"The first little angels that came to fill up my empty heart"
Just one more look back our children when they were little...
Yes, I know I can't go back, most likely wouldn't if I really could,
but I do love remembering them when they were little. They were
all mine back then, what a wonderful time that was for me as a mom!
"The first little angels that came to fill up my empty heart"
Just one more look back our children when they were little...
Yes, I know I can't go back, most likely wouldn't if I really could,
but I do love remembering them when they were little. They were
all mine back then, what a wonderful time that was for me as a mom!
The time of "BIG" hair for me... I wore it this way for years!
You know what they say...the bigger the hair the closer to God!
You know what they say...the bigger the hair the closer to God!
I think I almost remember being skinny...seems like a long time ago!
Every year Santa brought Lindsey a doll...
And every year this expression shows exactly what she thought of dolls!!!
And every year this expression shows exactly what she thought of dolls!!!
I remember the day we had this picture taken...in every picture Darin
would shut his eyes...needless to say, it took lots of time trying to get a
picture of all of us behaving!!!
picture of all of us behaving!!!
Tiffany on the other hand LOVED dolls, especially these American dolls.
Tiffany and Mom singing a duet at a Young Women's program...fun!
Now this makes me want to go back...my babies Tiff and Linds.
Tiff and Linds sharing a bunk bed bedroom, cute little monkies!
Four of my sweet daughters...Lisa, Lindsey, Tiffany and Jennifer.
Oh, such serious reading...all about Santa Clause and his elves.
This one below is of a camping trip...Little Tiffany always wanted
to be right where mom and dad were, usually right in the middle!
This one below is of a camping trip...Little Tiffany always wanted
to be right where mom and dad were, usually right in the middle!
Lots of love between our Golden, Buck and his best pal Lindsey.
Finally a picture to keep...but notice how the Lindsey is
pulling her dress up as I am holding it down, smiling all the while?!
I would tell my kids stories of how as a kid, I loved climbing trees.
I lived in trees all day, usually with a book and a pillow. One day as
I was telling them about it, they just couldn't imagine mom in a tree!
So, we all went outside and I climbed our big tree...they were so amazed
and so was I as just then my husband drove in the driveway...he must have
thought his wife had gone crazy!!!
I lived in trees all day, usually with a book and a pillow. One day as
I was telling them about it, they just couldn't imagine mom in a tree!
So, we all went outside and I climbed our big tree...they were so amazed
and so was I as just then my husband drove in the driveway...he must have
thought his wife had gone crazy!!!
We took lots of fun vacations together...
here I am with my daughters on a elephant ride!
here I am with my daughters on a elephant ride!
One of our trips to Disneyland...sorry it's a bit blurry!
We all snow skied together too, this day though it was just me and my hubby.
Our son Corey and us at a Cub Scout dinner.
I miss the love letters and drawn pictures to mom...
We always had so much fun at Halloween time...
Tiff and Casi and Lindsey...there were constant dress up days
at our place with our kids and the neighbor kids, then they would
all parade around the block showing off in their parade!
at our place with our kids and the neighbor kids, then they would
all parade around the block showing off in their parade!
Days of 4-wheeling in Wayne county with the whole family.
Another Halloween fun day...one year we even had a spook alley
set up in our garage. Everyone that rang our doorbell for a treat
had to go through our spook alley first...and it was scary too!!!
set up in our garage. Everyone that rang our doorbell for a treat
had to go through our spook alley first...and it was scary too!!!
~My cowboy Ron~
A darling teenager Lisa...so full of it, and still is!
I posted this on her face book page the other day and
all her friends teased her about being a hottie!
I posted this on her face book page the other day and
all her friends teased her about being a hottie!
Dad and Tiffany rode the tea cups at Disneyland until
dad was SO sick, all in the line of making the girls happy!!!
dad was SO sick, all in the line of making the girls happy!!!
Lazy days at the beach in California, so different from Utah!
So much fun soaking up the sun, making sand castles and chasing
after the seagulls.
So much fun soaking up the sun, making sand castles and chasing
after the seagulls.
Oh, so many hair styles over the years...One of my
daughters said that this was mom's mid-life crisis...going
totally blond and totally short!
daughters said that this was mom's mid-life crisis...going
totally blond and totally short!
Ron and I at Darin and Laura's garden wedding.
Oh, we make such serious Wild West characters!
Our Lisa...a bride of the snow!
Over the years, we have had a lot of weddings in this
family! This picture was taken at sunset and the guy
who took it had it displayed at his photography shop.
Every bride that came in wanted a picture just like this!
Over the years, we have had a lot of weddings in this
family! This picture was taken at sunset and the guy
who took it had it displayed at his photography shop.
Every bride that came in wanted a picture just like this!
Our son Shane...love the shorts and cowboy boots!
All the family gathered at the airport to send a son off for
a two year mission for our church. Sad good byes but so very
proud of Corey.
a two year mission for our church. Sad good byes but so very
proud of Corey.
Our Newfoundland dogs...Casey and Bossk...so kind and gentle.
Shane...my first little one. The sweet relationship of a mom
and her first baby, always remains in a mom's heart.
and her first baby, always remains in a mom's heart.
Shane, all grown up...for awhile he drove tour truck for Chris LeDoux
as he toured the country doing his country western concerts.
as he toured the country doing his country western concerts.
Shane's little girl Ronnie...grandma dressed her up one day for a picture
in my boots and vest and her hat...she is 16 now, where does time go?!
in my boots and vest and her hat...she is 16 now, where does time go?!
Our Tiffany on one of the last days of school when they hike the mountain
to paint the W white. I think she got as much paint as the W did!!!
This picture is of me (Julie) as Ron and I were at Sea World.
I got picked out of the huge audience to be kissed by Shamoo!
It was so thrilling but I was a bit nervous that he might catch
my hair and pull me in with him, but it was a ever so gentle kiss!
I got picked out of the huge audience to be kissed by Shamoo!
It was so thrilling but I was a bit nervous that he might catch
my hair and pull me in with him, but it was a ever so gentle kiss!
This is something I believe in totally.
We have tried to do this with our children, we have
worked and played together, had our Family Home evenings,
read scriptures together, taught...loved...sent them on their way.
But sometimes, I wish their wings would bring them home more.
Yes, it's never enough for this mom, I want them close by more. I
see them off working for a living, raising their little ones and they are
doing a good job of it...but I miss the days when they were small and we
were all together. Can't look back though and I really wouldn't want to,
because if I did, I wouldn't have all the sweet grands that we have, and I
wouldn't trade them for anything! It has been fun looking back though!
We have tried to do this with our children, we have
worked and played together, had our Family Home evenings,
read scriptures together, taught...loved...sent them on their way.
But sometimes, I wish their wings would bring them home more.
Yes, it's never enough for this mom, I want them close by more. I
see them off working for a living, raising their little ones and they are
doing a good job of it...but I miss the days when they were small and we
were all together. Can't look back though and I really wouldn't want to,
because if I did, I wouldn't have all the sweet grands that we have, and I
wouldn't trade them for anything! It has been fun looking back though!

Such a beautiful post. It kind of makes me feel sad at how fast the years have gone. They were all just little kids is tears and laundry just yesterday weren't they?
Your family is beautiful and it is obvious the love you have for them and the wonderful examples to them.
I love your big hair!!!!!! You totally were the reason it was in fashion.
You are still gorgeous!
A sweet family indeed! A joy looking back with you! Precious moments and precious children!
These are beautiful pictures! And a beautiful life that the Lord has blessed you with! Enjoy your week!
It's so much fun looking back to see how much we've grown and where we have come from. Great photos...
ALWAYS the mama....no matter WHAT age they are...I miss mine too...:-) Turning loose and trying not to hover. Enjoyed your post Julie...HUGS sent to you and I hear ya! xoxo
I'll tell you, Julie. I have a big lump in my throat and a tear in my eye as I read through this post. It is so obvious how much you love your family and home. That love is what has set your children free to recreate what you gave to them. You were beautiful when you were young and you are beautiful now.
It is hard to let go of MOM, isn't it? I feel the same way. xo Diana
What a delightful share, Julie. You have the most beautiful family. I love looking back ... you, your life & your family.
My we do change in time, don't we. I, too, remember those skinny days ...
Have a beautiful week ~
I think it is important for us moms to have our sweet and precious memories. We wouldn't go back but it is sweet to remember when...
I enjoyed the trip down memory lane with you!
P.S. You are/were a hottie :-D
I adore every single pic, blurred or not. You in the tree, really??? Oh mom...
I see why you want to have all this on your blog. You make the nicest books. Such treasures Julie.
All your kids are treasures.
Hope you and hubby had a great weekend. Ours was very quiet. I'm ready to rock and roll.
Love from Canada
Such sweet pictures and more precious memories. Thank you for sharing Julie.
There is just nothing like old famlily photos! So fun to look at. I can see some of your grands faces in the faces of your children!
Julie, loved seeing the pictures of your family as they were growing. Also the ones of you and Ron over the years. The picture of the Lisa in her gown is beautiful. Take Care!
Hi Julie! Another sweet post! I know you much have been the best mother - climbing trees! :) How sweet to see your children way back then and you too! You have always been so beautiful - inside and out! :) I love your big hair! You should have seen mine in the 70s - it was a mile high.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love all those memories. It's so fun to walk down memory lane and see the past in photos and how we have lived our lives and raised our families. You are a beautiful woman today just as you were yesterday.
Hi Julie,
Your family posts always make me teary eyed!
I love looking back right along with you! What can I say, beautiful family and wonderful closeness...they will always come back to you!
I had to chuckle...my daughter Katie never like dolls either no matter how much I tried! Sophie looks exactly like her Mommy did!
I love all of these old pictures. I feel like I know your family.
one question. How on earth did you manage to raise a large family, two newfies, and a multitude of pets...and still look beautiful? Yikes! : )
I can't get over how much Claire looks like Tiffany and Sophia looks like Lindsey! I agree with Leslie, I feel like I know your family too! You are such a beautiful mom, Julie!!
Such a fun trip down memory lane. I recognize those clothes and hair styles. I may have even sported some of the samy styles myself.
Beautiful family!!!
You are enjoying a blast from the past! I love all the hair shots and it's fun to see how much all of your family has changed.
You're doing the same thing as I am this week...and last...and the week before that. I have been on the computer continually with new histories that find. So much fun. I just love finding out about all these people behind us.
I can´t get over how hot you looked after 8 kids!!! I only had 3 but you´d think I had 30 the way my bum looks now...hahahaha...
Julie, your family photos are wonderful. Such an All American family you had and what wonderful memories for your kids to look back on and you too. I´m at the point where i know my kids will be leaving someday. Sarah quicker then the other two and it´s hard. I want to keep them here forever with me but part of loving them is letting them go, move on and live their lives and be the persons they are meant to be.
Thanks for sharing your family and memories with us!
Sweet, sweet, sweet!
That belly peeking out of the stroller is too cute!
Sweet, sweet pictures, Julie. You have a beautiful family. I miss those early days, too, when mine were little. Wings and roots. That's what we want and need to give them, and we've tried to do that, too. The older mine get, I see glimpses that we DID do a good job with our kids! With the Lord's help of COURSE! Thanks for sharing!
Oh yes, I had the Farrah Fawcett hair thing going on, too. ;)
Such AWESOME memories and it's sad how fast time gets away from us. Looking back like that makes you wish you could have bottled up everyone and keep them little. But the joy of watching them grow is priceless just wish it wouldn't happen so fast!
Great photo's you have Beautiful family! I'm sure I've said that before, but it's true!
I've really enjoyed your little journey through time post. You were just as beautiful then as you are now! I can't believe you could be so skinny after having that many kids. I guess you were so busy you didn't have time to eat! lol Sweet post!
What great memories you posted on a beautiful family.
I love Chris L music and have a lot of his cds. How lucky for your son.
I loved the short hair.
Thanks for sharing with us.
what a wonderful look back at your lovely family. Love the big hair look. I could never pull it off since my hair is so straight. I would spend forever styling and spraying and as soon as I walked out of the house it went straight....lol
Many, many memories packed into photos, how wonderful that you have so many and they're all going to be very nice for your blog book.
I would love to hear the story that you alluded to in a comment to me one day.
What you said about the first baby is so true, too, my son is so precious to me because he was my first.
Love and hugs, Cindy
I had fun taking that "memory lane through photos" with you.
I loved your Farrah Faucett (sp) hair do. I had one of those myself.
You were (and still are) a very beautiful lady.
I never did have my hair as short as you though.
Your son drove for Chris LeDoux...how awesome is that !!! I have some of his CD's
You have raised a beautiful family.
hugs !!!
I am sitting here trying to find the right words for this post Julie, and the one word I have is AWESOME!! I am however reminded of a few of the hairdos,~smile~ You were and are a beautiful lady, and your dh Ron so handsome! a beautiful family indeed. I have so enjoyed this trip with you down memory lane.
Thank you for sharing.
LOLOL, the big hair!!! I'll bet you had the most stylish hair on the block! ;)
Really nice memories and photos, Julie. They do grow up way too fast.
That was amazing......I loved going through your life.....a life well lived. Nothing better my friend
This is such an absolute perfect post of a beautiful family. I loved seeing every single photo...so many reminded me of times when our kids were little. I MUST drag out some photos of back then...and I had to smile when I saw your Wild West photo...we have one, too. :))
Beautiful family and a very beautiful mom.:))
xo bj
Julie, I just love looking back with you through these photos. We have shared many of the same hair styles (from big to mid-life short! and back again!). My favorite photo is the one of you up in the tree!! You go girl! blessings ~ Tanna
Love walking down your memory lane!
I have always wondered what it would be like to have brothers and sisters :)
Have a lovely day, Julie!
xo, misha
Oh thanks for takin' me through your time machine, the trip was great and the pictures fantastic.
Yep, we raise 'em to fly on their own leavin' the nest don't we? The grands are priceless!
God bless ya and have a fantastic day sweetie!!! :o)
Dear Julie, Your post of the children touches my heart. I too long for the days when my daughter's were mine and we shared our lifes with each other everyday. Thank for posting all those pictures, and telling your feelings. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)
What a sweet walk down memory lane...:) You have shared many beautiful family memories. It is so fun to look back, and also very fun to look ahead for what surprises God has in store for us and our families. You have been blessed by God indeed!
Happy week to you!!
It is so fun to look back and see how far you've come and how much you've grown as a family. It always amazes how quickly time passes. Your family is so beautiful and you have done such a great job in mothering. You have much to be proud of.:)
Such sweet memories........and such a wonderful family. You are so blessed.
Oh,the hair and the clothes - so similar to our family photos! We laugh now but I tell my kids we will be laughing at theirs too - things just keep changing. What a fun collection of memories. Hope these all make it into a book!
Awh, such a sweet post, Julie:) Fun to see your hair transition through the years;) There's a southern saying, something like, "The bigger the hair, the closer to God." Makes me smile:)
Oh, Miss Julie~ these are so wonderful! And big hair is awesome! *hehe*
I had to laugh over Lindsey's expression~ I was the same way about dolls, but give me a stuffed animal and I was in Heaven! LOL
I just love these trips down memory lane with you!
What fun looking back is but you are so right, I wouldn't trade the grands to go back either. Patty
I so enjoyed all your photos Julie! You have made many precious memories. Thank you for sharing them, and your lovely family. :)
What FUN Julie! Old pictures are a priceless treasure. And we always are reminded of HOW FAST they grow!
Your family is beautiful! I loved watching it GROW!
It's so a much fun to reminisce. Wonderful, beautiful, pictures. I've never heard that about big hair. I guess we were all closer to God in the 80's!
Cute family pictures. Thanks for sharing your 'days gone by' with us. Gets me thinking just how quickly the time has flown by !
Love that you climbed the tree to show your kiddos.
You have courage and spunk :)
What a great photo album. I enjoyed looking at all the pictures and definitely recognized some of the locations. Seaworld! Only 20 minutes from me. Your sentiment at the end had me tearing up. I feel exactly the same way. We raise them to be loving, responsible, adults and before you know it they are! Then time is so precious because nobody ever has enough of it to go around. I also, often times wish I could have them all back home and little again.
Julie! These are wonderful photos! What a legacy you have in your family... and I know the most important one for you all is the Legacy you have {we all have} as sons and daughters of our God!
Your family is beautiful... the smiles, the faces, the love ... even the creatures that have been blessed to live with you!
Oh I love it all!
God bless you always,
Oh my, how cute they all are!
I remember being skinny also, well almost I think...
Such a beautiful family Julie! Aren't you glad we can have them forever? I think it's gone by waaay to fast too. Mimi
What a great looking family! You must be so proud. Ya'll are all soooo beautiful.
I just love old photos. Your big hair looks like mine did about 30 years ago! You were quite the hottie yourself there girlfriend.
Have so enjoyed reading about...and seeing all the pictures...of your lovely family through the years.
When you are 90 years old and sitting in your armchair,what wonderful memories you will have to look back on! :0)
I love your big hair! I must admit, I did that short boy cut too, now when I look back I think, "what was I thinking?" Love the flashback.
Love this! I have no clue how in the world you had 8 children without "living" in exhaustion. Seems you were always cheerful and energetic though and the kids are all wonderful.
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