This is a picture of our family that our daughter Tiffany drew when she was a little girl.
Maybe it is just that it is a gray January day, but I have been thinking today of how fast
my family grew up and left our home... to make homes of their own.
As I was raising these 8 children, people would say to me, they are going to be all grown
up and gone before you can blink! That was pretty hard for me to believe back then, but
they were telling me a truth. Some days, like today, I wish they were little again.
Maybe it is just that it is a gray January day, but I have been thinking today of how fast
my family grew up and left our home... to make homes of their own.
As I was raising these 8 children, people would say to me, they are going to be all grown
up and gone before you can blink! That was pretty hard for me to believe back then, but
they were telling me a truth. Some days, like today, I wish they were little again.
Three little monkeys...MaKayla, Megan and Cloe.
Baking cookies with Natalie and Stetson.
Those darling babies turn into brides so fast! (Tiffany)
Even the dogs, they get old too fast and pass out of our
lives as quickly as they came in it seems. Buck, looking
over where we now live.
over where we now live.
My sister crazy wild sis that I love.
(I just threw this one in)
(I just threw this one in)
Thanksgiving day, here with my daughter Lindsey.
A beautiful snowy day and our daughter Tiffany as a teen,
she is now a mama to 3 little ones of her own.
she is now a mama to 3 little ones of her own.
We do so love being grandparents though...
Maybe that is where the healing of the heart
begins, as your own children leave home.
Maybe that is where the healing of the heart
begins, as your own children leave home.
Me and our daughter Lisa with her two little girls
who are now getting to be teenagers.
who are now getting to be teenagers.
The fun times of camping, here with me & Tiffany and Lisa's two little girls.
Brickelle and Natalie...and they still love cats too!
~Our Lindsey playing with Buck~
Lindsey, so into every sport and so good at them too.
Our little Shanedel-Ronnie, now 16!
The soft baby hair on Caleb...I miss that.
Our daughter Lisa on our horse Apache, I miss him,
he was the best horse, he loved to lick your hand!
he was the best horse, he loved to lick your hand!
Darin and Laura with their first baby, sitting on our front porch.
Little Brickelle in all her Shirley Temple cuteness!
Some of the little grands helping with dinner.
Even they are getting big now!
Even they are getting big now!
A Christmas vacation to New York with our two youngest, so fun!
Ron and Julie and a day of riding our horses in the mountains.
All 8 of our children and Ron's mother too.
I miss the days of proms...Our Lindsey is in the red dress.
Lindsey's basketball team..."State Champions."
Grandma Julie with little Natalie and Brickelle
who are getting so grown up now too.
who are getting so grown up now too.
Our daughters...Tiffany putting makeup in
Lindsey for the big prom date.
Lindsey for the big prom date.
~Lindsey and Tiffany~
Little Shanedel-Ronnie and grandma's pumpkins.
Tiffany and her prince charming...this is when life
really changes, as they go off and get married.
really changes, as they go off and get married.
Lindsey and Tiffany as little girls.
They each have little girls now that look just like them.
Some days it does feel a little sad to see that they have all
grown up and are off living their own lives. I am proud of
them though, for the good lives they are living and how they
are loving their children.
Life feels like it has almost come full circle...
I know there are many more adventures to come but today,
I am thinking of the special places my heart has been to,
places and times that will never leave me!
Some days, like these quiet grey days of January, I miss them
and wish they were all little again!
They each have little girls now that look just like them.
Some days it does feel a little sad to see that they have all
grown up and are off living their own lives. I am proud of
them though, for the good lives they are living and how they
are loving their children.
Life feels like it has almost come full circle...
I know there are many more adventures to come but today,
I am thinking of the special places my heart has been to,
places and times that will never leave me!
Some days, like these quiet grey days of January, I miss them
and wish they were all little again!

Julie- I had tears in my eyes through this post. It brings back so many memories of my own kids..we only had four..but I so understand this. The blessing is in the grandkids, isn't it? xo Diana
The kid-lings are what makes life worth living. Your family is just gorgeous, Julie ... just gorgeous! How blessed you are.
Have a wonderful week ~
I enjoyed this post Julie...
thanks for sharing :D
Julie, Julie, Julie I love trips down memory lane, except that it makes me cry!
I can get so lost and caught up in the pictures of the past that it really does make you wonder where the time went.
You have such a beautiful family!
Julie, you had me at "a grey January day"... LOVED every single pic you shared.
I only have 3, and you have 8????? I knew you had a "few", but for some reason I didn't realize you had 8. WOW! and now I know why you have such a BIG house, and want to downsize : )
Isn't it amazing how life goes? You've come full circle. All the beauty, the love, the memories, the grandkids, all have special places in your heart. I can feel it all the way over here in Canada.
I see you say part one... are you going through all your albums?? Wouldn't it be nice to all sit together and look at all our pics together?? I guess that's what we do here on our blogs don't we? I fell like I've been part of your sweet family these last few months.
Julie, when did you start blogging?? I'm curious. And I'm wondering how I found you? Oh I'm not sure, but I'm glad I did.
Congrats on having your house featured too. How cool is that? I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it sells soon.
Sending warm hugs from me to you.
These are beautiful photos and beautiful memories. I remember someone else telling me the same thing when we had our daughter and I was in such denial. She turned 19 a few weeks ago and I have no clue where those 19 years went. Enjoy your day!
Oh Julie, I so know what you are talking about! I can't believe my youngest two are 17! I get so sentimental around each of my children's birthdays, thinking back to when they were little and wishing I could go back in time! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It was precious!
Y'all have some good genes, that's all I can say!
Julie-just home tonight from our family funeral in SLC...what a scary, icy drive we had but no home to warm AZ weather. Family, wow, what a great, great blessing and you certainly have a lovely looking one. This was a great post and of course my heart skipped a beat over your beautiful dog and horse no longer with you. Won't we have fun on the other side with family and pets. Happy day blogfriend.
This was so precious, Julie!
It's amazing how looking through old pictures- even though it is sometimes bittersweet- can bring back so many wonderful memories!
Aww...this was SO fun to look through! What memories.
Those are such beautiful beautiful children!!!!! You are a beautiful mama!
Yes, those years fly faster than anything. I have been thinking about that so much lately as our home gets quieter and empty.
I love when the grandkids come.
This post reminds me of sunrise-sunset and it's so true! How grateful I am for our family and the joy they bring each day. We are very blessed Julie.
Lovely post Julie! I can't wait for my two daughters to get sign of that happning yet though! The Bride in the snow pic really was awesome to me!
I agree that on gray days I am reflective also. I do miss my little ones but what I miss more is that energy I had to raise 3 little ones all within 5 years of each other !!!
You have a beautiful family
You are truly blessed
sigh....I hear you... :-) a piece of mama's heart comes out in the clinched little fist of each babe...and wherever they go..that piece of her goes with them...even when they wear boots and go off to war....Love ya...xoxo
I love looking at your photos of your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your trip down memory lane! Have a great week.
Love that wedding pic in the snow! And of course the basketball pics...state champions, wow! And the baby with all the black hair. What a great family!
Beautiful,beautiful family! I love the sentiment about the healing of the heart w/grandchildren. What a wonderful thought as my youngest son draws near to the end of his senior year. Thanks for sharing!
What nice pictures! I miss my babies, too! I wish I had grandchildren to cuddle. My heart could use some healing!
Um, I can't even deal with my youngest going to 1/2day Kindergarten!! What am I going to do? "Married and Gone" might be the end of me.
Very sweet post and pictures.
Dear Julie, A beautiful family indeed, and as I was reading and looking at these memories of yours I was thinking of how much joy you must of had while posting these photos, it is just like a movie of your beautiful life. This is why I have always been a stickler for taking family photos, what a treasured gift you are giving your family. Just an observation Julie, You are more beautiful than ever, I know one reason for this is your love of the Lord, His loves shines in your countenance, as well as your family.
Oh Julie,
What a tear jerker! What a beautiful family you and Ron produced! You should be so proud and look at all your beautiful grands too!
I am just starting this Grandma journey but I can see it goes by quickly too. I am the oldest of 8 kids and my Mom has 25 grands and now 2 great-grands! I just wish my Dad could have met his youngest grandchild who is 2.5 years and his great grands too.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
Those pictures were all so sweet. I was watching a show last night where a mom was talking about her daughter's wedding. I couldn't help but look over at my Autumn and think how it won't be long til she is out of HS and on to college...and then wedding...
I need a rewind button!
Julie such great memories you´ve posted today! It was nice to walk down memory lane with you and I know that there is a comfort in looking back at all these wonderful times. Family grows up and moves on but I think you´re so lucky to have your family close enough to enjoy them even if they live in their own homes. Some people aren´t that lucky. I have a whole ocean between me and my family and I have too many grey January days that make me miss them all and remember back to good times we had...
Hugs from Norway!
What a great drawing at such an early age.I have trouble with stick people.
I agree with you on how they seem to grow so fast. Now our grands are growing up so fast.
Another great post with photos. I love sharing your family.
What a great post Julie! I so enjoyed looking at your children and grands. You have a beautiful family. I know how you feel, I look at old photos and sometimes miss when our girls were small. Though I sure enjoy being a grandma, and wouldn't give it up for anything! :) Have a lovely week!
I've actually been doing the same thing lately. Looking at pictures of my kids when they were little and remembering all the good times we had with our horses...
I agree with your comment about the grandchildren starting the healing process. It's actually amazing how much joy and comfort they give me.
What a sweet post. I can remember when my kids were little saying I can't wait till they walk, or talk or go to school. Looking back it's rather sad that I wished all those years away. The time does fly by far too quickly
Many of those pictures are similar to ones I have which reminded me that I am in a different season of my life - The seasons change slowly but they do change.
Great post and very thought provoking :-D
So very very true!!!!!! Why is it that way? Made my heart ached for my babies again!
Thank you for beautiful memories!
Loved your post, I enjoyed looking at all of your pictures! Made me relize how much I miss Tiffany. Take care
Oh boy, I sure do understand all the emotions expressed in this heartfelt post.
Sometimes I find myself thinking, just give me Lord a couple more go back when they were all little, and I felt like things were so safe.
But that is not the nature of life is it.
Way to go like like a real cowgirl. Now if we lived closer, we could go riding together.
I don't have any chaps though. Hubby does.
now your sister, I wanna meet that gal. She looks like a hoot for sure.
Hugs for you today Julie
Me, too, Julie. Me, too. blessings ~ tanna
Oh, and one more thing..I'd frame that photo your daughter drew !!!and hang it on the wall.
Aren't pictures wonderful? They bring back so many fond memories. I just love the camping and cooking ones. What a great mom and grandma and they will never forget it.
I agree, I am so glad that I didn't stop having children when I was young so that I still have one left at home. He turns 18 in March and just loves to say he is moving out. I prefer he stay until he leaves on a mission, so we will see who wins! I would be quite sad having him gone already but the little grandkids sure fill the heart!
You reminisced, I baked cookies and drowned my winter blues in sugar and chocolate today!
you have such a beautiful family. i enjoyed looking at all of your pictures. the time does go by so fast. in looking at all of your pictures you have cherished and captured every moment :) great job mom.
Oh, I know exactly what you mean! Thank goodness sweet little grandchildren come along:) Just the other day I found a small, matchbox truck in the dirt in our backyard...very old and beat up, it had belonged to our son who now has two sons of his own. I shed a tear when I held that truck and thught of that little boy of mine:)
Such a beautiful post, Julie. Hope you continue to wrap yourself with these wonderful memories as the winter rolls on and as you look forward to all of the beauty ahead for you:) p.s. you and your hubs are such a good looking pair!
So very true. Some days are full to brimming with memories of days gone by...the joy, the sorrows, the love and hardwork. Good to soak that all in ever so often..sometimes with a tear or two. xo
I love this post and all of the photos. It is a reminder of how fast time goes. I am constantly thinking the same thing. Hope that you have a great wednesday.
Time does fly doesn't it? Beautiful girls. So neat that you saved that drawing. She was quite the artist! I miss my girl being little. I'm proud of the woman she's becoming but like you, I really wish I could roll back the clock.
I have been having those same thoughts as well. Where did time go?
Raising 5 sons and now seeing them be parents is very rewarding.
Still...I miss those moments with me and my boys♥
Sweet post.
What a wonderful post Julie. You brought back some wonderful memories for me when my 5 children were all little. Boy time flies when you're having fun as they say. I now have 6 grandchildren and one more on the way next month. Wow..where did the time go! Loved your photo's...thank you for sharing them with us.
Maura :)
I know it....I feel the same way...I wish our little darlings could stay little a bit longer...our three children are 15, 12, 7 at least they are spaced apart a little bit and won't all leave me at one time!! :) Stop over for a visit.
This makes me sad! I'm going to squeeze my Z a little tighter today and remember to enjoy these moments...even the hard ones!
Time certainly does pass by much too quickly. I encourage my daughter with that when she is frustrated with her two, it won't be long and she will look back on their antics and wish they were still home pulling those antics.
Your girls and granddaughters are all beautiful like you!
Hugs, Cindy
I love this post-so sweet! I miss not having brothers and sisters! Thanks for sharing this!
xo, misha
What a sweet post! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. It's amazing how fast the time goes with our children. Thanks for your comment! You are a dear sweet lady!
These cold January days will bring this out in you wishing for your little ones to be back home with you under your feet.
I too miss those days.
As always I love seeing your beautiful family.
What a FUN stroll down memory lane! And by the way, you look exactly the same as you did when they were young! :)
I loved this post, dear heart. And, I so relate to it. Some days, I think of our kids being little and I just cry. I am very proud of the adults they've become...I just miss them little.
Now, the grands are growing up, getting married and having babies. It is just amazing and I feel very blessed.
Your family is beautiful.
xo bj
What wonderful pictures you posted and I'm sure wonderful memories you have shared with your children and your grandchildren. I know what you mean about them growing up. I, too, have 8 children. I never thought I'd see the day that they were all grown and gone and now, it's here and I wonder where all the time went.
I'm seeing this myself with my son just getting engaged. My twins are 11, and I'm trying to enjoy every moment we have together. It changes far too quickly!
Beautiful photos of your lovely family :)
It does go by so fast. I'm still at the leaving stage... not quite to the grandma stage. Bring it on! And quick!!
Blessings, Debbie
This post reminds me of the country song called "Time Marches On". It certainly does go fast. I think the biggest reward and what makes it so it's not so hard are when the grandchildren come along. As I have said before, You are SO Blessed!
Time does seem to just fly by!
Sometimes, that's a good thing....and other time's it's bitter-sweet.
I've been feeling more and more of that 'empty nest syndrome' lately.
No grands yet.... maybe one day...and it will fill our nest back up :)
Thanks for sharing your sweet memories and pictures with us.
Heavenly Father got it just perfect when he made us families forever :)
Such beautiful moments true how fast it goes...
Precious ones you all are!!
oh julie..what great photos.. I am a picture kinda you know.. and i love looking back in time.. you are truly blessed with a wonderful family..
Ps the one of the girls and their cats..that was precious..
have a great weekend my to ya again soon
Thank you for the beautiful post. Makes me know I am not the only one who would love for my children to be small again. They do grow so very fast. xoxo, Susie
Dear Julie,
A very touching, beautiful post!! You truly are a blessed lady..:)
What a gift they are from God.
((((((Julie)))))) hugs to you! Saying a prayer of comfort and joy for you today while you miss your family, as little ones.
My baby turned 36 this week, where did that time go??? I am so blessed to have my kids just a five minute walk away from here, well, the grands can make it in two minutes. We timed them! You have a beautiful family Julie, much to be proud of not only for their good looks but their good hearts. Such a blessing!!! xoxo
Oh, Julie! What a sweet post! Your daughters are just so beautiful! Gorgeous just like their pretty mommy! ;) I love these looking back snaps. My eyes did fill up with tears, being a mommy and all! Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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