with a warm soft breeze, smelling flowers in the air, and
enjoying an outdoor movie at the park!
That is what St. George was called in the early days, because
it was warm there and the pioneers could grow cotton.
things to do is go shopping at the Desert Industries. It's
a big thrift store and they have many of them. Prices are
awesome too, I just bought the cutest entry table for only
$30.00 I'll show you a picture of it next post.
so good! This choir is called..Heritage Choir..when we get
fully moved there, I would love to sing with them.
man here is headed out for his 6Th time, it was very special.
You are calling me to be true to thee, True to thee...I will be.
O, America I hear you, From your prairies to the sea,
From your mountains grand, and all through this land,
You are beautiful to me.
And...O, America you're calling, I can hear you calling me;
You are calling me to be true to thee, True to thee...I will be.
O, America you're calling....I will ever answer thee.
the concert. I can't even begin to tell you how
wonderful it was...chills and tears all the way through!
Just stepping onto the grounds brings instant peace.
tend her for a bit, never long enough for me,
but we sure had fun!
so much fun telling each other stories! I told him
one about some trolls, after I got done he said; "that's
a good one grandma!" And then he would tell me one
kind of like mine but WAY longer! He glued it together
with..."then guess what happened?!" And then he would
go on and on! I loved every moment of his stories too.
Spray a 9x13 pan with Pam
Pre-heat oven to 350*
Lay 2 (12-16 oz.) bags of frozen mixed berries in pan.
Sprinkle 1 box of white or yellow cake mix (no pudding)
Pour 1 cup or (12 oz. diet 7-up or clear soda over cake mix.
Don't stir. Bake for 55-60 minutes (Last 15 min. sprinkle a
handful of chopped pecans and a handful of white chocolate
chips over the top) Take out and serve hot with vanilla ice cream
or cool a bit and serve with whipped cream on top!
Tiffany and her husband at the policeman's ball.

Brody is on your left on top with his cute head cocked sideways.

I hope your summer is flowing along nicely too.
Life is good for sure because God is so good to us!
If you don't see hide nor hair of me
for a bit, you know where I am! ;)
(If you haven't yet, sign in as a follower)

It is always great to see a new post and to keep up with your growing family. The kiddies are getting so big and are as precious as ever. St. George looks like a wonderful place to visit sometime. xo
You have such darling, beautiful grands, Julie. You were born to be a grandmother!
Your recipe looks good, thank you for it.
Hugs, Cindy
Yay...good to hear from your neck of the woods! It looks all fun as usual, but I know there's still lots of work going on to get yourself moved bit by bit. I'm glad you are still taking time to enjoy LIFE while you do the necessary stuff. Can't give up moments with those grands...NO WAY! HUGS to you Julie!! :-) xoxo
Ah Julie, I enjoyed every aspect of your lovely post! Thanks for sharing your family, I mean, WOW, what a blessed Grandma you are, so many darling Grandkids! Definitely a lucky lady for sure!
Movies in the park look like so much fun! I have always loved that small hometown feel.
You know how I love flowers and those flowers at the temple are beautiful! They are so bright and cheery.
As always, your grandchildren are adorable! What a blessing for you to be able to travel to your new house and be so close to them now.
Happy Summer!!! xxoo
Hubby keeps suggesting movie in the park. I hope to bump into you there sometime. Love all your pics. as always, such sweet faces. St. George is beautiful. Hugs, jen
Glad life is going well, Julie. A Movie in the Park sounds fun. I'd go. Love all the family photos and welcome little Sprinkles. Have a wonderful summer, Julie. Hugs, Deb
So many cute photos of those darlings grandchildren and children. Shows the fun of summer in those pics. You must love it in St. George. Such a quaint place to live. Our village is like that as well. Enjoy your summer.
How fun! Your summer is just moving right along!
Have to tell you that I got a new washer finally...the same one you got and recommended to me. I love it. :)
What a delightful event on the lawn ... & with your pets. The grounds of the temple are gorgeous.
How sweet the lamb photo, but then all of the children are darling & photograph beautifully. Always appreciate your sharing the kid-lings with us, Julie.
The dessert looks yummy & going into my file, treat hubby when he gets back from trip.
Have a lovely day ~
The Very Berry Cobbler looks delicious and seems like it would be a lot of fun to make!
Hi Julie,
I finally got over to catch up!
I love seeing all the pics and hearing what your up to.
All of your grands are so cute, and that little Sophia just makes me smile.
It seems like your right where you should be right now and that is truly a wonderful thing!
Hugs friend,
I love the idea of small town life ~ it looks sooo nice in St Goerge.
The grands are all so cute! I look forward to the day when I have more little people to love.
The berry cobler dish looks great ~ perfect for a hot summer day.
How is the wild fire? I was thinking about you.. and hoping that all was good.
Have a great new week.
yes Julie... Life is good♥
Yes, life is good! And you certainly have plenty of little blessings to remind you of that. Your grand children are just beautiful! I love it that you're getting to spend some time with them.
It's been a year now since I've watched a movie outside on the lawn. That was amazing... and honouring your vet's, that makes me smile.
You SING??? WOW go for it gf. How wonderful. You and Jeanne... can't keep you down ; )
OK Miss Megan did go in as a little girl... and came out a little lady WOW!!!!
Life is good for sure Julie, and for me.
I love you
ohhhhh, such fun fun things in this post. When actually will be you moved into your new home??
St. George is so lovely....gets a little too HOT in the summer, but I could totally live there.
The music in the tabernacle must have been awesome, I totally think you need to be able to sing there once you are settled.
I WILL be trying that cake/cobbler. Perfect.
Claire's eyes kill me every time I see them !!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree....life is good!!
How very, very blessed we are.
Love that D.I. , and oh boy can they pack the people in there!!
I was amazed at how many people shop there.
Looking forward to seeing your new find :)
Keep cool, and keep enjoying summer and time with your grands.
What a wonderful summer. Such blessings and goodness. xoxo
What beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a great time out and about with your community! I've seen that recipe before on Pinterest and I'm glad to hear a great review! Going to try it soon! Enjoy your day!
I always enjoy seeing your beautiful photos.
Your grands are getting so big and they are all so adorable,and I better add handsome for the young guys there. LOL
Have a nice day
Hi Julie,
I'm so glad you are enjoying summertime with your cute grands and time at your new place. Life is GOOD!
Well you would add the "fancy"...I make that recipe too but my recipe didn't call for nuts and chocolate. What a fun addition. Thanks for the idea.
Hi Julie! I'm so glad you're enjoying your new life in 'Dixie'! :) It is such a fun family town! Your little grands are just adorable! ;)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
The pictures are so darling. Everyone is beautiful. I can't believe those little grands are growing so fast!
Love the Temple grounds, just beautiful.
Looks like you have settled into St George just perfectly.
Love the Heritage choir. You should join!
SO BUSY Julie!! Love all the pics and such beautiful flowers in St. George!
Agreed, life IS good, in face, amazingly great! Sounds like you're enjoying your summer, Julie, and THAT is a good thing:)
I'm coming up to St. George on Thursday and probably Friday or part of it. You going to be in town?
Life does look like it has been very good!! What joyous moments you have shared here...:)Your family and grands are beautiful!
I hope your July is just as fun!!
Blessings for a happy Summer to you.
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