I changed out the winter bedding for summer bedding, that felt good...
although I keep reaching for more quilts at night, as the temps drop.
I love to see the horses happily eating, and the pole? It's because
the one on your left tries to to shoo the other one away so he can
have the hay all to himself, the pole seems to keep him on his own side.
couple of them are sitting on eggs, maybe we will have babies soon!
the chicken run. How do you like the background? I love it too!
I loved the wood grain behind her.
Everyday, these two cats bring me 3 dead mice...
they love me you see and want to share their catch
of the day. They leave them on the mat at the back door,
I make my husband toss them away when they are not
looking, don't want to hurt their feelings you know. ;D
Do you want to know how I know this? Well, whenever I
throw the big guy's toy, (see it in his mouth) he is not allowed
to go get it unless he asks the permission of the little guy! When
he finally gets permission, then he slowly sneaks up to his toy
and gently picks it up! Shih Tzu's are small but large in charge!
he is the younger brother and it's just fine, he's a happy camper!
Yes, camper...he is sitting on our picnic table like he belongs there!
me how fast she can fly up the tree and out onto the branches!
she can shimmy down as fast as she went up and
do it sideways too...I was impressed!
hotel room door. Starving and freezing on a COLD winters night. Well
of course we took him in and we even brought him on that 3 hour ride
home. He was so sick and he nearly died...but look at him go now!
birds in the tree that would get just close enough to get them all
excited but not close enough to get caught! It makes me so happy
to see him so healthy and so happy. To think that he would have
died makes me sad...I am so glad we brought him home!
cats, I'm glad that the cats didn't catch it..isn't it a pretty one?!
is she doing? Off smelling the flowers some place else I bet!
please give her a message for me? Tell her to get where she
belongs right now, or I am moving!
and bury my head in my pillow and go to sleep til Spring gets here!
and I just love it! Thanks for loving me this much!"
out on the lake there behind the dogs head?) Cougar stayed
right in the same position the whole time and every once in a while
he would lift his head up and give a "WOOF". I wondered what he
was doing? When we went out, I could see what it was that had his
undivided attention....
Some one had him and they neglected him by just chaining him up out
in the middle of a big field and leaving him there. I guess there were some
complaints filed against the owners because he was taken away to the pound.
Well, Bruno has a family of kids now who love him so much! He is the
most gentle, sweet big baby. I am so glad he now has such a good home.
and I liked her idea of homemade cloth napkins. I get tired of just
paper napkins and it didn't take long to whip these up. I made 34 of
them because we have a big family! It's nice to use them and so easy
to toss them into the laundry and fold them back up for their little
basket again, love having lots of them on hand. I just made them about
the same size as a paper napkin and they are just a perfect size.

to leave them out until October. Change the feed in them about
every 4-5 days. I like to make my own feed for them, it's easy.
Just pour 1 cup of sugar into 4 cups of boiling water and stir.
Store the extra in the fridge in a empty gallon milk jug.
I love to sit out on the deck as they buzz over my head, they are
so cute! And now if Spring will just get here, maybe the humming
birds will too!
Have a great week my friends, sending you tons of hugs!

You have the most amazing views at your home. Just breathtaking! I love that print over your bed of the little girl and the dog...it's one of my favorites. Seems your pets are as spoiled as mine! They look quite happy and the St. Bernard? Priceless...he's so big already, they are such great dogs! So happy to hear he's found a good, loving home! Have a great night Julie!
Ah thanks for that lovely tour! I felt as if I was walking along side of you as you took your pictures.
It does seem like spring is trying to 'spring' around your parts, and as for Bobby, that cat looks like a bob cat or cougar lurking in the tree!!
I love the pictures thanks for sharing.
You have an interesting home.
I want to come live at your house.
Love, Rebecca
Julie, it looks like you live in Paradise. All those animals look so happy and content. Love all the photos, and that yellow bird almost looks like a parrot! I had a sun conure with those colors. I am thinking how wonderful it is to be you. ;-) xo,
Well, I at least want to come for a visit sometime! You certainly do make your neck of the woods look inviting Julie! What fun! And how FUN to have a new St Bernard in the family! WOW. What a change for him to go from tied up to "cousins" on a farm?! I love that he is in your family now. And thrilled that your little kitty stray is doing so well too.
You can tell what a wonderful, loving environment you have! xo
Lots of gorgeous things to see while you wait for Miss Spring.
I don't think I could ever walk by Cougar without giving him a big hug. He is adorable and I can see from the photos just what a sweetie he is.
Beautiful pictures of the snow on the mountains. Love seeing the animals. Neat ideal about the napkins. Thank you for sharing with us~~~we love to see.
I just watched Oprah at the Ralph Lauren ranch in Colorado, and thought how it must look so alike to where you live, at the footfills of those incredible mountains.
I used to live at the foot of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado, it was a magical place.
Your pets have a wonderful life, they are loved and it shows.
You are a girl after my own heart.
Spring will return, or in your case arrive, we just have to wait a little longer.
this is the best post I have read since I starting blogging,, honest,,your view is just amazing and the only time I have saw anything like that was on old westerns which my husband is addicted to.thank you so much for sharing your world,
Such gorgeous pics Julie except for that darn s---. I know how you feel about the spring coming. Our's has been late too and it gets tiresome. This week has been better weather wise but still below normal.
I love all the animal pics too, such a nice home you have and boy you've been busy with all that napkin making!
Oh, Miss Julie~ I can't believe you all are still getting snow! *UGH*
It sure makes for a pretty view, though....
I love the pictures of all your critters, especially the chickies! *squeal*
Poor little Bruno, I'm glad he has a wonderful forever home now.
It is so fun to take a walk with you around your property and see all the cute animals. I was cracking up that the little guy is the boss of the big guy! We have a dog that is half Shit-zu and she definately thinks she is the boss of everyone- ha ha.
Your bedroom is so beautiful - I love the posts on your bed and that you change your bedding for the seasons.
The sink hole is kind of scary. I hope you don't find many of those on your property.
Have a GREAT rest of your week!
I'm sorry that Miss Spring is a bit late in her arrival there but while you're waiting you sure found some wonderful things to take pictures of. We may have gotten our spring here but it's been rainy this past week and a bit on the chilly side, especially at night
Love all the photos. The hummingbird one is AMAZING...I had trouble getting a good one of our birds. I REALLY like the idea of the homemade napkins! I might have to try that! Did you just wing it or did you use instructions?
Hi Pretty Julie! Oh, what a wonderful post! Your scenery is amazing! We've just gotten back, about an hour ago from our trip to Utah! Oh, honey! Those are the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen. I snapped so many pic of stone mountains, clay mountains, green mountains and then snow on top of the mountains. Your state is gorgeous! :) Wish I could have see you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelai ;)
I always change out the seasonal bedsheets on May 1st. We've had a few nights where we missed the flannel ones! haha. Brrr! It's still been SO chilly!
I enjoyed your photos so much!
Julie your bedroom is gorgeous! Cougar is awesome and so are your other animals, who by the time I got to the place to post this I forgot their names......Lordy!
Hi Julie, I have my hummer feeders up and have seen one so far. I am thrilled to see Bobby looking SO GOOD! He reminds me of my cat, Charlie, when I was a kid. All of your animals look happy and healthy.
I love your basket of napkins - cute idea.
I love all the pictures of your homeland and your animals. Isn't it funny how such a little thing can be in charge of a bigger one? Our little Misty cat was THE BOSS over a cat that was more than twice her size and weight. Funny how that works. Beautiful photo journey! Hugs- Diana
I just can't get over how gorgeous your part of the country is!
Julie what a FUN post. Enjoyed scrolling the whole time. Love the furbabies...Missed your other little dawg though...must have been inside...The bird was absolutely beautiful. Don't have those around here! I hope to have more animals out in Iowa...depends on where the house is God has picked out for us, but He does have a few or more prayers entered up there through the pearly gates for some acreage... Would love to have chickens again. Just have to keep a rein on Kobe!! Naughty Naughty renegade dawg killed two baby bunnies yesterday. Even brought ONE in the house before I could catch him...sigh...He will have a ball if we get more land...(course the mama was a DUMB Bunny for putting her nest anywhere near our house. and oh my, we fostered a baby Bernard back in the day when we were heavy into Rescue! SOO cute. He is a BIG DAWG now living in Texas and his mama still sends me pics. His name is Deacon. Hugs to you and I loved hearing about everything you are doing and also viewing your beauty in the back yard Lovely Views dear bloggy sis....xo
You are surrounded by beauty and I doubt if you move anywhere. Spring hasn't decided where it wants to be. It was here three days and they went off and hasn't returned.
Love all your sweet pets. They sure have personalities. Love Cougar.
Just love those scenery photos! Never seen a sink hole! Don't you just love goldens? And I've got to make some cloth napkins. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Julie~
I so love to go on these "walks" with you♥ So fun & I feel like Im with you. I need Samantha to teach Mischa how to shimmy down the trees. The other day I climbed up a big ole tree to rescue my little stinker that got her self stuck up a tree!
Love to you my friend :)
I so enjoyed visiting your blog today. Hopefully miss Spring will show up soon! LOVED< LOVED all your pictures.
Many blessings.
Thank you for the walk today, Julie. Everything is so spectacular. I will have a talk with Miss Spring tomorrow and see if she will go visit you for a wile.
Always a joy!
I enjoyed this post so much Julie! You live in such a beautiful area. Thank-you so much for sharing your photos with us. I loved looking through the pics of your animals.
I don't even know where to begin... First, I thought you were doing another post about bed and breakfasts. but no, this was your lovely bedroom. Then I was just sure that your kitty must have been sitting for a portrait before a fake backdrop, but no, it was your 'backyard'! Oh what a great God we serve, that He should bestow such beauty... And wow, does His favor rest on you! ;)
Love how the napkins turned out. Makes me think maybe it's time for some new ones!
Blessings, Debbie
Our cat, Velvet, shows out just like Samantha! LOL! it is so cute to watch them showing off all their tree climbing/frisking about skills! All of your animal family are very attractive! Hope you get spring soon! blessings ~ tanna
Sweet little 'furry family members' :)
I too wonder where Spring is... here's hoping that the summer, and a really, really , really long fall will make up for this cold and wet weather we're getting.
Have a wonderful week.
Just loved your pictures. You bedroom is beautiful. I bought new Spring Bedding this year, and posted it sometime back. I love changing the bedding for the seasons.
Your pets are so adorable! Wish we could have cats, but grandsons are terribly allergic to them, so now we just have our little Shih Tzu, Molly.
How wonderful that you can get so many great pictures just walking your property.
Your posts are always so detailed and it is like we are right there!
It is hard for me to comment because I always have so much to say about all of the photos!
I want some of those cloth napkins! Oh your adorable animals! I could go on and on!
Have a pretty day!
Wow, refreshing! Thanks for sharing, you make my day! :)
Hi Julie, Well spring is definately not in northern Utah either. I keep searching for her, but I agree she is in another part of the country! Glad I stopped by, you gave me a great idea. Make cloth napkins out of all the scrap fabric I have. My kids are shocked when I use the cloth ones at our get togethers. I will make a bunch and surprise them. Thanks for the idea. Have a wonderful evening and snuggle up warm, I will for sure. Hugs, Karie
OMG! I want to be there, how wonderful your world is, I'm facing fall right now, I just want spring back... enjoy it !
WOW where to start? Love the Samantha the cat pics... very entertaining! Your dog Cougar makes me smile too!
We too haven't had much spring weather... but at least we don't have snow!
And your hummingbirds around the feeder put mine to shame! Wow so MANY!!
Julie, to answer your question, the house does not have a sign out yet! I am still finishing up freshening up with paint, and am al-most-there..seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Kurt is coming back the week prior to Father's day and I'm hoping against hope to be able to have some realtors come and be able to get that sign in the yard. EVERY-body will hear about it when that monumental moment happens...believe me. Going on 8 months now w/o that man...WAY TOO long...*longer than my Marine's deployment!!!!! So I will work my tush off to get it ready by then...and pray to the Lord for help and strength! :-) HUGS!
Loved seeing photos of your pretty little furry family. And the scenery around your home is so gorgeous! And I love the idea of making a batch of cloth napkins, too. I have several pieces of fabric too small to do much with, this is the perfect idea! Thanks. I do hope that spring comes soon to your part of the country. Have a great week!
What a fun post Julie~ I love touring your home, it's just beautiful!
Sending warm spring blessings your way!
Morning girl...loved the tour! lol You have beautiful views all around you and I love seeing all your fur babies and the horses and the chickens..ohhhh the chickens...you know how I love chickens..youngest Burly got one day old baby chicks yesterday and you know I had to drive up there to see them..girl...I picked up of those little doodies up the minute I got there and carried it around the whole time...they tried to get me to bring it home but I knew that would be a disaster with our cat...needless to say I was squalling like a baby when we left...yes I love chickens that much! lol Hope you see Spring soon...have a great day sweetie....Picket
Gorgeous Julie!! You know that I have a soft spot for Cougar, he's just to much!!!!
I think that you can tell alot about a person from thier animals... and your animals are very happy!!!!
I love the bedding, looks like a b&b.
Have a fantastic Thursday.
What a fun place to live! The horses sound like (human) kids:) Love the happy ending story about Bruno! Cougar is my favorite:)
Thank Heaven for you rescuing that poor little kitten. My heart breaks for all of them who have no home and are severely unloved. I wish we could save them all. It's not possible. *sigh* Great photos. Love the horses.
Thanks for taking us along on your walk. What a beautiful place you live in. What a lucky boy that Bob is & Sammy reminded me so much of our Ginny. Thanks for your sweet comment last night. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I have mentioned this many times that your scenery is breathtaking.
I know what you mean about the Shih-Tzu, ours thinks of himself as big dog. I think that he has us well trained.lol
Thanks for the walk around the place.
Oh by the way what caused the sink hole??
Have a nice day.
Your life is amazing! I love the scenery....so beautiful! I can't believe you have that many hummers! I put my feeders out last year and didn't see one:(
I love your views Julie. The pole separating the horses reminds me of stories I heard growing up about kids drawing lines down the center of the room they shared with their siblings. My kids haven't ever thought of that, but they all have bunk beds, so I guess it would be kind of hard :-)
I'm wishing it would warm up too. We woke up to another cold, windy day today.
Hi Julie,I love,love your poster bed and the chandelier in your bedroom! Those red cliffs at the back of your house is awesome! I have a pony who would jump back and fourth over that pole with his mouth stuffed with hay and still keeping every other horse away from the food!
I feel your pain! Our mountains up here in Orem look exactly the same and I am struggling to not be depressed by this dreary weather. It helps to read blogs of other people's gorgeous summery weather!
What a fun tour of your property. Are you sure that isn't a dinosaur footprint?
Your bedroom is GORGEOUS! I think you should show us more of your decorating talents! I love it! You are such a warm friendly person and it comes across in what I have seen of your home.
I love Bobby's story.
Shih Tzu's are bossy. Toby bosses all the big dogs too.
A school from my hometown had to close a couple weeks ago due to sinkholes! Creepy.
Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here. Less than 48 hours til the farm auction!
I came back to have a second look at this post,, so much to see.I also use cloth napkins,, I just like the feel of them,, they're easy to sew and help the earth by not using more paper,
Hi Julie! Wow so much to comment about I don't know where to start LOL! What a beautiful setting for your home...just gorgeous. Oh Spring is or was over in England hanging around my sisters place. I told my sister to send 'her' back where she belongs so hopefully you and I and the rest of us that are missing spring will see her this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed! Your critters are adorable...love Cougar and of course your little Shih Tzu sounds just like my Chelsea. What a wonderful thing you did by taking that little kitty home with you...he looks like our Olly and Lizzy! I wish we had the humming birds like you do...I need to get out the feeder now that we're here on the farm and see if we can attract more than we did in the city. Lovely post Julie...and thanks for the comment this morning! Have a wonderful day.
Maura :)
With our rainstorms of the last 4 days, the mountains got 2 feet of snow! They too are looking for spring.
I just changed out my Fall/Winter bedroom quilt and curtains for spring/summer ones too. I love the light and airy feeling it gives the bedroom.
Spring has finally arrived here today...but how long will it last is quite another thing!
Hello Julie,
I think that no matter what time of the year it may be - it is beautiful where you live - I want to show my son your photos - I think he'd love to ride out that way - he likes to ride his motorcycle - I bet he could find others to take a trip - You have some very sweet animals - I can tell their loved! Quite an agile cat! We had a Black Lab while our children were young - he was a terrific dog! I think they're the best dogs for families!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your well - wishes - I am gradually becoming human again - and looking forward to sharing more with you all!
Oh how lovely and cozy it is where you are JUlie!
Looks like all your furry friends are enjoying themselves and each other :)
Love your napkin idea!
And I hope and pray spring is speedily on her way to you!!
Deborah xoxo
I just love where you live. This is my dream home. Lots of life outdoors. And such a nice bedroom too. Beautiful.
So much going on at your place, Julie...and it's all so beautiful!
So glad you shared your lovely photos with us! I really need to come and visit you on one of our trips--don't be too surprised!
Wishing you a lovely day, my friend!
Hi there Julie,
What a great posting today! I love all your animals! That is so cute about your two dogs and how the little one is the "boss"... Cougar is so cute and seems very good natured. Our granddaughter, Brenna, that you saw on my post would have a field day at your home with all the animals! She currently has a little chicken where she lives...she named it Bella When my husband was in Florida last week, they got all excited because Bella laid her first two eggs. I love your napkins you made. I used to know someone who did that, too, and I had forgotten all about making those until I saw your posting. Hope you get some nicer weather soon... Don't know how long our's will last but enjoying it. Have a wonderful day! xoxo Kim
my daughter lives up north in the town of Laketown, Ut -- she would agree with you about spring and if I was there I know I would be saying O where is Miss spring but I'd be the Loud-er in the town.. wink!
Guess what, Julie, your glorious bird, a Western Tanager tells me you are smack dab in the middle of Spring. The males only turn that bright color during Spring mating season. So enjoy it with a little bit of snow...cause everything sure looks amazing!
I need to put away my wool socks and take out my flip flops! Hopefully soon!! Love all your beautiful family pictures. Congratulations to Hannah. And to Sophia's daddy. Time keeps marching on! Mimi
You are having such a long winter! here it is dry and warm, which is unsual at this time of year and it's warmer than in the south, which is really strange. we are having a water restriction! Nice to see your family, they look so happy. Good weekend
Thanks for the lovely tour, Julie! I see you have a case of spring fever! LOL! Me too! You have such a lovely home and life. You are so sweet to share it with us city gals.:)
PS I'm so glad Bruno found your daughter!
I love every one of your pictures..... well except the sinkhole! YIKES!
I am extremely partial to the chickens. They are beautiful and I want some so bad.
Great idea for the napkins. I should do something like that. Thanks for sharing that one.
Maybe if you have changed out your bedding I can finally get some warm weather here. (you may just be the one keeping us from having spring)
Have a great weekend!
Maybe you could use the sink hole to make a swimming pool. Unfortunately, you may end up with an underground pool.
If I could I would gladly share some of my Arizona sunshine with you. I loved the tour and can tell you appreciate the blessing of a wonderful home, land etc. Great post.
Wishing you beautiful summer weahter! Thanks for visiting! Have a wonderful summer! You are a dear friend!
After reading your post, I went to put the teakettle on so that I can make some hummingbird food. Thanks for the reminder.
Your yellow bird is so beautiful. Not a bird that we see around these parts. It's always so nice to see what's happening in your area. Hope the spring arrives soon.
Just browsing your blog is relaxing. I love your Golden, she reminds me of our Bella Bean. The photo you took of her sleeping on the bench facing the wall is classic Golden Retriever. Your spot on earth is certainly beautiful. Thanks for sharing it - chickens and all! Blessings, Tia
Hi Julie! Thanks for taking us on a walk with you. I really love seeing the view and all of your sweet critters. Now is it my imagination or is that horse on the right huge?
The picture of Cougar sleeping on the bench is the best. Dogs have the life, don't they?
Hi Julie,
What a wonderful place you live in, the animals and birds, not the weather! We have Spring before you and you are so much further South, how does that work?
I see you have a Siamese Cat! You lucky duck, I had one but Was so terribly allergic to her that I had to adopt her out, it broke our hearts. I love cats so much and I can't have one. We also love dogs, but have never really considered getting one, it costs so much to kennel them when we go away, it just doesn't seem worth it.
Have a lovely day and I will tell Spring to get down your way!
Big Hugs, Cindy
Hi Julie!
It's beginning to look like summer your way! A lazy summer for them' critters of yours! LOL! Spoiled and loved! Love your bed room! I have been thinking about making/buying some homemade napkins also! Must of seen it on Debbie's blog also. Love your collection.
Oh guess what?! You know my 3 little chicks? Well they are 10 weeks old now and one of them Sadie is making so very strange loud sounds! I am pretty sure I have a rooster! Darn! I cannot have a rooster here. Anyhoo, guess the name is Sadie to Sam and I need to find him a home! LOL!
Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!
Hi Julie,
I love all the photos of your animals...they are all so sweet. Cougar is just the cutest dog! I'm glad that Bobby is doing so well. You live in such a beautiful area. Thank you so much for sharing all your photos! I enjoyed them very much.
I hope you have a lovely weekend! :)
I was in your neck of the woods two weeks ago - hubby had a conference for work in Richfield, and when it was done we spent a day hiking Capitol Wash - LOVED IT! Fish Lake was still frozen, but we drove in and walked around the lodge - first time we'd ever been there.
You have a beautiful home and grounds.
I need to go make food for my feeder.
Spring is in full bloom here and it will be in the 90's tomorrow.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a sweet comment!
What a great walk around your lovely place. I loved the photo's of all your animals.
Hard to imagine snow and cold in late May. I never lived anywhere but Texas so it always surprises me when I here of how cold you still have it.
It was so hot here today I was dreading summer. lol
That bird is so beautiful. I don't think we have any in our area that look like this. It is so colorful glad your cats did not get it.
Hope your having a great weekend
It feels like Spring is here today! I love your red mountains with the snow.
You're such a great lady to take in that poor little cat! He looks so healthy!
Hope you have a great weekend.
All I could say is MY GOODNESS~
Hi Julie!
Oh I just L O V E
your bedroom!
it's sooooo dreamy!
I would never never go to work in the morning if I awoke in that room!
Your pets and birds and beautiful surroundings are also very dreamy!
I love cloth napkins too... I use them for my toast-to-go in the morning, so much better than a paper napkin ~ the toast ends up on my lap!
I wish you a lovely Sunday filled with all the best for YOU!
*blessings always,
What a fun and amazing stroll. You have such wonderful style and make life very fun. And, how do you still have snow?-ha! That is really something. Glad to see you making the best of it. You are surround by so much beauty and I can hear your grateful heart in your pictures. So nice to see someone care so much for all that surrounds them, and taking advantage of appreciating it all. xo
I just saw your sweet comment :)
Thanks from my heart.
Hfello Julie!! At the end of my Sunday, I've so enjoyed reading your post and seeing all your 4-legged family members and enjoying your views! What an amazing and beautiful place that you call home!!!
Julie, your home is beautiful, inside and out. I loved taking this walk around the property with you, and seeing all the animals. So glad that poor little puppy has found a new home with your daughter. I just don't understand people who are cruel to animals.
I"m sorry you are cold! We are starting to get hot. We have had a gorgeous spring and are on our way into summers heat. Where you live is so beautiful! Love the new dog he is so cute!
The views at your house are just breath taking! I'm sure you never tire of it!! I too wish Spring would arrive, well, I guess it has arrived but it brought a ton of rain with it!I am so ready for some lovely sunshine and vitamin D!
Your pets look so loved and happy. I love the story of saving that precious kitty! He surely would have died without your help. I spent Saturday helping on a spay day and we did about 25 cats and kittens! Yay! There are just too many unwanted felines out there with no loving home like yours and mine.
I took some of the heavy blankets off our bed today too but the way it has been so chilly I will be reaching for extras too!
Take care! xoxox
Loved seeing the images of your property, and congratulations on your giveaway win! Love to you!
Please tell me how you got your blog into blurb book?! Last time I tried, it wouldn't slurp into it. I've got a few years to do.
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