called...."Horses Know the Way Home: Feel the Connection." You have
got to go check it out if you love horses like I do. The horses name is Brenda,
and her owner is Brian and he has become one with her and these cute dogs.

1 yellow cake mix
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 (20 oz.) can pumpkin
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. baking powder
3 eggs
1/2 cup of oil
Blend together, and if desired add:
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup pecans
Pour in a loaf pan and bake at
350' for around 45 minutes.
Cool and frost
"Cream Cheese Frosting"
3 oz. cream cheese
3/4 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1 T. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
drizzle over cake.
And one more goodie...

In a small saucepan melt:
1/2 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 T. corn syrup
over medium heat...
stirring a bit.
Pour mixture onto a large,
greased cookie sheet. Spread
to cover surface. Now, Place
12 slices Texas toast bread
in a single layer to cover pan.
Mix together:
5 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups half and half
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Spoon egg mixture over each
piece of bread. Cover and put in
fridge over night.
Bake uncovered at 350'
for about 30 minutes.
Serve with Buttermilk syrup.
"Buttermilk Syrup"
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup buttermilk
Melt and boil 2 minutes.
Turn off burner and add:
1/2 tsp. baking soda
and 1 tsp. vanilla
Stir. Mixture will foam.
Keep refrigerated.
I got this recipe from the Willard Richards Inn at Nauvoo.
This one is all paisleys of: red, white,blue and greens.
Along with this sweet apron... I will be sending you some
other goodies to go along with it. A simple but fun
giveaway....and all you have to do is...
leave a comment!
****The WINNER will be chosen Monday 8th****
Sending you all my love and best wishes for a very...
It's been so nice and warm here all week,
it felt good to clean house and get all my
windows washed inside and out! Now winter
is welcome!
Along with this sweet apron... I will be sending you some
other goodies to go along with it. A simple but fun
giveaway....and all you have to do is...
leave a comment!
****The WINNER will be chosen Monday 8th****
Sending you all my love and best wishes for a very...
It's been so nice and warm here all week,
it felt good to clean house and get all my
windows washed inside and out! Now winter
is welcome!
Your daughter and her family are beautiful. What wonderful photos!
Creme Brulee French Toast....yummy!
I love that apron! Would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you Julie!
Happy November Julie! Your daughter has such a beautiful little family.
Your daughter is beautiful and so is her family!
Your daughter looks so young and so much like her Mom!
What cute little grands!
Beautiful family and photos!! You're killing me with these delicious recipes!! Yumm!!
Did you enter my giveaway yet?
Another beautiful extension of your family. Precious babies..LOVIN those cowboy boots! little tough man... I can NOT keep making these recipes..I will be a BLIMP!!! OH they look so good though.. You have the sweetest giveaways Julie... Thanks for your wonderful bloggy sister love and friendship. Love to visit. Hugs.
Beautiful Horse!
What a lovely apron! Maybe I will win! :)
~ Blaire
Your daughter and her family are beautiful---they look like movie stars! The recipes sound soooo yummy. Now,if I could just get somebody else to cook them for me... LOL
Julie -- those pics of your daughter and her little family are stunning really! What a beautiful backdrop. Anything with creme brule in is calling my name. I think I have tried a buttermilk syrup before. Yum! Joni
Julie I always enjoy photos of your beautiful family. Those recipes look so yummy! This is the time of year I get the urge to bake! So a nice apron would be a wonderful thing to win! Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow! Your daughter and family look like models. Did you take these beautiful shots? Your daughter looks so much like you!
Cute apron, and those recipes look SO yummy too!!!
Happy November to you and yours! :)
xoxo Gloria
Julie what a beautiful family. She looks like you! I will definitely be back to get some recipes. Trying to head out the door to church. Thanks for sharing your recipes and pics. Would love to get me an apron!
Oh, my mouth is watering! Yum! Both recipes look very good!
What a sweet, beautiful family your daughter has!
Hi Julie!
Great to visit! The horse picture is beautiful. I'm laughing, since my name is Brenda and.....I will have to email you for what I want to say. At first, I thought Julie is playing a trick on me! :D LOL.................
The pictures of your daughter and her family are adorable!
What a FUN GIVE A WAY! I would LOVE to win! The recipes look GREAT!
Thanks for visiting my Christmas posts! You always brighten my day!
Have a heart felt day!
Love, Brenda
Lovely photos of your family. You have gorgeous daughters, Julie., but how could you not? Your recipes are amazing. They are always something I really like. I will get to them.....soon. Thanks for dropping by and love the little apron. C..u..t..e! Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
What a beautiful family photo.
I would love to win that apron.
Your grandkids are so cute.
Have a wonderful day.
Julie..gorgeous the photos!
Yummy dessert!
You've been tagged!
Come and see me!
Deborah xo
Your daughter has such a beautiful family. Wonderful shots of all of them.
That first picture of the horse is so pretty.
What a cute apron that is too
have a great day
Boy, you couldn't even pick who is the most beautiful in that little family because they all are!!!!
You are a lucky mom and grandma for sure! (I bet you looked just like your daugher at that age too.)
Julie, your family is so precious!! Your grandchildren, daughter and son in law are so gorgeous!!
Your life from my point of view is a dream that everyone would love to have.
That pumpkin bread looks yummy. And I gotta win your give away! LOL
Your daughter is so pretty Julie and looks a lot like her Mama!
Great family pic and great recipe too!
What an adorable little family! Love that buttermilk syrup recipe. Now I have to have that on my pancakes, the storebought stuff just won't do! Mimi
My name in Brenda too. lol I love to read your blog your spirit radiates right through the computer. Cute pictures and yummy recipes. Thanks
What a lovely family. They are all so photogenic, Julie! Both of those recipes sound delicious. I think I will try the pumpkin bread first.
Hope you had a wonderful day! Hugs! :0)
Love the photo and the sentiment ...horses DO always know the way home. When I was a teenager, I used to ride my horse three miles to our house on Fridays so I would have more time riding her on Saturday. We lived in a suburb of Houston just two miles from NASA so it was NOT a horse friendly neighborhood. One Saturday, I got up to find she had untied herself and opened the gate. My dad put me and my tack in his pickup and we retraced the route I had taken when I rode her to the house. Sure enough, we saw telltale signs along the way that she had taken that route in her escape. We found her two miles from the house. Someone had caught her by the lead rope she was dragging and tied her to a stop sign so she wouldn't cross the highway. She looked SO disappointed when we drove up. LOL
I enjoy your posts very much, Julie. Thanks for the recipes!
Your daughter and her little family are just so sweet and beautiful. I love their photo's - whoever did those did a wonderful job of capturing them and the scenery around them is gorgeous too!
OHHHH my your pumpkin bread with the drizzled frosting looks soooo goood!!! YUM!
Lovely family for sure Julie. Caleb is just so cute, lovin his boots lol.
Oh my the recipes you have,loving the pumpkin one.I will have to try it.You have so many recipes I was wondering if you had a carrot cookie one.If you do email me,my email is on my right sidebar.
Oh count me in for the apron.I dont own an apron lol.Do you believe it.Oh and my birthday is Thannksgiving day it would be a great gift,;) lol.Kidding of course.
Enjoy the rest of the week dear Julie!
Oh I just have to win that apron, it's fantastic.
I love that horse. I'm going to take a photo of two horses out at the barn for you. They are truly the largest horses I've EVER seen. One is Captain 18 hands if not taller and the other (I can't remember his name) a beautiful blong that has to be 19 hands. It really a sight to see someone ride them. They are so gentle, but when they get into a nice trot, the ground vibrates.
Yum! I will have to try that pumpkin recipe, I LOVE pumpkin!
Once again, your family is beautiful!
p.s. Pick ME, lol! :)
Your daughter is beautiful like you. Such a beautiful family. You are very blessed as you know. The recipes look yummy.
It would be sweet to win your handiwork.
What a beautiful family...your daughter is gorgeous...nut doesn't fall far from the wouldn't be the right saying for this occassion would it? How about the petal doesn't fall far from the rose...much prettier sounding, don't you think?
Her whole family is beautiful. That is such an inadequate word sometimes, isn't it? You know I mean it though.
I wish I had time to bake this week...I would try that pumpkin bread...alas I am on a heavy work schedule and barely can type tonight. Next week...pumpkin bread! Hugs- Diana
Beauties indeed!!
LOVE the horse...gorgeous!!
Talk about gorgeous...your daughter and her family. My, oh my!! You should be proud!! :-)
The apron isn't bad either!! ;-) my ..your family is gorgeous!...& thanks for the reciepe! pumpkin!
Me me meeee!
Love the Apron ! Beautiful family pictures ! Your daughter and family are just precious ! You are such a great cook ! Great recipes !
Thank you for saying hi :)
Julie I'm here! I've been meaning to drop by. You and your wonderful blog photos always make me happy!
Look at the adorable horse and tiny doggies together. Ooooohhhh I LOVE that photo! Thank you for showing us. You know I love it so much being an animal lover.
Your daughter and her two children should be in a fashion magazine. They are a gorgeous looking family. Stunning faces on those babies! You can tell they are wonderful and kind as well. I know you are proud of them all.
Now the food is beyond scrumptious looking. You always make me hungry Julie! Yum-O!!!
Loved seeing this post and you too!
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Gorgeous apron, did you make it?
Your daughter and her family are beautiful and those are wonderful pictures.
Have a blessed day.
Julie..the pictures are great..if you were the one taking them..great job girl!! I agree Ella Mae does have a cute personality..that shines thru the pictures!
The recipes do look yummy..Love the TEXAS toast one..of course I would like that type of
I will check out the horse blog..I do love my horses!
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
I never tire of learning all about you sweet family! Such great photos and lots of good memories being made. Sigh, my mouth is watering over that french toast... looks like a must try :) Thanks for sharing!
Yes, the photo in my pic was my beloved Golden, Dakota who passed away a year ago at 12 years old :)
Blessing to you Julie
Julie I missed the apron giveaway!?!? What was I thinking? I love it! You are so kind to offer this to us. I would be honored to win. Tank you for the chance sweet friend! :)
You're so generous...
I always love popping by here to see what you have never let me down with your delicious recipes! :)
Your daughter has a beautiful family and the recipes look yummy!
I am loving Caleb's boots-ha! And, that Ella---she is a little doll. What a darling family. Thanks for the recipes. I love historic, from "days gone-by", recipes. Glad you have such good weather for window washing. I think "old-man-winter" is starting to howl around here-ha! Snowflakes are on tap for Friday! Have a wonderful day.
Oh--almost forgot to enter your pretty apron give away. Thank-you.
Hi Julie,
Sounds like you are on your way to a wonderful November!
The pictures of your daughter and and her family are just great. :o)
The Tattered Tassel
What a beautiful family, and such a blessing in your life :)
Yummy looking treat too!
Hope you have a great day !
Gorgeous family, delicious recipes and great giveaway. You know how to make my day! I'm doing an apron giveaway too! Probably post it tomorrow. Thanks for sharing the recipes. They are going in my file.
More gorgeous family, Julie! Your bread looks scrumptious too, and I love the fabric on your apron. Thanks for the chance to win it!
Nice pictures and the pumpkin bread looks scrumptious!!
I love this time of year, too, although we don't get much "fall" here in Louisiana. That's why I love visiting Utah in the fall and winter.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Julie! Your daughter is gorgeous and she looks like her beautiful mother. What a precious family and love those sweet smiles.
Oh, yummy, this looks good - the pumpkin bread and that french toast! I'm getting fatter just looking at these delicious things!! :)
What a cute apron! Please enter my tiny name in your give away.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
The pictures of your family are wonderful! Love the one of the horse and dogs too. And mmmmm to the delightful recipes!!! Have to try these, thanks for sharing!
Oh Julie,what a beautiful daughter and handsome family they is precious!!
The pumpkin bread looks delicious and I decided to make it when I saw it...that was before I saw the french toast which one do I choose? Hmmm....
Oh, Julie. Your daughter and her family are just beautiful! And, I LOVE Brenda with the little dogs! A gentle giant! The recipes look great too and the apron is so pretty! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs ~ Tanna
Julie, I LOVE the paisley apron. Beautiful family pictures of your daughter. She is a VERY pretty woman. More recipes to try.
I have shared your pumpkin bread recipe all over the place today. Going to be a lot of pumpkin bread baking around here. Come see my new blog and enter my Thanksgiving giveaway-
That Creme Brulee French Toast looks unbelievably awesome!
Your daughter, her hubby and both children are MOVIE STAR PRETTY. Oh, my, how you love them!
Beautiful picture of the horse..and I am absolutely scared to death of a horse. I am such a city gal that I just haven't been around them very much. They are so BIIIIG....
You KNOW I am going to make that toast. O, it sounds so good..and the pumpkin bread. What a great cook you must be..I know your mom said you had the soul of a cook. :)
Love that adorable apron...I am keeping my fingers crossed I'll win it.:) Thanks so much.
xo bj
A beautiful sweet family! Thanks for the French Toast recipe....yummy!! The apron is too cute....please add me in!
Have a great week!!
Your daughter and her family are beautiful.. and those recipes... YUM! I have to try them! Did you make that adorable apron? I love it and I love the colors!
I've enjoyed catching up on your latest posts! Your family is indeed beautiful! The pictures of your daughter's family here and the photos of your family below are fabulous! Loved your last post about your travels to Haun's Mill too. Hallowed ground to be sure.
Thank you so much for your kind remarks on my blog! I always appreciate them so much!
Julie, your daughter and her family are beautiful and both those recipes look so yummy. Great colors in that apron. Such a nice giveaway.
What a sweet family...hugs my dear friend. xoxox
Your beautiful daughter looks just like her mom! What an amazing family you many precious grandchildren and I'm sure the whole family loves to visit your house with all of those delectable goodies you make.
Just dropping back by to say thank you for following my new blog! It means so much to me. Your name has been entered in the giveaway.
Have a great weekend!
Great post honey. Love the pictures of your beautiful daughter and family. They really are a beautiful family.
These recipes are a must to copy. Love pumpkin pie so I need to try the bread. Right?
Another sweet giveaway! You are too kind but we appreciate you and of course I have to enter.
Happy November ♥
Beautiful post ~ Horses, family, recipes ...and ... a giveaway! Your apron design is lovely.
Have a wonderful weekend Julie.
All your items in today's post are s w e e t indeed. Your daughter is very beautiful, Julie. That cake looks delicious and I love paisleys.
Have a great weekend, we will be covered by tons of sweet raindrops all weekend long, will send some over to YOU. xxxx
Julie- After so much time keeping up with your blog I am finally posting a comment! And what a wonderful day to comment, I hope I win! What beautiful pictures, beautiful family and delicious recipes that I'm already scribbling down. Thank you for visiting and commenting on me and my mom's blog. We sure love it. It's so great to make new friends this way, :)
Have a good weekend!
what a darling family! and what yummy treats. have a great weekend!
I have a little grandson who won't go anywhere without his cowboy boots. His mother always told me that her children would not wear Wranglers and boots, and this little guy won't wear anything else but!
Needless to say, he fits right in with this grandma. He is a great little rider too!
Love the photos and thanks for the recipes sweetie!
That's one gorgeous family! Love that pumpkin bread and French toast. Great giveaway!
Your daughter and her family are beautiful! Thanks for the Pumpkin Bread recipe. I copied and saved it to try out soon. Maybe Tuesday for my Bible study group - they will love it. Thanks!
those recipes are so warm and cozy. you really do a great job of blessing your family.
What a lovely blog and beautiful family - and your food looks wonderful. The vintage apron is so nice and so are you for such a lovely giveaway
Your daughter has such a lovely must be so proud! :)
Dear Julie, so you live at 7000 feets?? that´s a very high up, my gosh!!!!! Maybe that´s why the hills around your home have not much more vegetation, it´s like in the mountains here much higher than where I live...
There`s is lovely Caleb, I remember he is always trying to be like his grandpa..!!
Your daughter is really beautiful, just like you.
muchos cariños
What a beautiful family you have, Julie! I must say I'm especially fond of that little Caleb! Having no sons myself, I'm looking forward to some little grandsons like that he wears his boots all the time!
Thanks for sharing such sweet sweets, my friend...yum!
And that apron??? Adorable!
Hope your weekend is just beautiful!
Sweetness, goodness and an apron all rolled into one post. Those family photos are wonderfully done. :)
The bread! UM...YUM! and your aprons adorable. ps. Love your new apron adorned photo for your profile.
Your daughter is gorgeous! You post some dang good recipes, girl! Another 15 pounds and I'll be makin' the good stuff!
Cute apron. Love the paisleys. Reminds me of back in the "olden days"
Hi Julie....what a beautiful family your daughter has...and what am I saying...what a beautiful family you have!!...all those gorgeous little girls...and Caleb!....Cloe looks like she's a live can see it in her eyes...she is so cute...can you tell I am partial of little girls...Only I have just Miss B to have how many of the 20 are girls??
What a beautiful family! I made pumpkin bread with cream cheese frosting two weeks ago - yummm! I love pumpkin anything. You always have the best recipes!
Beautiful family.
The pumpkin bread looks delicious!
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Hey, Julie! I've got a question for you...could you email me?
Such sweet pictures and yummy food! blessings,Kathleen
creme brulee french toast when i've so been missing my UK daily dessert ~ THANK YOU!
come for tea at FHC ?
....and how is it that you are not 300 lbs...every time I stop by for tea you are serving up another scrumptious delight.
I bought 2 big cans of pure pumpkin, instead of pie filling at thanksgiving.....NOW I know what to use them's gunna be G*O*O*D!!! I'll call you over for tea when they're ya...Rosie
Hi Julie!
I have been away for a while studying....but came to catch up a little. oh my, oh my! Your daughter is absolutley gorgeous...she looks like you....and her family is so pretty too!! I love all the baking and cooking you have been doing! Wow!!
I also looked back a little further....Oh WOW! I love your home and your views!!! AMAZING!!!! HOW BLESSED YOU ARE!!! :) I am so HAPPY for you!! :D
God Bless,
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Happy November, Julie! I'm sure you will be framing some of those beautiful family photos, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who would also frame the first picture. The animals frolicking together are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win the lovely apron.
You have a beautiful family, and oh my goodness that food looks yummy. I will definitely be making the bread soon. Thanks for the opportunity to win the beautiful apron.
cereza25 at yahoo dot com
Yes, one of the most beautiful and sweetest little family on the planet for sure. Being connected to them is such a blessing in my life. The pumpkin bread looks amazing and the French toast, well I will have to try that. Like the Apron too. Come say hi Julie.
Yum! I just printed off the recipes! Once fall gets here I just have the urge to be in the kitchen cooking up something yummy! Thanks!
Beautiful pictures of your lovely daughter and family! What a blessing! Yes, it sure does look like little miss Ella Mae has tons of personality!
It's chilly here tonight so I have the fireplace going here in the den. It was so cozy this afternoon I fell asleep! :o) Love lazy, restful Sunday afternoons.
I would love to be in your give away! Looks like fun!!!
Beautiful pictures of your daughter and family! The colors are amazing.......
That pumpkin bread is begging me to slice a big piece.......
What beautiful photographs and thanks for sharing.
Hi Julie!
Oh I can't believe I haven't been here for over a week! I think the last time I posted a comment was for the baptism!
I checked my blogroll and your blog is way down... not updated for 4 days! I'm having trouble with Ann Voscamp's blog too... Hers hasn't updated for two weeks, although I know she must be posting.
I've had such busy work nights. This past week, I didn't get home til suppertime and Friday was my birthday!
I've been able to post a couple of times, and visit some here and there... I have missed so many people!
Most of you all I was able to visit almost daily over the summer...
I miss those summer days! Not the heat LOL... just the freedom!
*I'll make sure I check to see if your blog is updating... just in case*
Have a wonderful week, Julie... and thanks for stopping by and being such a dear ♥
*blessings always*
ps. The photos of your family are priceless... you are so blessed to have such wonderful loving people around you as well as all the love you share*
Hi Julie, as always enjoy photos of your family, beautiful simply beautiful.
Ella Mae reminds of one of my g-daughters many years ago, and she had a great personality too.
As always you share some of the best looking recipes.
Hugs, Sue
You have a beautiful family and the recipes sound great! Please enter me in your giveaway!!
Your family and the closeness you all have is awesome.
I'm originally from scotland, and Paisley is close to where I lived... so I LOVE the Paisley apron :)
Have a beautiful day
What an incredibly beautiful family you have! Love the pumpkin bread recipe. YUM!!!
HI Julie did you make the apron it's really pretty! I would love to enter the contest, you have a huge entry list amazing!
I love the family photos, horse photo and the pumpkin bread and french toast yummy!'
Your granddaughter Cloe is adorable as well as Sophia,
I love your little doggies! have a great week! big hugs
Such beautiful family pictures!
The recipes look so good and I think I am going to make the pumpkin bread tonight! I would look so lovely baking in this apron! Maybe it will be mine! Thanks for the recipes and the give-a-way, i guess we all have won something since we can try all of the goodies here.
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