with a warm soft breeze, smelling flowers in the air, and
enjoying an outdoor movie at the park!
That is what St. George was called in the early days, because
it was warm there and the pioneers could grow cotton.
things to do is go shopping at the Desert Industries. It's
a big thrift store and they have many of them. Prices are
awesome too, I just bought the cutest entry table for only
$30.00 I'll show you a picture of it next post.
so good! This choir is called..Heritage Choir..when we get
fully moved there, I would love to sing with them.
man here is headed out for his 6Th time, it was very special.
You are calling me to be true to thee, True to thee...I will be.
O, America I hear you, From your prairies to the sea,
From your mountains grand, and all through this land,
You are beautiful to me.
And...O, America you're calling, I can hear you calling me;
You are calling me to be true to thee, True to thee...I will be.
O, America you're calling....I will ever answer thee.
the concert. I can't even begin to tell you how
wonderful it was...chills and tears all the way through!
Just stepping onto the grounds brings instant peace.
tend her for a bit, never long enough for me,
but we sure had fun!
so much fun telling each other stories! I told him
one about some trolls, after I got done he said; "that's
a good one grandma!" And then he would tell me one
kind of like mine but WAY longer! He glued it together
with..."then guess what happened?!" And then he would
go on and on! I loved every moment of his stories too.
Spray a 9x13 pan with Pam
Pre-heat oven to 350*
Lay 2 (12-16 oz.) bags of frozen mixed berries in pan.
Sprinkle 1 box of white or yellow cake mix (no pudding)
Pour 1 cup or (12 oz. diet 7-up or clear soda over cake mix.
Don't stir. Bake for 55-60 minutes (Last 15 min. sprinkle a
handful of chopped pecans and a handful of white chocolate
chips over the top) Take out and serve hot with vanilla ice cream
or cool a bit and serve with whipped cream on top!
Tiffany and her husband at the policeman's ball.

Brody is on your left on top with his cute head cocked sideways.

I hope your summer is flowing along nicely too.
Life is good for sure because God is so good to us!
If you don't see hide nor hair of me
for a bit, you know where I am! ;)
(If you haven't yet, sign in as a follower)