I love candle lit baths and massages...my husband...my children and grand children...movies...blogging...good food, love sweets...I love to cook...and decorate...diet pepsi with lemon...I love all the holidays...I'm a nature girl, love being outdoors...love my animals; 2 dogs,3 cats, 2 parakeets, 2 horses, which I love to ride... and a few chickens! I'm a homebody, like to read... love the comfort of home! I have done my share of traveling, favorite trip was an 11 day trip to Israel. But I don't have an urge to travel the world.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father...I need to live peaceably with my others, I love peace. I hate confrontation...and mean-girls, big or little! It was very important to me as my children grew up that they were kind and not part of the mean crowd. I can usually get along with everyone and choose to love...I'm a whimp, I can't stand to hold grudges because it hurts me more and I don't like to hurt! I don't like deep water, it scares me and I don't like tennis! I love being in touch with my family and the grand children are the love of my life! I love babies and will never get over wanting more! Both of my parents have passed away and I have had two brothers die of cancer, one would have been 50 the day of his funeral and the other 53...miss them to this day. I don't ever want any of my children to die before I do...I want us to just live on together forever... and I believe we will in this life and the in the life to come.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father...I need to live peaceably with my others, I love peace. I hate confrontation...and mean-girls, big or little! It was very important to me as my children grew up that they were kind and not part of the mean crowd. I can usually get along with everyone and choose to love...I'm a whimp, I can't stand to hold grudges because it hurts me more and I don't like to hurt! I don't like deep water, it scares me and I don't like tennis! I love being in touch with my family and the grand children are the love of my life! I love babies and will never get over wanting more! Both of my parents have passed away and I have had two brothers die of cancer, one would have been 50 the day of his funeral and the other 53...miss them to this day. I don't ever want any of my children to die before I do...I want us to just live on together forever... and I believe we will in this life and the in the life to come.

Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me...
Getting to know you, Putting it my way, but nicely...
You are precisely, My cup of tea!
Getting to know you, Putting it my way, but nicely...
You are precisely, My cup of tea!

Getting to know you, getting to feel free and easy..
When I am with you, getting to know what to say.
Haven't you noticed? Suddenly I'm bright and breezy..
Because of all the beautiful and new things I'm learning about you
day.. by..day.

I hope you have had fun "getting to know me"...I love it when bloggers tell something about themselves, it helps me to feel like I know them and it makes me love them so much. I feel like I am meeting the most wonderful gals here and I consider you my friends. Hope to... "get to know you"... more as time goes on, you are teaching me so many wonderful things and renewing my faith, that there really are SO many great women out there in this old world. Love you all, Julie
Oh Julie,
What a wonderful post and I loved getting to know you better. We have recently become blog buddies and I already knew that you had a heart of gold, it is obvious in all of your posts. I could also tell that you have a love for animals, your family, nature and I also know how beautiful you are, inside and out!
Thank you for sharing yourself and your photos with us! I hope one day to have the privilege of meeting you in person!
Love and hugs,
Hi Julie,
First of all your gorgeous~ and look way younger than your years. This is just a wonderful post, seeing you through the years, your family pics and the musicals you were in, your talented too! We have a lot in common too, although I like diet coke~ heehe. I am the oldest of 8 and grew up on a farm without too much for material things. I know how you feel about the over 40 pics but your still a very beautiful woman. Thanks for sharing this neat post~ Hugs, Cindy
Now I know why I like you so much... for all the wonderful reasons and more you posted about...your post is lovely today...you are much too young to have 19 grandchildren my dear!!!
I am so glad I have met you and feel blessed in every way!
WOW!! You are truly beautiful inside and out!! I must say, you look amazing and I can only hope I'll look that good in a few more years!!! Thanks for sharing your story, as we all one!! :-)
What a wonderful post! I already knew you were someone very special through your previous posts! It's wonderful to connect with you through your photos and life experiences. Thank you! I enjoyed it, you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out! I would love to meet you in person someday!
I feel a sisterhood and connection with you!
It is so nice to "meet" you! hehehe! I so enjoy reading your blog! 19 Grandkids and eight children? I am having fun just with my one son. I KNOW MY LIMITS!! hehehe!
Thank you so much for sharing about yourself. I love learning about my blogging friends. You ARE beautiful now and when you were younger...wow:) What a big family and all those grandchildren. You've led a blessed life indeed. Looking forward to learning more about you in the future.
Fun post Mom. I remember you sharing these stories with me, but it's fun to read about them again and see some pictures. I'm glad you posted so that we can all get to know you a little better. :) Love ya!
Love getting to know you! Have a great week!
Hi Julie,
Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us! You are beautiful! I am in awe that you sang/performed in front of such a huge crowd.
Hi Julie, what a beautiful women, mother and grandmother you are. I'm so glad to hear that you sing. We have that in common. I love the way you sang that song to us, I have a great imagination and I could hear you.
come visit
It's so nice to learn more about you! I love your flashback photos...you have always been so pretty!
You are beautiful and you have a beautiful spirit!
PS. we don't say fatty- we say fluffy!
Oh, Julie, I loved your post today! I enjoyed getting to know more about you. You are not only beautiful on the outside, but you have a kind and caring heart! How blessed you are to have such a beautiful
family. I love "The King and I" (and all musicals). When Yul Brenner puts his foot down and says "Let's dance!", in my heart I was always saying, "Yippee, okay!" "Getting to Know You" is also one of my favorite songs from that show. Thank you so much for stopping by for a cup of tea today! Your visits mean so much to me. Vicki
You are just too cute! I loved seeing all of those pictures of you. How fun!
Sorry I haven't been over for awhile. I am in charge of our Super Saturday at church and it is this Saturday. SO I am running around going crazy getting everything ready!
Have a great week!
Julie, I have loved getting to know you. You and I are a lot alike I have decided and share many life incidents in common. It's uncanny! I enjoyed reading every word and all the pictures. I with we lived close as I think we could be great friends. Love and hugs to you and your lovely family! xx00
Julie, I love this post! You answered many questions I have had but you know how it is...just how nosy can a gal be with her blogging friends? I have wondered if that beautiful home is yours every time I see your header.
Your history with your precious Ron is wonderful!You are very beautiful, inside and out...and the pictures of you in THE KING AND I look very much like the original pictures of Deborah Kerr and Yul Brenner...
You are so right about staying home and taking care of the children, they really do need someone who loves them the most..besides, they are such a blessing I do not know why any mother would not WANT to be with them..an ideal life, and one I am enjoying reading about through your blog!
BTW, we have visited the canyon lands and traveled through your stat, they are truly breath-takingly beautiful.
Hello, lovely to meet you - I'm really loving your blog now that I've found it !
Dear Julie,
I do feel like I really know you now. You have a very interesting life. Yes you are beautiful, inside and out. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I feel blessed to know you.. .even though it is on this little screen, I know you through the heart as one of God's sisters.
Blessings Always!
So fun to get to know you! What an amazing and full life you lead. You are a beautiful lady inside and out. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with all of us.
When can we all come for a visit? :)
Oh Julie, I´m so grateful and speechless, it´s so nice of you sharing your life story with us... You have no idea how good you have done to me since I met you dear Julie. There´s a singer from Cuba that has song that says: "me han estremecido mujeres de fuego", it says something like there are women that are as strong as fire that when meeting them you get shaked (oh please excuse my english, hope I made myself understand)
Blessings to you and your great and large family.
MarÃa Cecilia
I forgot to say that you look GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Well this has been a dightful post -- I too in a family of (8) five brothers - 2 sisters and third to the oldest. I too m a farmers daughter (poor too) all through my growing up years. My mother sewed most of my school clothes. My deep wish of the heart is to have a farm witha big red barn and a horse to ride. I love - love walking for hours with my camera in hand. I love art and dapple in it. This Nov, I will hit the big 5 0. --- I too enjoyed plays -- I was a stuckup woman in my Fair Lady -- which is totally far away from who I am.. I too m tender hearted and rather have everybody happy and laughing. I too love Jesus Christ and
my HeavenlyFather and continuely seek to impove myself.
Loved getting to know you a bit more dear friend and look forward to knowing you more in the days ahead and since I am still new to your blog this post was very welcome! I am even more grateful this day to had found such a sweet spirit as I feel you are... Kristeen (The Gough Inn) kandgough@gmail.com. (by the way yes, I have a blog. We are still hoping for Internet service in this new
development so my web site is still down)..
What a great story about your life.
I feel that I know you a little better.
Hi Julie! Oh, I've just loved hearing and seeing more about your life! Now, Dear One, even before I read this post I knew you were beautiful - not just because you have a beautiful face (which you do - you're gorgeous!) but I could see the beautifulness in your heart!
That's a precious picture of you and hubby when you got married and love the one of you 'now'. I can see the love you have for each other.
Oh, Julie! I love knowing you were the most famous singing and acting one! These pictures are marvelous! What a life you've led, Dear One.
Thank you for this lovely post and letting us in a little more to your beautiful life!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Julie, I remember those hollow plays, and LOVED them! I wish they still did them. It was so fun to listen to them rehearse at night from my bedroom window. Fun post, it was nice getting to know more about you.
What a great post! I look forward to getting to know you better! Thanks for all the delighful little tid-bits of your life.
Thanks for sharing and your photos are great. We got married in 82 too.
Julie, you are a beauty inside and out and what a pleasure to get to know you! You have truly lived life to the fullest already. (I know, lots more to do!). Love your life story and all that you have done. Oh how I would love to hear you sing! Maybe I can come hear your sing in Sacrament when in town!!!
You are a real jewel!
Sassy Sadie Lee is my "other" blog!
Whoa! I am always so uplifted when I visit you becuase fo your inner beauty and ability to share it with each of us. You talk from your heart and bear testimony each time of your love of Heavenly Father and His son. I too love them dearly, and pray I might always have their spirit with me.
You and Ron are so blessed to have found each other and are a very handsome couple.I love how your family came together and the feelings a family we always get from your blog also... No matter how these little ones come...each are such a gift from God. I have an adopted sister whom I adore.
Your daughter you just posted about looks so much like you.
Thanks again for letting us in to get to know you a little bit better.
I would love to have lunch with you when you are up north!
You asked about Grand children's b-days and gifts. With each of children living in a different state it is difficult. I too am at the post office. I have also found some great things on line such as (girly pink Horse) bed set for a grandduaghter in Virginia. The company sent it right to her home and so I by passed the postage of double sending it. I wish I had better advice... I need it in this area!!!!:-)
Come share your secrets! Now We have seen the results, we want you to come dish on how you have stayed so young looking.
I graduated in 69!;D
So many compliments, hope you have time to read mine.... I think you're great, I loved your "getting to know you", and remembering why you are one of my favorite aunties. I enjoy following your post, the small glimpse into your day to day life. I love you, and miss you. Give Uncle Ron and all the kids a big hug for me. Love Ya! Emily
Julie, I enjoyed getting to know you better. It feels like you are my friend that has just moved away somehwere and I haven't seen you for awhile.....:-)
Thanks you for sharing yourself with us.
I did not know that you were a singer. The King and I has always been one of my favorites. My mother had a beautiful voice and could sing opera. I sure enjoyed this post. My Computer has been gone getting fixed for about a week and I just got it back.
Julie, I am so impressed that you were in so many musicals. You were blessed with the gift on song, how wonderful. You have a beautiful family. I love this True and everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so fortunate to have it in our lives. That is neat that you are a blended family. I like many of the same things that you do. I love being at home as well. I can tell that you are such a special person and daughter of our Heavenly Father. I love reading your blog as it is always uplifting. I still can't get over where you live and your awesome view. Amazing!
Julie, I love this post! We all visit each others blog and read what we all have going on, but we really don't know each other. It was wonderful to get to know you!
You are a beautiful and talented lady! I truly enjoyed reading about you and looking at all your pictures and hearing about your life. I hope one day we can have the opportunity to meet in person! I would love to hear you sing!
Hugs, Ann
I had fun getting to know you! And you, my dear, are still quite beautiful!
You are precious, beautiful, have an amazing heart. It has been so nice to get to know you! Thank you for this. So often we just don't know the people on the blogs we visit and this my dear has been refreshing.
Wishing you a blessed and sweet smile kind of day.
Thanks for sharing. You are a beautiful person. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to know your girls and now getting to know you is so much fun. I love your blog. Paula
Oh what a fun precious post!!
I adore the King and I.
What fun, and you are so pretty... thanks for sharing all the photos with us!
What a fun post to be the first I read here on your blog. I came over from Connie's (I Started Out as a Child) and had a great visit. Inspiration, gorgeous photos and yummy recipes. Fun!
How fun to get to know you better. People are right, you are beautiful and I'm sure it's just not on the outside! Eight children will keep you hoppin, that's for sure. No wonder you have 19 grandchildren! You sound like a wonderful grandma!
We are just a few years apart in age (I did the math)and we raised the same amount of children. My kids just aren't as quick in getting the grandkids here. My youngest is 18 so I won't hurry him.
Thanks for sharing.
What a great post. Thanks for sharing about yourself and your family, it's not always easy to do! And yes, you are VERY beautiful. Loved the big 80s hair. ;)
Have a great Sunday.
That's a great post Julie, I really enjoyed reading it. I can't believe you lost two brothers to cancer...that must have been really hard for you & your family. I love the recent pic of you & Ron, you two look so happy :)
Sorry I haven't been by for awhile. This was a fun post, getting to know more about you!
Hugs, Debi
how FUN you shared so much with everyone!
Oh what a great post! I wish you were my neighbor so I could get to know you even more.
Okay, Julie- you are so gorgeous! What in the world are you doing sitting in front of a computer- you outta be in the movies!
Love this post so much.How nice it was to learn a bit about you and your family.Thanks so much for sharing with us all.God Bless!~~Becky
Julie, I have just found your Blog from a comment you left on French Kissed and I am so glad I did. I love the getting to know you and now I feel like I do. I will have to do the same on my Blog sometime soon. I read back several blogs and love your insight into daily life and your faith. I look forward to following you and learning more about you!
I can sit here all night and read about your life. It's lovely and takes me back. You are very blessed. I hope to get to know you better, through our blogging. Beautiful, inside and out!
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