We have the most beautiful little blue birds here. As I go for my walks each day, flocks of them float along the fence posts, staying just ahead of me. I think they are curious about my dogs, I just love them. They make me feel happy, you know..."the blue bird of happiness"...must be true!
We just keep getting snow! It has snowed here for the last four days with more snow forecast for this weekend too! I think the bluebirds had better scatter happiness over me because I am getting a bit tired of waiting for Spring to come...she sure is late this year!
Sophia reminds me of a little yolk inside a big pink Easter egg in this one!
At least they found Spring in the far south of Utah this year, looks warm.
Poor little Caleb, he got sick and about two minutes after this photo was taken and threw up! They had a bit of a sad Easter with both of their little ones being sick, but they got some Easter fun in before it all hit them.
~Now for that recipe~
This is a not a yeast roll but more like a biscuit roll. It's easy and delicious!
This is a not a yeast roll but more like a biscuit roll. It's easy and delicious!

Mix all of these dry ingredients in a large bowl;
2 cups flour
3 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 T. sugar
1/2 cup melted butter
Mix til the consistency of cornmeal.
2/3 cup milk
(This varies a bit, add til dough makes a
soft ball, with a little dry flour, with a little
dry flour mixture around the ball)

be 1/4 inch thick. Add 3 T. melted butter all over the dough.

1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
3 tsps. or more Cinnamon
(I also love to add some softened
raisins and chopped nuts.)
Spread all over buttered dough.

Slice with a long piece of plain dental floss into 1 inch pieces.
Place on a Pam sprayed cookie sheet, about 1/2 inch apart.
Bake at 400' for 8-10 minutes, til slightly brown on top.

After they are done and mostly cooled, add a glaze on top, serve slightly warm.
1/3 cup of packed powdered sugar
1 T. milk
(You can add flavoring if desired)
Glaze and enjoy these mouth watering goodies.
*Please pray for and give all that you can, for the people of Alabama*
1/3 cup of packed powdered sugar
1 T. milk
(You can add flavoring if desired)
Glaze and enjoy these mouth watering goodies.
*Please pray for and give all that you can, for the people of Alabama*
So sorry to hear about the little ones being sick. I hope that they are all better now.
Love the photos of your cute gk.
Piggie going to market is priceless.
Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful photos.
You do have such a beautiful scene out your window.
Fantastic food, Family and fluttering bluebirds....how wonderful♥
Oh what cute little Easter babies! She does look like shes inside a pink egg!
Too cute!
Perhaps the blue birds are there to cheer you while you wait for spring :)
Gorgeous photos Julie!
Hope the little ones are feeling better soon xo
This little piggie went to market...:)
Deborah xoxo
ooops and those cinnamon rolls look yummy!
Thanks for the recipe!
My Momma always used to make cinnamon rolls with her leftover pie pastry and we loved it!!!
Deborah xoxo
I love your blue birds. I think a walk with you would be delightful. I wish I could share some of my 93* today. I'd gladly give you 10*. Happy day.
Love all those sweet Easter pictures. Next year I will have some fun of my own I hope. That recipe looks so good...I love cinnamon rolls. hugs, Linda
Everything about this post makes me smile, the adorable gkids, the pretty bluebirds, those yummy cinnamon rolls (I can just smell the cinnamon goodness!), those fantastic vistas just outside your windows........I love it all. xo,
Hi Julie,
I really love your little blue birdies! I have only had two Eastern Blue Birds at my feeders and one Indigo Bunting since we've been feeding birds and always thought that the blue ones are so beautiful. Will have to figure out how to attract these little pretties at my feeders. Your recipe looks really great- love that it's 10 minutes!
Wow I guess I can believe it but isn't it crazy to still be getting snow! I'm glad you have the beautiful views of the storm out your windows though - I think I would like to look at them from your house (wink!).
Sophia looks so cute in her blue bunny ears! darling
Your bluebirds are so pretty.
Cute picturess of your grands enjoying Easter. I hope the ones who were sick are now feeling all better.
That recipe looks yummy. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Julie, such a fun post...thanks for sharing...we are having a strange spring here as well...it's very warm down in the valley areas - Mesa, Phoenix, (like, close to 97') but here in the mountains we are still freezing at night and this weekend forcast is for, of course, more wind and cold temps. Makes spring seem so very sweet. Have a pleasant day!!
Love your bluebird picture, what fun to see them on your walks. Sure sorry to hear you're still getting snow. Even sorrier to hear that some of the little ones were sick for Easter. Sophia looks like she sure enjoyed her Easter.
I must be hungry, that's why I'm commenting on your cinnamon rolls first! They look like they're melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
Love the pictures of the adorable grandkids. Too bad Caleb got sick.
I can relate to the pig in the picture. Sometimes we just don't fit in a trailer!
God has given you a beautiful piece of His great land to view each day, Julie. Gorgeous! I'd never tire of viewing it either.
The blue birds are popular here, I'd love to have them in my area. I had a hawk visit, pictured today.
The children are the cutest ever ... love that chocolatety mouth ...
Have a wonderful weekend.
WOW! "Bluebird of happiness" indeed! What a beautiful little bird that is. I LOVE it! I don't see too many of those around here - lucky! :)
Adorable pics of the grandbabies, as always! I bet you want to just gobble those cheeks of Sophia's right up! And the yolk inside the pink egg was adorable! You are too cute Miss Julie! Have a wonderful weekend!
I love the pictures of your grandchildren. They are really adorable. I still can't believe you have so many.
I'd patiently wait for Spring with those views.
Now that pig.....I can't believe that.......it is so funny. Love what COnnie said, hah.
Cute, cute pics. You have such a nice looking family.
Is it normal for you guys to still be getting snow this late in the season? In my neck of the woods (the south) we've just been slammed repeatedly lately with thunderstorms and tornadoes. Tennessee has been hit hard, but those poor people in Alabama have just been devastated. Keep our states in your prayers.
So hard to believe yall are still getting snow out there. It was 91 yesterday and I didn't handle it very well, just a trick to show us just how close summer really is for us. Love your little blue birds, what a joy!
Such sweet pictures! Love that bluebird, too. We don't have them here!
I must try these rolls...10 minutes? Wow!
What beautiful scenery you have Julie, and I know you are patiently waiting for spring, and the bluebirds help.
My! how your grandchildren are growing, all of them! and beautifully I might add.I am sorry for the sickness, and that's no fun especially at Easter. As always thank you for a great recipe, I am copying this one and hope to try it this weekend. Looks so yummy.
Have a blessed week.
Wish I could join you on one of your walks with all that amazing scenery and the pretty blue birds! Your grands are so precious and these pictures are treasures. Hope you have a very nice weekend.
Cute grands and blue birds just go together creating happiness everywhere they go! Your speedy rolls look yummy too.
Beautiful bird shot. You have some adorable little bunnies....
I always love your photos, they give us a snippet of your life...treats and all.
Hi Julie!
Oh I want a bluebird visit! I even put a house up this year... There may be too many trees or houses that are too close here. I live on half an acre, so it just may be that. Bluebirds are the New York State bird, and I've only seen them at my husband's cousin's house.
You must spend your days kissing cheeks and just LOVING those grandchildren ! How adorable they all are!
Your recipe looks amazing! I must try this cinnamon roll recipe. I am always making my Swedish tea ring, but it takes a long time to get that recipe done, start to finish because it is a yeast dough. This one is nice and quick!
*A Sunday must!*
Have a wonderful weekend, Julie!
~ Blessings always,
Too bad about your little ones being sick on Easter..and it doesn't sound like it was from eating too much candy~ Your grandkids are beautiful...and so is your dd and her hubby. You are right about one thing...Ella has the most beautiful eyes and Sophia is just adorable-as always~
That was the first line that ran thru my head too seeing the pig in the basket...to market-to market- to buy a fat pig-home again-home again- jiggity jig!
I will definitely try these rolls out...I make cinnamon rolls often and these look like easy ones.
Have a great night- xxoo Diana
I'm hearing ya on the the Spring issue!! It's taking forever!!
Love your photos of the storms rolling in however!! See, I guess there are some positive...great photos!! ;-)
Cute grands as always!! Don't they just melt your heart?!!
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to come visit Julie. We went away to the beach over Easter and I have been trying to spend less time at the computer! I am so happy to see that your family had a lovely Easter-did you have a happy Easter?
Thanks for popping by today. I am having a cup of tea and watching all the TV specials on the happy couple! The TV coverage of the wedding will be starting in a couple of hours-I can't wait!
Happy Friday and best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Loved the Easter pics of your beautiful family! And we are definitely having your cinnamon biscuits for the royal day!!
Blessings, Debbie
Love your family pics! Our first winter snows have fallen on the Cedar mountain range down in the Cape this week! Everyone is posting pics of it on FB and I have never seen snow! Maybe Cules and I can get away to the Cape this winter to see some...
Now I know what i'm making for breakfast on Sunday :) those rolls looks incredible!
and I have to say that Little Sophie is just the cutest little thing...she looks like she has personality plus! I really like the photo ofher in her Easter bunny ears and her basket.
Thanks for sharing your life with us...
I just love little bluebirds too, Julie~ I smile every time I see one!
Love your snow... it is so beautiful.
Poor little Caleb~ hope he is feeling better now.
I thought for a minute you had found of picture of my backside stuffed on the side of that bike! *hehe*
The cinnamon rolls look amazing!
We, too, just keep getting more snow, probably another four inches out there this am...
sigh...wouldn't want to live along Cottonwood Creek this year!
Letting you know that we just finished the "10 Minute Cinnamon Rolls" and they were delicious. Thank you for the recipe.
Also wanted you to know that I shared a link to this post on mine today!
Blessings, Debbie
What cute little sweeties...as usual. Bummer on the puking. We spent Christmas 09 like that. Not fun for any holiday. Storms freak me completely out! The closest I get to liking one is the calm thunderstorm that rolls in on a hot summer afternoon and cools everything off for a little while.
Hi Julie!
Loved the pictures - you live in such a beautiful part of the world!!! I love Southern Utah! We got 2 inched of snow last night, I actually had icicles hanging on my house this morning!
Your grandchildren are so beautiful - what treasures they are! I love Easter . . . new life, new beginnings . . . a wonderful time!
The recipe looks delicious and easy - that's my kind of recipe!
I love the picture of the pig!! I have some good friends who went to the Philippines on a mission, and they loved it! Very interesting place!
Thanks for sharing!
yummy - and so sorry about more SNOW -- my daughter is saying the same thing will spring ever come.. wink! Fun easter photos too..
I love your pretty bluebirds, they are slightly different than ours. And I must say you have the most gorgeous views from your house! I'd never tire of gazing out the windows. But I know you do get tired of snow and wish for spring. We're having our second day of sunshine here and it is cause for celebration! Your grands are so adorable, love the photos. And the recipe looks yummy too. Have a great weekend!
What a beautiful family you have, Julie--love all the sweet photos!
Can't believe you still have snow on those mountains--amazing!
LOVE your cinnamon rolls--same kind I make! My family likes those over the raised kind, and they're so much easier to make, I'm happy to oblige!
Hope your day is wonderful, my friend!
We really have had a long, long winter. Hopefully, it will make our summer even sweeter.... when it gets here :)
Cute grands... it seems that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter.
Thanks for sharing the yummy looking recipe. I love to try new recipes :)
Have a great weekend, and hopefully you'll get some sun.
You live in such a gorgeous place! What a blessing! I hope your grandbabies are feeling better by now. Your photos are just darling. How cute Ella's eyes are, and Sophia with those bunny ears on is just adorable!
Thanks for sharing the yummy recipe. It is windy here today, making it a little chilly (to me anyway). Baking sounds like a good idea! :)
Have a happy weekend, my sweet friend!
Oh, what beautiful blue birds. I live in the northern part of the state and I am really tired of snow. Where oh where is spring? Seeing those beautiful birds reminds me spring will come. Thanks for sharing your delightful life in pictures. Darling. Hugs, Karie
Happy belated Easter. Beautiful photos of your grandchildren.
Eli was sick on Easter Sunday... too much chocolate, fun and excitment.
The view out your window is amazing!
Those are such sweet Easter pictures.
The recipe looks quite delicious.
I'll be making this one. I love cinnamon.
Hilarious piggy picture.
I am always amazed when I look out of your window. Splendid scenery!
I love the pictures, The little ones had a great easter.
The recipe sounds easy.. yummo!
Have a fantastic week Julie.
oh Julie the views are breath-taking! Snow and all! I love to watch storms, especially from a distance, so powerful!
The Grands are super adorable! I love Easter & the joy in children faces as they discover the magic as well as the truth of the holiday.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend & sunshine comes your way soon!
ps...the bluebirds are so pretty!
I'm tired of snow too...trying to appreciate the beauty, but having a hard time!
I think I need to go make some cinnamon rolls...;)
These little ones are so precious and adorable! I'm sorry 2 were sick...what a bummer for Easter. I find it amazing that you're still getting snow! I have to say though that I'd rather experience that than these storms and tornadoes! That huge cell that hit the Southeast moved through here on Tues and it was not fun. I feel so bad for all those in it's wake.
The cinnamon rolls look delish! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Wonderful photos Julie. Love those lil grandbabies!
TEN MINUTE cinnamon rolls? WOW...might have to try this one!
omg girlfriend.. i love those pictures.. the blue bird,, the color of the grass in those easter pictures.. and that piggie going to market..lol.. toooo cute..
it looks like a very happy easter season for you and your family..
God bless...
Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by today. :) I'm such a bad blogger lately. Just can't devote the time to blogging during school.
Your cinnamon rolls look amazing! AND that view of yours is unbelievable. Aren't you just dying for spring by now though?
I just don't think I could take that Utah weather. I read on another blog, 22 days of snow this month. Yikes. I know all my kids there are sick of it! Spring please hurry to Utah!
Those blue birds of happiness are so blue! Very pretty.
Looks like you had a fun Easter!
I miss the small children hunting Easter eggs, we borrow the in-laws nowadays ;)
Awesome Bluebirds, ours have red stomachs, I notice yours are two different colors of blue !
Those cinnamon rolls look delicious, I believe I can smell them from Tennessee {slobber}...
Hi Julie. Happy I found your pretty blog and looking forward to reading future posts!
You have one of the most amazing views! It must be so wonderful to gaze upon it everyday.
Wow! This post is full of goodies! The children are adorable. The little blue bird made me happy too. It is such a pure color of blue. Can't wait to try these yummy cinnamon rolls!
Hi Julie! Love that pretty little blue bird and I've told you before, you live in an amazingly beautiful spot! Now those little grands! They are all so cute. Sorry those little sweeties were sick.
Hope you've had a great Sunday.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
There are so many cuties in your pictures, Julie. A feast for the eyes, all the happiness! I wish bluebirds housed in the Netherlands too!!
Have a wonderful new week xxxx
That little blue bird is plump and adorable! Something magical around your walks!
Your sweet grandbabes at Easter are so adorable!
Thanks for the recipe Julie! Yummy...
now for the piggy picture, that is how I feel today, fat! LOL!
Hi Julie! We have a Caleb in our family too. Glad you and your family had a nice Easter together. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
I hear it'll be warming up a bit this week. Yippee!! I don't think I've ever seen a bluebird up this way. Do we have them this far north? Adorable grands having some Easter fun. Mimi
It looks like the little ones enjoyed the holiday! :)
Gosh...such snow and the little ones getting sick. Hoping May brings the spring time warmth and good health to everyone.
Beautiful pictures of Easter fun. And, i think my husband is going to love this roll recipe. Looks so easy and so delicious. Thanks. xo
What a beautiful view and family. Ten minute rolls...BRILLIANT! YUM.
Your grandbabies are so adorable! I know they enjoyed all the Easter eggs.:) This recipe sounds delicious and easy! My favorite combination! LOL!
You have the most breathtaking views from your home! I can't believe you still have snow!! I'm so happy to finally be seeing signs of spring here. I also enjoy our bluebirds, they have made nexts in the birdhouses we made for them. :-) Your grandchildren are so precious!! Great pictures. Have a wonderful day!
Hi My Sweet One...
I'm going to TRY to leave you a comment... my glitch might finally be fixed!
Anywho.... Dear Julie...thank you for all of your blog support and all of the wonderful things that you share with us. You have a heart of gold and it is evident in everything you do.
Thank you!
Oh and I'll have the whole plate of cinnamon rolls..thank you!
What great family photos! The little ones are so precious...you are blessed! Thank you for sharing the cinnamon roll recipe. I will try it when I get back home from Calgary. xoxo Kim
Yikes! I am coming to your neck of the woods, probably in the next week or so..
Time for a trip to So. Utah because No. Utah is just too cold!!!!!
Your grandchildren are so cute! We have a Caleb too:) My son served his mission in the Philippines, and married a girl from the Philippines~they met at BYU-H.
Oh, those were some sweet Easter photos! Precious. Your cinnamon rolls look delicious! blessings ~ Tanna
Sweet adorable lovely Sophia, Ella and Caleb!!!! lots of hugs and kisses to them!!!
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