My daughters have done this with their blogs and when I saw how very
beautiful theirs turned out, I wanted to do the same thing. My daughter
Lindsey helped me to get it done...thank you Lindsey! I don't know what
I would do with out Lindsey and Tiffany's help when it comes to doing things
like this and navigating the net! I had this book printed through BLURB and
I have to say that I am very pleased with the quality of the printing and pictures.
Go ahead and look through some of the books pages, I hope you like it!
(You can click on each picture to see it better)
and developed the pictures, and spent the time, I think it would have been more
costly than doing it this way. This book was around $100.0 and it is close to 450 pages.
My husband was going through our bank account and saw the bill for this. He asked
me what this was for and I said some see. I gave it to him and he sat and with some
tears looked through every page and said, "This is priceless!" And everyone that has
come to the house, gets to see it too! Ron will go get it and have them look at it! A bit
embarrassing but nice too LOL.I think it's a great way to keep a precious record.
My husband was going through our bank account and saw the bill for this. He asked
me what this was for and I said some see. I gave it to him and he sat and with some
tears looked through every page and said, "This is priceless!" And everyone that has
come to the house, gets to see it too! Ron will go get it and have them look at it! A bit
embarrassing but nice too LOL.I think it's a great way to keep a precious record.

He was sick and his parents just could not get him to take his medicine, I
think even if they held him and tried to put it in his mouth they wouldn't
be able to. So they were intelligent enough to try a different approach. They
all 3 knelt in prayer, to ask Heavenly Father to please help Caleb be able to
take his medicine. When the prayer was finished, Caleb got up, took the
dropper full if the medicine and put it in his mouth and swallowed it!
And he said, "YES, He is very sweet!"... Out of the mouth of babes a great truth!
likes to try hats on her! And I don't blame her, this one really made me laugh !
Isn't blogging the best my friends? I love sharing with you! I hope you are having
a really great week. We have had such a warm winter and still no snow but today
the wind is fierce...a good day to be blogging! Sending my love to each of you, stay warm
Isn't blogging the best my friends? I love sharing with you! I hope you are having
a really great week. We have had such a warm winter and still no snow but today
the wind is fierce...a good day to be blogging! Sending my love to each of you, stay warm
Oh Julie! That is truly priceless. This is making me want to do a family blog again. I kind of got away from that. But what a treasure to have it in book form. Love it!
Your book is lovely and will be passed down from generation to generation!
Hi Julie!
How wonderful! I've been wanting to do the same thing, but I was nervous about what it would look like! Yours is beautiful - no more fear!
What a precious little grandson - they are so smart and in tune!
Wonderful keepsake , Julie! Well worth the time and money. It is very windy here too today.In fact we have a wind advisory until 6:00 pm. At least it is sunny and 60 degrees though. Have a nice rest of the day! :0)
Oh my goodness that book is gorgeous!!! Just love it and the photos of your little grandchildren (and the cute story) are beautiful!
Your book looks wonderful!
What a precious keepsake for you and your family.
Ohhh Julie! It is lovely!
I had mine printed following my 500th post. I feel so validated so proud of my book. It's something I did! Something one day, my grandbabies, can read and get to "know" me.
You did a beautiful job with yours!
BTW~ your grandbabies are precious!
Hello! I'm your newest follower. Your blog looks fun as well as the blog book. Your house does look like a bit of heaven! Nice to meet you.
AWESOME book. I love the idea Julie. If I ever decide to do this, now I know where to turn. Thanks so much for sharing it. And your grandson is a sweetie pie. And I too, LOVE the bunny ears. :-) Hugs to you!!!!!!
I love your blog book. Well worth the price. How cute how your husband liked it as well.
Your grandson is so handsome. Sophie looks cute as a bunny.
Can't believe you haven't had snow. Looks like the whole country is in a cold front. We had freezing rain today and more on the way.
LOVE THIS JULIE! It truly is a priceless piece, so glad your hubby sat and enjoyed it too. So glad you got it done. I think the price is brilliant for that many pages.
What a sweet story about Caleb! I love our Heavenly Father he is amazing and I know he hears our prayers. GO CALEB! hugs to you Julie. Jen
Hi Julie, what a beautiful keepsake to have! I have longed to do one as well but the quote I got was for a smaller book, but larger amount of money and I couldn't do it. Can you share the name of the company you used with us? I would love to do one that looks as good as yours- it truly turned out so well.
Blessings to you- loved the stories of your grands :)
Hi Julie! Oh, congratulations on your blog book! It's beautiful with all your little family members in there. What a treasure!!
What a precious story about your little grand and his medicine! The Word says we have to come like a child! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Julie your book is sooo awesome! I can't think of a better blog that needed to be in print! $100 is quite resonable for the priceless keepsake you've got:)
Congrats girl!
I'm so glad you shared where you got this done, because I have been wanting to have a book made too! Your's really did turn out SO fabulous ... it really looks beautiful! I think it is totally worth the $100! 450 pages???? That is awesome! Truly a family heirloom for your posterity too!
I'm so glad you shared where you got this done, because I have been wanting to have a book made too! Your's really did turn out SO fabulous ... it really looks beautiful! I think it is totally worth the $100! 450 pages???? That is awesome! Truly a family heirloom for your posterity too!
I love your book. It makes me think seriously about starting a blog. I know I won't ever scrapbook. I have too many other hobbies and activities already started but I would like to have a "journal" to pass on to my posterity. You touch a lot of peoples lives with your blog and you are a great missionary.
It came out so good!! I am still working on getting mine. Not sure how to do it with so many photos. I'm going to try the place that made your book. hugs, Linda
I love the book! I had seen it advertised on Blogger. I think yours turned out lovely.
Your blog book is a wonderful testament of your love for your family. I just know that it will be enjoyed for generations to come. What a great gift to give yourself!!
I just love it.
The Tattered Tassel
What a lovely book! Gosh, what a nice reward to it and it is just so gorgeous!
Caleb and Sophia are just too cute! I love her little hat :)
and Caleb taking his medicine; too precious!
Beautiful, Julie! I have been working on mine. I have a couple of questions but will ask you when I have few minutes.
Enjoy your treasure!
your book looks great and how sweet that your husband is showing it off.
Ok so I'm gonna check out Blurb and if it looks complicated then I might need to borrow Lindsey and Tiffany because your book looks AMAZING!!!
Wow what a treasure and so is that little grandson of yours...precious, so very precious!
"Hubby was Right"...Your book is PRICELESS!!! LOVE IT! and as much as you love it now, Your children and Grandchildren will love it even more in the future...
You little ones are Priceless too, But I KNOW you know that already...
Hugs to you,
I think I'm jealous of your blog book!! I need to take the time to get mine printed!!
GOOD for you!! You're right, it is priceless and blogging is a good thing because of people like you! :-)
The book is SO SPECIAL. I have thought of doing it so many times but have not...someday!
thank you so much for coming by my blog...and for leaving such a sweet comment.
I'm in shock that you have 8 children, 20 grandchildren and 1 great don't look old enough for the part. :)
I'm glad to meet you...and I'll be back!
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Julie,
Your blog book is simply wonderful!
I won one last year and I have so enjoyed having it.
And those pics of your grandkids are priceless!
That little Sophia is such a doll!
Hugs friend,
I've thought about turning my blog n to a book but not sure how many I'd need to do it all? Yours looks beautiful Julie, the pictures came out really good in it.
PRICELESS is right on!! Julie, that is such a treasure for your family!! Wonderful! Stay warm!!
Okay..THAT is a beautiful book and I am checking out Blurb before I forget the name of it! Hugs-Diana
I love the book!!!!!
I've done two books for my blog. One for each year so far. I've done blog2print. I've heard of blurb.
I love your layouts.
Did you get to choose where your pictures went?
It's so darling. I'm going to have to look at blurb for my next one.
I love that your husband felt so tender about it. Silly guy. Doesn't he already know why you blog????
Now he'll be all for it won't he?
It is a priceless book. I'm going back to look through it some more!
Holy gal girl. You do not look like a mother of eight let alone a great grandmother. You look great!! See having kids keeps us young. At least I hope so as I had my last one at 41.
Oh I love those blurb books! I want to get my blog made into a book SO badly but I'm waiting on some help from my BIL to get my blog reassigned to a new email before it will let me...I agree, thank heaven for the technologically savvy people!
What a great keepsake, Julie. It looks fabulous. You have put a lot of time and love into your blog and now this is your payback. Enjoy, Julie. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I love that idea. I've heard of other ladies doing that but I didn't know where to go. Thanks for the info, it is beautiful
What a wonderful treasure you and your family will forever treasure! It turned out priceless. Love it!
I have really thought about doing it myself and though wonder if I can navigate it myself...?
I think I am going to try! :)
It is too cold today! Glad to be in our warm, cozy cottage. Aren't you? Loved your blog book. I'm going to have mine done too. Thanks for the link. The little bunny is adorable! Mimi
Julie your book turned out beautiful!
I have had 4 Blog books done through Blurb now and my whole family loves each one - they are really well done and such a treasure!
I think this is such a great benefit of blogging - all of our wonderful pictures and thoughts in our very own books for our families!!
Julie.. I simply LOVE it!!! Please send me the info for what I have to do to create my own. It is awesome.
Julie -- what a wonderful book that celebrates all the good things in your life! Really -- 450 pages for $100 -- did I get that right? Just beautiful and such a sweet story about the medicine! He does love and care even when it is just about taking medicine. Joni
What a lovely book Julie! YOu should be very proud of it. I think it's beautiful! Your grandchildren make me smile. What a wonderful feeling to know that your grandchildren are being brought up in the Gospel. xxoo
That is such a cool idea Julie! A perfect gift to yourself!
OMG Julie..that is so cool..and Oh what a wonderful memorie that will be one day in the future when someone sits down to look it over..
great idea... congrats...
priceless ~
and your grandson is so precious!
Beautiful book Julie! And I agree with Ron... it is priceless.
Beautiful story of your sweet grandboy, and great pictures of the grandkids!
Have a wonderful Wednesday !
Wow Julie.... your book is amazing! I love it!
Actually $100 isn't bad considering if you printed it yourself... you'd go through quite a lot of ink...
if you went to Kinko's it would be more than 25 cents a page for all that color! ...
and it's bound so beautifully...
What a treasure depicting "a treasure of a family" and the wisdom of a sweet woman ♥
What a priceless book. It was so beautiful.
I love the story about your grandson.
That is a darling hat on your granddaughter also.
Have a great day.
It is -8 here right now after a terrible blizzard. We really did not get to much snow.
Congratulations, Beautiful!
I want to do the same with my Family Blog. Thanks for inspiring me to get it done!
Hi Julie! Just back to say I read your post on FB and it really is cold at your house! Brrrr....Well if you had a lemon tree I do believe you would have lemon sherbet! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
This book is beautiful! I want to do this when I hit my year mark. Does it publish the comments also?
What a treasure, thank you for sharing!
Oh, Julie~ it's wonderful!! It looks so beautiful... I've been thinking of doing this also and seeing how good yours turned out makes me really want to now!
Oh Julie that indeed is priceless! I must go to that site and do it too as I tend to print off my posts for a while and then not and then forget where I put them or where I left off. Sounds pathetic doesn't it?! ha! You have some wonderful stories of your family life that your kids and grand kids will enjoy reading forever!
Love the little hat, how precious!
Yes, out of the mouths of babes! What a wonderful lesson we all can learn from!
Say a prayer for us tomorrow please as we head to the southland!! xoxoxox
What a wonderful idea! Your grandkids will treasure it one day...
Stay warm (it was 25 below in Park City this am), I'm about frozen through!!
Dear Julie,
Your blog book turned out gorgeous!!! It is truly a priceless treasure. How wonderful for your family to have these memories...:)
I have wanted to do a book someday for my parents (who do not get on the internet to see my blog, and live too far away for me to show them)!! It is a great idea!
Your grandson story was sweet and Sophia is such a doll (as always)! Thanks for sharing the adorable details.
Have a happy day!
XOXO Gloria
Julie, that is really nice!!!! Like everyone said that is quite a heirloom. All the kids will want that as a keepsake.
Julie I have been thinking about getting my blog put into a book and now I think I will have to do it. Your book is gorgeous! What a brilliant memento of your blog, family and friends. Thank you so much for sharing it and for inspiring me!
Best wishes always,
PS I am glad that sweet little Caleb is taking his medicine. What a little cutie!
Julie, THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your blog, and nor book... is so happy and beautiful.
have a pretty day!
Your blog book is AMAZING!!! WOW. Looks so professional. How very fun! I may have to consider this!
Julie your book is amazing! I plan to do one as well. I'm just not sure when.
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Julie, this is just beautiful. I have tried working with blurb but they always say my pictures have to be tiny because of the resolution I do not understand this since our camera is a 12 pixel? Did you and your daughter use their online chat with one of their experts or did you just figure it out on your own! Excellent job I would do mine in a minute if i could figure it out.
Wow! Your book looks wonderful=0)
Yay, Caleb!
S is getting SO big!!! Make her slow down=0)
Have a great night,
That is SOOOOO cool!
I did a blog for my last 2 kids while they were on missions. I need to make them in to a book and was wondering about Blurb. I better jump on it. Your's looks beautiful!
Wow, this is priceless! Such a beautiful book of memories for all of you to enjoy. Can you even imagine putting something like that together? IMHO, it would be terribly time consuming and expensive as a DIY. I just love it that you have this!
The little ones are adorable, as usual. Caleb is a very smart young man and just precious.
What a fabulous idea. I want to do it, too. Can you tell me where to go?
Your grands are all sooo sweet and so good lookin'.
xo bj
What a wonderful book!..a perfect way to keep all those special moments and memories safe for generations to cannot put a price on that!
Best Wishes to you and your lovely family Julie. :0)
Julie, your books is beautiful! I'm going to do that too one of these days.
I am wowed by your book! Makes me want to do a better job posting. It is not only a good way to scrapbook, but a journal of sorts too!
I'm glad you shared Caleb's story. Sometimes we (me) just forget what we're doing, we just get so busy with everyday things it's good to hear experiences that promote faith, and remind us who we are. :-)
Such a wonderful idea, Julie. It will be a treasured book, especially with all the family photos.
Julie, it is beautiful - even though I did not get to hold it in my hands, I have read the pages. :)
I cannot wait to do this with mine.
Thanks for sharing this treasure with us.
Hi Julie,
Seems like forever since I've checked in and I'm so glad I didn't miss this post. Your book is beautiful, so much better than any journal. We booked our mission blog and it is such a treasure. Our grands love to sit down and ask us about the pictures. I will have to follow your lead with SWB. Hugs from Idaho.
what a kind hearted husband you have. i think your book is a real treasure. you have a beautiful family. have a great weekend.
What an awesome idea!!! I am going to check out Blurb - you really can't beat that price!!!! Congratulations on such a large and beautiful family. What a blessing!!
Oh Julie, your book is wonderful. You always share your heart on your blog, and this sweet book will be treasured by your family for years to come, because they are your ♥heart♥
Such a beautiful book, priceless as your husband said! Isn't Caleb the most precious? Sweetheart ! Lori
Julie this is SO very wonderful.
My husband keeps telling me to print my posts but this is even better.
And your babies are precious!
Happy Saturday!
Dear Julie, what a wonderful idea! It looks beautiful! It is priceless and your children, grand children and great grand children will treasure this for years to come!
That truly is a priceless documentary. When on your coffee table it will be leafed through over and over again.
I love love this idea by the way, had not heard of it before. Off for some googling..
Have a wonderful Sunday, Julie xxxx
Oh Julie! This is spectacular! What a treasure! Such a wonderful history of your life. It's worth every cent!
Hi Julie....aren't these Blurb books just the best....Daughter had one made of my first year of blogging a few years ago for my birthday...I tried to talk her into doing the next two years but she told me it's time for me to learn...Yikes...I am awful at following directions...but yours came great...I love all the big pictures...Mine does not have large pictures like of these days I will have to just go in and do it...I figure it can't be that hard....LOL...
Which template did you use for your book? I tried a few months ago to do this and was overwhelming. It was taking me forever to get just one page.... and I am a computer geek! I need help :)
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