It started out small, with good intentions for a controlled
burn and it did just that for a couple of days...

Then the wind came up really strong and by night time it
looked like Hell itself.

The wind was so strong, a perfect recipe for a beautiful
mountain burned.

This is what I could see out my front windows...
it looked like it was coming right over the mountain!

In the little town of Teasdale right next to us it raged right
behind the homes there. This is the most scary fire I have
ever seen here in our county.

This is our place with our horse barn and horse trailer...
I was starting to panic a bit, but the wind took the fire
the other way.

This is right out front of our home, and this was
no cloud, it's all smoke from the fire.

I got in our truck and drove south to see what was
going on with this big fire and just around the bend
I ran into this....

A valley filled with almost solid smoke!

The fire was really raging across the mountains...

I am sure that many of the home owners here were
truly afraid of what this fire was going to do.

The smoke burnt my throat it was was so thick.

Everywhere I looked, it was covered in smoke...
by the time I got home, even my cloths smelled of smoke.

I have never seen a fire like this, the sky was
no more... just smoke!

The big red cliffs just down from our home were
covered in smoke too.

This was one HUGE fire and so, so scary!

It seemed that the whole valley was on fire.

A cop...

and an ambulance went flying by me.

I have never seen such gigantic clouds
of smoke before.

Even the sun seemed to have gone crazy at this moment.

It shined through the smoke in such an
eeryway and every car or truck that passed by me
carried this bright orange image of the sun on
it's windows.

The mountain 4 miles south west of Teasdale
was one giant mountain of smoke.

This was the fire right across from our home, the cloud
of smoke was more yellow and brown and wild than my
camera could even capture.

This fire burnt over 2,355 acres of steep, hard to
fight mountain. A few of the homes or cabin on the
mountain were
The fire is still burning today, the winds have
have calmed down compared to yesterday.
Lots of reinforcements are here to put it out,
I hope they can! The wind is going to pick up
over the next two days, not good!

The setting sun out my window last night...
eery in the glow of the fire still raging.
PS...Just found out this morning....this fire was
started on purpose by an arson in 7 places!!!

(That is 1 teaspoon of Vanilla)
You might want to make this...
a great energy bar. Something
these great firefighters might need
a lot of!
WOW!! That's a little too close. Hoping that you all will get through this safely and the fires will stop. Rain! You need rain! What is it with rain anymore. Never there when you need it. Stay safe!
WOW....very scary stuff!!..:/ I hope they get that fire put out very soon. I will pray they can get it under control and OUT! Be safe, dear friend.
I hope you let me share this Julie. I LOVE IT....
Now those fires are absolutely TERRIBLE. OMG Julie. Too close for comfort that's for sure. You really got some great pics, not that the fire was great, but you sure are dedicated to your blog and to us.
I pray that all is settled now, and nobody was hurt.
I love you
that is truly scary, and sad!
Hopefully the fire will be out soon, and the skies will clear again.
I'm so glad that no one was hurt, or any property damaged.
We have seen quite a few fires already this summer... and the summer is still young.
Hoping and praying that we get through the rest of the summer without any additional fires.
Grateful that you and your family, and your home are safe and sound.
Sending prayers...
Oh Julie that was one powerful fire, I bet lots of prayers being said that day. Unbelievable. xo
So scary. Sure hope that know one gets hurt and the fire is put to sleep soon. My daughter was telling us about a controlled burn in Colorado that didn't turn out well.
Stay safe.
Stay safe my dear friend! My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the families and fire fighters that are in the fire's path.
Pictures do NOT lie...that was truly a horrific fire...so sad to think of all the land and forests - trees- wildlife...all suffering and burned... I am glad that the wind shifted and reinforcements came in. TOO TOO scary. I know you were worried and praying constantly. Glad you are okay Julie...Be Careful!! Don't be driving towards any fires...You will make me worry! O.O
{{hugs}} to you and hope it is already close to a "smoldering" stage. Prayers for the workers firefighters and volunteers.. xoxo
Happy to hear that the winds have died down. Hopefully, they can get the fire under control now and give you back some nice, fresh air to breathe! :0)
That fire seems way too close for comfort. I am hoping and praying it will be out soon!
As beautiful and wonderous as your photos are ~ I just hate to see that. I sure hope that they get the fire put out quickly. I would be a nervous nelly looking outside at that view. Be safe my friend!!!
It looks very frightning, but amazing at the same time. Fires seem to be so alive when they burn. And all consuming. My son is a firefighter and has worked some big range fires around the mountains here. The mountains (and ours are small) make access difficult so the firman just have to let some areas burn and try to head off the fire to keep homes and such from being damaged. We had one that burned several thousand acres here and lasted several days. It makes me thankful that this seems to be turning into a wet year. It's been raining most of the week, and it's too cool to swim, but we are well out of fire danger.
I was so sad reading this and pray for your safety. We've had terrible fires here in AZ too and I'm also reminded to pray for the wild-life living in fire zones. Hope that fire will be ended SOON.
How sad....we were driving back home from the Mesa, AZ area and we saw where a recent fire has burned the mountains...it's ugly...I'm sorry you had the worry about this...been there.. we commented to each other that Az and Ut are so dry...wish Mother Nature would be kind and let us have some good summer rain storms. ..Gentle ones...Thinking of you..
Julie, I am just getting caught up on your blog and even though your pictures have done an amazing job telling the story of the fire, the fear I am feeling in my heart, I know doesn't equal being there at all. I'm keeping you all in my prayers that everyone continues to be safe!! I'm thinking of you!!!
wow...that is huge and very close! And arson? That is just so sad, isn't it!
Fires are so scary!!! I would have be terrified if I were you, you must have been praying for the wind to switch direction.
And to think it was started by an arsonist!!! It makes no sense, those people have no compassion for people who live there and no love for nature.
What a rotten shame!
Stay safe.
Hugs, Cindy
Did I comment already? Not sure. Such scary pictures! Hope you're still safe!
Oh my! Fire is scary. Let it rain!
oh my goodness!!!!
That is very frightening indeed! Many prayers out your way to you, neighbors and all the precious animals that lost their homes :(
Fire is so scary.
Love to you Julie
That does look so scary and prayers that it will be out soon and you will all be safe.
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