My husband gave me this plaque at Christmas time. He said that as he
walked by it, he got chills as he thought of me, and my role as the
mother of the home, needless to say, I loved his gift, and his thoughts of me.

One of the things I love the most is looking eye to eye, spirit to spirit
with God's sweet little ones that have been sent to grow up in my family.

The complete trust that Heavenly Father and his little ones have in us,
is truly a humbling feeling. It is an honor and a great joy to be the ones
who get to be a child's "everything" as they grow up in our homes & families.

~Sophia and her Elmo and Ernie~
"We call upon parents to devote their best efforts to the teaching and
rearing of their children in gospel principles which will keep them close
to the church. The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other
instrumentality can take it's place or fulfill it's essential functions in
carrying forward this God-given responsibility." (Gordan B.

Ella knows who she is already...the other day her mommy said to her;
Ella, I love you, you are so special to me." And Ella replied to her mom;
"I special because Jesus made me a princess!"
On my next visit I took her a little necklace with a crown and told her
that I too know she is a very sweet princess to her Heavenly Father and
her Savior Jesus Christ.

~Caleb, Claire and Ella~
"If I could have one thing happen for parents, it would be that they feel the
love of the Lord in their lives each day, as they care for Heavenly Father's
children...I invite you, in all your dealings, to put on the mantle of charity, to
envelop your family in the pure love of Christ." (Bonnie D.

Sophia on a
safari hunt....
"Remember the love of your mother. Remember how she strove for
your welfare. Remember how willing she was to sacrifice her life for
your good. Remember what she taught you in your childhood...those
feeling will become a defense, a barrier between you and temptation.
(Joseph F. Smith)

I do believe that Claire has found her thumb!
"Mothers in Zion, your God-given roles are so vital to your own
salvation and to the salvation and exaltation of your family. A
child needs a mother more than all the things money can buy.
Spending time with your children is the greatest gift of all."
(Ezra T. Benson)

Ella, Claire and Caleb...3 little bugs in a rug!
"Heaven is a place, but it is also a condition; it is home and family.
It is understanding and kindness. It is interdependence and it is
selfless activity. It is quiet, sane living; personal sacrifice, and it is
genuine hospitality, wholesome concern for others. It is living the
commandments of God without ostentation or hypocrisy. It is
a sweet
glimpse of heaven, or little bit of heaven on earth."
(Spencer W. Kimball)

Sophia knows how to enjoy a Valentine cookie!
"Mothers and fathers have a sacred responsibility to teach and
nurture their children. Mothers and grandmothers can prepare
their daughters and granddaughters to be the nurturers of their home."
(Daughters in My Kingdom)

~Tiffany and Claire~
"Every woman who strengthens and protects her family is doing
the work of God. Every woman who lives as a woman of God becomes
a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that
will be harvested for decades to come, even into eternity. (M. Russell Ballard)

~Ella in all her Super-Cuteness~
"Children, being pure and holy, teach us something of our heavenly
home. No gift bestowed upon us is so precious as children. They
are proof that God still loves us. They are the hope of the future!"
(David O. McKay)

~Darin and Laura and family~
"The time will come when only those who believe deeply and
actively in the family will be able to preserve their family in the
midst of the gathering of the evil around us."
(Spencer W. Kimball-1980)

~Kelsey and Ronnie~
"Every sister who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes
the influence of evil. Every sister who makes and keeps sacred
covenants becomes an instrument in the hands of God."

Kelton and Stetson~
Young men, regardless of your age, you are building your life;
it will be cheap and shoddy or it will be valuable and beautiful;
it will be full of constructive activities or it can be destructive;
it can be full of joy and happiness, or it can be full of misery. It
all depends upon you and your attitudes, for your altitude, or
the height you climb, is dependent upon your attitude or your
response to situations. (Spencer W. Kimball)

God bless young men...I know your Heavenly Father is your
true friend. Everything he asks you to do is right and will
bring blessings to you and make you manly and strong.
(Spencer W. Kimball)

"Of all the creations of the Almighty there is none more
beautiful than a lovely daughter of God. You have been
born at this time for a sacred purpose. Put the Lord first
in your lives, turn your hearts to him. You are the royal
daughters of the Lord in these the last days."
(Spencer W. Kimball)

There was a mom who was making divinity one day and she
allowed her little boy to eat all the divinity he could scrape
from the spoons, pans, and bowls. He and his mom were
listening to a talk, and the speaker said, "There is a spark of
divinity in each of us." The little boy jumped up and said,
"A spark of divinity? Wow, I'm full of it!"
Yes, children are full of divinity. Surely the angels attend them.
"Except we become as a little child, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
(Joanne B.

Sophia with her mommy and daddy
"There is a saying that big gates move on small hinges. Sisters, your
example in seemingly small things will make a big difference in the
lives of young people. The way you dress and groom yourselves, the
way you talk, the way you pray, the way you testify. the way you live
every day will make the difference. This includes which TV shows you
watch, which music you prefer, and how you use the
(Dieter F.

My daughter Lisa gave this to me at Christmas time and I love it,
and I believe it, and I love to be that toy...it brings me so much joy!
"I do not believe that God's purposes on earth will ever be achieved
without the influence, strength, love, support, and special gifts of the
elect women of God. They are entitled to our deepest veneration, our
fullest appreciation, and our most profound respect. I believe angels
attend them in their motherly and grandmotherly ministry.
The spiritual rewards of motherhood are available to ALL women.
Nurturing the young, comforting the frightened, protecting the
vulnerable, teaching and giving encouragement need not...and
should not...be limited to our own children.
(James E. Faust)
I hope you enjoyed these quotes, each one given by different leaders over
the years in my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
And you can always count on a few grand children in my post, I am sure you
know that by now! God bless you...Guardians of the Hearth.