I want to be as a little child...obedient, humble and without guile.

Eager to serve, repentant and meek, becoming strong where now I am weak.

I know that I have celestial worth.

My time is precious here on earth. To reap the blessings
of Fathers plan, I can't afford the natural man.

To greet Him...

Hold him, kiss his feet when in His heavenly realms we meet.

To kneel before His wounded hands, I cheerfully do what he commands.

This is my sacred eternal goal. It lights the dark places of my soul.

I live to see my Saviors smile. He'll call me home, His little child.
~Steven Ensign~
Have a wonderful day my friends...and remember...you are a child of God.
You are known and loved by your Father in Heaven and by your Savior Jesus Christ.
They have set up a beautiful plan of happiness for you and I and our goal as we left them,
was to return to them. Don't let this old world get you down, you are more than you know.
You are a Child of God. They are there for you and will be for your whole life, hold to them.
Well said!!
All I can say is AMEN! xxoo Diana
beautiful post!
Oh...I love seeing pictures of how the human eye sees Jesus. He is my best friend.
Dear Julie;
Thank you so much---this is absolutely just what I needed today....
Nice photos. I have been collecting some too, you know, Easter and all. I love the little girl with the rooster. we had one when my daughter was that age.
Beautiful post and photos, dear Julie!
Beautiful thoughts,
Neat post!!
A very touching and sweet post.. We all still have a child in us
a lovely post with beautiful images to go along with it. Have a wonderful day :)
Great post....:) Happy weekend to you.
Good thoughts on a Saturday night as I'm getting my lesson ready for Sunday!! Enjoy your evening!!
Such a beautiful post. Got me in the frame of mind for tomorrow.
Hugs and love to you my dear friend.
Me too! what a beautiful post!
Oh dear friend; what a beautiful post...this was so endearing and plain lovely!
I adore all the photos and my eyes couldn't get enough!
Amen, Julie! Amen!
simply lovely♥
Beautiful Julie!
And your post below is so wonderful too!
That cake, OMG, you are the best baker!
And of course your darling grandkids, that Sophia has got the cutest smile!
And then your haircut which I so love!
Plus you have such great hair, lucky you!
Thank you, that was perfect!
b e a u t i f u l ~ just beautiful
Have a loveliest of Sundays and a happiest of weeks ahead, dearest Julie xxxx
What a beautiful post and TRUTH! I love all the pictures you used. The images of Jesus Christ as a shepherd over the little ones is so touching and heartwarming. My lesson with my four year olds a couple of weeks ago where I work childcare for Bible Studies at church was about Jesus telling the disciples to let the little ones come to HIM. Truly they are very very special to the Saviour.
They do not have room in their hearts to doubt ONE who loves them...precious. Have a wonderful Sunday Julie!!!!! Thank you for a sweet reminder and post. xoxo
Beautiful post Julie! Just what I needed to lift my spirits! Thanks for brightening my day!
What a lovely post Julie! I think a lot of people don't realize how much Jesus loves us and what He as done for us!
Thanks for visiting my blog, I apologize because Silvia's home is not in Tuscany, it is in Naples, Florida, USA. It was a bit confusing. She has a Tuscan style home...so I made it more clear on my post....sorry about that!
Beautiful, Dear Julie! I just love this artwork with Jesus smiling and interacting with the children. He says we must come to him as a little child. I love that!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Beautiful post. I love the pictures of Jesus and the children. Beautiful week to you. Catherine
Such a love poem and post! Have a great Sunday!
I love these illustrations and I thank you for such an uplifting post. Wishing you many blessings in the week ahead.
Amen and Amen!
That is such a precious poem...how I want to be as a little child as well!!
Lovely words and photos.
Thank you Julie.
Yes we are His children.What a blessing it is!!Thanks for sharing these pictures with us...takes me back to being a little girl in Sunday School.
Have a great week.
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Ginghsm
So beautiful. Thanks! xo
This post really spoke to me today. Thank you so ever so much! Hope you are having a great start to your week!
Great post! Made me break out into singing, Jesus loves the little children of the world!
Hi Julie!
Long time no blog...Wonderful sentiments you present here. Be well!
well said.. and love , love, the pictures..
from one child of god to another..
thanks and god bless..
That was just beautiful and I love all of the photos that you put with it.
Have a wonderful day.
Hello Julie, we 'sort of' met in the comments column of Dear Daisy Cottage and I finally made it over to visit your blog. It really has touched my heart, this post made me a little teary eyed. I love the photos and the poems, and I can't believe you are a great-grandmother?! You look way too young xo,
me too!!!! huggs, gloria
So wonderful....love this so much..many blessings dear....julie
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