Me and my husband, enjoying a great vacation, come along for part 2.

This and some of the following pictures are of such an awesome place!
I had never been here before so I was so in awe of such history.

These pictures are at a place called Mesa Verde...have you been there?
They were the homes of Indian cliff dwellers and I do mean cliffs!

These homes were carved right out of the rock face of a cliff.
Can you imagine living 9,000 feet up on the face of a cliff?!

This is a
Kiva..a sacred place of gathering for their community.
Dug down in rock...I can't imaging how they could do it.

A set of stone grinders where they ground corn for meals.
Kind of like our islands in our kitchens but they were on their knees!

Several families would live here for generations.

I kept wondering how they kept the babies away from the ledges!

This place was so hidden, right at the end of a box canyon
and totally protected from the
elements or danger from

This must be the master bedroom don't you think?!

These cliff dwelling were discovered by cattlemen in the 1880's.
They were out looking for some lost cattle, this is what it looked like
when they found it. It has now been worked on a bit but is much the same.

A picture of what it may have looked like in the days that it
was lived in by Indian families. The men had to climb up and
over the face of the cliff to go out hunting for food, It must have
been hard work to get it back and into their home!

This looks like it is sitting ground level but it is a drop off below
their homes.

Hundreds of people, families would live here together.
The homes went way back into the mountain too. When
I first was this I was just gasping...it is so awesome!

A tower right in the middle of the cliff village.

The Anasazi/Ancestral Puebloans Indians lived in these cliff dwellings
in 1100 AD. They are built of adobe, sometimes 3 stories high. The
rooms were around 6x8 ft. No one know why they lived in these cliff
dwellings...was it for
safety from
enemies? They left in 1400 AD.

See the rock on the face of these cliffs, this is where they would
cut into the rock and make their homes! I can't imagine living on a
cliff, raising babies and living inside a rock mountain all winter long!

This was a little town right off the freeway that we stopped into
one night to stay, The next morning I went for a walk all around
the town. It was filled with the neatest homes!

I loved this big old mansion...it would make a great B&B.

An old church turned into
someones home.

Cute little cottage homes with picket fences.

I loved these old carriages in this yard.

Just so cute!...I love cottage homes!

This beautiful, peaceful river runs right through town.

I loved this tree house in a front yard.

This cute little hid-a-way was an antique shop.

In this old building was the best bakery ever! The cinnamon
roll I ordered was as light as a feather and so Heavenly good!

This painting was there...loved it cause I do love those

Another big old mansion in town...so amazing!

The drive over the mountain pass to the town above was
so very beautiful! The leaves were still on the trees and in
full color...it was gorgeous at every bend of the road!

As we drove on this mountain pass...my eyes caught something
along side the road but back in the trees. I had my
hubbie turn
the car around and we went back and found a very old
This little grave stone was nestled in 3 big old trees, it was a little
girls grave, her name was Nettie and she had died as a little child.

I felt like we were on sacred ground..and we were.
These were
someones loved ones, their family. This
old grave sits in the middle of big old mountains where
families lived together, trying to make a living in the mines.

It was so quiet...so cold with some snow on the ground.
We walked all over, reading the headstones, most of the
dates were in the 1800's!

Gorgeous iron gates surrounding graves, someones loved ones.

A beautiful mountain lake with come cabins here.

These gorgeous mountains in Colorado...so high...so magnifient!

We went into the mountain town and ski resort of Telluride.
There were beautiful dogs everywhere...I loved these babies!

It was sunny and cold...we walked the streets looking into
the shops then popped into a pizza place for the best pizza
I have ever had! Maybe it tasted so good because we were
so hunger and cold, but it was so good!

This sweetheart was tied up and waiting for her owner
that had gone into a shop. I always have to stop and talk
to all the animals you know!
Well, this was part 2...part three will be next!
Have a great week dear friends...sending you my love!
You are bringing back so many memories of our time (when we lived) in Arizona and Colorado. I am enjoying revisiting these places through your pictures, Julie. I miss the beautiful scenery in Colorado!
Nice trip, Julie - glad you shared this us. I've never been to the cliff dwellings either, but hope to one of these days. Great photos! I always kinda feel like the spirits of those long-lost souls are still lurking about and watching...altho I don't believe in ghosts!
Those aspens are truly beautiful - it's hard to imagine the colors! Man's paintbrush can never ever match the brilliance and hue that God's does!
Cute little town - yes, me too, I have to talk to the doggies and give them a little scratch!
Those photos are stunning!! Makes my imagination take me away in time. Love your photography. Steve and I are going to Colorado in December and can't wait! My soft spot is for sweet dogs.
Steve took me for a ride upriver yesterday afternoon since I couldn't really go and do anything and I was fighting the crankies. Our sweet big girl came along, sitting in the middle of the back seat with her big old face so happy to be in the middle between "dad and mom" They sure are a comfort, our furry kids.
I had to laugh at this one because the only thing I could think about when I was at Mesa Verde a few years ago was "How did they keep their little ones from falling of the cliffs?"....
great minds think alike sweetie...
thanks for sharing your trip,, amazing photos,,
I would love to take a trip out west. The scenery is breathtaking. I loved all those cottage homes. Tthe mountains in the background are so majestic! xo
Beautiful places to visit. Were the cliff dwellings near Colorado Springs. I think I have been there. Yes, amazing......how did they keep those babies safe.
Beautiful little towns, homes and doggies.
You take the best trips.
I would love to do that part of your trip :) Never done that before. Loved your pictures.
What a beautiful place...I think I may have to add it to my "places I want to see" list!
Yep, I had the privilege of visitin' Mesa Verde when I was a young chicklett. It still amazes me today.
Your pictures are sure fantastic sweetie.
God bless and have a marvelous week!!! :o)
We lived in Cortez, Colo for awhile when our boy was little. 1967...So much fun. My hubby was on a job there and we moved to be with him...for about a year there.
We went to Mesa Verde often. Had lots of company from "home" and always took them there. In the museum there, they have a very olden mummy, ESTER. Our boy, David, was so impressed (he is 3 at the time) with her that he still to this day remembers her. She was very well preserved, with hair and teeth.
We went to Telluride often...they have the BEST 4th of July there. I begged hubs to buy a little place there but......he just couldn't see it at the time. NOW of course, we could have been rich. :))
xoxo bj
O, any bites on your beautiful ranch there? Hope it sells soon and you can move to the little place you bought.
Hi Julie,
What a beautiful trip! My sister and niece are in Colorado right now for an ice skating competition my niece is in. What a beautiful place!
We drove by the Virgin River on our way into Utah in August. The driver (of our St. George shuttle) pointed out Indian homes, as we were driving by, that were in the stone. We had driven by that way many times but never did notice any of that until he brought it to our attention. Very amazing that they lived there. I think it is wonderful you got to see these types of dwellings up-close.
Happy travels!!
These photos are just amazing! I can hardly believe the incredible work that went into these cliff dwellings. What a wonderful place to vacation!
so fun!! And beautiful...thank you!
You know in all the years we have been going to New Mexico to visit family we have never made it to Mesa Verde and I have always wanted to!!! So I really enjoyed your pictures.
I want to see a map of your trip, so I can do this one day. It is so pretty.
WOW!!! What a fun vacation so far!! I love all the pictures you took, thanks for sharing them!!
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