This is a gorgeous glass sculpture that sits big and bold in the window of Abravanel Hall
in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some of the city and the Mormon Temple is reflected into
the window from outside, so pretty!
in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some of the city and the Mormon Temple is reflected into
the window from outside, so pretty!

look at the chandeliers on the ceiling...what a night we had!

is Thierry Fischer and what a workout he gets as he leads the symphony!
It was as fun watching him as it was listening to the music.
They played Beethoven's Ninth and also a special arrangement just for this
night in honor of 9-11. At the end they played the Star Spangled Banner....
people were on their feet, hands over hearts and singing loud. We all felt it...
that powerful patriotic feeling, that LOVE for our country, it was so moving!

where Miss Celia writes out the check to Hilly and on it she writes...
For Two-Slice Hilly. I loved it! Can't wait to see the movie too.
Our pretty daughter Lindsey and her sweet Sophia.
Humm, am I seeing "baby hunger" in those eyes ?!
any more! His daddy made his birthday cake cause mom is a bit busy
with the new baby and everything...I think dad did a super good job too!
so pleasant and good...what a joy she is to all of us.
because they tuck under when she sleeps! ;D
for mom, running to get this and that.

It has been such a joy for me to go and help with the new baby, grandma
heaven for sure!

like her daddy, she loves to ride anything that will go!

and it is so great to be 8! She had the most beautiful white dress!

her big day, it was so much fun being together, nothing like family!

like Brickelle and Natalie!

a little bit of a thing! LOL

In little shirts that Aunt Lindsey, (the graphic designer in the family)
designed just for them! I thought they were so darn cute!

I know this is not my mama!!!
Well, they you go...and here I am back to blog-land.
It's strange but nice to take a bit of time off from here,
but I really did miss everyone too, glad to be back!
Now, I am off to check up on what you all have been up to!
Love to each of you my sweet friends.

You have a Beautiful family....the baby is an "Angel".
I heard the book is great and I have to get a copy to read.
God Bless You & Your Family!
Beautiful pictures. I'll bet that was an awesome concert!
Sweet pictures of your grandkids and family. What a blessing family is!
We loved seeing 'The Help', and I'll bet you're going to love it too!
Have a happy week :)
I always enjoy hearing about your travels and adventures and you always take the best pictures. Your family is precious and how wonderful they are all close enough to share special times and enjoy each others company. I am curious to know what you think of the movie, The Help, as compared to the book. I have a couple of friends that have seen the movie and loved it but I don't know anyone's that has read the book. I'm sure it's good too but sometimes I find movies and books by the same title, though supposedly the same story, differ quite a lot. If you get a chance to see the movie, let us know which you would recommend doing first ...reading the book or seeing the movie. Okay?
Glad you're back!
what a wonderful post, positive uplifting and so very very real.You have such a beautiful family, the baby is a little love for sure and your grand daughters baptism is such a memorable day,, wonderful to share such a day with family,, beautiful.Thankyou so much for sharing this part of your life,
Welcome back, you have been missed.
Yes, that baby is such a beautiful angel.
Looks like you have had some special quality family time. Isn't being a grandmom just the greatest thing !!!!
Cuteness Overload!!
I think you are such a good Grandma~ I'm taking notes. ;)
Welcome back Julie, we missed you!
The new baby Claire is certainly an angel! I just love her pretty little face! And that Sophia, I just know that her and my Adi would be great buddies!
They are both such precocious little things!
You have such a beautiful family Julie and I always love to visit here!
Hugs friend,
Lovely photos of a lovely family. The baby is so precious as are all your grands. You are very blessed, Julie! And breaks are wonderful, but we're glad you're back blogging again. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Glad to see ya back..I came by the other day but you were off PLAYING with babies. :))
They are all so cute and that new baby...a perfect doll.
You will absolutely LOVE the movie..I cried my olden brown eyes OUT....take Kleenex!! :)
xoxo bj
Loved those 3 t-shirts. What fun to read your blog and feel the love you all have for one another. Best wishes.
Hi Julie! Thank you for visiting again and for your sweet comments about my home. I just took the (for sale) tour of your home. It is gorgeous! It would be hard to leave. The views out of your windows are spectacular. I kept thinking I was looking at a big screen TV on a wall before realizing it was window. LOL! I enjoyed seeing some more of your BIG beautiful family too. What a blessing! Your newest one is such a cutie! Sounds like you have had a wonderful time!
Julie ~ I read The Help last year and really enjoyed it. Haven't seen the movie yet but I hear it's very good.
As always, your family pictures are beautiful:)
My goodness -- the hair on that little cutie! I'm totally jealous. In my next life I want to personally pick out my genes. :)
Sweet catch-up post. Loved all the photos of the little ones as well as the big ones :)
It's always great to read about your family and grands. Makes me miss my family. You are blessed to be able to see all of them. Nothing like it for sure!
Looks like fun times!! Priceless photos as always!! Thanks for sharing your life!
Beautiful family! You'll love the movie The Help. Just as good as the book!
Your family is so, so beautiful!!
Two slice Hilley- LOVE that show! I didn't read the book just watched the show .
You have such a beautiful family! OH- Makes me want a grandbaby so badly SOMEDAY !
Hugs and have a pretty day!
Welcome back, Julie! The glass sculpture is beautiful! I love the color.
And, that new grand-baby of yours is so sweet! Her head of thick dark hair is precious. Do you think it will lighten up like her brother and sister's hair?
Have a wonderful day! :0)
I am hiding my eyes cause if my teen sees the "baby hunger" those adorable pics have caused she is going to shoot me! lol What a precious baby. All of your grands are adorable.
This is ScrappyGirl by the way. Things changed while you were away. Click on my name and it will take you to my new blog! Just wanted a fresh start...
always fun pictures :)
Sweet family and so much love. I wish we were related.
What a beautiful family you are blessed with.
That new angel is sure a cute little doll.
I can see why you are in grandma heaven.
I'm lovin your life here with the family. Those grandbabies are super sweet. Thanks for always sharing.
Love the baby pics! My dad just chose that book for our family book club. I'm excited to get started on it!
Hi Julie! Welcome back.Suc h sweet family photos.Love the lamb and sophia with her daddy very cute.Claire looks like she loves her bath,lol.I remember my oldest she always cried when you took off her little clothes when she was born,she probably thought oh no another bath LOL.Julie is that the first dark haired grandchild?Im not sure I saw any yet with dark hair lol.Anyway to cute,Im thinking that Lindsey does look like she might have "baby hunger" I agree ha.
God Bless all of you!
Well JULIE! YOU have been busy! WHAT JOY!
I have missed you. That new baby is an angel. I love her hair. I bet she goes blond someday. I love how it sticks up. Of course they are all angels and so cute. Looks like you have been having fun.
ANy luck on your home selling.
Julie- I just love seeing pictures of those kids...that baby is SOOO precious..and don't you love the rose pink on her?
I LOVED The Help and read it as soon as it hit the shelves. Do you know she tried 61 times to get it published before someone actually bit on it? I can't wait to see the movie-I am waiting for it to come on cable though.
I am so glad you are able to play Grammie to those babies! xo Diana
What a beautiful baby! Love all that dark hair! Looks like you've been loving life with all those darling grandkids!
Welcome back Julie, enjoyed seeing the family photos,You truly have a beautiful family. I know you have tucked away a lot of memories, thanks for sharing.
Your psot are always so enjoyable and feel so familiar to me. I lve that abot our church we all share in so many important events. The ids and grandkids jsut keep coming for you. So much love in your heart that just keeps being added upon. Claire is adorable as are they all.
The Abravenal Hall is a really neat place. I saw the concert of a life time when I came up in 2004 to see Michael Ball perform. He is a wonderful singer from the UK and was the first Marius in Les Miserable. There is a story about it at the bottom of my blog added as a gadget so it always there. Eye Candy and so talented!
Julie, glad to see you back posting. Love to see the pictures of the family. Few new faces. The zoo was probably fun for all.
You have been wonderfully busy with the best of life. I so enjoy your photos..you can just feel the love in each one!
Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday today! xo
Claire is indeed a precious little angel... one more to add to your small flock of angels. You are one blessed grandmother, Julie!! Thanks so much for sharing your angels with us. Glad you're back. blessings ~ Tanna
Lovely concert,you will make us all want babies with those simply gorgeous pics Julie!!
Oh my goodness...Claire is so sweet. I love her hair. Only a baby as cute as she is could pull off a do like that one.
I forgot what is was like to have a newborn, it seems so long ago.
Julie you are very Blessed. And your family is so Blessed to have you as well.
Thank you for sharing these splendid shots. How proud you must be of this sweet family of yours.
Julie, you sure have been having some fun! Congratulations on another aDoRaBlE grand baby! She is beautiful! I saw the movie the Help...now one of my all time favorite movies! Now I need to read the boo!
wonderful photos Julie ~ thanks for sharing your sweet family with us. I am going to Nook the Help this weekend.
Have a great friday
Oh my, your grandchildren are all so sweet and beautiful, especially your newest angels!
Hi Julie, Thanks for stopping by. What a beautiful family you have.
Those grands keeps us busy don't they?
loved Calebs cake.
Congrats to Cloe on her baptism
Claire is adorable
You will love the movie The Help..
I have yet to make the watermelon pie, but wrote the recipe down a while ago. It does look yummy.
I tell you I am in love with Baby Claire! What a doll! BTW I loved The Help! The movie was just as good as the book although there were a few changes. I cried nearly all the way through, parts of it were so touching.
You have such a beautiful family, Julie. You are surrounded by so much love.
Your grandkids are so adorable!! Such wonderful pictures. I read the Help and I loved! I'm hoping to see the movie soon.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello sweet lady, You look like a super grandma and what a darling bunch of grands you do have. There is nothing better is there. Your little angel looks just like one, I must say. What great photos and that symphony concert must have been fabulous!!!
I am looking forward to our two younger girls getting married one day and having children. They are 25 and 26 now.
Love and hugs, Cindy
You have such a sweet family...they are just precious!
Hi Julie do you have a new grand daughter? My daughter just had a baby boy, He does not like bath's at all so far. Enjoyed your lovely photos..enjoy a great Friday!
Welcome back. It's always a pleasure to see pictures of those sweet little faces.
I always start smiling instantly when visiting your pocket of the world, Julie. Your family is just so beautiful, lovely in every way.
Enjoy family life, it is weekend again, I bet many members will pay a visit!
Love to you xxxx
Oh my goodness glory, you my friend have a beautiful family. Congratulations us all I can come up with.
Our little eight year old granddaughter Honor (Mini~Me) was just baptized three weeks ago. I know how very proud ya'll are.
God bless and ya'll have a fantastic weekend! :o)
Gorgeous, gorgeous grandchildren Julie. Your new little one is absolutely precious. Wow! They should have ten children!
I don't know how I missed this post but I love looking at pictures of your sweet grands and all your kids too - What a beautiful family you have!
Oh how blessed you are!!
Those grands are beautiful!!
And so are your children too Julie!
Lots of fun!!
Deborah xoxo
You are SUCH a darling grandma. And I really enjoyed these pictures of your beautiful family. I loved, "The Help" also & the movie was ALMOST as good as the book.
Warmly, Michelle
loved seeing all the pictures ~ I am sure the concert was awesome from your description, especially the ending! The new grand, she is beautiful. Have a great weekend - and thanks for always dropping by to visit.
I came to your blog feeling a bit down about everything this week and a few other things--But reading your post and especially seeing your pictures of your beautiful family and seeing the joy in their faces and knowing what a blessing you all are to one another has lifted my heart--Thank-you for that and your friendship!!
Every single picture from the first one to the last are why we celebrate life and count our many blessings, one by one! Thanks for sharing your fabulous night out!
What a great post..and love the the pictures of the kids.
Ilove the one of your grand daugther petting the little animal my Breleigh (grand daughter) would say .. can i "pep" him...lol..
great post my friend..thanks for sharing..
Nice to look at your family pictures. Love the new baby and Sophia in the last picture is so cute! she is growing up very fast! Blessings Catherine
Your new little angel has the best hair ever. So darling.
Hi Julie! My what a gorgeous family you have! Those grandbabies are sooooo darling!That little Claire is indeed an angel!! What a blessing! I wanted to stop by to wish you Happy Fall and to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I hope all is well with you and your family! Sending you hugs!
Ruthann (aka Aunt Ruthie)
Sugar Pie Farmhouse
Julie the wonder grandma is back!! I love all of the pictures. It's wonderful to get to see what you were up to... and that new baby definitely is an angel, wings or no!
Blessings, Debbie
So much fun for you! And those beautiful babies just keep on coming! LOVE!!! xoxo
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