Spring is here and there around these parts. The robins are here indicating that Spring is too, but the warm Spring days are teasing us because one day it will be so nice, and then we will have snow and strong winds. I sure wish she would make up her mind!
We have had lots going on in the family with gatherings for Easter and Mothers Day and a son in law's college graduation and a grand daughters baptism. It has all been so much fun and great to be together as a family.

Caleb being a sweet gentleman for his sister Ella on Easter.

We were together on Mothers Day and one fun thing we did was....

we dipped lots of big sweet strawberries in chocolate....

How do you define happiness? I say it's a chocolate covered strawberry in each hand.
And yes, we ate, and ate, and ate them all up! Nothing as good as that!

It's always fun to have the little grands and their mommies and grandma in the bathroom giving the little ones their bath. The room is full of laughter and talking and love...good family times.

Us with our daughter Lindsey and her husband Michael and baby Sophia.

Lots going on this weekend, for one thing the baptism of this beautiful little 8 year old.
Her name is Hannah...and we sure do love her! This was her big day and she was the director and producer of the whole event. It was a very special spiritual day too a great day to be 8.

~Us with our daughter Jennifer~

~I love my daughter, my sweet red haired daughter~

~Hannah's other grand parents~

It was a beautiful, warm Spring day and it was a day of
spiritual warmth too.

Me and my Hannah

Grandpa and Hannah

Our darling Hannah who was the director of how each of these pictures were to be taken.

Jen and her children, Hannah and Gavin. I am proud of Jen, she is a good mom and is working so hard to do what is right and make a good home for her and her children and she is succeeding .
Sophia reminded me of a cute little
Dalmatian puppy in these cute PJ's.

Our daughter Lindsey and her husband Michael and Sophia at his college graduation. We are so proud of him and of them...good people doing all the right and good things in life. God bless them.

~A kiss from daddy to his sweet little girl~

After graduation they bought hats and other things from the college bookstore.

Grandpa and Sophia...she loved pulling his hair up there too!

~Sophia, cheering for her daddy~
And yes...at 9 month, she is walking!

Oh, and she found all the toys and re-arranged then too!

Michael parading into the events center for graduation. It was so cool because they had bagpipes a blazing and it was all so exciting as we were there with them and his parents too.

Michael got a picture with the college president, Michael Benson.

~Lindsey and Michael on their big

We went out to dinner after the graduation with them and Michael's parents.

Our daughter Tiffany on Mothers Day with her two sweet children Ella & Caleb and a baby in the middle to be born about the end of August...what a beautiful picture of Motherhood and family.

How much fun is a one dollar ball and a warm Spring
day and a beautiful park to run and play in!

~Sweet, darling and fun... Ella Mae~

And just as sweet and handsome and fun is her big brother Caleb..

Grandma and grandpa's darlings...we are so blessed because we have 20 of these darling little people in our family and one more due in August...plus a great grandson too! Yes, we know how very, very blessed we are and we love them and all and our 8 children...life is good, so good!
Well, hopefully Spring will make up her mind and stay with us now.
Have a great week everyone and remember....
always.. count your many blessings.
Julie -- what beautiful pictures of your family and so many fun reasons to get together and celebrate. Spring is springing back and forth here. Satuday morning was beautiful then windy and yucky and then ended up nice. Some day I might see you at the Manti Temple (it's ours but Provo is closer :). Joni
Such wonderful pictures! We love chocolate covered strawberries! :-)
Looks like you have been pretty busy.:-) Have a wonderful day!
These are the best times!! Families can only bring such happiness!!
You're looking pretty dang cute!!
I'm hoping for Spring too!!
such wonderful pics!! You have a beaitiful family dear, and I love the kids are sooo cute! gloria
Great photos, Julie. That's a busy life you live. Our kids can keep us very busy.
Chocolate covered strawberries sound fantastic.
Love your new doo. It really suits you. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Wonderful times with wonderful people ~ and the photos are beautiful! It's amazing how the little ones grow so fast and the changes show up with each photo session. They're all adorable!
Hmmm, the strawberries look delish ~ love them.
what a nice lookin' family! Glad you had those wonderful days with everyone.
what a beautiful family,, do you mind me asking,, you spoke of Manti temple,, pardon my lack of knowledge,, but what is this,,thank you for sharing ,,
Julie, I know I told you before but it is worth saying it again, you have a beautiful family, you have truly been blessed, and many more blessings are coming I am sure! Your daughter Tiffany looks just like you, I imagine that is how you looked when you were her age. Much love and happiness to all of you, xo
You sure know how to have fun Julie! Isn't family the best! Love all your pictures and girl you are so beautiful!!! Glad to see your little surgery on your face healed so beautifully.
Wonderful family photos & memories. I must admit would have loved to have been with the kiddos enjoying the chocolate covered strawberries on the counter. :))
Thanks for sharing & stopping by to visit.
Such a beautiful family and so many great memories. Congrats to Michael on his graduation! The choc covered strawberries have my mouth watering!
Oh such fun for you!!! I had much of the same going on with my little family (minus the baptism and chocolate covered strawberries, which look SOOOO yummy!!! One of my very favorite treats ever!) Your little "grands" are just the cutest!
What a flowering basket of fun, all the colorful loves of your life. Congratulations on the accomplished individuals and a great-grand, oh my!
I do hear that spring has been hiding -- glad for a spring happening in your world and our kids are still waiting.. sweet photos and indeed much has been happening in your life - blessings indeed and I am counting mine too!
Hi Julie, How delightful these family pictures are. Such beautiful, happy faces. Even here in GA, we are having a "cool" spell after highs near 100 last week! Wishing you and your family a lovely Spring.
What a wonderful family you have and all the activities that go with them. Such a blessing you have there.
Hooray for the arrival of spring. You sure have been busy with all kinds of fun family activity. Those strawberries look delicious.
Awe Julie~ Thanks for sharing these pictures of some of your precious family! You are so Blessed♥
Looks like some real loving days you have been having!
Have a wonderful week♥
I love seeing pictures of the Harward Family. Always fun times and beautiful families!
Love seeing the pics of your beautiful family...those grands are just adorable..It is a blessed thing to love and be loved..you are so blessed sweetie....Picket
Darling pictures of such cute grandkids! Yes, you've been busy!
Julie every time I see photos of you and your family my breath is taken away!
Your family is just precious. I have to say I am jealous!
All my children live in different states! My only grandchildren live in Japan with their mother!
Your family is so gorgeous. You are truly blessed with all of those little grandchildren....
Dear Julie
You have such a beautiful family! You are really blessed! Little Sophia as grown so much...I remember when she was born...it feels like just the other day!
I vote for those delicious red strawberries dipped in chocolate...yummy, yum, yum!!!
Blessings Galore, dear Julie...You shall be awake ALL NIGHT still continuing to count all your blessings....Enjoying getting to see all the precious and beautiful AND yummy photos of all your blessings. Thanks for sharing the warm fuzzies and joys of your wonderful life. Hugs a plenty to you. :-)
Congratulations to Miss Hannah for making the most important decision of her life and to the parents and grandparent for their guidance along the way. What a beautiful family! I didn't know you had a Gavin too? Those strawberries looked deeeeelicious!
Oh, that was so fun looking at all the adorable pictures! All of your daughters are sweet and beautiful. So fun!
One sweet little face after another ~ all so adorable, hug-able and very loved! Lovely daughters (just like their mom) and many happy times.
Julie- You have SUCH a beautiful family! I can see the love just shine through your post! I don't know if I told you before but I really like your hair short! Hugs-Diaan
My you have been busy, Julie. Children are a blessing, and in your case grandkids. The bath scene reminds me of when my sister and I had 5 little ones and we had loud and fun family bath time so they could be in their jammies for the ride home, even though it was only a few streets.
Oh I loved scrolling up and down your picture album. What a beautiful family. Your daughters are both have your wonderful looks, and your sweet smile.
What darling grandchildren too...I just felt the love coming out of my screen as I enjoyed each picture, and yumm I'll take one of those chocolate dipped strawberries.
Your pics are so beautiful Julie and they capture the joy in your family so perfectly!
Those kiddies are so cute, every last one! And girl, you have a boat load of them!
I am the oldest of 8 and my Mom has 25 grandchildren, 1 great and 1 great on the way!
Is that little Sophia walking already?
She is such a cutie!
Hugs friend,
Wonderful photos as usual Julie!
And...oh am I craving chocolate covered strawberries now!
You have had a busy and wonderful Springtime. Congratulations to your son-in-law on his graduation! Your grandchildren look so lively and happy....what a sweet blessing from God they truly are!!! These are precious family memories made with your beautiful family! How exciting you are expecting another grandbaby!!! :) Congratulations!
p.s. You can really tell in these photos just how cute your new hair style is on you too. Adorable!
Have a happy week!!
Oh my goodness, Julie, your family looks as happy and bright as ever! You are looking totally gorgeous too! I just love that hair style; it really suits you!
I am so happy to see all of those lovely Spring time pictures. I bet it must be wonderful to be outdoors after your long and cold winter. Enjoy your beautiful spring/summer days won't You!
Thanks for dropping in to visit today. It was so nice to hear from you, as always! I must say, you probably made the right decision not joining pinterest...it is so addictive!
Well, I hope you have a great week. See you again soon.
Best wishes always,
At the end of my day, I've so loved seeing the pictures of your beautiful family enjoying their milestones, being together and creating treasured memories, and delicious strawberries too!
I have to agree with that definition of happiness. ;)
Hi Julie,
Your family is beautiful. How blessed you are! Thank you for sharing your fun days with us.
Julie this was just the epitome of a great LDS family weekend or two. Isn't it the best way of life ever? I am so thankful to have the blessings of being of member of the church and all the enrichment it gives us every single day.
I hope you don't mind that I borrowed, well OK snagged, that Sheri Dew quote you have on your sidebar. She is my favorite and that is my favorite quote of hers. I won't use it until I get your permission to do so though. I love the sentiment and the message it gives that we have power to out do him and wreck his day. Woohoo!
Your babies, your blog, your life are all remarkable! Your surgery has healed up very nicely, you look terrific and I am still loving your new hair!
Love, Bonnie
Lindsey looks a lot like you, Julie. Lovely images of your beautiful, happy family my friend.
Lots of love for a rain free Tuesday o xx o
You have a beautiful life! xo
Just visiting your family through your blog is a warm, spiritual experience, Julie. So full of God and love and family and good... Makes my heart sing a happy song. blessings ~ tanna
Such a beautiful family Julie! That Sophia is just too cute for words! Happy Spring:)
"WE are a HAPPY family"- did you hear me singing this to you Julie!
It's apparant that you are and such a beautiful and loving family- such a good thing.
Sweet blessings to all of you.
What fun family celebrations you've had, Julie. Your photos of your beautiful family are wonderful! And I can just taste the wonderful chocolate covered cherries! My daughter and I love those.
I've looked at a couple of your other posts since I've been on a blog break and was so delighted to see the photos of your beautiful state. We went through Utah a few years ago on our trip out west and I have wanted to go back ever since! It is so beautiful and peaceful there. Out 40th anniversary is coming up next month and hubby asked me the other day what I wanted. He, of course, was thinking I'd mention jewelry. Nope, I told him I wanted to make a trip out west again because I wanted to see Utah again and the Grand Canyon and all the sights along the way! Was he surprised, but agreed and we're now planning a Sept. trip. Unless the price of gas reaches 5 dollars a gallon and then we might have to rethink this plan! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos and have a great week!
Hi Julie, you know you made my heart sing today, just watching this wonderful family of yours and how much love shines forth in their smiles and on their faces. How proud you must be, and what a blessing to have them near by.
I am sorry I didn't get by to enter your giveaway , but I know Debbie, and I am so glad she won. Always such a blessing for me to visit your home, you are a treasured friend.
Hi Julie,
Your posting is a wonderful tribute to your beautiful children and grandchildren. You can tell that there is a lot of love in your home! Congrats to everyone on the many special events. I know you are very proud! Those chocolate covered strawberries look so good! I love those, too! You have a lovely family! Have a happy day! xoxo Kim
Hi Julie,
What a wonderful tribute your posting is to your children and grandchildren. You can tell that there is a lot of love in your home! Congrats to everyone on the many special events. You have much to be proud of! I love chocolate covered strawberries. Looks like the kids had fun making them and I know they were delicious! You have a lovely family! xoxo Kim
I want some chocolate covered strawberries...Loving your darling family :)
You have a beautiful family, sweet lady. How wonderful to have 20 grandchildren! I would love that so much. You have a busy life, it looks like, but a full and blessed one. God is Good!!!
Hugs, Cindy
Love that I got to see all these lovely pictures of you and your beautiful family. It makes me smile when I see your family enjoying each other the way you guys do.
I have missed you and am behind in my blogging but trying to catch up.
So now I am off to read your past post and see what all you have been up too
Love ya
Julie, your whole family is beautiful! You are truly blessed to have so many sweet little grandchildren. Your dipped strawberries look delicious.
What a fun post ~ thanks for sharing. Happiness is living these beautiful moments!
You have such a beautiful family. I enjoyed all the photos.
Julie so heartwarming as always. Your family is really wonderful!
Art by Karena
Come and enter my New Giveaway from Serena & Lily! You will love it!
such fun photos of your family. I love those strawberries, and so much fun with the grandkids. lucky you.
Did I read that right, Julie? 20 grandchildren? You are truly blessed. Beautiful family.
Dear Julie, it´s so good seeing your beautiful family gathered together celebrating so many events, indeed there´s lot going on in your lovely family. "My" Sophia is a joy to me!!!
hugs my dear
Congratulations on all of your beautiful goodness and special days!!
What a legacy of love you share with your husband! I love basking in it with you...
Blessings, Debbie
Oh, everyone is so beautiful Julie! Isn't it fun to see the family grow and progress and it is such a blessing to be a part of all of their lives. Thanks for sharing them with us. I am so proud of your college graduate, what a great accomplishment! What a beautiful granddaughter getting baptized too.
I adore the picture with the grandson up eating the chocolate covered strawberries on the counter - that is mine for sure, even when I tell him nobody on the counter. They just love it.
Your cup runneth over! You have truly been blessed!!
What special family times to share together! Wonderful photos:) We have a few little things in common...I have a grandson named Caleb, a redhead in the family(granddaughter), and a grandson due at the end of August. I also have one due in June and one was born in April, and that will make 8 so far! Your strawberries look fabulous!
Julie.. what a great post..you have been staying busy..and what great pictures as usual..love the choc covered strawberries.. gorgeous..
You are truly blessed my sister.
Melt my heart beautiful family shares, once again Julie. I love the 'southern' gentleman charm as he attends his sister, too precious.
I am pleased to share that you WON the 3rd GIVEAWAY prizes, Julie.
Please send your mailing address to ~
blushing_rose_boutique@yaho.com ... & I'll ship them all off to you.
Congrats to your giveaway lucky winner.
Have a beautiful day ~
hi julie,
this is my first visit on your lovely blog and i love it very.you have a wonderful family and i think you live a wonderful life.you live in a amazing country.your dog cougar is sweet.i have a goldie,too.
have a wonderful day,
Oh! you couldn't have a more beautiful family! I hope you are enjoying spring a lot, we're in fall season here so... It's time to get inside...
Now I feel like that strawberries...
See you soon I hope!
You have such a beautiful family Julie! You are such a sweet mother and grandmother. Thank you for sharing your special times with us!
What beautiful pictures & wonderful memories from them too :)
You are blessed with a lovely beautiful family! I enjoyed all the pictures especially the wee ones! Love the little pink pompoms in the hair! ;o)
Such a beautiful family!
What a lovely family and such a happy time of celebration:-)
you have such an awesome beautiful home and family -Praise God for such gifts - Amen! thank you for sharing your home and all the excitment that goes on - i love it all -
love ya, maria - cottage feel-
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