8 hours to go pick him up. He was the biggest Golden retriever puppy I had
ever seen, and we have had a bunch through our life. He is as full of love as
he is BIG, and we have no choice but to just love him back!
that he can fit right there in our laps! It is always a joy though!

brave, loyal, dutiful, kind. They seem to have a deep understanding of all
situations and people and they just can't wait to please you or even a cat!

It is just full of the most beautiful pictures of all kinds of retrievers and
I have loved picking it up over the years just to looking at their beauty.
Samantha loves to come and nap on the bench on the front porch.
She and our other cat Bobby, follow Cougar all over in the day time,
and sleep right on top of him at night, even though they have their own
little beds! The same has been true of every Golden we have owned.
fields. I think it's fun and relaxing to watch them, but these guys don't agree!
time and as the sheep move, the horses will stomp their feet and snort!
I think.. they think, that the ground is moving, as the sheep all move at once.

These sweet little girls love their dance class, I just love them
in their cute little tu tu's...nothing cuter than little girls in all their fluffiness!

her balance! Her mommy made the darling headband.
I hope you are feeling a bit of Spring in your part of the world.
It will be awhile yet until it finally comes here, like about the middle
of May, but I am waiting patiently...really I am!

oh such beautiful photos, I agree with you on this about goldens completely.We loved ours.
I love how you said her tongue helps her balance, so sweet.
Thankyou for sharing today.
Hey Julie,that Cougar is one huge lab! The babies are too cute too!
Hello Julie - I'm frustrated with that verification thingie, too. Half the time I can't make it out...
Your bench cushion is just like mine, I think. My we have good taste! Mine is on my front porch wicker settee, which our farm dog, Gypsy, has taken over. Oh well, she's comfortable there watching over our home, so I can't complain.
Love all your pooch and kitty pictures!
Hi Julie, adorable photos of all the adorable kiddies and pets that reside in your home! I agree about the word verification, I turned mine off when I first started blogging. xo
Well, I've never owned a Golden, but have heard so many wonderful stories about them. He sure is BIG!!!
I totally agree with the word thing Julie. I HATE it too. I've never had it and NEVER had problems. So let's beat down those doors gf.
Sweet little Ella and Sophia OMG and little Claire. ADORABLE really Julie. Are those little leg warmers she has on?? CUTE.
Well it's not spring around here, but we hit a whopping 40 today, but tonight a nice little dusting of white snow to hide the yellow spots all over the yard, lol...
Happy week my dear friend.
Love You
Love Me
Your pictures are always so fun. I can tell that you love all of God's creations.
I agree with you about the word verification. Very frustrating!
Oh Julie,
Claire with her tongue out made me just laugh out loud! What a dolly!
And I think Golden and labs are about the nicest dogs around!
Wonderful family pics all around...
and I hate that robot word thing too.....ugh,ugh,ugh. I just did one and it about made me crazy!
I thought it was just me that had to try several times to get the word verification thing right! I've been blogging for three years now and never had word verification ...and never had spam. I'm not even sure what 'spam' is, just that a lot of people seem worried about getting it. I'll take my chances.
Love the photos! Have a blessed day, Julie!
: )
Your grands are precious as always, Julie!! Love the photo of Samantha and Cougar enjoying the sunshine! And, yes I HATE that word verification, too!! Grrrrr! Hope you have a wonderful week. blessings ~ tanna
Awwww... Cougar is a sweetheart, Julie! I loved his "baby" picture! *hehe*
Thanks for posting the picture of the sheep~ I enjoyed seeing that!
Claire's little leggies are the cutest! I wish they had those around when my babies were babies.
My kids are crazy for a dog right now but we are holding out because hubby wants a golden...I'm with him.
Oh darlin' our day began at 22 degrees but our high is predicted 67 today. 'Sure gives me the itch to get dirt under my nails.
Honey those babies are just too stinkin' cute and that pic of Clair balancin' with that little tongue is priceless.
God bless ya and have an amazin' day my friend!!!
Sending you a wish for a joyful day...reading your blog started mine out joyfully.
Hi Julie,
Your Cougar is so cute. A gentle giant! :)
Love the pics of the grands!! That headband is adorable on Claire. Sophia, and Ella sitting in their dance class is priceless. Precious gifts for sure!
I don't know if my word verification looks the same. I have seen it on all of the verifications now, and wondered if mine did the same?? I did have a problem with my blog awhile back though. They deleted my blog due to somebody trying to get into it (or due to some unauthorized use?). I had to go back into my email, and give them my password to get it back! SO, it makes me hesitant to not have the word verification. I know the word verification is frustrating to decipher. Maybe with setting up your blog to verify and approve every comment before it posts helps. Like how you have it set up?
I don't know what the best solution is?? :) I hope the commenting problem gets resolved soon for you.
Happy week, dear friend...:)
Sweet pets, adorable babies...You've been so very blessed, Julie!
I'm with you on the word verification thing--I took mine off a year or so ago...can't stand it! It's definitely gotten worse all of a sudden!
Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend!
Cute, cute pictures.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having problems with the word verification. I've never liked it, but I think they've made it even harder to decipher. Very frustrating.
Your golden is just beautiful. It looks like he holds a place of honor with you and all of your pets.
I can see signs of spring too, the daffodils are all coming up and there seem to be more birds hanging around too. Yep, spring is just around the corner.
Love the pics! And I agree about the word verification. I don't know what it is about me but usually I mess them up.
You make me want to get a dog. Again.
Have to say I hateeeee those verification words too.
You have a sweet family.
Wonderful pictures! :-) I'm not a fan of the word verification either...if it's on mine I have to figure a way to take it off too, lol
YOU have made me fall totally and completely in love with your golden, you know! I just love that Cougar of yours!!! And just like you, can't STAND the word verification. Mine has been gone for years too.
Always enjoy the cute pictures of your little grandbabies too. And I agree that there is almost nothing sweeter than little girls and their fluffiness!!! :)
Julie ...thank you for letting me know Word Verification was showing up on my blog! I had no idea! You've commented there before, was it always there? No one has ever mentioned it.
I found how to turn it off in Settings (after much digging!) and it should no longer be there. Thank you for letting me know!
Awww.... Cougar is beautiful! And I need that book! I'm a golden lover, too. My dog Abby was on my Mudpies and Tea Parties blog just yesterday!
And I don't think I have a word verification. If I do, let me know. I have trouble with those silly things, too!
Hey Julie....Your big golden reminds me a lot of my big yellow lab...the kids sit on him, the cats lay on him and so does our bunny...he doesnt mind a bit. He is a huge loving boy. Three vets have told me he is the biggest lab they have ever seen...
gotta agree with you about the robot things....I cant do them and it is annoying. I have been blogging since 2007 and have got one automated comment.
what a cute puppy Cougar was and he sure did turn into a big guy. Love the picture of Claire with the tongue sticking out, too cute
I felt the same way about the new word verification. I spent the one weekend with a terrible headache from the eye strain I got from trying to read those. I finally had to say sorry but if you have it I can't comment
Goldens are my favorite also and Cougar is so cute I wouldn't mind him in my lap either!
I don't mind the word verification except for the fact that I CAN'T SEE it! I'm getting blind in my old age and after about the second try I just give up!
Such sweet pets and grandkids. Awwww. :)
And I completely agree about the word verification! Please everyone, take it off! lol. It is not necessary and has become so difficult to read! The spam filters are great without it.
That Claire sitting up is just adorable! :)
Your Golden sure is huge and it is a crack up that he likes to sit on laps :-D
I agree about the word verification. I didn't like the old one - I would take that one back in a minute - this new one is sometimes impossible.
Hi Julie!! I have the book about Goldens--It's one of my favorites, and I think your boy could be in there too!!!
I continue to smile each time I see pictures of your beautiful family!!
I hope you've had a good day!! By the way, I took the word verification off my blog. I put it on because I was getting a lot of spam. Sure enough just after I took it off, the spam showed up again for the blog, but it goes into the folder and isn't published, so no worries!
Take care!!!
I abhor that new word verification crap too. Like you, I can never make out the stupid letters.
I AM NOT A ROBOT...just an older lady who can't see so well anymore (tee,hee)
The animals are so dang cute.
Did I ever tell you that once my sister had a Siamese cat (when we were all young and still living at home)....well, we got it as a little cat, and we were told they were smart and you could teach them to use the toilet
and they'd NEVER have to have a litter box.
and YUP...that dang cat used the toilet every time. We just had to leave the seat up for her.
But she did not know how to flush (tee,hee)
Hey Julie! Thanks for joining the Word Verification cause! Golly that's a drag! Fascinating seeing your environs! SHeep! Horses! Looks like the Harwards are doing well! Hope so!
You have such an adorable family. Including the furry side of the family. I so agree with you on that dumb word verification. So frustrating and so unnecessary. Thanks for putting it out there. Mimi
Cougar is huge ~ ginormous! How I'd love to rub my hands in his soft fur and get a big face full of tongue kiss:)
Oh thankyou Julie, i just removed my word verification. I agreed with you, very frustrated, I only needed someone to tell me to do it. I always wondered what it was good for, but never changed it. IT IS GONE! I can't believe that Claire is sitting up now. the time goes by so quickly.
Ok first the babies. They are so sweet and just darling babes. We have a golden mix and she is getting up in years. I am thinking of a golden for our next dog. My husband travels a lot. Are they good watch dogs. Ours right now is great. She is gentle with the kids but a fierce barker if someone comes in the yard.
I would love to have a Golden Retriever, but we live in the city and would never expect a large dog to put up with city life.
I understand and agree with the crazy word verification dilemma. I don't have it, and Julie, I do have lots of spam coming my way. But, the good news is that Blogger catches it and does not publish it. I normally have one or two per week, something changed because last week I had 20!!! I see that they all sign in as "anonymous", so I turned off that option. We shall see if it changes anything.
Have a wonderful day, dear lady.
Hugs, Cindy
Oh how we love love love our furry family members...oh YES we do... I can't imagine life without them...and a house without some fur twining into the sticks and twigs and fluff and feathers we build our nests with. :-)Loved your post Julie. The photos are full of warm-and-fuzzy effects. It just brings out the smile on my face. Funny about the horses and sheep...makes sense though! The earth is moving!!!! snort! ;-p I agree with the word verifications. Sometimes I think WHO in the WORLD can make out that one letter??, it looks like someone wrote the word in black ink and then smeared the heel of their hand across it just to be wicked....argh...I say TURN THEM OFF too. Forget my comment..not worth the frustration.
Hugs and Hugs...we are expecting the WHITE stuff again...still Winter so ....nuff said....xoxoxo- **I did already Hug and Squeeze and Kiss and Scratch my furry boys today...daily routine. :-)
a PS...I had to come back for two things...one was the little girls in Tu-Tus...OH SO precious...I am eating them up...but then you go and post Claire in her little leg warmers...another future student at the dance classes...Little girls Little girls...sugary spice and OH I could've had so many more if God had planned it.. :-) ENJOYED!!! Hoping for a little girl grand one day in my future...gotta get em married first!!! ;-p And the other reason was I have a DID YOU NOTICE? in the cherub print that you also share with me - in your nest - Did you ever note that the little one on the right has the wing of a butterfly???? I have had a smaller edition of this pic for a while and NEVER noticed it til when I acquired the large print...So interesting...just wondered! :-) Hugs! xo
Cougar is just the biggest sweetest teddy bear on that side of the Atlantic ocean ;-)
Will you be able to take your horses with you when you move?
I took my word verification off and immediately got a spam email. But I am leaving it off for the convenience of my readers and because I hate having to decipher them when I am on blogs...but you´re a lucky woman to not get any spam or other problems without these words!
Have a great day Julie!!
I am gonna say right here. LOL!!! getting back to you...just saw your comment and read your Now I'm gonna prove that I'm not a robot...If I had been in a cartoon block, there would have appeared a HUGE question mark over my head... I have left a comment on my own blog before as a test, and never had to do word verification, so I had NO idea...I went into settings and then comments and saw that the Word Verification was marked YES!!!! Have you always had to leave a word verification???? I did KNOW that was required...I apologize for making any sisters have to do that...I am still shaking my head, but laughing....agreeing with you this morning that it drove me crazy and then finding out it was on MY BLOG!!! GRACE!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo **ps thanks for making that ending comment...I NEVER would have known.
I so agree with those words, I can't read them either! yea, I got rid of that on my blog a while ago. too hard. love those big eyes on Claire!
I have been having a hard time leaving comments lately also because of the same reason. So frustrating. Someone explained why it changed on another blog and of course it all made sense but it still frustrates me. Very nice photos! Claire is so precious!
I love COUGAR!!! our golden still thinks that he is a lap dog too.
Just look at all of those sweet girls....tooooo cute!!
I noticed that the word verification was getter harder for me to read... I thought that it was my eyes. Lol. I will take mine off until I am attacked by robots. : )
Such sweet pictures.
How fun that you got to go with your little grands to dance class.
What a sweet grandma you are!
Amen on the word verification frustration.
I hope those who have it will consider removing it.
I too have had a hard time getting the words to work and let me comment.
Have a wonderful evening.
Its always a pleasure to see your family and young ones Julie.
Your golden is beautiful..such a gentle spirit.
I understand about the word verifications..they can be quite time consuming and yes, eye straining, because sometimes its so difficult to read the actual word (if its even a word) lol
Have a great weekend!
Deborah xoxo
I don't know how mine got back on but I hope that it is off now. I hate those also.
My brother had a golden and it was such a beautiful dog.It was a sad day when his family had to put it down due to cancer.
Loved all of those grands photo. I agree that the tongue is for balance.
Julie- Our family has had Goldens in the past. They are such good, loving family dogs. Love the pictures of the grands. I'm sure that tongue is the only thing that balances her out!
I am with you- that new word verification drives me nuts. I think it happened when people switched over to the new format and most people don't even know they have it? I hate it- and often don't comment on those blogs that have it! xo Diana
LOVE Cougar! I've always liked Goldens, friends have had them but I've never really had the space. I'm glad you do!
Of course, it's always fun to see the little ones. They grow so fast ~
I totally agree with you re: word verification. It's such a hassle and takes so much time...that none of us have.
Mr. Cougar, you are a dashing young boy and I think you are quite pawsome!!!! xxoo Fiona...
now mom:
Julie, you took the words out of my mouth about the word verification. My eyes go blurry trying to figure them out!! I ditto the suggestion to remove them.
I LOVE that dog! Best breed ever.
We had a fine stray one once for 3 weeks. He was so full of life but he didn't think he should stay for whatever reason.
Baby Claire has wonderful big eyes :)
Adorable pup and yes I also hate word verification. I rarely take the time to comment because it takes too much of my time.
As always enjoyed the photos of your furry family, and of your children and grandchildren, It is amazing to watch them grow with you.
I have been away from blogging this week, but since being on today, I am finding it hard to leave a comment for the reason you named, and I agree we do not need word verification. Good advice.
Thank you for your sweet thoughts and prayers during my illness, I am feeling much better.
Such beautiful pictures of your four legged kids and your two legged ones! Love the little bow in Clair's hair! I have never had a golden but I have a friend that always has one and they are lovely.
That word verification stuff drives me up the wall! I don't think it is on mine but I have stopped blogging for a while due to my Dad's accident but I will try to check it out.
Dad is coming along slowly but I think I see some improvement. It's been about three weeks since his fall and he and Mom are back home here with us. Keep him in your prayers if you think of it, head injuries need all the help they can get! xoxoxo
Hi Julie,
Wow, that is one big dog!!!
I love the picture of the sheep on the hill, so beautiful!
After I read your comment on the word verification I went and checked my blog and it was ON!! I didn't even realize it! I HATE those stupid things!! Half the time I can't read them and I get so frustrated! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!!
HI Julie! Amen, about the word verifications! I just have them!
Now your Golden is so beautiful. We have a Golden who attends our church services! Yes, ma'am. He's a service dog and is so sweet and nicely mannered. But he doesn't enjoy the preaching because he always goes to sleep! :)
Now on to those little grandbaby girls - what little darlings! I've just been in grandmother heaven and sure did hate to leave it!
Hope you're doing well. Are you still moving to St. George?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Cute pics!
I have word verification, but it's worth it to me to keep off the awful spam...hate spam comments (especially the nasty viagra ones)!
Oh my stars, I too detest word verification boxes! I can't even read them half the time! :P
Well, Julie not enough good can be said about goldens...such lovely dogs and our Hurricane is just wonderful! I love the photo of Cougar and your cat sitting side by side :)
Word Verification; you won't find that on my blog...I detest them and typically don't leave a comment if they have it.
I love those pictures of all the animals! Cougar makes me want to have a golden!!!!
Love that he loves the kitty.
I do hate the new word verifier! Sometimes it's next to impossible.
I just turned the dumb thing off.
Cougar is such a big ole Darling!
Great post. Your Grands are so precious!
As for the Word Verifications.... Grrr! I too have to try several times... sometimes I wonder if I am a robot! ha ha!
Love to you on this beautiful day!
Hi Julie,
I'm back and catching up with the dogs, cats and grands here! It's really fun to watch these little ones grow before my eyes, and YES turn of word verification world. It's so annoying!!!!!!
Golden Retrievers are the best....We had five at one time back in the 90's...they were such wonderful dogs, every one of them....they used to all sleep with their legs draped over one another...so cute....And you have to have the most beautiful grand babies I have ever seen....and they just keep multiplying....You lucky lady!
Wowwwww what a big Golden you have !!! ....so sweet.......love your pictures...nice blog you have !!..sweet grandchildren too...have a nice day...love Ria...xxx..
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