This is the north end of Lake Powell, it is about 2 hours south of our home.

About every direction that you look you can see it spreading as far as you can see.

It backs up from the Glen Canyon dam down by Arizona.

It has
wound it's way back and forth, in and out of all the mountains.
It is famous for house boats and water skiing, warm water and warm days.

It's a beautiful drive around it, just breath taking!

This and the next two pictures is Hidden Arches...we didn't hike down to them,
but it was fun to look way down there at them! Just beautiful.

How would you like to walk across the top of this? Not me!

I felt like a double
decker bus! These two ride in their kennel most of the time
but here they ride on me! Bo loves to snuggle up in my lap and Zak has to be up
where he can see. Most of the time that means where you see him here or on the
back of my husbands neck!

We went to the Monticello Temple...it sits right in a neighborhood.
It is one of the smaller temples but so beautiful inside. It is so very
peaceful there.

Right to the side of it is an open field and as it starts to get dark,
the deer come down from the mountain to eat in the fields.

The Angel Moroni sits way up on top...

It was so pretty as we came out that night.

Next morning we headed out to go see Arches National Park.
This big rock was just there along side the highway, very unusual.

This great big arch was just right along the highway too...
can you see the person up there inside the arch? I loved this
big old arch...it was quite the sight!

This place is along side the highway also...a shop and home that has been
there for years. Quite the life time project...very interesting place.

This was on the rock as we left...pretty big fellow!

Here he is again...very cool!

I had never been to Arches...it is so awesome! As you drive up and
into it, on every turn are the most amazing rock formations!

I said to my husband...I think God and Jesus Christ had a lot of fun
when they created this part of the world! The formations are so unusual.

These tall walls of red rock rise up so high, it's just hard to believe,
even though you are sitting there looking up at it!

This formation reminded me of a group of chiefs standing therein their long robes.

This is balanced rock...impressive but not that big, right?!

It is that big, and it is amazing!

This big massive rock was being climbed! Can you see the climber
up above and another one down below? Courage more than mine!

So many neat formations everywhere we looked.

Another massive arch..see the people at the bottom?

You could walk up and into this one and explore all over in it.

I loved this kind of formation too, reminds me of a loaf of bread!

See the people inside at the bottom...there
were children and families having so much fun.

See the people down at the bottom...they are getting ready to climb this!

A picture of Delicate Arch, it has been done on a rock here.

There are lots of these in these mountains, but real ones!

This is a road that winds way up, as we watched there was a big white
vehicle that had got stuck and couldn't go any further. They had to get
help for them to get out of there.

~Me and my hubbie~
The weather was perfect.

What an wonderful world this is...and it is such a gift to be able
to enjoy it and appreciate this God given gift!

See the person?

And another tunnel...and you know what I do in tunnels...roll down the
windows and SCREAM... one of those high soprano screams!!!
What a fun trip we had, thanks for sharing it with us!