Wednesday, July 17, 2013

JULY 4TH 2013....

Sophia loves Grandma's chickens!  She is
holding Dolly here and both are happy about that.

Grandma Julie with Sophia and Jonah enjoying the chicks.

Oh boy, even Jonah is speechless over them!  (hehe)

Even Mama Mia gets a hold and a hug, even though
she thinks she is the boss lady around here!

Grandma Julie with her little darlings enjoying the parade.

Jonah just takes everything in and absorbs it.
What a sweet, pleasant boy he is!

I so love being with my daughters, Lindsey and Michael
and kids came to St. George to spend July 4th with us.

And no, this is not my new business, but if you want you
can call the number on the van and order some! ;)

Parades always have pretty girls, I love the temple
in the back ground!

Fireworks a couple of nights after the 4th, right out my
back door! St. George was celebrating 100 years since
the first hospital was built in St. George.

It felt like my very own fireworks, up close and personal.

The 4th was hot, so after the parade, we came
back to the house and played in the water. Here
is Darth Vader-Sophia...

Who knew, Darth is a deep sea diver!

Jonah LOVES Popsicles...

Ya think? I think so! Cutie-Pie.

Cougar jumped in right in time and saved
the little ones from that big old shark! 

He almost got a reward, but it was all gone!

Then Lindsey and Michael decided they were hot too...

Did they both get wet...YES!

We got the picket fence placed lower where it is supposed
to be, I think it looks really cute.

Just the right amount of room for 4 cute chickens!

It is nice to have a little door and be able to just walk in.
Yes, I always knock first and they always say; "Come in
but only if you are bringing treats!" And I always do.

Cougar hiding in the shade, a real cougar in the bush!

It has been hot for Cougar, he is not used to it
so we had him shaved. Between dipping in his
pool and staying in the house with us, he is
doing really good with it, but we can tell
that he is aging, getting white in his face.

Yes, he is doing very well, loves to sneak onto the couch...

Cougar, get down...ZZZZZZ snoring, I can't hear you...

Oh mom, I love this pillow and I am not moving...pleeeease.

We had a week of 115' heat, I lost it and cut my hair!

The chickens are getting big fast!

They are lovie-dovies here all cuddles together.

I am spoiling them with ice blocks and frozen watermelon
and grapes, lots of veggie kabobs. I keep the water mister
going and it takes the temps down nearly 20' they love it.

We put sand and tiny pebbles in the run, it makes it so much
easier to clean and keeps them clean too.

They are so tame and sweet, I go out a few times
each day and they just love to jump up on my lap
and then lay down and go to sleep!

I shaved my inside cat Sage...

She is such a shy little thing, I found her in a field when
she was a teeny tiny baby, she was all alone so I brought
her home. She only lets me hold and love on her and she 
hides under my bed if anyone comes to the house.

I put the curtain back for her so she can sit...

And watch the birds that come to the feeders, she loves that!

Well, Summer is here, it is so wonderful, loving everyday
of it! I see school supplies and cloths in the stores already,
gee, let the kids enjoy Summer first, please! 



NanaDiana said...

Julie- I am so happy to see a post from you- I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were. You look wonderful- I love the short hair cut. I get tempted sometimes but haven't grabbed the scissors yet.

Your family is as beautiful as ever. And look at all your sweet pets languishing in the heat.

We are in the high 90's here and have broken all kinds of heat records. We are usually a COOL community so we are not used to dealing with the heat.

God bless and I can see you are doing well- xo Diana

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Julie,
Diana is on the other side of Wisc. and yes, upper 90's today and humid as all get out.
I super love your short hair , it's very chic and very flattering!
The grands are so cute! That littlest guy just steals your heart.
Hugs friend,

Julie said...

oh I love all of this blog. What a catch up post. yay. The babies are just growing growing. guess they do that... slow down.....!!! the chicks are really growing too. Wondering if any have started laying. Wondered if you will get any blue-green shells. :-p I love your summer cut, and I also love the blue and white fireworks shot, wow. amazing capture. Hugs to you dear Julie. Continue to enjoy your summer, and keep spoiling those chicks they will reward you soon. Love all the animal pics too. wondered how old Cougar is now. My doggies are all going on 10 and picking up on the sleeping most of the day and showing white faces or white around the eyes and muzzles. slowing down. but what companions they are. love you! xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Julie! So I guess I left you a comment on Facebook about liking your hair pulled back ... YOU CUT IT?!!! It's fantastic! With a face as beautiful as yours, you could shave your head and it would still look good! (for real) So great to catch up on the happenings of your family here. I haven't seen a picture of little Jonah! What a DOLL he is! How fun for you that your grands just keep on coming! :)

Eileen said...

Your hair looks so cute, Julie! I've been letting mine grow out so I can pull it up in a bun or ponytail because it is so hot!

Your area for your chickens is so nice! I love their little house too. And, your cat Sage reminds me of my cat Misty. She'll only come to my daughter and I. Otherwise, she hides under the bed.

Your grandchildren are cute as always. Jonah still reminds me of a kewpie doll in that one photo. I remember seeing one of him on Facebook and I thought the same thing. :)
