsp. of
peanut butter into center of brownie. Top with chocolate and
peanut butter chips. Cool

Cream together:
3 cups of sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 sticks softened butter
1/2 cup Crisco
Beat in 5 eggs, one at a time.
2 T. Lemon extract
1 cup Milk
3 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
(alternating flour and milk)
Pour into a Pam sprayed bundt pan.
Bake 1 hour at 325"
Mix together;
1/2 stick softened butter
the juice and zest from 2 lemons
1 box powdered sugar (3 c.)
Spread over cooled cake.

I hope you are getting...In The Mood...to celebrate this love filled holiday.
It seems that February is really when winter hits us hard, so I always
welcome Valentines Day because it seems to bring a warm break to all
the dreariness.
I think Valentines day is such a fun day, we get to really celebrate all the loves in
our lives, from a spouse, to our children, our dear parents whether here or gone on.
I hope you will think about all that love and let it warm your heart real good,
it just might get us through to Spring! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to each of you!
It seems that February is really when winter hits us hard, so I always
welcome Valentines Day because it seems to bring a warm break to all
the dreariness.
I think Valentines day is such a fun day, we get to really celebrate all the loves in
our lives, from a spouse, to our children, our dear parents whether here or gone on.
I hope you will think about all that love and let it warm your heart real good,
it just might get us through to Spring! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to each of you!
Ohhhyummy! Love that song too. But your title of you post caught my eye. "Love is in the air" was a song from 1979 and is is my hubbie and my song!
Love is in the air, everywhere you look around.
Love is in the air, every sight and every sound.
And I don't know if I'm being foolish.
Don't know if I'm being wise.
But it's something that I believe in , and it's there when I look in your eyes...
Ahhh Julie I love that song...now I'll be singing it all night:)
Happy Valentines Day to you & your sweetie!
Brownies and peanut butter ~ I am in LOVE!
It's very dangerous for me to have the brownie/peanut butter cup recipe!!! Wishes for you and yours to have a lovely Valentine's Day Julie.
Lvoe that old song...and what is that old saying about birds of a feather? I think here in BlogWorld many of us "birds of a feather" flock together and enjoy each other's posts and friendship! Hugs-Diana
Yummmm...these look amazing my friend...thanks for sharing. xoxox
No fair Julie, I gained pounds just looking at that YUMMY food..ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
There is now a sweet song in my head and my mouth is watering. I always enjoy my visits here Julie. I just wish I lived close enough to stop by and have a bite ;-)
Hi Julie!
The Turtles!! I love that song too! It's a catchy one - now I can't get it off my mind!
Your recipes look so delightful! I try to make something yummy for us on Valentines Day - the pound cake looks sooooo good, it might be the winner for us this year!
I agree, we need Valentines Day to break up the dreariness of Winter - it's always a good time to celebrate LOVE!
I love the picture of the birds! They are adorable! I like that song too, and your recipes are always so good! Now I am going to be singing that song all night in my head....
Hugs, ann
These recipes look so wonderful. I think I need to change things up and do more baking and less cleaning at home-ha! I adore that "Love IS In the Air" . xo
These recipes look amazing! I know that your recipes always are a hit at our house so I know that my kids will love that Peanut butter one! I think I will give that a try soon.
Best wishes to you this valentine's weekend!
I love Valentines too! I'm getting in the mood. Chocolate PB brownies. Yum! What is Valentines without chocolate?
Have a happy one!
Oh, I am so excited about that Lemon Pound Cake! I have been having a hankering for one of those drift in and out of my mind over the past couple of days and poof! There it is! Thank you so much, Julie!! Have a great day. Tanna
You always share the best recipes. Thanks!!
Have a Happy HEART Day!! You deserve it! :-)
Adorable lovebirds, Julie! Your song and treats have me in the mood for extra L-O-V-E!!!!! Thanks xoxox and have a fun one.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, Julie. Your recipes always look so good. It seems that my recipes always have something weird in them. I just got a recipe for chocolate cake with sauerkraut. Not sure if I'll make it...oh heck, I'm sure I will!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I love that song.
Happy Valentines day to you and hubs and all of your wonderful family.
I had to laugh about you wanting winter and I sit here wishing for a warm up. Trade places with you..lol
Have a nice day.
Lovely post!
Julie-I've been having computer problems and couldn't even comment here the last couple of days. Yeah, today I can. Now I have to go back. While reading your post about the Ensign I wanted to tell you that just prior to reading it, I was eating my lunch and also reading my Ensign. Blessed. And my lunch...a spinach chicken salad with grapefruit. And I am also one that peals and eats my grapefruit like an orange. I got such a good laugh. Now, after seeing your parakeet photo today I was reminded of the long, squatting down position I was in at the giant, warehouse pet store last week watching and wanting (another) parakeet. Love them and their happy dispositions. Happy day blogfriend.
Oh my those brownies look scrumptious!! I love how you always share such yummy looking things! Although, I generally drool over them but never make them..it would counteract all of my hard work at the gym if I did, ha!
I love, love! :)
Hi Julie!
I was just thinking how hungry I am, now I'm even more hungry. I think I'm on my way to Kneaders now-you're treats look delightful!
Thanks for sharing! By the way, I've always loved that song! It's especially great for Valentines!
Thanks for visiting our quilts today!
Have a great weekend!
Love, Brenda
Such wonderful recipes! Thanks for sharing. That lemon cake really looks yummy, must try it! LOL
Have a wonderful weekend!
You had me as soon as I saw the word peanut butter, YUM!
Oh, Julie, I see some baking coming out of our oven. Deelish! & so enticing your goodies.
Happy Valentine's ~
Have a beautiful weekend ~
You are so cute. Pray tell why you are not fat me lady?
Plenty of people get in the mood which is why we used to get slam dunked the whole month of November in L&D.
Love is tender, Love is sweet....I hope you have a wonderful and loving Valentines Weekend!!
Love the picture of the birds, its adorable.
Both of those recipes look so good. I would love those brownies and my husband would love the bundt cake. I may have to make both of them.
Now I don't want to leave here 'till I get somethin' to eat!!! Heeheehe!!!
Hon, if you hit the August I have highlighted in the first paragraph it will take you to the first post about Angel back in August.
God bless and have a beautiful weekend!!!
What sweet birds!
Those recipes look so GOOD! Perfect sweets for sharing a bit of Valentine's love...:) YUMMMMMM!
I hope your weekend is full of warm-hearted moments!!
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family!
xoxo Gloria
You have THE best recipes!! Thank you so much for sharing them. :o)
My hips and rear thank you too!!!
The Tattered Tassel
Yummy Yummy! You really go all out for the holiday!
That bread is too pretty to eat.
I'm pretty sure you have to be the most awesome grandma/wife/mom EVER!
Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
great fun post...just love that pic of the budgies....
I think I've gained weight just looking at those peanut butter brownies! Happy Valentine's Day, Julie!
Oh these all look so yummy! Thank you for sharing and Happy Valentine's Day!
I have two parakeets. Mr. is always scratching the Mrs' head like that. It's so cute.
I want a piece of that lemon cake and one mini brownie cup with my coffee this morning!
Your food always looks so scrumptious!
wow, my family has to get by with store bought chocolates. but maybe, just maybe i will try one of those yummy looking recipes. happy valentines day to you and your hubby!!!
Ah Julie, you sure do know how to get my taste buds going! lol
I LOVE peanutbutter, and chocolate...and together, well there is no better way!
you and me...is our theme song, my teen and I. I wish we had music notes on our keyboards...I'm thinking the tune while I type. And you're so right, feb is a hard longggggg (seemingly long ) month. I looked out the window yesterday morning as we were getting up and what did I see? THE SNOW! I guess I was wishing that it would be GONE, and all of a sudden it would be WARM! or at the very least, warmer! Ha! So we do something to brighten up the winter, and Valentines day is nice to look forward to. Enjoy your weekend! You're making cookies with the grands right? Fun.
Hi Julie! I love those oldies songs!
That brownie recipe will be in a dessert dish tomorrow! Thank you for sharing it!
How perfect, chocolate and peanut butter! {Do you think they go with my Special-K diet? LOL --- okay, just one though!}
Happy ♥ Day!
I kinda wish I hadn't visited today. You see, I'm trying to lose weight. But how can I when you post such a delicious mini-brownies recipe. I'm going to HAVE to make them! LOL As a matter of fact, I can't wait to try it.
Patricia :o)
Oh Julie...
your post today just oooozes with
LOVE...and SUGAR =)
that bundt cake is what I want
{{{drooling here}}}
Okay, those peanut butter and chocolate treats? Oh my goodness, they look luscious! It actually all looks wonderful :)
My hubby and I went out to eat last night for Valentine's day and it was delicious!
thanks for some great ideas...the bundt cake is more my husband's style for a dessert but I love them all!
Can't go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter. I like that song too.
Yummmy! Oh I love your posts. Those love birds are too cute Julie.
Enjoy the holiday! ~Melissa
You are just the cutest! Lovely recipes...thank you! Hope you have a wonderful V day with your adorable hubby. Mimi
Oh yummmmmmm!! That peanut butter recipe sounds soooo good right now! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Oh so yummy !
Happy Valentine day to you too !
Mmmm ... your recipes looks so amazingly delicious.
Happy Valentine's Day to you.
Great recipes, thanks! Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Julie!
Julie thanks for posting those yummy recipes. My daughter loves baking, and we are making those brownies after church today!! Can't wait!!
Happy Valentines Day to you and your family.
Julie I have decided to blame the fact that I need to lose a few pounds on your blog - Ha ha! You always have such yummi-ness waiting over here :-D
Hope you and your sweetheart have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Oh Julie! I love LEMON! My children are NOT wild about it so rarely do I make a lemon dessert! BUT, your pound cake simply makes my mouth WATER! I will have to make it and give it away to someone who will not find me RUDE to have stolen out a slice or two! ;)
Love your post and song. Hope I don't sing it all night long. lol
Of course I am leaving your site hungry again. You always do it to me and how will I ever shed pounds being a friend of yours.
It is true that love is in the air. My Tinkerbell seems to be really affectionate to me the closer the days get to Valentines Day.
Love ya and Happy Valentines Day to you too
Happy Valentines day!
This is the first Valentines day away from Orsen :(
We're having a great time in New Zealand... but miss Orsen and the kids.
You always post the best recipes! :)
Your killin' me here girl. Not only have ya put a wonderful song in my head....and we all know I must belt it out...I'm covetin' a bite of those delicious lookin' little brownies! Girl, my thighs are treamlin'! Heeehehehe!!! :o)
God bless ya and have a beautiful Valentine's Day sweetie!!!
Dearest Julie, happy Valentine´s day to you and your wonderful family!!!!!
lots of hugs to all of you
Such love,
such wonderous love,
that God should love a sinner such as I,
how wonderful is love like this...
Happy Heart Day Julie!
Your recipes look yummy as always...mmmmmm
Have a great week dear!
Deborah xoxo
Peanut Butter Cup Brownies- I think I have died and gone to heaven!!! Julie how do you ever stay so thin?
Thank you for the great recipes you share- they always look so delicious!
Happy Valentines Day Julie,
What gorgeous birds! love all the sweets too, you can't possibly cook this all the time and be so skinny can you? Your husband is one lucky man to eat all that you cook for him Happy Belated Valentine's day!
Very good recipes all look delicious!
happy Valentine
Yummy! Wish I had seen this sooner. I would have made some of those brownies for Valentine's Day. My daughter is now sick with the flu but as soon as she's better I think I'll make these for her as a "glad-you're-better-gift". Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed rest of the week.
What a great Valentine's Day post..I'm sorry I missed it yesterday. Too much chocolate makes me a little woozy..
I love that song and I love Valentine's Day for the same reason you do, it's something to look forward to in really cold month...
Stay warm with your sweetie, I guess we're supposed to get another storm later in the week.
Hi there! Just wanted to come by and thank you for stopping by my blog today! What an AMAZING place you live in! That header photo is astounding! Looks like you have a wonderful family and are a great grandma. God bless you and yours!
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