Mollie got me thinking about bad hair days! I was looking over my pictures over the years and oh my, do I ever have some bad hair days. From the very beginning, my hair has been doing it's own thing...

Second grade brought this...what was my mother thinking...Star Wars buns on the side of my head? No wonder I was in such a daze!

Well, the funny buns are gone by third grade but but who was cutting my bangs?

I guess thebad hair days days at Sky View High were my fault, those juice cans we rolled our hair on apparently were not such a good idea after all!

By senior year it got a little better but after that it went up and down the scale of bad hair done in a WILD way.

Oh, I thought I'd throw this one in, anyone recognize these guys??? Thats me on the right fixing Craig Jessop's tie and the guy on the far left is Michael Ballam. Yes they went on to be famuos and I went ont with my bad hair days!

Then came the BIG hair days...what alot of work and perms, hairspray and ratting, but I hear big hair is BACK!!!

What was this...the out of control Marilyn Monroe days? My girls say it was my mid-life crisis days! Shave the sides (those star Wars days had some weird affect on me I think) and go blond...way blond.

Then the days come when your beautiful daughters come into their own and Mom steps back in awe to watch them shine! I regain my brains (because the bleaching has stopped) and enjoy them and all that go's on in their lives. Grandchildren come into the picture and all is well again!

I'm not saying my bad hair days are over, every once in a while I start talking about perms and cutting it all off and I hear;"Mom, don't you dare!" I'll repeat...Julie act your age but in my head I hear that little voice say,"Go for it!" Let's see your bad hair days ladies, if you dare!!!
Funny post mom! But you left out some of the worst ones from the 70's! And don't blame your mom for your bad childhood hair...There are some pictures of me with 3 foot high bangs that I could remind you of.
I love these pictures! I remember you the best with the big full hair. You and mom have such beautiful high school pictures! I do have to say the elementary pictures are hilarious and what a cute baby picture, I can't tell whether you look more like Grandma or Grandpa! I am so glad you are blogging this is so much fun!!
I'm digging the Star Wars buns. I never knew you affiliated with such "famous"people. At least you alway's have your beautiful face no matter what "phase" of life your hair is going through.
Ya Mom - I remember you "mid-life" crisis phase. You traded in your big family suburban for a sporty red car, you chopped off all of your long hair, bleached it blond, and then we packed up and moved to Loa! Ha ha. Glad those crazy days are over....It's fun to see all of these pictures of you through the years! Love ya.
I don't see to many of those days being bad hair days at all, just different styles through the years and you look great in all of them. I wish I had some pictures of my bad hair days, or some of my bad styles. I loved the pictures and those two famous guys too. You are lucky to have known them.
Hey! thanks for commenting on my blog, i love to find new people with blogs! i think it is fun that you are a blogger now! We are having fun up here in Utah but we miss our house in vegas, my hubby is traveling for the next 5 weeks though so we thought we would vacation for a bit instead of sitting home lonely. :) i love your new house location, its such pretty spot!
and i love this post, those hair pics are great! my mom has some dandys too. :)
Hey Julie! It was great to see you in church today and I'm glad you told me about your blog!! I just LOVE the pics of your great hairstyles over the years! :)
It was great to hear from you Mrs. Harward! Or I guess Julie, now that we are adults! I am glad i found your blog, it is fun to see what you are up too. The view from your house is beautiful. Aren't we blessed to call that little part of heaven home?
Hope all is well.
Hey Julie! Glad to see you're blogging! Isn't it so fun?! I love this post about your hair... so funny. I have had some doosey's in my younger years too. Yikes. Jed and I have a little Chihuahua named cougar too! How funny. I thought we were the only ones! What a cute puppy.
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