My Red Rooster...he stands on my island in the center of my kitchen

Welcome to my kitchen ladies...come on in.

I love the old fashioned looking stoves. This one behind me was in my previous home, it was the real reason the home sold, the lady wanted the home because of the stove! I miss it, maybe one day I will have one if these again. And this is my
Brickelle making dinner with grandma.

They come in all colors...I just love them.

Every kitchen should have some aprons....I love aprons!

Looking into the kitchen...and yes, I have my fridge covered with my kids and grand kids!

I love the little fruit and
goodie box~

Another view...looking into the kitchen at night.

I love pretty things on my counters instead of appliances,

And pretties on my little kitchen table...

This sits above my sink, looking out over the great room.
I love being connected to the family as I am in the kitchen.

I love my section of red cabinets, they break up the dark ones and add beauty.
The cabinets are Hickory and they are stained a dark
mahogany with a black glaze.

They have lights in them, so at night it looks really beautiful.

I love lots of kisses for my cooking don't you?!

Love my crock ware and cookie jar~

My red canisters and my blog book...

My very old little green table...it holds my sweet singing parakeets.

I love to be surrounded by pretty pictures, this one reminds me of my mom and me.

Ours is a country home for sure...I also have a red sign
that says; "A Day In The Country Is Worth A Month In Town"

I love this...I love even the word MOTHER.
I love my mom and I love being a mom.

These are the pads on my kitchen chairs...I LOVE chickens and roosters!

This sits on my dining room table right by the kitchen.

This matches the red in my kitchen cabinets

Love my roosters...

A BIG rug that
I have next to my island, makes it easy to cook and clean up.

I have a set of 6 Williams
Sonoma farm plates that I love

My windows are really big in my kitchen, and I love the
views out of them so I have only valances on the windows.

This is one of the views I look out at, I had the island placed just so I could see this.

More chickens and roosters placed up high on a wall, our ceilings are 15 feet high.

I love welcoming signs placed around...

This sweet mama and her babies is a favorite of mine.

In my home... you are always among friends.

My kitchen always has to have a
goodie on the counter...

Settings like this make me happy...

And nothing is as welcoming in a home as home made bread, fresh out of the oven. It makes my home smell so heavenly and I love to always have it when my kids come home. I could live on just home made whole wheat bread alone I think! For my easy recipe go to my sidebar.
Well, thats a bit of my kitchen...I hope you enjoyed the Heart of My Home, I wish you could
all come over and bake cookies with me, that would be so much fun! Have a good week friends.
Julie, You have a beautiful kitchen with a magnificent view. I love all the rooster collectibles and the sweet reminders of your grandchildren and mother. Thank you for letting us visit with you this afternoon.
HI JULIE!!!! I can comment again...somehow my comments would NOT take. And I am still keeping up! just was unable to speak! lol...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitchen. It is so much "Home and Hearth and Hearts"...The Gathering Room I would most likely call it if I were a fly on the wall and watched all the people in it with all the activity. Love that little grand best of all...so sweet and cute hanging on to Grandma. Love the RED pop on the cupboards. wow...beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! Enjoyed the post fully!! HUGS to you!!!
Oh...your kitchen is wonderful. I can tell there is a lot of LOVE there. I have a question that has nothing to do with the kitchen. Your birds....how hard is it to take care of them and are they nice??
Your kitchen is really nice and the view from your window is awesome.
Hey Julie, I love,love,love your roosters and chickens, I can't get enuff of 'em, I started a little collection my self, I find my eye going to them everywhere I shop.
Thanks so much for letting me peep in, your kitchen is fantastic,hope you'll have the time to peep over at Lazy on Loblolly, and yes I'll take two cupcakes and a loaf of that homemade bread!hehe
Lazy on Loblolly
I love the kitchen tour. We were just in St. George last week. I love the weather in So. Utah. We are still cold here in Idaho.
Love your kitchen so much Julie. We have the same colors Red, black and some yellow. Country homey cuteness!!! I love the red cabinet and glass pane doors above your oven. I love your island too. Its so inviting and darling. Hugs, Loves, jen
Your kitchen is gorgeous Julie, it looks so welcoming and cozy, and that view!! Oh my, I bet you never get sick of looking at that :)
Your home is so lovely. It looks like it's so warm and inviting!
I love all the knickknacks that are so special. I love the story that goes with them.
Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE your kitchen! Your red cupboards are the best!! Thanks for sharing!
How wonderful! I love it! We spend so much time in our kitchens, it just makes sense that we make them beautiful and inviting! You certainly have done that!
Julie, I was intrigued by all of the roosters and hens and how fun! I love the aprons and theold fashioned stove, but you know what I loved the most? The homemade bread...I could smell it all the way in NC :)
What a lovely space!
Thanks for the hospitality I loved visiting you and spending time in your beautiful cozy kitchen.
I think your kitchen and I'm sure entire house should be featured in a Country Home Magazine!!
Your bread looks so yummy and those aprons are darling!!
Beautiful kitchen, Julie! Every room in your house is full of love and family.
Have a wonderful day!
Julie, your home reflects your warmth and graciousness! And beauty! blessings ~ tanna
Love your kitchen! I love rooster decor myself. I am your newest follower, looking forward to future posts. Diane
Your kitchen is just what I imagined. Just so welcoming and organized and lots of room, too. The birds add a touch of sweetness. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Beautiful, Julie! I featured this post on my blog today on my daybook. I adore that beehive cake plate. I have seen it several times in Utah. So great and so tall! I would get it but I don't think it will fit under my cupboards!
Your kitchen is beautiful!
Hugs, B
So cute!
I recognize one of your cute hens....I think I have the same one, and I bought mine at Tai Pan.
Roosters and hens are so easy to love and decorate with. They surely feel 'farmy' :)
Have a happy homey kitchen day :)
I love your kitchen, looks very functional. Your and your granddaughter are so cute...Christine
Julie, what a fun post peeking into your beautiful kitchen! I love all your hens and black & red cabinets and and those chair pads are my favorite!
I thought about you Julie during conference..."sharing" the gospel. You bear your testimony & share our beliefs here on your blog and I am sure you have touched many hearts. So proud of you! xo
Oh, Dear Julie! I love your pretty kitchen! I don't think I've ever really seen it before! Is that a green Hoosier cabinet with your aprons hung on it? Oh, I want to see IT! :) I too love your section of red cabinets and your little hutch with the Country Roses dishes is so sweet! I really do appreciate you coming to my party!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
you have a beautiful kitchen, it's so inviting. That's a room I could definitely hang out in. Mine is very small and not really made for just hanging out. I love those aprons too, those are adorable. Believe it or not I don't even own one apron.
Aww Julie...it is so homey!!And in my book that is a good thing.It looks like a place where your family gathers and can feel at home and comfortable.Love it.I really love the parakeet table...I saw some the other day in Petco and I wondered do they really sing?How hard are they to take care of?This coming from a chicken raiser right now...lol
Your colors are the same as mine..love gingham curtains!And what a view.Thanks for sharing.
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Tears back to ya! Love you Julie! xox
Ok Julie,
Let me tell you I am so in love with your kitchen!!!!!
It is fabulous! I love the red's the roosters, all the charming decor and the view!
Love it! love it!
Did I say I love it?
Hugs friend,
Your kitchen is fabulous!!!!
Julie- Wow! I love it. Your home is one that I know I could pull a stool out, sit and drink a cup of coffee with you and feel completely at home. Your kitchen just radiates with the love you have for your family and home. The Lord has certainly blessed you with a beautiful spot of the world..and blessed you with a beautiful family...and blessed me to know you! Amen! xxoo Diana
Hi Julie, First time I have been to your blog. BEAUTIFUL! Love it. Your kitchen is wonderful and beautiful. Now the question what part of Southern Utah do you live in? I knew the when I saw the red cliffs and hills and you are a short distance from a National Park. But, you and your husband serve at Manti Temple. Hummmm! I am so glad I found you. We have much in common. I hope you will visit my blog. . I will be back to yours for sure. Thanks again for sharing a beautiful post. Hugs, Karie
What a gorgeous kitchen you have Julie! I love the colour of your kitchen cupboards & the green table that holds your sweet little budgies cage ♥
Julie your kitchen is beautiful. Even from pictures I can tell it is a happy place to be full of warmth and hospitality!
I love red too and have alot of red in my kitchen but when I saw your cabinets and then a section of them in red I about flipped - I love that!
Oh my goodness, Julie! Where do I begin!
This is a beautiful kitchen... partly because of the design, decorating and pretties all around... but ALSO because of the love I can just feel by just looking at these photos...
Your rooster things make me smile! I bought a set of 8 Rooster dishes this year and I LOVE using them... they just make me smile!
The cookie lessons book was read yesterday by my niece at the family get-together! Love that book too!
I actually bought that for myself, I love cookies!
Julie... I MUST ask you :o)
You've had both kinds of kitchens, white paint and dark wood...
Which do you prefer?
We are getting new cabinets/counter/sink...
I am so torn between the pretty almond colored painted maple {schuler - morel vintage}
or a nice ginger colored maple or cherry...
My kitchen is average sized.
What has been your experience?
Thanks so much.... I value your opinion Julie!
{I may make a "Help me decide" blog post, but hope to decide before Chris leaves with Jason for Texas!}
Hope you had a wonderful day!
Hi Julie,
I LOVE the roosters and the red accents. You've made it so warm and inviting. Won't you come and help me redecorate? Your view is just breathtaking. Have a wonderful week.
Julie, I can't tell you enough how much I love your kitchen. It is all about home and family. I love your roosters in all your decor! And that homemade bread looks delicious!
You have just tons of eye candy in here!!! What a awesome kitchen!!!
Julie your kitchen is just filled with love & warmth. I so favor the little green drop leaf table ...
New Giveaway starts on 4/6
Giveaway ends 4/5
Julie, I love the "hominess" or is it homeyness? Guess I made up a word and don't know how to spell it. :-) Anyway, your kitchen is delightful...the red makes me very happy! It is such a large space and I know it's very welcoming. Thanks so much for sharing!
I am back -- this is your old friend Kristeen (Gough Inn).. I've missed popping in -- love red barns and roosters too .. good to see you are well..
Hello dear friend - this is Kristeen of Gough Inn -- sure good to see you are well and doing fun things in the blog -- I love red barns and roosters too.. I'll be back -- take care..
Oh Julie! I'm so excited! We have the same vintage "Aunt Bee" canisters! Come see mine. ♥
A girl after my own heart!!! I love that old srove...the roosters...the old green table...oh my word...I love it all!!! Beautiful and welcoming kitchen sweetie..Picket
Julie, Your kitchen looks just like you, my friend! Cheerful and happy! YOur country collection is so welcoming! I just love all of your roosters, painted cabinetry, signs and APRONS! I LOVE aprons.
Thank you for the tour!
Your kitchen is so warm and inviting, and your view just can't be beat! I love those old stoves too!
Your kitchen makes me happy! I believe the sign that you're among friends at your home. You seem so warm and caring. I agree with the homemade bread. We have moved several times in our married life and several times I'd bake bread before we'd have people come look at the house. It makes the house seem more homey.
I think I could smell your beautiful kitchen. I would love to be among your family and enjoy a great meal.
Oh~ how beautiful your kitchen is, Miss Julie! I love all your roosters and especially the cute little hens on their nests!
Love the picture of the woman and little girl, too... that is so sweet.
I love your kitchen! Your beehive cake plate is still my favorite!!! :)
Good Evening Julie, girl I love your kitchen..and the olden stove is that the heartland one..I have the Elmira one in my kitchen and just love it to pieces it looks so olden and peeps always ask me how I can bake a turkey with the oven so small until I open it up ha ha!! Have a great week my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a beautiful, homey tour of your warm, love-filled kitchen, Julie! I feel like I've just been to your house! (I AM going to come and visit one of these days!)
Hope you're having a wonderful night, dear friend!
I love your whole kitchen and your cabinets!
You have so many cute vignettes sitting all around.
Your little helper is adorable and the aprons are sooooo cute!
Dear Julie,
You seriously have one beautiful kitchen (and home)!! Thank you for opening it up for us to view. You can tell a lot of love has gone into the making, and decorating of your home. A lovely & warm place for your family to come home to...:)
Many blessings for a very happy week to you,
xoxo Gloria
What a lovely and warm and welcoming kitchen you have! I too could live off home made whole wheat bread or any other home made bread. I have to not make it too often or I sit and eat almost a whole loaf by myself - no kidding! I love all of your red. The cabinets are so gorgeous. I wondered where you lived and then I read that you worked in the Manti temple. We were married there, 32 years ago in May. We usually try to make it down for our anniversary.
Your view out the window is absolutely to die for. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Julie,
What a charming kitchen you have. I can easily picture many of your family and friends gathered in your ample heart of the home. Red adds such a fun pop of color and your collections are delightful. Thanks for the free home show!!!!
The heart of your house is the coziest I have seen in a long long time. Enjoy every moment spend in your gorgeous, inviting kitchen sweet Julie xxxx
Julie....you have a lovely home. thanks for the tour of the kitchen...the heart of the home. (So is mine!) Your view is breathtaking!
You have the most beautiful kitchen & dining room! I would be in there all day with those wonderful views from the window, breathtaking!!
Loved my visit today, the way to a friends house is never long...
epecially when we have blog buddies!
Your kitchen is beautiful. The colors are so warm and inviting. I love all the touches. Love is in the details! I will be thinking of you today as I make Cherry Pie Salad for the first time in 2011. Manga Dork and I couldn't resist it any longer! lol
Hi Julie! I love the red cabinets in your kitchen and I agree with you that the color breaks up the area and makes it pop! Everything is so charming and your view is breath taking. I am your newest follower. I hope that you will stop by and visit me too.
Susan and Bentley
Julie, your kitchen is just beautiful. I love all of your cute roosters and those red cabinets are fabulous. Thanks for sharing that gorgeous view out your window!
I loved taking a peek into your kitchen. It is beautiful!
Love your kitchen Julie . . . so homey. Thanks for stopping by.
Just gorgeous, Julie!!! I love everything in your kitchen :)
I didn't know you had parakeets!
That is a whole post on it's own...please?
xo, misha
You have a very nice and big kitchen! i love the stove too!
Julie, I love the view that you have out your windows.
I also have a lot of roosters in my kitchen and curtains.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful kitchen.
I love your wonderful country kitchen! It looks soooo charming and inviting! Love all your roosters, piggys, also your red canisters, and red cabinets!!
So glad I stopped by! I'm a new follower!
Hugs, Sherri:)
Deaar BlogFriend-Love that kitchen but love even more that it not only looks right out of a magazine but is filled with your loving, inspiring, uplifting attitude. Thanks also for your comment regarding my sister (and all your other treasured comments). She and I will be driving up to Utah for the weekend for one of my grands baptism in SLC. Just wish your were closer for a someday visit. Happy day, msk
Julie, your kitchen is just exactly as I imagined it to be. Full of cuteness and mostly, full of love.
I love your redness, too. :))
Now, gotta go check out that bread recipe....:))
I love it! I'm so excited to have a house someday and paint/decorate however I want!
Well, OH.MY.WORD!!! I am in LOVE with your kitchen! Your red cabinets are fabulous and I adore that red rooster! Wow - sooooo many beautiful things all around your home! I can just image how much fun it is to come to your house! (Never mind all of the yummy things you are always baking too!!!!)
Thanks for sharing this with us! xo
I love it too!!
Blessings, Debbie
I absolutely love the splashes of red, that's my favorite part.
Besides the warm bread...
Julie, You truly have a beautiful "heart of the home kitchen." i adored everything. I hope to have one of those vintage stoves one day. Thanks for sharing, now I know why you enjoy cooking and baking for your family.
I love your kitchen, Julie. I am so partial to red. Your fruit and goodie box is wonderful...where did you find it! What a great piece...I am going to have to be on the search for one! ♥
Your love for family is very evident in your kitchen, Julie. I love all the homey touches and the red cabinet section is the perfect touch. I love love the blue and white farm plates from Williams Sonoma. I would love to find those, I'll have to see if they still have them. Thanks for sharing.
A very beautiful, warm and inviting kitchen and home! Just beautiful, Julie!
Julie, I'm dropping by from Shelia's, and I'm so glad I did! Love your adorable kitchen... it's like a warm hug. And that stove! Oh, that stove! And your cute antique table and all of your goodies. Girl, you set a magpie's heart aflutter.
Sheila :-)
Thanks Julie! It was so fun to visit! I love your kitchen! I feel your friendship and love through your pictures.
One question: Where did you get the RED ceramic canisters? I love them! I love little pops of RED and I also LOVE Black. I've been looking for cool canisters like yours.
Have a great week!
Love, Brenda
What a beautiful Kitchen, I sure would enjoy that space, very spacious! My kitchen is small but very sweet~ oxox, Diane
Wonderful kitchen! But I have to tell you what captured my attention is the bee skep looking cloche. Wherever did you find such a treasure? I love it! Can you guess why? Thanks for sharing all your beautiful treasures. Love that view!
So heart warming and spectacular. Thanks for a glimpse into the heart of your home. Just wonderful.
Oh Julie~
It is truly wonderful and inviting. I would feel so comfy visiting, laughing sipping some sweet tea and munching on the yummys.
I think we all just got a bigger picture of the loving person I expected you to be.
Your kitchen is lovely with all the special touches you have put there. My Mom has roosters in her kitchen too and I love them. She has them up over her cupboards and they look so nice there as it is a cathedral ceiling. I love all your signs too, it makes the house feel so welcoming and the bread on the counter, oh man oh man, I could sink my teeth into that right about now! :o)
Thank you for sharing your home with us, that was lots of fun!!! xoxox
Wow! Julie your entire kitchen is so beautiful! Gorgeous warm reds and the red rooster is simply precious. One of the cutest roos I have ever seen. *Smiles*
Warmly, ~Melissa
Hi Julie!
Your kitchen is just beautiful! And I know you are a fabulous cook.:) Love your sweet blog...I'm your newest follower!
thanks for sharing your kitchen, that is fun, I feel like I could walk right in. Looks like the view I was going for -- somewhere below cedar-- but I love the red. red in the kitchen and the rocks. and I could live on the bread too. love it.
your kitchen is beauitful julie.
i like pretty things instead of appliances on my kitchen counter too and yes the smell of home baked bread is heavenly- my family loves it. thank you for sharing the beauty of your home and your wonderful recipes!
A kitchen filled with pretty things, fresh bread, and LOVE ~ What could be better?
Glad you stopped by the Little Red Farmhouse. So nice to meet you!
I have chickens and roosters all over my kitchen, too! I love all the red you have! I especially love that red cabinet! I need to be brave and do something like that!
I enjoyed the tour of your beautiful kitchen. I too love roosters, I have them in my kitchen & dinning room. One of my favorite things you have are the Aprons...I love Aprons, they hold so many memories.
Julie, your kitchen is just beautiful. It is obvious that you love people and love having others in your home. :)
Love your kitchen and I love a touch of red in just about any room. I can tell your home is filled with lots of love. I love your red canisters and noticed your blog book. Can you tell us about it? Is this a book of your blog postings? I would be very interested in hearing about this as my husband thinks I should somehow preserve my own blog postings and photos. Have a wonderful day! Kim
Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting! I love it, it looks like one that I could just pull up a stool and sit and chat for a long time while sipping tea!
Your red is so pretty in there!
Hugs, Cindy
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