We have had a busy week and I have been gone a lot, so today I
wanted to get a post up and I have lots of things to do around my
home to get caught up and prepare for this Easter weekend.
I bet you can guess her age just by looking at those missing front teeth!
It seems like just yesterday my children were this age and now it's their
turn with their children.
He cut it off and said it was nothing to worry about, then he said; "let me look at
this on your face." Sure enough, it was skin cancer, so I had to get that cut out...not
fun! But the good news is they got it all and I should be A-OK now. Warning...don't take
more than 2 Extra-Strength Tylenol in a 24 hour period, (it says so on the bottle in really teeny tiny print) between that, and perhaps what they put in my face to deaden it...
I was having some weird things going on!
We all went out to eat and my daughter came along and sat across from me. I looked
at her and for about 15 seconds, I thought she was a friend of my other daughter...I was
just about to ask who this gal was when I realized it was my daughter! I have never had
anything like that happen before. It was a bit like when you come out of surgery and start
coming to and you are not sure of who it is that is standing around you..very strange!
Ella- Easter bunny baby-and Sophia
park to play in the sunshine for awhile, it felt so
good to me, just to feel the sun on my skin again!
this all by himself and he is also riding his bike now!
them have fun, I wish I could do it everyday!

she just found out that it is a little girl. She gets more
beautiful with every baby I think. This will be 21 grands for
us and we are so happy! The name they have picked out is so
beautiful...can't tell yet though!
Those skin cancer things are something you don't want to ignore. My husband has had several removed from his face, all from working outside. Take care and I hope you have a speedy recovery with little scaring.
Happy Easter Blessings to you and yours!
Welcome back, Julie. What a beautiful family you have. The moonlight photo is so beautiful, you live in an awesome part of the country. Blessings to you and yours, and feel better soon! xo,
21 grandkids. Wow! That is wonderful!
I hated to read they found skin cancer on you but glad you said they got it all. Prayers will be sent your way for a fast recovery and no additional problems.
Happy Easter to you and yours!
I can't take much for medication either...I get all "weird"
Congrats on the new grandbaby!
Sorry to hear that you have been through quite a bit lately. Scary but ok in the end. Thank God for that.
21 Grand-children..Amazing! Take good care of that beautiful face and have a wonderful blessed Easter. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Hi Julie!
So glad that you had that skin cancer removed - very scary for you! Hope you are feeling better very soon!
What special times you have with your grandkids - they are precious!
Have a wonderful Easter!
You have a beautiful family. Sorry to hear about the medical things going on. That is good you got it taken care of. Happy Easter!
Hi Julie, you have such a beautiful family. I'm glad you got the skin cancer taken care of. Happy Easter to you and yours!
Whew! You have been busy...you wear me out!
BTW...watch that skin cancer stuff! It has a habit of coming back when you least expect it!
Glad you had a great time. It's fun to do things like that. Neat photos.
Well that must have been a little scary going to the doctor for one thing and having him find something else.
Congrats on the future #21. My kids seem to only want to give me grands with 4 legs and fur...lol
What cute grandkids pics. Congrats on #21 and your greaat grandson. We are waiting to see if our #13 is a boy or girl and which way our tie of 6 girls and 6 boys will go.
I am so sorry you have been going through the skin cancer ordeal. I have been three times lately with the dermatologist scraping, freezing and electical cuttraging my nose and forehead each time. It keeps growing back. The last scabs are ready to fall off. We will see next month if he will use a chemo cream. To much sun when I was young with a fair complexion like you. Each time the scars seem to heal and fade fast. I have been using polysporin at first and then mederma to help the scars fades. Bless your heart, I hope all goes well with your healing and it stays away!
Enjoy a blessed and Happy Easter!
What fun with the sweet grands you are having!
Sorry to hear about the skin cancer. I can truly sympathize with you. I have had about 8 spots removed surgically so far that have been basal cell cancer. Not fun stuff! I cover up now whenever possible with spf clothing and wide brimmed hats if I am going to be out in that sun!
I hope you have a very happy Easter with your beautiful family. Congrats to you on the blessing of another grandbaby due. She looks lovely!
Hi Julie,
I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time with your family...espcially your grandkids! They are all getting so big!! It's so sweet that Ella loves to take care of Sophia. Wow, 21 grandkids...that's so great! (We are just about to have our first!) :) Congratulations on the newest grandchild.
I hope you enjoy a lovely Easter!
Happy Easter! So glad you can enjoy the time with your grandkids. Good for you for taking care of the skin cancer. My mom and dad had several spots, but also took care of it so there was never a problem.
Love to see the pictures of the grandkids! Congrats on #21! Hope you feel okay~~~take care.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
Welcome back, Julie! So glad that you got that taken care of. I had a similar one just a tad lower and it was removed 4 years ago. What you will be left with is a skinny little white line a year or so down the road. Make sure you keep it well protected in the sun this first season..and slap the Vitamin E on it as soon as it is properly healed.
Happy Easter to you and your precious family! Hugs-Diana
My dh has been through the skin cancer on the face, and had to have surgery too. Praying for a quick recovery Julie. Enjoyed the photos of your beautiful family, happy happy faces,and congratulations on the new grand baby coming.
Wishing you and your family a most blessed Easter.Continue to enjoy this time with them.
I'm glad you're back, Julie, and grateful everything turned out okay. Children are such a blessing and just when you think life can't get any sweeter ...along come the grandchildren. May God richly bless all of you this Easter season!
What a beautiful family you have and what a blessing to be able to see them and spend time with them making those memories!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!!
Happy Easter, Julie!
Love seeing the baby bump for Tiff. How sweet. You make being a grandma sound SO fun!
Hope your face heals quickly. I've had moles like that removed from my back, too.
Hi Julie. Your sweet grandbabies are adorable. Those with teeth and those without, hah. Can't believe you will have 21 and one is a great.....how is that possible.
SO sorry about the skin cancer. Glad they got it all. Very scary. It looks painful. I had a friend that had several removed and never had scars later.
Have a blessed Easter and I'll send some prayers your way. (((((HUGS)))))
Hi Julie! I am been SOOOO busy too and haven't been posting or reading blogs and I miss it! Happy Easter to you too! My kids all left town with their dad for the Easter break so I have had to do lots of catching up at work and have fallen behind on everything else!
I am SOOOO sorry about your face! Glad they got it all and I wish you a speedy recovery. You certainly have a wonderful attitude. :)
Congrats to Tiffany! I think she has gotten more beautiful with each baby, don't you?
My favorite picture this go round is of Tracen - That smile just makes you laugh and feel good inside!!
All your grands are adorable and congratulations on the growing brood!!
Sorry to hear about the skin cancer but what a blessing it was found early and is not kaput!!
Have a very Happy Easter!
Julie, I am so glad they caught the cancers now. I, too, just recently went thru nose cancer surgery, not fun but I am grateful it is caught in the knick of time.
Your family is beautiful... the children are such dimpled darlings. We will have our fist g-gr-kid-ing soon.
Have an eggs-tra blessed Easter ~
You are blessed with so many Grands! I'm glad you are doing well and they caught the skin cancer. I am enjoying time with my little one. Happy Easter! hugs, Linda
Hi Julie,
My life is grand...21, whoot-whoot! Hope your face heals and that your Easter is a sweet one.
Happy Easter!
I am glad to hear everything is well with you.
Did I read that right? Great grandchildren?
Have a wonderful weekend!
It's always a joyful visit to your blog Julie. Such beautiful grandchildren and sweet smiles! May God richly bless you this Easter.
Yeah for grand children and more joy coming - you are blessed! Not so much fun with the skin being cut on the face -:( - my Dad has had reconstructed surgery on his ear, nose, and lip - not so fun for him either.. keep safe.. and Happy Easter to you too! HUGS
I love the snaps of your daughter through all three pregnancies,she looks like she carried the same in all three! So sorry to hear about your cancer scare! Hope you are feeling better now.
You poor dear. I hope you are healing and feeling so much better. So glad you got the cancer taken care of and gone. What a time! Have a peaceful and delightful Easter weekend. Those grands sure put a smile on my face and I know they do the same for you. xo
Hi Julie,
So sorry to hear about the skin cancer. Will pray for your recovery. Your family is really beautiful! Your daughter Tiffany looks fantastic with #3 on the way- looks like not a day has passed or aged her since #1. Love your capture of the moonlight.
Have a blessed and Happy Easter!
I love this post Julie!
I always love seeing all your cute grands and what you have been up to.
Sorry about the skin cancer but so glad they caught it early too.
Happy Easter my friend,
So glad you are back, Miss Julie! That is scary about the skin cancer- but even scarier about the anesthesia! YIKES!
You have so many beautiful little blessings (grandkids) in your life!
You have such a beautiful family, there is nothing better, nor more enjoyable than spending time with grandchildren, don't you agree? I so love mine, you and I have much in common, it seems.
Easter is a wonderful time to stop and count our blessings, they really are numerous!
Have a lovely Easter weekend!
Hugs, Cindy
PS I am going to check out your bread recipe!
Julie, I am so glad to see you back and that all is well and you caught it early.
Wow 21 grands, they are so beautiful.
Do you have all of your family home at one time? That would be so wonderful.
You take care of yourself and have a most Blessed Easter
So glad you got that taken care of, Julie! What a picture!
Love all your sweet family pictures--what a bunch you have, my friend!
Hope your Easter week is just lovely...we've got lots planned & are so looking forward to all the family time...
Honey I hated reading about your skin cancer but so relieved that they caught it in time You really had a weird experience with the pain killers. It is scary to be feeling like you were especially not knowing your own daughter. wow
Congradulations on your upcoming grandchild. Your daughter is just so beautiful. Love these pictures of her.
I could not let Easter come and go without wishing you and your beautiful family a Very Happy Easter.
Love to you
Get better fast!!
Enjoy your Easter and your beautiful family!!
Have a great Easter with family. Glad the surgeries went well and your feeling better about things. Congrats on another upcoming grandbaby and I love your new sassy haircut!
God bless you with the skin cancer,I've had melenoma and squamous cell cancers cut out and I know it's no fun. The stuff they deaden these areas with is really potent stuff. It makes me feel crazy and as soon as the needle goes in I can feel it from my toes to the tip of my head.
The last time I went to the dermatologist and he wanted to cut a small spot from the side of my face I tole him to do it without deadening it. He laughed and Said he could stand it if I could. I'd rather deal with the short pain of the zap rather than the craziness of the meds.
But when you have cuts as big as the melanoma cuts you deal with the craziness and thank God the cancer is taken away.
Have a blessed day.
Oh your heart is full girl!!! Your grandkiddos are so very precious and cute!!! I bet ya just beam with pride 'round 'em.
I'm so glad the Dr. noticed the spot on your face. Hope your feelin' better now.
You are a busy lady. Your daughter is just so very beautiful...ya' gotta love that baby bump!
Have a Great Easter and may it be richly blessed.
If ya get a minute, pop over and enter my Happy Easter Giveaway, the jewelry is fantastic!!!
Glad that your Dr. caught the skin cancer, and took care of it. That skin cancer is scary stuff!
I feel for you and the Tylenol stuff..... makes me feel terribly goofy.
Thanks for sharing your sweet family and good news.
Hope you have a wonderful Easter too :)
Happy Easter to you and your family! I'm so sorry to hear of your past surgery. Wow!
I'm happy to hear all is well and you are doing fine.
Congratulations on your new grandbaby! What JOY!
Glad they got all the skin cancer. Not fun, not fun at all!
I hope you have a fabulous Easter weekend.
Those are such darling little grandbabies!!
Congrats on a new one coming. That's exciting and it will be fun to have another girl cousin to add to those older ones.
Time flies fast.
Happy Easter to you as well my friend.
I know I don't have to tell you that you are so blessed! 21 GRANDS, WOW! We have 3, but I bet we dote the same amount! So glad you went to the doctor and had it taken care of early. I had a little place on my lip burnt off recently and it could have been cancer if I'd waited. Patch, patch, patch after 50! Happy Easter...
I have been really busy too....I hope you have a beautiful Easter♥
Dear Julie, it´s so good to know that everything is fine with you!! gosh, I jumped of my seat reading you and was so relief when you tell everything is gone with that surgery. I´m so happy of all the good news and that you are going to have another grand, so many blessings for you and your wonderful big family. Love seeing all the kids and specially Sophia who I know since she was born!!!
Wishing you and family much love and peace.
sending you love and kisses
Oh, that looks so scary! We just went in and had both of us checked out and he just burned things off. We are going to have to not put it off like we did.
What a beautiful bunch of little ones. Have a wonderful Easter.
Happy Easter Sweet Julie!
The grand babies are always SO CUTE!
Hope your face heals quickly and so glad you had it taken care of!!
Oh girl.. I love that picture of the girl at the piano.. tooo cute.
sorry to hear about the cancer on your face,, but so glad it nothing to be worried about..
I pray that you and your wonderful family has a blessed Easter Holiday..
lov ya my friend..
Hi Julie and bless your heart! Ouch! Your tiny face looks painful. I hope you're not hurting much. It sounds like you may have had a reaction to the pain meds. That's scary. Glad it's out of your system now. My mom has had so many skin cancers. She grew up in Alabama and picked cotton as a little girl out in the sun and that probably did it. I'm so very fair and she always protected me as a little girl from the sun so I've not experienced any. Thank God!
Now look at your babies! I love seeing them and they are so precious.
Julie! I've just seen on your side bar that you were featured last year at Gooseberry Patch! I didn't know that and went over and read it. Congratulations, almost a year later! :) Where was I to miss this?
I pray you and your family will have a wonderful Easter.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
I'm happy to hear the doctor removed all the cancer-very scary. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your family. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you and yours Julie. I will send healing thoughts your way...so glad they found that and removed it! And thanks for the Tylenol warning.
Sooo... HAPPY to see that YOU are back!
Sorry to hear about YOUR skin cancer... Hope you are doing better now!
♥Happy Easter♥
You certainly have had a busy week and thank God the cancer is gone and your are healing!
Your grands are all absolutely gorgeous! What sweet little faces and so precious...Have a glorious Ester; Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed!
Your grands are sure cute and another one on the way! Good for you! I'm having some lasering done to my face next month. Too much time spent at the beach when I was young. Glad they got it all. Have a wonderful Easter with your family my dear. Mimi
Your grands and greats are all so sweet. All our grands are big and we only have one little great right now. Another grandboy getting married this summer so maybe it won't be long until they give us another one.:))
Happiest Easter..and hope your face heals quickly. Mr. Sweet has had numerous ones cut out and he has done just fine. You will, too.
xo bj
Yikes! I'm sorry about the impromptu surgery...I hope everything is ok now!
I'm so happy the doctor noticed the skin cancer on your face! I've had skin cancer before and the doctor got it all. Now I have melanoma on the back of my eye! Only time will tell what will happen with this. So far God is taking real good care of me!
You certainly have a beautiful family! Your photos are beautiful!
P.S...you look wonderful to be a great-grandma!
Wow that's quite a gash to your face must have been one that really needed to go. you'll heal beautifully you always do. Love the babies and children's pictures. They all grow up so fast. And another on the way! You are so blessed!
Happy Easter to you too sweet friend, many blessings.
I am grateful that our paths crossed in the blog world we enjoy.
I'm so glad you are OK! I know that had to be scary!
You have such a beautiful family. And the cutest grand babies ever! I am looking forward to that stage in my life. :)
PS Happy Easter!!!
So glad is all is well with your face & back!
The pictures are totally adorable ~ such cute little ones. They are so precious and so fun aren't they?
Wow, 21 grands? I love it! :-)
Hope you have a blessed and very Happy Easter! This is such a special time for us...God bless!
Oh my darling, you have sooo much going on...I bet dropping by for coffee at your house is WONDERFUL...full of hustle and bustle, giggles and laughter, and so very entertaining...PERFECT :)
Wow...Good thing you had the initial Dr's appt.!...But, that's how God works. He is totally in control. Thankful to hear you will be good as new very soon.
Have a BLESSED Easter my dear friend, enjoying time with family and friends...HUGS and KISSES...Rosie
Hallelujah, HE HAS RISEN!
Happy Easter, Julie. Bless your heart on that facial surgery. The same thing happened to my brother last year and he looks great now. So glad they got it all! Very weird reaction to your anesthesia. Hope it is all out of your system by now.
I just do not like medical stuff at all. Good for you for getting it all taken care of!
The babies are absolutely beautiful as is Tiffany! Congrats again! Wow 21! I met a lady recently with 29 grandkids and the oldest is 12. She and her husband have been married 10 years after losing their previous spouses to cancer. So they have a combined family. She says it is joyous exhaustion!
Hi Julie!
What a week you had!
Thank God we have God!
I thank Him for all his blessings ~ one of them is you!
Wishing you well, quick recovery for your surgery and a very Blessed Easter!
Oh Julie, you heal fast! Ouch! Sweet pics of grandchildren! Happy Easter to you and yours too my dear!
Julie...HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am commenting again!! YAY>.. Don't ask me how it got fixed - I have NO idea..But tried again tonite and it WORKED.. I am SO sorry about your cancer bout...I am hoping you have an excellent doctor and it is all removed!! I will be saying a prayer about that..Your little boo-babies are just the CUTEST! So many blessings... Hugs to you and a Happy Easter greeting to you. Glad you and I are sisters who have the Savior as our brother!!! Have a wonderful week, and hope you heal fast!
Dear blogfriend Julie: Thanks for your beautiful Easter blog. I so appreciate your testimony through your blog. Also, that skin cancer scare is just that...a scare. Mend well sister.
Your family is big and beautiful and growing my leaps and bounds.
Have you heard of bio-oil? It helps with the scarring.
I'm glad you found out about that in time. Heal well.
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