The WINNER of my GIVE A WAY is.....
MARY SUE...from the blog....SNICKERDOODLES
Congratulations Mary...send me your address and
I will get this mailed off to you this week!
We are seeing lots of bikers go by and lots of Harley Davidsons roaring past.
I think they love the red mountains behind our home.
over the mountains,
watching the beautiful clouds dance across the sky!
buy a loaf of bread and a lily with the other."
like writing a poem or saying a prayer."
but also in the flowers and clouds and stars."
(Can you see the little bumblebee?)
This is our little Jack....he is a special needs kind of kitty.
He came limping up to me on three legs one morning as I was out on a walk.
He had a broken shoulder and injuries...I had to bring him home with me!
Jack has recovered nicely but Cougar loves to drag him around the yard...
loving on him too roughly...chewing on him a bit! And Jack just lets him!
So I have him in the house for some R&R...he is doing you can see,
he loves our parakeets!
Hope Summer has come to where you's just getting here
and I am loving the warmth on my back and mild peacefulness of it all.
Yay for "Good Old Summertime!"
Hope Summer has come to where you's just getting here
and I am loving the warmth on my back and mild peacefulness of it all.
Yay for "Good Old Summertime!"
That is so beautiful. All of it.
I love the flowers. The colors are so vibrant.
Your farmhouse looks like a dream. I love your red door.
I just love your blog!
Congrats to the lucky winner!
Love the pictures of your front porch!! FUN!! HAPPY!!
You can always tell when it's summer at our house too. The road to the Mountain is now open and the traffic is CRAZY!! I always threaten to take a day and do nothing but sit on my porch and count cars!! ;-)
Enjoy the sun! :-)
Julie your flowers are so pretty and your place is lovely. It is too hot here right now to enjoy outside. I went to water my flowers and that's about all I can take. Still I love summer!! Congrats to your winner!! I think your kitty Jack looks like a sweetie!! Cute photo on the bird cage!!
Well, I can see why the tourists are snapping pictures of your place ~ it is beautiful. Your front entrance is so warm and welcoming and the flowers are gorgeous.
Congratulations to your lucky winner!
Jack on the bird cage - - - what a fun/cute/funny picture!
Such beautiful photos, Julie! What a lovely spot of the world you live driving through there...
Hope you're having a most wonderful day, my friend!
Your home is so beautiful, I know why tourists are stopping to take pictures!
I just edited my post on squash blossoms with a link on how to tell male from female blossoms and some wonderful squash blossom recipes. Come back and see!
Congrats to your lucky winner. So funny to have people park on the highway and start taking pictures of your house...who can blame them. We are all home stalkers, aren't we?!! It's all in fun and I'm sure your home brings a smile to their faces.
Lovely Julie! How sweet and colorful.I love the cat too.How cute.Poor thing, I hope hes going to be a bit better.
Well I see they sell those little cage things that catch all of the seed the parakeets spill.Can you believe they dont sell them around here anymore.I cant find ONE.Im disgusted,why did they stop selling something like that.Anyway..
Happy Thursday ahead!HUGS!
Congrats to Mary Sue!
I love summertime too...but gosh it is so HOT already here in southeast Alabama. We finally got some much needed rain today...not much but I'm not complaining.
Enjoyed your photos today...blessings to us from God.
PS: I love all of the flowers too, flowers are my favorite.
Hey Julie, I don't blame them for taking pics. That is a majestic site. That is incredible that you get to be surrounded by such spectacular nature right in your own backyard and front yard! I like your new ride too. OH, I like your kitty, poor baby! Love the front porch too. Blessings and hugs.
Julie I am in love with your red door! Your home is beautiful and your gardens so colorful - it all looks very very welcoming!!
Awww cute Jack :) Love all your pics today Julie. It's summertime for sure here, high 90's all week, I'm already thinking of Fall :-/ When it gets this hot I just want to stay inside all the time, not to mention the mold and grasses are killing my allergies!
I LOVE all of your pictures but Jack and Cougar are just too CUTE!! I'm so glad you rescued Jack...he now has a wonderful, loving home.
Your home looks beautiful and love the outside decorations. I see why all those people would want to bike in that area. It is definitely summertime here. High 90's all week!!!
Congratulations to your winner.
Your front door painted red, with that beautiful dog is quite the sight! Just beautiful! And the flowers and the cute kitty, maybe we should go to Utah.
Actually, this summer has to be somewhere within 1000 miles since we will be driving.
I do want to get to Utah someday. Hubby has been there, and he thought it was spectacular!
Hugs, Cindy
LOved your post Julie! How fun to read down through it. A breath of fresh air after a very very busy running day. Ahhhhhh. Love all the flowers and sayings, and of course Cougar and Jack -precious! When my doggies start to chase after Sebby-cat, I find myself saying GENTLE! GENTLE!! Sebby weighs 22 pounds so they couldn't pick him up and drag him around even if they wanted to LOL! Have a wonderful Thursday!
Hugs sent across the blue skies and summer days..
We finally hit 70 degrees here today!
I absolutely love your red door.
Yea to Mary Sue! My dear friend! She loves aporns! It will go to a good home! Nice summer time picts! :)
I think I'd stop and take pictures of your house, too! :)
We have parakeets....and when our cats were still alive, they would amuse themselves around the birdcage just like that! :)
Congrats to Mary Sue!
I love the saying you posted about having two pennies left and buying bread and a lily. One must have food for your body and mind. . .
I see you have been walking with camera in hand lately. I just love doing that. The flowers are gorgeous. That Cougar is one handsome dog. What a great life he must have with you. Jack is a lucky kitty to have wandered into your arms. He probably knows that and loves you for it. Always enjoy your posts, Julie. Have a great evening. Deb =^..^=x5
Congratulations to Mary Sue..I hope she enjoys her apron as much as I have!!
Love the front sure draws you in. I'm glad you showed your Milk Jugs..I have one..and I was wondering what two little holes on the side up at the top were hang the lid..I quess with some wire..interesting!!
Are all those flowers in bloom up there? They are delicious looking. The colors are so rich!!
Enjoy your beauty up there!!
Hugs....Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
So glad summer has finally reached you Julie! Your flowers are beautiful!!! We are enjoying a cooler day here after some upper 90's over the weekend. ~Eileen :0)
Such a cute post. Love all the beautiful photos, but the one with your special needs kitty sitting on top of the parakeets is hilarious!
lovely summer images.
I have a jack too- he hovers over the chicken cage!
Happy happy summer
God does show us who He is in His wonderul creation! I love all the fun parts of this post. But your red door is my favorite!
Julie, I laughed so hard when I read the comment you left for me! What do I do when all these fashion mavens invite me to a party. I am pretty upscale myself, but I am not what you call fashion forward. More relaxed classic!
So I just made a little fun at my own expense. I'm glad you got it.
You are too cute! Now, you gave ME my laugh for the day!
Hi, Julie,
Congratulations to your lucky winner!! I love your red front door, so bright and cheerful. I am glad summer has arrived for you. Your flowers are gorgeous. Jack and Cougar are both sweethearts. I am glad Jack found his way to you so that he could find loving care. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend. Love to you~ Vicki
Hi Julie, I love your site, do come and visit me to see my thoughts for a party honoring Catherine of a Shiny Pebble!
Art by Karena
~thanks for your little tour today~I hope summer arrives soon here! It is just bound too!
Happy Thursday to you!
beautiful flowers! everything is blooming! I would be in awe every day if I lived in your house! such beautiful scenery!
Julie, I loved all these photos and beautiful. I thank God for people like you to take in and love Kitten Jack...poor little thing!
All your welcome signs on your porch are lovely...truly a place to sit and have a chat!
This post did make me feel like I wanted to come for a visit. Beautiful home, lovely setting, gorgeous flowers and marshmallow clouds! And you! I am so glad we've met!
I bought all my ingredients for the Cherry Pie Salad for Jim's retirement party on Saturday night. You just combine the ingredients by stirring without blending in a blender, right? Yours looks so smooth like a parfait or something. We are excited to try it! Thanks, Julie!
The area you live in is so beautiful. I love your red front door. I have a huge star I put up at Christmas just like that.
Hugs for a great day sweet one. xoxoxo
Congratulations to your apron winner!
Thanks for sharing your ride with us, and for all the pictures of the flowers!! They are gorgeous!!!
Have a great day :)
BTW...we LOVED the cherry pie salad! Gonna make the Macaroni Lemon today or tomorrow! I'm gonna post pics on my blog like I do all my recipes and I will link to your blog!
What a thrill to win your darling, vintage apron. Thank you for it but also for your fun, inspiring blog. I'm so glad I "found" it. I'll email you my address. Happy day wishes.
I am in love with your front door! Mine is painted red too, but it isn't as cute as yours! :)
These are such fun pictures today too! Oh my word ... your kitty, that puppy! LoVe! xo
Dear Julie
Oh my goodness.....I love your red front door! It is so warm and welcoming...inviting one in!
Thanks for coming to the rescue of little Jack! He is so cute!
The flowers are beautiful...I love all the different colors!
I love your front porch and I would love to have views like you have out your porch. That is too funny your kitty on the birdcage. He wants those birds bad. Be careful he may turn that over and get to them. I had one do that one time.
I have said it before, I love love the landscape in your beautiful little corner of the world, Julie. The flowers against the mountains... awesome.
Your entrance is very welcoming and happy!
Have a lovely afternoon and evening, sending a big kiss across the blue blue ocean. xx
I would so come knock on that red door if I was ever in the neighborhood!
"Hi" friend!
Looking back over your posting. Such a sweet kitty! And your pictures are fabulous.
I invision you all have a big Father's Day weekend.
Y'all take care!!
Ladybug Creek
Gorgeous summertime images! Cougar looks so happy! And poor little Jack, his story is so sad...but I'm sure he knows how lucky and loved he is! Have a great Father's Day weekend!
Beautiful flowers! Jack is very lucky you came along.
Even though it is Winter here in Brisbane I feel all warm and Summery in my office now-thank you! What a great post.
Hope your weekend is wonderful and that you enjoy your long summer days.
Best wishes,
I love your stories and your place is so inviting! Love your decorations!
Writing down all the baby shower recipes!!!! OH YUM!
I am planning on stopping at your place next time we go south. OK! I would love to say hi and give you a big hug! :)
Hi Julie!
Yep... I think it our missionary meal turned out pretty great :)
It was last night, and today it has been gorgeous!!
My two missionaries always tell me that that best thing to feed missionaries is breakfast---'cause they never have time to eat more than poptarts :)
I think they will remember this 'breakfast' for a while !!
Summer is beautiful where you live!!
Lucky, lucky winner....CONGRATULATIONS!!
LOVE your red door!
UMMM JULIE~ I WANT YOUR RED DOOR. My dream home is a older home with a wrap around porch and a darling red door. I adore your door and star, your porch look so darling, and that cute welcome sign. love it!
i ADORE all the flower pics. and sweet messages you put with them. I adore the cloud pics. too. I adore you as well. hUGS, have a great night~ Jenn
the flowers are wonderful and the kitten is so sweet....I have a yellow lab and he tries to carry my bunny around in his mouth....Part of being a retriever I guess.....
Ah welcome summer!...heat and all, I love it! Beautiful photos Julie, I can't believe people take photos of your cool!
Wishing you lot's of warm sunny days!!
Hi Julie! Oh, I'll say it again - what a gorgeous area you live in! Is that snow up on that mountain? Your front door and porch is so charming and inviting. Your little kitty is so cute! Now is he fishing for a birdie?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love your red door! What an inviting front entrance.
Hope you have a wonderful summer :)... it's getting cold here :(
Nikki xx
Congratulations to Mary Sue.
I love the way you have your front porch decorated. It looks so inviting plus it is all my style!
The flowers look so beautiful.
Have a great weekend.
Hello dearest...Oh it has been so very long, since we have had a good is sooo busy right now please forgive my tardiness...I saw you drivin' by the other were hanging out the window, with your camera extended in two hands {guessing you had to stabilize against the wind}...I think you were driving with your right knee...and not swerving too terribly...LOL...have fun with your new silver bullet...have a lovely weekend Rosie
Hi Julie,
Funky weather? My fireplace is roaring and it's 42 degrees here! So glad it's looking up down your way. We are hoping for a warmer week.
Your summer porch is delightful and all the flower pix, beautiful. So glad you've been out cruzin' and enjoying your days. Have a fabulous weekend!
Congratulations to Mary Sue (what a cute name for a blog Snickerdoodles)!
Cougar looks so cute on the bench (we have a Golden too - aren't they the best)! I love the red birdhouse behind him an that cute "Bless our Home" sign!
Summer is here in Atlanta! It feels like August already!
Beautiful pics!!!
This is an overwhelming beauty indeed! What else to say, than thank you for sharing yourself with us!
You live in a magical place! I feel like summer's right around the corner finally! Mimi
Oh, Julie, you always have the sweetest posts. Your gentle spirit and sweet soul is always so evident in everything you do for us. My thanks for the calmness your blog leave me with.
xo bj
Hi Julie!
What fun summer reminders !
Your home is marvelous...I remember when I first came to your blog, I was in awe of the landscape behind your house! It is amazing...
It's also just great that such a wonderful family occupies that sweet spot on the planet! You spread that joy and love all over the world in this blog too!
Thank you for being a good steward of your time and gifts ♥
blessings always!
Oh Julie, Your world is just beautiful! You thoughts are so close to mine:) all of your quotes are some of my all time favorites. The cloud show was breath taking. Enjoy the party and thanks for visiting!
OXOOX, Kelley
Lucky Mary Sue! How lucky are you too ! To live where people actually take photo's of your place because of it's beauty!
Poor little jack! How sweet of you to take such good care of him!
Ahhh, your yard looks perfect. I love your little cat. Hope he doesn't find away into that cage.
WOW - just found your blog today. It's amazing! I shall enjoy reading it every day. Farmer
I love your porch and could sit there for hours, watching the clouds drift by. As always you see things in life that we all need to be reminded of.--Inger
Congratulations to the winner! You make summertime look so inviting! And your front entrance is so welcoming! Love the sweet kitty! Have a wonderful weekend. blessings,Kathleen
Hi Julie...your front porch is so welcoming...beautiful. What a sweet dog and kitty. How do you take care of the parakeets. I had one once and it died rather fast I would love a bird again.
Such a lovely place to call home!
Yeah -- me too I had to drive 2 miles along side a group of kids on biks and about 30 or so motorbikes behind me that day too! It's summer - grining ear to ear - could it be summer!Love your photos -- I too went on a drive today - off the beaten path thou and not in a new car - happy for you!
I LOVE your red door and the "Texas" star! :-) Two of my favorite things...
The flowers are gorgeous too! Oh my, I'd love some cooler temps...high 90's here and 100 or more the past couple of days and forecast for the week. Of course, we have the humidity too. I am trying to recall the icy weather of last winter with all the snow. :-)
Have a blessed Sunday ~
Love your flowers can I see a big picture please? You are such a softie..I would do the same thing.
What a fun inspiring blog! Love the star on that beautiful red door. Michelle :)
Wishing you a MARVELOUS MONDAY...filled with much giggling,smirking and of coarse a few smiles thrown in for good measure...
...xoxo ROSE
Welcome to summer!!
Love all those beautiful flowers.
Beautiful sky and flowers.
Your little Jack is so cute.
Such lovely flowers! Seeing your pictures makes me almost want to take up gardening....which says something, coming from me! Unfortunately, it's been confirmed that I have a black thumb. At this point, the only thing that I grow are new dresses and quilts!
Lovely, lovely flowers!!!!!!
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