I don't know why but when I see the first dandilions of spring, I get so excited! I just live their softness, when they are young and when they are old. When I was a little girl, I held many a tea party with dandilion stems as the appitizer...made wishes as I blowed the heads off the old ones...just LOVE them! On my way to the store, I took a detour and got lost in my love for this wonderful place that I live. Maybe it was the dandilions, maybe it was the warm morning sun, but I had to go. I've been mesmerized by mother nature since I could walk, and as you can see, I still am.

This has got to be the most blossom-filled tree in this county..SO PRETTY~

I love the new Spring grass...I love the color of "Spring Green", so alive!

I love the tall dry grass from last summer...

In this stream is some kind of grass..it is so green and looks so pretty with the water rushing over it! Did I mention that this stream is FULL of fish!

This creek winds lazily along this whole walk, one of my favorite walks.

A pair of contented ducks, not very bothered by me and the dogs.

Little streams, filled with frogs and such.."Give Said The Little Stream"~~

Cougar was in the water more than out..had to check out every little splash!

Outdoor sculpture? Mother nature did it herself along with some old farmer.

Sagebrush...I love the smell of it, especially just after it rains. When Ron was in Viet Nam, he had his Mom send him some in an envelope because he missed the smell of it so much.

Echoes of the past...every year, there is a family of birds in this old birdhouse, I always wonder who the farmer was who was kind enough to build it for them.

Cougar(he's 5 months old now)went off to visit the cows and then he couldn't figure out how to get through that fence and back to me, but he did it!

Along this walk...this herd of cattle are fun to watch as they watch me&the dogs
They love to stand in the middle of this creek that borders a small grove of old trees. The trees usually have a pair of eagles in the very top, who watch me&the dogs pass by..and I watch them, don't want them to swoop down and carry my Bojangles off!

Mr. Bojangles had so much fun, he even jumped in the creek, trying to impress Cougar I think because he's never done that before. He had to have a bath and a haircut when we got home!

Yes, I eventually got to the store but on the way, I also got my morning walk in and enjoyed the warm spring day. It was especially fun to see how much the dogs enjoyed our walk...Cougar spent more time in the water than on the road.
I love living in Wayne County, I get lost in all the places to explore, especially in this wonderful spring weather. I hope you'll get lost on your way to the store...and find something beautiful to fill your heart with, something that makes you feel like a kid again; the warmth of the sun, the flight of a butterfly, the song of a bird, the sound of the water, the colors~the smells of the earth waking up again. It's all so renewing to my heart&soul..hope you find it too.
Absolutely mesmerizing. I would LOVE to see that beautiful Utah countryside. But I will have to be content to watch the season unfurl here in Nauvoo. I especially loved the "sculpture"--as that's the type of things here that people use to decorate their yards. Down the street we can see an old buggy that used to be a hearse. Two old plowing instruments sit outside another home. And on the way to Carthage there is someone who has collected a number of old gas pumps that look like they came straight from "Back to the Future." Such fun! I enjoyed your ramble.
You are getting good at photography mom! Those pictures look great. I think your camera is better than mine, wanna switch? ;) Cougar is getting HUGE. Its a good thing he's a nice dog or else he would be pretty scary. He looks like he could eat you out of house and home!
Neat pictures, thanks for sharing! That looks like a great walk, I felt like I was right there with you :)
I love your spring pictures so much. It is really pretty in our valley this year too! Seems more green here than usual. I have to get out to take some pictures, but have been so busy with the wedding. I like to hope on my bike though and get some exercise that way. It is a lot quicker these days. But I do long for some good hikes and walks.
Beautiful pictures mom! I'm seeing a little hidden photographer in you come out. You have a talent for this, and an eye for beautiful things. Keeping snapping pictures - they're awesome!
Love ya!
You should really send some of your pictures to Michelle Coleman for the county website. They would be a great addition!
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