came to visit this past weekend. I was in grandma Heaven for 3 days.
It was wonderful to bond with the baby again, I don't want these little
ones to forget grandma you know, we played all weekend, it was great!

Little Sophia was the center of attention... just as it should be.
Babies are such a blessing in a family to both young and old.

little girl and we all love her to pieces.

and we all melt and follow her everywhere.

It's so cute because she holds her hands out in front of her, like a mummy and off she goes, turning this way and that, throwing her little bottom to the left for balance...it is SO cute!

Makes to laugh every time and she just loves to do it too.

Oh my, whats a grandma to do with so much baby love?!

Brickelle though, who just kept stealing her from my arms!
pulled Sophia all over the house on this blanket, and they both loved it!
Lindsey is pretty strong, I guess packing a baby around all the time
does that. She was having fun lifting the baby and her cute niece.
nothing as fun as that! Dressed up and headed for church.
know that "FAMILIES ARE FOREVER" and that we can be
together here on earth and in the Eternal life to come, what a
glorious gift and blessing from a wise and loving Heavenly Father.
...Now for some lessons on mothering...
I hope you all had a great weekend too,
sending you all my love and wishes for
a very good week..my love to all.
And lets all keep the people of Missouri and
Oklahoma and Kansas in our prayers.

Oh Julie she is so sweet!!!
Grand babies are so fun!!!!'She is a doll thank you for sharing!!
Suzann ~xoxo~
Oh Julie I don't know where to begin......what a beautiful heart-lifting post. The photos are one more adorable than the other....Baby Sophia is such a beautiful little girl and a blessing to your family, and she is very blessed to have you, too. The lamb nuzzling her cheek is just too precious. Could make a nice card with that one. xo,
Sophia is so adorable! And she's got a personality to match. Glad you had so much fun!
Sophia is just so precious and I love all the photos you have posted. I especially love the pose in her skirt with her belly protrouding...what a sweetheart! You are one lucky Grandma with all of your beautiful grand-children!
So cute just isn't enough to describe precious little Sophia! Loved every photo of this dear baby girl, especially the one with you and your husband. Radiant Love :)
Very sweet pics of Brickelle and Lyndsey too!
Hi Julie!
What a wonderful little angel - she's just adorable, actually both little granddaughters are adorable!
I love what you said about eternal families - so true! What a wonderful blessing to have that knowledge! Thanks for sharing your sweet little grands with us!
No wonder you dont want to let go of her Julie..shes so sweet!
Love the scrunched nose look!
Beautiful family
Oh Julie...this has got to be one of my MOST favorite posts of yours..and there are quite a few! lol...but it makes me yearn to be a grandmama...can't WAIT...guess I have to ...huh??? It is just a cherished blogpost and I know the next book you do of all your posts, this will be one of your favorite memory ones, for oh how much she will have changed by then. I can't believe she is only 9 months old...seems to be advanced beyond a 1 year old!!!! I know you could just eat her with a spoon...so...can I have a taste ???
(smiles)...Your joy makes me just smile from ear to ear dear bloggy sis . One day THIS Julie will maybe post about a grand! Hugs to you and I hope you guys are not getting hit by horrendous storms...I know Kurt's Iowa state had some of that stormy weather and he is in a 3rd story apt. but thank goodness it passed their location...
Take Care. Thanks for sharing all that cuteness!!! xoxo
Sophia just keeps getting cuter and cuter doesn't she? And her mother is such a beautiful girl too! You do have so much love and joy around you - how nice!!!
I have been wanting to do a post about how my little grandbaby plays with her dolls too. Isn't it just amazing how little girls take so naturally to mothering? I just love it!!!!
Julie she is adorable. I love her poses and the wrinkled nose is too cute! I know you enjoyed getting all that Grandma love. I am so thrilled to be a Grandma and I truly know what you mean when you say they make you want to live forever....and we will all be in heaven one day together. hugs, Linda
Sophia is adorable!! It is amazing that she is walking already...WOW! Smart and pretty little girl...:) Just like her Grandma!!
I am glad you had a joyous time visiting with your sweet grandbabies. They are such a blessing! All of our family is! God is SO GOOD! :)You have a beautiful family!!!
I hope you have a wonderful week, dear Julie!
Beautiful photos, a beautiful little subject and great captions ...you're going to have to a do another blog book, Julie ...maybe one every few years. My favorite is the wrinkled nose pose!
: )
My favorite photo is the wrinkled up nose. Oh, she is a sweetheart. You now have some gorgeous photos to treasure of this sweet girl. I love the one of you & Ron with her. Julie, you are the prettiest grandma I have ever known. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
What a precious post! Little Sophia is absolutely adorable! I love her "wrinkled nose pose"! My grandson has one I call his scrunch face. He just turned one and I am absolutely loving being a grandmother.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful weekend with us!
~ Tracy
We have been watching Sophia grow up on your blog. I am astounded that she can walk already - She must look soooo cute because she is still so little!
What a doll baby!!
Oh my gosh, these are the cutest pictures ever. Sophie i soooo cute. Love the one of her walking and holding her parents hands. She looks so tiny. Then the kissing one and the one with you and her Grampy. The last one as well.....oh I love them all.
And you made me tear up about "wanting to live forever." So true. I love being a grandma. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my! How can you stand to let her leave? One of my daughters wore hats, bows and bands. It was so wonderful and she knew that she was gorgeous. The next daughter tolerated the same but didn't get the power of cuteness. My third daughter would have nothing to do with any of it!
Sophia is obviously a wonderful mother (judging from the series of mama, baby photos) and I melted when I saw the triple kiss pic...
Just wanted to thank you again Julie for the box of goodness that arrived at my house today. I've had to fight with the girls though to get my hands on the muffin cookbook!
Blessings, Debbie
I have needed an aaaaawwwww moment all day, and I just got one--Julie, she is beautiful and just so precious!!!
So cute Julie! I love that little Sophia! And that she can walk already, what a little monkey!
Addison is crawling now (7 months). I am not sure I want walking quite that early. Grandma's get more tired chasing babies too, hehe.
Love your happy post!
Julie- She is just beautiful. I love the wrinkled nose-our BabyE went through that phase a few months ago and it IS funny! She is just a doll and you hubby looks so handsome holding her..and you look so happy being there with your family. Love it. BTW, I really love that gauzy/lacy(?) vest you have on to go to church! Very pretty- xxoo Diana
What a beautiful family you have Julie! I just love the picture of the "triangle kiss" with Lindsey, Michael and Sophia, and also the lamb kissing Sophia. How precious! Glad you had such a wonderful time.
Sophia is just too cute!!! Grandmoms gives the sweetest kisses!!!
God is so wonderful to give us such wonderful blessings.
She is such a little ham...I love it!
What a darling little Sophie she is!!! And why is it that bellies loose their cuteness after we are old...it's just not fair!
Well I can certainly see why you are in Grandma Heaven!!
So glad you had a wonderful weekend with your daughter and her family. Sophia is adorable. I can't believe she is walking so early! All of my kids were between 12 and 15 months.
Hugs! Eileen
Hi Julie,
I loved all the photos of Sophia...she's adorable, and getting so big! The photos of you, your husband, and Sophia are real nice too. Thank you for sharing all of them. Have a great week! :)
Julie, you are just the proudest and sweetest Grandma! I love to see how much love you have for your beautiful family.
You are right about the way to a long and happy relationship too...kisses are very important indeed!
Hope you have a lovely week.
Best wishes always,
Hi Julie, This was a sweet post! Your family is beautiful and little Sophia is really growing and learning now. I think she looks so much like you. What a blessing to share the weekend with her. Thank you for sharing with us.
This is one sweet, little blessing of a girl. She is really something and just precious. xo
Sophie is a cutie!! I love seeing the pictures of her. I really like the picture of them kissing with her kissing also~~~that is cute!
dear julie,
sophia is so sweet!!!!!!
i love all the photos you have posted
you are the prettiest grandma i have
ever seen.thanks for sharing!
i wish you a wonderful restweek,
blessings regina
Julie, that KISS photo is amazing! I think it should be BLOWN UP POSTER Size! Precious!
I have a granddaughter named sophie with a (e) -- grand children are the highlight of life..
Sophia is growing so big and I can't believe how early she walked.
Adorable!! The photos are all so cute!!
I so understand the undivided attention a Grand child receives while in a Grandma's home!! Priceless!
Sophia is so adorable! I bet your lips were sore from kissing her all weekend! LOL! What a doll!
she's a beauty,, I have a twenty month old grand daughter and she likes those hair bands too,,, I love the pink she's sweet ,,looks like a wonderful few days, your daughter looks like you,,
Oh my! Isn't she just adorable!!!!!
I so loved your post! There is a strong family resemblance going on there with your gorgeous girls!
Hi Julie,
You have a beautiful family and Sophia is gorgeous! What a joy she must be. Grandchildren are so very special. Your photos are fabulous treasures.
Thank you for sharing with us.I really enjoyed it.
Aw, Julie, what a sweet little post! Your little Sophia is just an angel - I love the way she cleaned her baby's toes! Funny thing - my belly doesn't look as cute as hers!
Thanks for your visit! I like your new haircut, too! My hubby likes my hair and he doesn't want me to cut it. I told him tho that old women don't look good sometimes with long hair, so it can't stay this way forever!
Glad you got to soak up some baby love!
It looks like it was pretty heavenly at your house for three days.
How can she already be that old???? Wasn't she just born yesterday?
She's darling. I love those little cupid lips and cheeks.
She's beautiful.
Oh Julie what beautiful photos of your family. Your granddaughters are just so cute.
Sophia is growing up so fast.
Our lil T just turned 18 mos and I treasure the time I get to spend with him.
I would love to have more family time with all the grands but with the economy it is getting harder to get together as often.
I have been MIA due to computer problems.
Have a great day.
I think I might have lost my first comment. I just wanted to say how precious Sophia is. I love the photo of her with you and your husband. God bless you all!
Absolutely adorable! I can totally understand not wanting to put her down.
LIttle Sophia is such a big girl already, I am surprised!
I like the picture of the blanket and Miss Sophia going for the ride ..
Have a happy midweek sweet Julie o xx o
I needed to clarify something. It's so silly really but it bothered me all night. Then, I resisted the urge to stress on it. But, here I am. In the comment I left yesterday I said, "the next daughter tolerated the same, but didn't get the power of cuteness." By 'get' I meant 'understand' not 'receive'. Of course she was just as gorgeous! When I reread it after posting the comment, I thought it sounded funny, then thought (as I said) that I was just being silly.
Please don't laugh at me. These things worry me to death! ;)
Blessings, Debbie
She is so adorable! I love her little headband and her cute little outfits! Wonderful pictures! So happy you all got to spend quality time together!!
Have a great afternoon!
Oh my, what a cutie!
We are getting a new grandbaby here in July and I just can't wait!
Oh my goodness ... Adorable with a capital A!!!
That picture of the lamb giving her a kiss nearly melted my heart. If I am ever lucky enough to have a granddaughter, I will be loving on her. Until then, I'll just enjoy watching your family love on yours.
I love this post! Cute, cute pictures!
How cute! Oh, so ture babies are a delight and a gift from Heaven. And yes, Families are Forever. I am so thankful for this wonderful blessing from Heavenly Father and His Son. Thank you for the lovely post. Hugs, Karie
What a sweetie-pie. Another blessing, for sure !
Hope that you also have a wonderful weekend :)
Hi Julie,
I just LOVE this posting of little, precious Sophia! What an adorable little girl she is! I love her headband with the flower and her pink outfit. My favorite photos are the ones of her giving love to her babydoll! So sweet! I love the photo of the darling lamb giving her a kiss. You are truly, truly blessed with your grandchildren. We have a little granddaughter, Brenna, who is 9 years old (my husband's daughter's child) and we just adore her. My older son is getting married in November and I am so excited to someday be a grandmother as my sons begin to have their children. Yes, it, definitely, wants makes you want to live a long life and be healthy...so that we can spend as much time as we can with those little angels! You are blessed! Have a wonderful day! xoxo Kim
What a precious and beautiful little girl Sophia is! I especially loved the photo of Sophia with her mom and dad and they are all kissing! That photo in a frame would make a wonderful gift. Your other granddaughter is a cutie patootie too. You are very blessed! Enjoy the rest of your week. ~Cheryl
Julie -- what a beautiful little girl in all her cute girlie poses and clothes. I too am happy for a Forever Family. Joni
Ahhh...BABY LOVE is a very special gift from above. That is one cute little bundle...I am still smilin' at the "toe washing demonstration"
Sending HUGS your way...Rosie
Tens uma familia encantadora,e a tua pequena princesinha é linda demais.Grande abraço.Suze.
What a darling precious sweetheart. I know you loved every minute of those three days.
Nothing in the world better than being a grandma.
You have changed your background. It looks good.
Have a great day
You are so blessed. I love the photo of the family kiss, so precious.
Look at you in all of your grandma glory!!! I know that you were having a fantastic time. Great pictures ~ Brickelle and sophia are cuties!!!
Have a great weekend.
Sophia is adorable!!! She and Tyler might make an adorable couple!! Your daughter looks just like you...beautiful!!
Oh, Julie- you have such a precious family! (And all your girls are beautiful like their momma!)
What a cute baby Sophia is! I love the lamb kissing her!
Awww...this just made me smile. What a sweetheart she is!
I loved her new scrunched nose look. She is a doll, you are so blessed.
Absolutely precious!
Holy cow! Lil' Bit is standing up. What the heck happened? She was an infant just yesterday.
I adore the photo of Lil' Bit kissing mom and mom kissing dad, very sweet.
I can't tell you how often the phrase "Families Are Forever" has sustained me.
Brickelle looks like your younger twin! So nice you had such a loving visit. You shoot beautiful pictures; my favorite is the one where the family is kissing ~ frame-worthy!
What can I say Julie, Sophia is soooo adorable, enjoyed all of your photos, what blessings from our heavenly Father.
Always such a joy to visit with you.
Soo cute! How could you not follow her around?? My oldest started walking full speed at 9 months too. So funny to see a mini run around!
Lovely, adorable!
Oh, Julie! What a little precious doll! Walking at 8 months - she's a little genius! I can just seeing her walking with those little arms all out! Carter started walking at 13 months and has only been walking a month. I think a lot of her delay was her mommy - she would let her down on the floor without holding her and so afraid she'd fall! :)
Grandmas are so blessed!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
She is so cute! I love the big smile on her face in the picture where you're holding her.
Like your new look on the blog!
She's just so precious! The photo's are just wonderful :) Now I know how to check my little Grandson's toes!!
Just too adorable!!
Julie! My heart is full just looking at these photos... what a joy it must be for you, her grandmother ♥
She is a little dolly.
I love all the photos, every time I thought I found my favorite, another would come along.
What a beautiful family.
God has blessed you with love and beauty all around*
Oh dont they just leave you breathless (in a good way) my grand daughter Breleigh started walking at 8 mnths too.. what great picture.. I love the one of her hugging her baby doll too..and the one of them all kissing.. how precious.. so happy for you..well have a great weekend my friend.
love ya friend.. god bless..
Oh Julie, Sophia is a living doll. That wrinkled nose pose is priceless. That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I can see why you were in grandma heaven
I got to spend yesterday with my grandchildren and have decided that the only thing better than cuddling your baby or laughing at the silly thing toddlers say is doing it once again with your grandchildren. How very blessed are we?
She is absolutely adorable! It looks like you had a great time! I love visits from my grandchildren (and children) Your photos are beautiful too..love the little 'mommy' photos.
Sophia is so precious! Love the picture of her on her dad's shoulders and everyone kissing - so beautiful - I can see you were in heaven!
I am sleepy - not sure if my comment posted - Sophia is adorable! Love the picture of the family kissing!
I can see you were in heaven!
Oh Julie! Sophia is certainly a sweet little Blessing! Very Precious! Thanks for sharing your lovely family♥
oh Julie i was smiling from ear to ear thru the entire post...
Sophia is gorgeous and you can sure feel the love that your family has for each other...
i can't wait for monday when we have our memorial day picnic...
all my peeps will be here
from Gavin the youngest @ 5 months
to Aubree his mom the oldest @ 26
happy happy joy joy joy
what blessings they are
have a wonderful week my friend
Such a cute little headband on a cute little girl.
My oh my, Sophia is the sweetest little bit of pink fluff ever! Loved all the pictures and I know what you mean, you sure want them to remember you. She will, she carries you in her heart everyday no matter where she is! Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day sweetie!
Sweet pictures.........lots of memories were made. Come say hi. :)
What beautiful photos. Love the photo of her hear the fence looking back at the camera... gorgeous!
Looks like you had a wonderful time with the family.
Hi Julie!
Lovely photos of your family.I love the cute dress and headband of the little one, she is always smiling! cute little girl.Happy Tuesday, Catherine
This is baby love at it's finest!! ADORABLE.
I lovee those photo but theone that hits my heart is the one with you and your sweetheart holding the sweet grandchild - pure joy on your faces and total love.. sweet indeed!
such lovely photos,,your grandchildren are so lucky to have the farm to visit,, the memories will be something to look back on,, as well as the joy they have now,,
Your house is in a lovely place. We love to visit there each year, but it is way too hot for me in the summer. You are right - grandchildren are the best.
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