I believe this to be true...as we were helping our kids move recently, we were traveling down the freeway it had been stormy all along...but pillars of light were breaking through. It was so beautiful, a reminder, as all nature is, that he is always there for us...always!
As I sat in the truck waiting for my husband to fill it up with gas, I saw this tall light post...perfectly balanced by 4 Seagulls. They seemed to be all looking to each other...for support? For friendship? Help? Who knows...but they were together in their efforts.
Believe that you can do it-whatever it is that you set your heart on. Opportunities will unfold and open before you. The skies will clear where they have been dark with worry.
This is one of my favorite scriptures...
Behold, this is the promise of the Lord to you, O my servants.
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.
D & C 68:5-6
I KNOW that he is with us and will stand by us...he will go before our face, and be on our right hand, and on our left, encircling us about with his tender care. Oh, look for his light with all your heart...it is always there.
Sending out to all my sisters in blog-land...all my love! Have a wonderful Sunday.
This is one of my favorite scriptures...
Behold, this is the promise of the Lord to you, O my servants.
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.
D & C 68:5-6
I KNOW that he is with us and will stand by us...he will go before our face, and be on our right hand, and on our left, encircling us about with his tender care. Oh, look for his light with all your heart...it is always there.
Sending out to all my sisters in blog-land...all my love! Have a wonderful Sunday.
Julie, I needed to read this this morning. Thanks so much for sharing. xxoo
Life is good because of our Savior! I don't know where I would be without Him! I love your posts, they are always so full of substance :)I am so glad that we are family and that we can connect through the internet. I love you!
truly, above the dark stormy clouds, the sun is always shinning and its light is glorious! a symbol to us of our Heavenly Fathers love for us. He sent his son to light our way here in the darkness of earth life. and your right....we need to be way more positive in this old stormy world, because we weren't sent down here to fail, but to succeed! our daily lives are so blessed and filled with the tender mercies of the savior!
thank you julie, for sharing your testimony this beautiful sabbath day!
Thanks for the great reminder. Excellent food for thought on this Sunday that marks the start of another new month. We truly are blessed!!
Thank you for the beauutiful and inspirations post. It is perfect to start the week and a new month!
Very inspirational thoughts this morning Julie, thank YOU and thank YOU for always bringing such beauty in pictures of your part of the world and inspiring words to share with us in blogland. I look forward to all of your posts. Now I must go get my hair done...
Hi Julie
What a beautiful post you wrote. I truly enjoyed reading it. Isn't it wonderful to know he is there for us?
I really enjoyed reading your post this sabbath morning! Its like breakfast to my soul!
Hugs, Ann
beautiful words and pics...
Hi Julie: Great post and just what I needed to hear today! Thanks for dropping by Bunny Sunday. :)
Hi Julie! Oh, what beautiful pictures! I'm not able to go to church today and enjoyed being reminded again that my God is in charge of my life.
Have a blessed day and be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My goodness -- that is just what we all need to remember -- God is always there! Thanks for sharing this thoughtful post -- very nicely said... Kristeen --- kandgough@gmail.com
I LOVE reading your posts and feel so uplifted by them.
To me, your post was the dessert today after being spiritually fed at our Church meetings.
I loved your photos and the one of the seagulls with your analogy is so perfectly right on. We do need each other and look to one another for that support. I love the sisterhood we feel, both in the gospel and of great friendships we have developed here in blogland.
I have enjoyed your posts of believing in our selves:-) We all need to remember and keep remembering that in our lives.
You truly are a beautiful Jewel!
What a beautiful blog, Julie! You have a gorgeous family. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. You made my day!
This is such an encouraging post!
Beautiful words. Just what I needed to wrap up my weekend and start a new week! Thanks bunches!!!
Very inspiring post today. I love that scripture too. In fact I'm in the middle of a stitchery with it on it. Your pictures of the clouds and light are beautiful. Mimi
those photos are so beautiful. I've been really working on finding something positive in all situations.
Hi Julie, thank you so much for sharing your feelings. I agree 100%
I'm just out visiting and thought I'd stop. The picture is so beautiful.
Hi Julie,
Beautiful pics and inspirations for all of us! You have such a great attitude about life, I just love that! Hugs, Cindy
Oh Julie, you became my guidance (guide??) now, I´m so grateful to read your posts because they are a true help in my dayly life now.
Thank you so much, I feel much better everytime I come to visit you.
María Cecilia
What a wonderful post! I just love visiting with you...I always come away uplifted and with a song in my heart! Thank you for this beautiful message and what a great photo you captured.
Wishing you a lovely week sweet friend!
Love and hugs,
What a wonderful blog I just read.
So many things in my life this year and it's been hard to stay focused and to continue on.
thank you for your post.
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