Monday, November 1, 2010

NAUVOO....(Last segment)

We visited this place one day. There is nothing there really, it just
sits quietly, but if a place could talk this one would tell quite a story.

There is a sad, tumbledown town close by, with a reminder of what happened at Haun's Mill.

There was a small group of Mormons here running a grist mill. They knew of the unrest that was going on but they thought that since they were out of the way, no one would bother them here. Joseph Smith had warned them to leave, saying that they were not safe there. However, they had refused, apparently assuming that since they were not directly involved with the troubles going on, they would be left alone, if they minded their own business.

On October 30th, there was an attack on the Mormon community of Haun's Mill. This small, unimportant community, a few miles east of Far West, was enjoying a quiet October day. When the militia rode in, alarm spread. An old man went forward with a white flag, ready to talk things over. He was answered by a deadly barrage of rifle fire, killing him where he stood.

Men, women and children fled across the stream and hid in the hills. One woman reported of bullets raining around her head, and another woman was wounded. Many men and boys barricaded themselves in the blacksmith's shop. The mob stuck their guns through cracks between the logs, and fired point blank until most of the people in the building were dead.

Among those killed were boys under ten and and men over seventy-five. One young boy, crying for help, was shot point blank. The man who did it said; "Nits make lice, he would just grow up to be a Mormon."

The militia left as quickly as they had come. The survivors were so afraid that the militia would return that they did not take time to bury their dead, but put their bodies into a hole being dug for a well. The militia had accomplished a full scale massacre with 1600 rounds of ammunition fired at forty people. Eighteen or nineteen people were killed and fourteen wounded. It was a sad day in history for these poor people.

We next visited this place...

My Ronnie...he can sleep any place..and he does!

The place Adan-ondi-Ahman is the place where Adam called his family together to bless them before he died. This place had been significant in ancient times... and so it will be again.

You can sit on this beautiful green hill and look out over a gorgeous wide valley.
It is a beautiful fertile valley with vast lands of rolling hills... it so very peaceful.

I could have sat here all day...

This earth was once a garden place, with all her glories common,
And men did live a holy race, and worship Jesus face to face,
In Adam-ondi-Ahman.

Hosanna to such days to come, The Savior's second coming,
When all the earth in glorious bloom affords the Saints a holy home,
Like Adam-ondi-Ahnan.

We walked around in it and found almost looked like an ancient alter
over looking a place where people might have gathered together long ago.

It was full of beautiful trees of every kind...

Another look at it...

These trees had long, sharp needles on it, someone
said that the Indians used these for sewing.

We went to Far West next. The last time I was there (22 years ago) there were no trees, just a big square lawn, with 4 huge flat rocks laying in the ground, in the 4 corners of the lawn. When the saints were there, this place had been dedicated, for a temple to be built here at some future time.

This is how it looks now...surrounded by full grown trees and
beautiful flowers. It is a place that felt sacred and so peaceful.

My ancestors did suffer a lot back in those days as they were driven from place to place seeking for religious freedom but they finally found it in Utah. They were lead by the Lord to the Great Salt Lake Salt Lake City.

This pioneer migration was the greatest migration in the history of the USA...And it really opened up the West. People were sent out from Salt Lake to establish towns and cities all over the West. Utah is a beautiful, clean state, with 6 or more State Parks now. It was nothing but a desert when the Saints got here, but it (according to prophecy) has "Blossomed like a Rose."

Generations of my family and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has enjoyed freedom here and the church has grown in leaps and bounds and continues to do so today, reaching every corner of the globe...just as the Lord said it would.

...Las Vegas from our airplane...

Some how we got behind a day...I wasn't keeping track of days or time, just so enjoying our vacation. We called the airlines to ask some questions and realized that our flight flew out the next day! So we high-tailed it in that direction. But we had a great last day, driving through many towns and farms. I loved the rolling hills of this lovely country..what fun roads to drive!

We so enjoyed this vacation, the only one I have enjoyed more might have been our vacation to Israel some years ago. These are the kinds of vacations that have great meaning to us. Over the years we have taken all the tourists ones with our kids but these are the ones I love.

We finally got home at 6:30 AM...we had flown and then driven in a down pour of rain all night.
As we drove through our sleepy little town, suddenly, 7 buck deer ran right out in front of our car! It sure woke us up fast and even though deer hunting wasn't until the next week, for a moment I wondered if Ron wasn't going to run right home for his rifle! LOL

I hope you enjoyed coming along...I have put all of this on my blog this way because soon I am going to have a book printed up of my last two years of blog posts. Thanks for your patience! :D


Marie said...

Todd and I have both enjoyed your holiday so very much Julie! Thanks for bringing us along! You have seen and done what we have longed to see and do. It is likely it will always remain a dream to us instead of a reality, but at least we will have seen it through your wonderful eyes and heart! Thanks! xxoo

Anne Fannie said...

Wow, I loved this post. My husband and I went on this trip a few years back. Thanks for your lovely pictures and stories.
Oh, and by the way, that rock altar you came across, I remember seeing it too!! I thought the same thing and thought how special that area was. If only rocks could talk!
I am off to read and look at your other pictures of your trip. I think Nauvoo was my favorite!
Hugs, Ann

Ann said...

It's been a pleasure to go along on your vacation with you.
That sounds very cool having a book of your blog posts.
Have a great day

Tanna at The Brick Street Bungalow said...

Julie, I have enjoyed your posts and learning more about the Mormon history. I also love the photo of Ron sleeping in the shadow of the tree! You have so many wonderful photos! Your book will be a treasure for your family to pass down! How awesome!

Julie said...

Again...How interesting reading and getting to view all of the history of your faith and your trip!! That is amazing that you are going to include it all in a book from here. outstanding! Love all the beauty and the pic of your Ron sleeping anywhere is a hoot.
Maybe it is a Marine thing. I think Justin can sleep anywhere too, after deployments...doesn't matter... if he's tired. :-)
Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and photos. Hugs to you!

NanaDiana said...

Julie- Thanks for sharing your trip and your history. I know much more now that I ever did about your faith. Glad you had a good time and enjoyed yourselves. Hugs- Diana

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Julie I loved every minute with you and your sleepy Ronnie visiting such beautiful places.
The story about the mill and their massacre brought tears to my eyes. All I could think about was those young children begging for their lives. Too sad.
I have been wanting to do the book thing too are you using the one Donna uses.
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
I slept late now I have to get busy

Elizabeth (blue clear sky) said...

I have enjoyed the tour! It is a great to see a new place through someone else's camera lens. I think it is so cute that your husband can find a nap anywhere. He seems very content with his surroundings.

grandkrumps said...

I am so glad to have visited these sites through your camera lens! Thank you a ton!

Jewls said...

I love these posts! I haven't been to many of the church sites (except Nauvoo several times) so it's really neat to see all these places through you!

KathyB. said...

Such a sad and tragic story.Such a waste of life, to what end?

It sounds like you had the kind of vacation that truly rejuvenates and restores, and the weather for your last day was so perfect.The scenery so beautiful.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I love Las Vegas by night! Wishing you a happy happy Halloween with your lovely family, Julie. xxxx

Beth at Aunties said...

Again you brought wonderful memories, sights and even smells rushing back. Mostly Tears and the reverential feelings of being on holy ground bearing so much sacrifice and faith. Last time we were at Adam-Ondi-Ahman there was a tour guide with a charter group. It was so fascinating to listen and watch as he pointed out different places of what has taken place and what will in the future... I just know many of our ancestors knew each other! My hubby descends from Porter Rockwell and I from Thomas E Ricks who were with the Nauvoo Saints and in the places you talk about. Our daughter in law's family had a large farm in the center of town. I love that you took us along with you on your vacation. Happy Sabbath dear friend!

Sandra said...

What a lovely holiday you've been having; so glad I'm visited from...?... somewhere, I can't remember but am enjoying myself. Many thanks and God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

Vicky said...

I need to get all caught up on the chapters I have missed, but I see this truly was both a relaxing and meaningful trip for you. How lucky to get to experience this! i think making a book out of all of your pretty photos is such a wonderful idea.

Blessings to you Julie!

Leslie said...

thanks for the mini vacation. it looks like a great place to visit. happpy haaalllllllllloooweennn.

Tracy said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to document and share your amazing trip with us!! :-)

So glad you had this opportunity and enjoyed it!!

Karen Deborah said...

Your a very deep and soulful woman. Your as passionate for your religion as I am for mine and we both love Jesus Christ. I agree that we can disagree on some points. I am so sorry that those people were murdered like that, hideous. Jesus had nothing to do with that, that was men with evil in their hearts. How can a MAN shoot a child? It is beyond me. It has been happening from the beginning of time and only when Jesus rules this Earth will it be right. Love you. A book? Can't wait to read it!!!

I wish you'd put your email address in your comments to me so I can reply to you.

LDH said...

Hi Julie, I sure did have fun tagging along with you guys!

I have a question... I have been wanting to have my blog printed into a book too but wanted to wait until I finished my second year which is in mid December. I have checked out a few places that do it but would much rather a recommendation. Do you know where you will get yours?

Thanks! Lorraine

Creative Mish said...

I've really enjoyed viewing all of your photo's from your trip and seeing all the sites with you. Some day I would like to take the same trip. I'm sure I would cry at every stop. I tend to do that :)

Jill said...

so wonderful! I think your blog book will be so lovely. I'd like to do that eventually as well. :-)

bj said...

O, I have indeed loved this vacation with you and Ron. How interesting it all is. I am glad you are going to have a book printed. How in the world do you have that done?
I stay in a state of aweness over all the things that can be done now.
A grand and I went to the movie the other night and it was the story of the awesome young man that invented Facebook. It just flat blew my mind.
He is 26 yrs old and the youngest BILLIONAIRE in the entire world. Isn't that just amazing.

Sharon said...

Thank you for taking us on your trip.
It was so interesting learning more about your religion.
I had to laugh at Ron it seems that he was in that same position in another of your photos.
Have a great day.

bellaboo said...

Such a sad,tragic story.It's is hard to contemplate what those poor people went through.
Glad you had such a special time together and you arrived home safely. :0)

Kerin said...

It's been a joy to see your pictures and read all about your trip.
Thanks for sharing with us :)
Have a great week !

Jill said...

I am always amazed that Ron can literally lie down in the grass and SLEEP!

Lovely adventure you had!

nanny said...

Such a sad and tragic story....I enjoyed your posts of your trip, I learned so much. Your book will be a treasure!

Jill said...

Just had to stop by again to respond to your comment about the gloves and the pumpkins. Hayley has very sensitive skin so the pumpkin actually irritates her hands, that's when we started using the gloves. LOL I know where's the fun in that? But she makes it pretty fun for us all. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.
Have a great day!


Valerie said...

Julie~ thanks for the beautiful tour of Nauvoo. I've never been but have always wanted to. Your gorgeous pictures and inspiring words make me want to go even more! said...

I really enjoyed your road trip and your explanations. Ya know, I've never been there. We are planning a trip to Navooh this spring, while Johns sister is still there on a mission.

Thanks for letting me tag along.

big hugs

Sydney said...

What a great idea to have your last few years of blog posts/pictures put into a book. Your Nauvoo (etc) pictures and posts are very book worthy. I have felt like I have been back to all of these wonderful, spiritual and historical sites through your eyes. Thank-you for taking the time to share such a special vacation time with everyone.

Brenda said...

I remember all those places! The beauty of it all is breath taking!
I want to go back again! Thanks for sharing!

The Kent Family in Kenai said...

I love you from my corner of the globe! :) Thanks for sharing pictures of your vacation - what a beautiful place I would like to go there someday on a vacation too.