This was such a fun Easter for all of us...we celebrated on saturday beginning with a nummy breakfast, then the mommies & aunts filled around 300 eggs with goodies and money. The guys kept the little ones busy while we drove up into the beautiful canyon up behind our house, to hide eggs. It was a really nice day considering that a storm was supposed to hit our area.
Us gals had such a fun time hiding the eggs (it took a while), there were so many really neat places to hide them! My puppy Cougar was sure that we were laying out new toys for him..he'd pick them up as we layed them down, it took a while to get him to leave them alone. Plus we had my daughter Lisa's HUGE dog "Hudson" with us and My son's dog Jake..also Huge!!!
About 30 minutes later, here came the guys with all the kids..they were so excited, they jumped out of the truck and flew about to find the eggs. They were up/down the hills and screeming and yelling every time they found an egg in an awesome place! Then Michael&Lindsey dug trails for the eggs to role down the hill, with jumps( Michael is a trials bike rider) so they were great trails!
Everyone went to the top of the hill with the colored eggs and off the went down the hill. The only problem was that as they reached the bottom, the dogs were catching them and eating them! It was quite a race to get the eggs between the kids& the dogs! Lots of picture taking going on and then lots of smashing the eggs on each other, lots of squeels&laughter!!
Then we all went to check out a "cave" turned out to be a cool place to explore and two of the littlest monkeys in the family climbed higher(with help) than anyone else.
Just as we were ready to head back to the house, it started to snow/ was so beautiful!!
We had a great dinner together, spent the evening playing games, eating, just hanging out together watching a movie, playing pool and enjoying being together.
On Sunday we all went to church together, honoring our sweet Savoir, being so grateful for our blessings. Hope you had a great Easter too..I think Spring is finally "right around the corner"..there are lots of baby everythings around. Happy Easter to all...
Nothin' better then Easter in Wayne County!!! Looks like you all had a blast, too.
It looks like you guys had a great time! I laughed about Shane, "looking for someone to huck an egg at" that sounds like him when we were kids too, I guess some things never change :) LOL
It looks like you had a great Easter weekend, it's good to be surrounded by family!
That is awesome you stayed at the Armstrong Mansion, we actually toured all the rooms! So we saw the Christmas Room, with the huge tree. I love old buildings like that and the lady told us all about the family that lived there. I sometimes wish I had lived in SLC in the early days :)
Thanks for a great Holiday weekend. We had a great time with you and dad, the kids, and the dogs. Thanks for everything - it was lots of fun. I was going to post about our new toy but I guess you beat me to it. I better get on it!
This family activity looks and sounds like a total blast! I find myself just a little jealous that you have your children close enough to play together frequently. Mine are spread all over tarnation. However, they are ALL coming to Nauvoo in 2 months, and we are going to PARTY hard. Should we pretend it's Easter and hide eggs at the State Park? Down in the Grove (no that's too sacred a place to play like that!). We'll think of some fun things.
I'm sad we missed Easter weekend. Our Easter this year didn't really feel like Easter at all. I am still craving that carrot cake. I'd make it, but then I'd end up eating it all and gaining even MORE weight than I aleady am. :('s're pregnant..and it has lots of carrots in it!!!
Julie...your Easter looks like it was so much fun too! I really think that the recipe to a fun anything is FAMILY! must take you FAMILY and head to The-Hole-In-The-Rock...I've put more pictures on my go in and check them out now! I'll have to keep posting them...but if you go to Chelsie's and Larissa's blogs from my links...they have some nice pictures as well...Have a great day!
I have not visited your blog in a while. Love your posts, especially the ones of darling Caleb. It looks like you had a great time with your family on Easter.
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