"Utah Summer Games."
My daughter Lindsey, who is a graphic arts designer, was asked to design the T-shirts and this what she came up with.
The owner who was sponsoring here her husband was really happy about her design.This the front of the shirts...
she can design anything! (www.LINDSEYNDESIGN.com)
sweet wife Lindsey, who is due to have their baby in a couple of weeks!
She was such a good sport to follow him all over in the wind and sun!
Way to go Michael!
we are so proud of him, he is such a kind, good young man.
and then we all had dinner together. Our little 2 year old
grandson Caleb with his new neighbor and friend, Ada.
She is a year older than him, so he is getting schooled about how girls are!
was tiny and how she loved the piano so much when she was just this age.
She grew up to be an excellent pianist on this very same piano!
her little feet are so fat that shoes don't fit her.....too cute!
It's quite the circus when we all get together but so fun!
Well, we had a really fun Fathers Day weekend, I hope you all did too.
It's good to be home... Summer is here, it's so mild and sweet and I
am loving it so much!
I need to get up earlier though for my morning walks
it's too hot for me and my dogs at even 60 degrees in the AM...then about 80 in the day.
~I hope you all have a great week~
Well, we had a really fun Fathers Day weekend, I hope you all did too.
It's good to be home... Summer is here, it's so mild and sweet and I
am loving it so much!
I need to get up earlier though for my morning walks
it's too hot for me and my dogs at even 60 degrees in the AM...then about 80 in the day.
~I hope you all have a great week~
Congratulations to Michael on his gold and on their new baby.
Those little babies, human and furry are adorable. It must be so much fun with so many to love.
You have such a talented family! Those pics of the little ones...so adorable and the puppy too.You have so many exciting things happening in your life..it makes mine seem rather boring!
Bellaboo ;0)
What a nice family you have. Adorable kid and cute little dogs!
Hi Julie,
Congratulations to Michael for the win!! It looks like y'all had a great weekend. Your hubby is so funny laid out on the rock napping.
All the grandbabies are just ADORABLE and all the pups are so cute! Glad you are getting some nice weather. Ours has been extrememly HOT already.
Oh my, I'd kill for 60 degrees! It's 100 or more here daily with high humidity ~ wayyy too much, too early. :-(
Congratulations to your SIL! He must be truly awesome...very accomplished.
The grands are totally adorable! I know it makes your heart happy to see and be with them.
Have a blessed week ~
What a wonderful weekend! Love seeing all the family! Congrats to Michael.
That TinkerBell is darling! Ollie too for that matter!
So many lovely family pictures, Julie. Precious post!
Wishing you a wonderful **Summer**
So glad that you had a great weekend! Congrats to your SIL! How fun!!
Enjoy the beautiful weather we are being blessed with :-)
Hi, sister friend...this, as usual, is such a sweet post.
One of my grandsons does motor cross racing..he's just turned 17 and has a whole room full of beautiful trophies. To watch him race is bittersweet for all of us...he loves the racing so much, it is a pleasure to see him enjoying himself. On the other hand, he crashed a couple yrs ago and broke his little back...and...sorry but I can't even talk abouty it without crying..finish later..he is ok, tho
that is so funny - my daughter is Lindsey Nicole too! I just did a post about her today!
Great logo your daughter made, Julie! And well-done to your son-in-law...how cool!
Love all the babies and the puppies...all so adorable!
Enjoy every summer moment, my friend!
Looks like a fun time. There's nothing better than spending time with your family!!
LOVE the photos of your cute grandkids!!
Congratulations !!!!
And no broken bones even better !!
Your photos are so sweet you have a lovely family.Nothing better than spending quality time supporting each other at events !
We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend too, glad you all had a great time. I love the pics of your grandbabies and puppies, Tinkerbell looks like a shih tzu :)
Congrats to your sil on his win.
Have a great Monday, come and say hi :)
Hi Julie,
Congrats to your sil, how very cool! He looks like quite the daredevil!
We have those state games in Wisconsin too. Their called the Badger State Games and my daughter went numerous times in figure skating. I loved it, it was so much fun!
And those grandbabies of yours are just the cutest! You are a lucky gal!
Hugs, Cindy
Hi pretty Julie! Oh, I just love coming to see you and your big family! Congratulations to Michael! Wow, that is some scary looking riding too. Your daughter is so talented with her designs! Oh, and the little grands - just precious! I'm just grinning my face off looking at that cute little Tinkerbell! Look at the cute little cocked to the side head! I'm sure it's so much fun at your house!
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Congratulations to Michael! My son would love doing that! I love your daughter's talent! What a fun weekend! Have a great week!
Love, Brenda
such talent! the shirts look great :) congratulations on the big win. when one family member wins its like the whole family wins, cause we just get so excited!dont you think! the kids are so adorable. glad you had a great weekend :)
Precious puppers, Precious babies, Wonderful Family moments. RAH for the exciting win... It's all good. Hope you are good and continuing to completely heal. Have a great week!! Enjoyed my visit. Hugs..
Congratulations to your talented children! I love the pictures of your grandbabies and dogs. They're all just adorable!
Congratulations to your son-in-law, that's amazing! Your daughter is definitely very creative! Looks like you had a great weekend :)
its so fun glimpsing into your big family of love :-)
Way to go Michael!!!! Grandkids are cuties. Ella sure is growing!
Congratulations to your SIL. Looks like something my boys would enjoy doing. Glad you had a great Father's Day with the family. That is the best way to spend the day...after church.
It sounds like a great weekend all around!!
Congrats to your son in law!
Wow, great t-shirts Lindsey. I am so impressed!! Love the pics of the kiddos and the doggies!!
Lots of fun and good times happening at the Harward's this weekend! :)
Trials is a grueling sport. Congrats to him for winning it all!
Glad you had such a fun weekend. You must be feeling better! Yes!
wow congratulations to your talented son...and all his cheerleaders...YIPPEE
Well, it wasn't until I looked on your side bar, that I saw your "award free" sign...But I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your loving and kind posts,that you leave each time I come for a visit...so I shall leave you on my list...and just know you are loved and appreciated
...smile on Rosie
What a fab weekend and what an adorable family you have, even the furry ones!! It's always so much fun visiting you! xxoo
That's a lot of little babies you have around you. I love it! I can't wait to have many more....
What a fun life you lead! Congrats on you SIL's victory...and I'm excited for your baby girl. We are hoping to have one today or tomorrow too!
Wow...Congratulations to your Micheal..that is something! I love all your sweet images...what a lovely family you have my friend. xoxoxo
babies and dogs...be still my heart. but 60 degrees? Girl you would just plain burn up out here! We have had heat advisory every day this week for mid 90's and at least 57% humidity. The garden is going nutso in this hothouse we live in. I use the AC.
CONGRATS Michael!!!!!!!!! I love the t-shirts too=0) Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with all the ones you love. I especially love the bubbly babes in the tub....so darling.
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment.
Have a great day,
Congrats to Michael...what a talented guy and your daughter is obviously, as well. Love those cute Grandbabes. They are all so adorable.
Hi Julie - thanks for stopping by. I just love all your posts. Are all you children married with children? I can just imagine how much fun Christmas get-togethers must be. Congrats to Michael for doing what he loves. Cute grand-kids and furries too. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Julie, the grandchildren and doggies are so cute~ I like the picture of your husband soaking up the sunshine best!
What a beautiful and talented family. I can see why your daughter's graphic design was so well liked. It is hard to come up with just the right designs , designs to sum up a business, and attract attention in the best, succinct way, then have the design look good on whatever the business wants to print it on. She did it!And well.
More grandchildren, blessings, blessings, blessings.
What a fun weekend! And the fact that your SIL won, was just icing on the cake!
Loved the pic of your hubby sleeping on the rocks! :)
Hi Julie. :) Thanks for the sweet note you left me today. I'm always excited when someone enjoys my blog.
The motorcycle pictures are so neat! Michael is defying gravity in that picture going over the boulders. Yikes! Congratulations to him on the big win.
Your grandkids are adorable! I love babies. :)
congratulations to Mikael ! lovely babies ! i love the puppy, so sweet!
Hi Julie,
I enjoyed reading your post, and all of the pictures. Congratulations to Michael on his medal! How exciting! I love all the pictures of your grandkids...they are so precious! :) Also love the puppy pictures. Have a wonderful day!
Congrats to Lindsay and also to Mike. They are a winning combination for sure! The babies are adorable, the puppies too. What a happy family you have, Julie!
Congratulations to Michael on his win... well done. You must be very proud.
Love the photo's of your grandchildren... bet you can't wait to meet the next little one :)
My goodness, those photos are to die for! What beautiful children. Congrats on the new one.
Hi Julie-
How exciting for your family!
Your daughter's design was wonderful.
It looks like you are having a great summer with your family-
White Spray Paint
My what talent Lindsey has Julie, I really like the thumbs up design. And congratulations to Michael on his win, and if he is anything like my Michael, you have a winner there. lol love the pic. of him holding Lindsey.
And julie you know how much I love family and what a joy to see those adorable grand children, I too always enjoyed bath time with them.
I am so glad you are having such perfect weather, we are under a big heat wave here in the south, heat index well over 100.
As always I am so blessed when I visit you.
Enjoy your week.
Hi Julie~
Forgive me if I am MIA... I have been sick for 14 days and even had a trip to the ER ON fathers day. I am super weak today and have a stomach cramps. Anyway, i HOPE i feel better soon, taking care of kids is hard when you feel rotten. LOVE ALL the pics. of your sweet grandkids. Congrats to your SIL, AND your daughter did great designing the shirts, love them. I enjoy all your posts. Hugs, Loves, Jenn
OH... I LOVE the pic. of your grandbabies at the PIANO! Start those musicians YOUNG!!! They are adorable! Woot Woot to your Champion...very cool! And I got a kick out of your hubby sleeping in the SUN! I am just dying going to Dallin's summer baseball games...uughh! It is supposed to be 110 here tomorrow..."SIZZLE"!!! Looks like your sum...sum...summmertime is filled with FUN!
Congrats to your SIL!! I know how difficult that can be. Hubby and sons are avid riders, just scares the daylights out of me.
Your grand children are adorable, so many blessings.:)
Also, thanks for posting pictures of your Tinkerbell, I've wondered what your Shih Tzu looks like, she is adorable! I love her coloring and markings.
The Tattered Tassel
Oh my goodness! Looks like a fun filled weekend! My hubby participates in the senior games in St. George.
Have a great day
Dogs and Grandbabies!
No wonder it was a THUMBS UP weekend!
Love the tee shirt!
Love the new cherries on your blog!
Soooo cute!
Happy Night Sweet Girl!
Hope you are feeling like your happy cheerful sweet self!
it looks like it was a wonderful weekend...I am just loving summer! I love fat little baby feet too.....
Your grandkids are adorable, I love the bathtub photo. Congratulations to Michael.
Congratulations to Michael. That's quite the accomplishment! In his younger years, my husband used to mountain bike competitively. At one point he was rated #3 on the east coast for his age group!
It's always so loving coming here. Such a big wonderful family.
It's terribly hot here but some relief is supposed to come within the day. It will probably bring a storm. Just hope we're not driving in it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Those pics of Tiffany's little ones melted my heart!!!
Congrats to Michael on his gold medal.
Your post was filled with beautiful photos of sweet family. I really liked the one with hubby all stretched out on the rock.
thanks for sharing your wonderful family today.
That really was a great weekend!!
Congrats go to your SIL - always great when you can excel at something you love!
Your daughter is talented - I'm so glad you put her info up there for the shirts. That could come in handy for family reunions!
Finally your grandbabies are all sooo sooo darling!!!
Wow!! Congratulations to them, that is way cool!! I love, love, love the pictures of your GRAND~babies, that are so precious! I know you just eat them up :)
Julie your grandchildren are some of most beautiful children I have ever seen. Gorgeous!
My heart melted when I saw Tinkerbelle. Oh what an adorable little Shih-stzu face she has. I still miss my two boys...I had Teddy and Bear for almost 15 years.
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