I like these painting...the artist is Judith A. Mehr, she is 60 years
old and lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She paints as a woman who
knows the work... and the joy... of family, and I like that.
I have done all of these things in these pictures. As we raised our
eight children, I have bottled about everything you can name. It
is such a good feeling to have shelves of food for your family.

Nothing like a sunny day and smell of cloths hung out on the line to dry!
My memories of this go back to my grandma and my mom doing the
same thing. I do use my dryer but this is a wonderful thing to experience.

Did you have a grandma like this? I did, she was famous for her
wonderful made up stories. I think that is where my dad got his
great imagination and then passed it on to me. What a gift!

Yes, we had a big Bing cherry tree and our kids still talk about it!
How much they loved it when we all went out together to pick the
cherries...oh, they were so sweet and so delicious fresh or bottled.

Passing on the stories and pictures and love for our ancestors.
My mom was the family genealogist and she passed on to me
all of this and more. She gave me precious pictures of many
of my ancestors and I treasure them, as they hang on the walls
of my home.
I think that when we know who our ancestors were,
we can then know who we are. When I meet them one
fine day... I will know them.
I think that when we know who our ancestors were,
we can then know who we are. When I meet them one
fine day... I will know them.

I hope I am doing this when I get to this age. Even if it is just a
little garden spot. There is nothing like a bit of work in the garden
and nothing like a fresh tomato sandwich with tomatoes straight
from the garden, with the warmth of the sun still on their skin.

There is nothing like homemade bread! I have been making it ever
since I was 12 years old. My mama taught me how to do it all with
my hands in a big old bowl. I use a mixer now but I still get to enjoy
the smell of bread baking in the oven. That is a smell that every child
should know.
On my sidebar you can click on the picture of my bread
there and go see my recipe if you would like. It only takes 90 minutes
from start to finish with no second rising and it is the best bread ever.

and give and work and teach. What would this world do without
such mothers? Sharing tasks and helping one another set a solid
pattern for future families as children grow up, marry and leave
The lessons learned in the home are those that last the
longest. All people are happier and feel more self respect when
they can provide for themselves and their family and then reach
out to care for others. (Thomas S. Monson)
post and since I can't say no... here you go! ;D

1 Yellow cake mix
4 Eggs
3/4 Cup of Wesson Oil
1 Cup Sour Cream
Mix and pour into a
Pam sprayed 9x13" pan.
Mix together;
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 T. Cinnamon
Pour over cake batter. Swirl
into batter with a knife.
Bake at 325' for 30-40 min.
Cool slightly, 10-15 min.
1 (3oz.) Phili Cream Cheese
that has been set out to soften.
1/4 Cup Butter, softened.
1 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1/8 tsp. Salt
4-5 T. Milk or to your
desired thickness.
Spread over warm cake
let it all cool or serve warm
with some ice cream.
You will love this!!!

This nest was built right outside my son's front door. I wondered
if the eggs were real and my sweet DIL said they were for sure.
I just love blue eggs like this...I remember the first time I saw blue
eggs... it was love at first sight!

everything! "Who me? Yes you sweetie pie!"

lap and pressed their little hand into fresh cement. A reminder
for years to come of how tiny their sweet hand was. Lindsey did
this same thing as they are now moving into their new home.

She is such a cutie with big dimples in both of her sweet cheeks.

grandpa do without grand children? Life would just be too sad
for me...I love them each so very much!
Have a great rest of the weekend my friends...
I will be gone for a couple of days, helping our
kids move in, and some of the others to landscape.
The cycle of life...it goes round and round, thank goodness!

These paintings are wonderful. I can't decide which one I like the best. I also love laundry drying outside in the sun. That was how it was done until about 20 years ago when I got my first clothes dryer. I have a wooden rack that I set up in my little yard and hang sheets and towels when it is nice outside. We can't put up a clothesline. You are such a good Mom. xo,
Her paintings are beautiful!
Lovely post. We should all do things from scratch although that shortcut cinnamon roll cake seems like a good idea to me. I'll pass on the link to it to my daughter who LOVES cinnamon rolls. Thanks for sharing.
I love these paintings! Thanks so much for sharing them! Truly captures the beauty of women and how they care for those they love. Inspiring! Great recipe too! Have a wonderful weekend!!
beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a gorgeous weekend!!
The paintings are beautiful! They brought back a lot of memories for me with my grandma and momma...shelling peas, telling stories, clothes on the line, my grandma and momma canning home grown vegies and jellies....
Your grandchildren are just beautiful! My granddaughter is climbing in drawers and hiding in cabinets now...it's too cute! Being a grandma is the greatest!
Oh Julie, I love the paintings too. Showing the every day things women do for their families. Every day things that really are not so every day anymore. The artist has painted them with true reverence and knowledge of her subject. Just amazing.
Your grandchildren are so cute!
Julie, I am just getting up this morning and am starting my day off with reading your thoughtful words. What a wonderful way to start my day!! My Mom passed away about 4 years ago and your post has reminded of a few things I've not thought about in a long time and the things she taught me. Thank-you for that!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
What a great looking bunch of grandkids you have!! So many sweeties, no wonder you are bursting with pride!!
Loved the paintings...and everything you wrote about preserving family history, so important. I wish I had paid better attention. My mom would tell a lot of stories about family members but I was a kid and listened with half an ear....when my mom became ill I asked her to please write down family memories and thoughts in a journal which I gave her so we would have it. However, she lived in denial that she was dying until the very end and refused to write things in a journal as if she was dying...so she never wrote anything down and now I am left with an even bigger regret that I didn´t pay better attention when she was healthy and telling us all these stories. I think learning where you are from helps you discover who you are.
Thank you so much for the recipe!! I can´t buy cake mixes here in Norway but I have a Better Homes and Garden Cookbook which I am sure there will be a recipe for homemade yellow cake...so I will mix that up and use that. Should work out I hope!!! I can´t believe you eat ice cream with this, would think it was rich enough on it´s own...I was gaining weight just looking at those photos!!! hahahaha...but we will try it...just because you suggested it!!! ;-))
Baking bread is something I adore. I don´t have a mixer so I do everything by hand but I love to work with the dough...looooove it! At work we use a mixer and while it is very easy to use I prefer using my hands...will check out your recipe for bread also!
Have a wonderful weekend with your lovely family!
The cake looks delicious, the photos of ladies are beautiful and Sophia in the kitchen drawer is priceless. Her big personality just shines through her sweet little face!
Happy 5th Birthday dear Emry!
Adorable soccer player, MaKayle!
Sweet munch-kins Caleb and Ella :)
Beautiful paintings. She has done a wonderful job of creating real, everyday life. Her paintings almost look like photographs.
I am sitting here wondering what I feel like eating with my morning coffee. I'm thinking a piece of that cake would do the trick. Yumm, does that ever look good!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Have a great time with your family this weekend. How exciting for your daughter and her family to be moving into their house.
I love the painting of the woman hanging out clothes. I have always prefered that to driers. They smell so wonderful on a cool breezy day. Or any day. I still do it except that now I live in an HOA (not voluntarily)and you know how those areas feel about line drying clothes. But I still fix it up so I can. I really don't care if they get mad about it. Which is another reason I'd like to move out of here. The reasons just keep piling up. :)
I can't believe those are paintings. I had to look twice as they look like photos. The one of Stephen and the cherries......how does she make them look so real.
Love your grandbabies. They are so cute. I see you in many of those pretty little faces. In one week all my grandchildren will be under the same roof. First time ever. I am so excited.
What a sweet post!!
Thanks for the recipe!! It's a must try for sure!! :-)
Your grandkids are just too cute!!
Have a great couple of days being a Mom and Grandma!!
Those paintings make me think of my mom and grandma. Love the one of the lady with the pan of green beans in her lap. A familiar sight. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Hmmmm, wish I had that cake right now with some coffee! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
The paintings are beautiful and yes, so true. I remember my mother, aunts and grandmother doing all of those things...and I hated helping with the laundry. Had to hang those ginormous sheets ~ I thought! :-) ~ on the clothes line along with everything else. Ahhhh, but there's just nothing like sleeping on those sheets!
Hope you have a great weekend ~ the grands are just as adorable as ever.
Beautiful! I echo your sweet words.
I love those painting of Art - they do indeed tell the story and what I've done the same too -- and Yes, indeed cycle of life continues on - amazing to see and what a blessing! You also have a wonderful weekend and be careful to your back and not to much sun.. be safe!
Hi Julie! Thank you for sharing such heartwarming paintings! I love and value everything old fashioned and homey and these paintings are my cup of tea! That recipe looks so yummy! I will have to try it! Your grandbabies are so precious, how fun so have so many pumpkins to kiss and hug! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog too! Bless you darlin'!
Ruthann (Aunt Ruthie)
Sugar Pie Farmhouse
Beautiful paintings and beautiful Grandchildren!!!
All of the things you mention are so dear to me, canning, hanging clothes out to dry, gardening, baking bread. These unfortuantely are becoming a lost art. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
That cake looks so delish, I will have to give it a try.
Hi Julie, Happy Saturday!
I LOVE your postings...you put so much of your heart and soul into them! Love all the photos of the women and the things you shared, as well. My Mother used to hang all her clothes on the line when I was a little girl. I can remember the sheets hanging up to dry and can still picture them blowing in the wind. Nothing better than the smell of fresh air dried sheets! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe of the cinnamon bread. I am going to make it next week for my younger son when he comes home from college for the summer. He LOVES cinnamon rolls I am going to look at your bread recipe you mentioned, too! What an amazing nest the birds have built...love the blue eggs...I have never seen eggs so blue! Pretty! Seeing the photo of little Sophia having her hand print made in cement makes me think of our past homes. We put in a basketball post near our driveway for my older son and had to cement it in. We all came out to put our handprints in the cement and wrote each person's name with a stick next to the print. We even held our little Maltese dog, Sassy (now sadly gone) up and put her paw print in it. I am thinking we should make us a stone or something for this home. Thank you for reminding me of this. Lastly, I see Chanel No. 5 perfume as I am writing this on the side of your blog screen. I started wearing this again a couple of months ago. I went to a blog that a lady living in France had and she talked about Chanel No. 5 and her memories of it when she was young. I wore it years' ago and have enjoyed wearing it again. Sorry, my response is so long today---your posting today brought several things to mind for me. Have a beautiful day today! xoxo Kim
You do the cycle of life as well as anyone I know!! Love those paintings and all that they stand for. Your grands are precious as always and I will be making that cinnamon roll cake for my babies while I am enjoying my time with them! Thank you! blessings ~ Tanna
Honey I love these paintings. She is really a gifted artist.
So enjoyed my visit here today reading this enjoyable post.
But now I am hungry after seeing your cinnamon rolls...wow those are delicous looking.
Hope you have a great weekend
Julie, I've seen you comment on other blogs and I'm so glad to "meet" you and find your blog. What a great place this is. :)
Love the paintings! They are so realistic in their depictions. What a fabulous artist! I've done the canning, snapping beans and hanging clothes on the line just like my mother and grandmothers before me. Now that the kids are grown, we've downsized the garden and I don't can anymore or even hang much out on the line. But I hope, too, that even in retirement years I have a spot for at least a tomato plant or two! Thanks so much for the cake recipe, I'll be trying this one out for sure. Enjoyed all your grandchildren's photos, they are so sweet! Have a good weekend with your family.
Thank you for sharing the recipe. Thought it looked really good in the post.
Oh those painting are so wonderful. They each tell such a story. I can't pick a favorite, but I do love the fresh laundry, and the front porch.
What a lovely post and thank you for sharing.
So sweet! I love the paintings and pictures. The nest is amazing!!! Recipe Yum. I have to try it because i love cinnamon buns!
I need to go to the Temple, you are so right because i am so stressed. I don't want to change the kids school again...We can't buy a house yet. We need another year. I know it is going to pass and then we will buy the right house. I just need to be patient.
Love you!
what a wonderful post, such beautiful grandchildren and such a lovely peek into your family traditions and life.I'm going now to find that bread recipe right now,,
I'm working on being more domestic! I don't really love to cook, but I love to bake! Cute pics!
I love home and all that these portraits represent. Many of these images bring back sweet memories from childhood for me.
Thank you for sharing that scrumpcious cake recipe and oh, what darling faces of your grands! Such a sweet idea with Sophia's handprint. Don't work too hard.
Love,Love Love this post, thanks for sharing.
We come from different states far apart but when I read how you raised your kids and lived I feel we could be sisters.
Have a blessed tomorrow
There is just something very rewarding about putting up jars of food like that. I love it. My favorite was one summer canning a bushel of white free stone peaches. The jars were so lovely I didn't want to use them up!
I've been snacking on bing cherries! Now if I could only step out into my own yard and pick them! ha.
Love those paintings, they make me feel a little nostalgic for those simpler days.
I thought those paintings were photos at first. So realistic. I love that they celebrate motherhood too :-)
Beautiful paintings. They must mean a lot to you and bring back wonderful memories. The cake recipe sounds delicious. So many yummy foods to enjoy!
We too have always put our kids hand prints in fresh cement at our home. We have a step with all the grandkids hand prints. They love to see it and compare.
Good luck moving in your family. Isn't it nice to be healthy enough to help.
Julie, I love coming over here. Everything is warm and friendly and so much love for family.
you always have something good to eat. This cake sounds sooo good. Wish I had a box cake this morning..I would make it for breakfast. :))
xoxo bj
You always have the best recipes! I'm definitely going to make this! And the paintings are so beautiful! What a universal theme...women caring for their families.:) Have a great week! And thanks for a lovely post!
Loved reading every single paragraph in this post and all the pics were precious. I know that the part of God, the "image" of God that HE purposely instilled into women is so required by Him for us as people and families to see the nurturing, the loving, the cherishing, the softer side of God and HIS love for HIS children. I think people tend to kind of push that aside just a little...that side of God...and yet we are THAT image of God...us girls.
The hand that rocks the cradle....it
does God's bidding to help shape and prod those little souls into leaders, and passionate souls that will continue the legacy - the life lived to pursue the Maker... sometimes even producing LEADERS of the world...Little do any of us know - when we are just sewing, and cooking and baking that bread, and cleaning clothes, and reading stories, and keeping the fires burning, and being there to kiss that knee and listen while they pour out feelings...just being a wife and mama...how much we are pleasing the Lord as "the woman"... that softer side of God. Hugs and Hugs to you Julie. Thanks for all your encouragement to sisters, for sharing your faith, for allowing us to see your beautiful family and the togetherness that comes from supporting and loving and being there...long after they have left the nest....Love ya!! So grateful for the inspiration...xoxo God Bless...
My Dear Blogging Friend, Julie;
Thank you for such a beautiful start to the day!!
A Beautiful Post!! (And, as always--darling grands, and a yummy looking cake...got to try this one. Thanks, Again.)
Julie this is an outstanding post, so heritage oriented, so much like what we try to establish as LDS mothers. Loved the nest with the blue eggs, all your beautiful posterity. What a wonderful legacy you have. Sometimes I have to wonder who would choose anything different that what we have as LDS women? Such blessings each and every single day. Pure joy.
These are some of the sweetest paintings I have seen. I love how they show the love, and security that women bring to the home. God knew what he was doing when he created us...:)
Darling grandkid photos! Have fun helping your daughter to move in. We helped our daughter, Beth & hubby James, move into her new apartment this week. Sophie has her first bedroom now, they lived in a studio apartment before.
Enjoy your week, safe travels...:)
Oh, I forgot...thanks for sharing your recipe. It sounds delicious, and easy to make!! :) YUM!!!
Oh! Julie, I so related to these paintings, especially the grandmother sitting on the porch telling stories. The artist certainly has captured a part of our heritage, and the thoughts on the importance of a Mom in the home is so refreshing and true,. i too am so thankful for what my Mother has, and still teaches me.
Your family time that you share always inspires and blesses me.
I have been off line for a week, and am trying to catchup, and your Memorial day post was also a blessing.Beautiful photos and thank you for sharing such great recipes.
Oh Julie~ You pulled out some sweet memories for me. I especially love the painting of snapping Green Beans with the Grandma (I remember doing this & stripping Corn on the Cob) and the one of Grandma & photo albums (I am so in love with stories from old photos!).
Also, your precious Grands are all so darling! These are some wonderful photographs you have captured, full of love.
Oh, and BTW~ we have a lot of the blue eggs as we are loaded with Robins♥
Sweet nest indeed.
You have such beautiful grands, Julie! And...that cake is to die for! I think that will go next on my baking list! Thanks!
I love these pictures and the memories of days gone by. So special and speaks to the heart. Yes...beautiful grands to cherish and love forever. And, that recipe. You know I am going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing it with us all, and good luck with you next few days. xo
Love this whole post Julie! Thanks for doing it. Oh, and I am definately going to try this cake recipe. Sounds sooo yummy! Enjoy helping your kids move and be safe.
Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!
Lovely stories told through all of that pretty artwork. I have fond memories of my grandma doing many of these things and my mom too. I'm afraid we (including myself) are losing the art of homemaking. Life gets so busy and everything is microwave ready. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and make our house a home!
I love those paintings! And it's always wonderful to see local artists' works...
Your grandkids are adorable!!!
I loved those paintings and they sure do bring back the memories of when my sons were small.
I used to hang out all of our clothes when the weather was right.
Your grands are all so cute.
I saw a sign in a store this weekend that said "GOD so loved the world that he gave US GRANDPARENTS".
Have a great day,
Hi Julie!
I loved the pictures! Like you, I had a grandmother who was a storyteller, a teacher and loved having her grandchildren at her knee - I loved it! I love to make bread, hang out a fresh batch of laundry (especially sheets!), can my own food, and looking forward to retirement and working in the garden with my sweet husband... Ahhhhh! What a beautiful post!!
Your grandkids are so adorable - what joy they bring our lives!
Thank you for the cake recipe, I was wondering if you would post it...;0) It looks so delicious!
Dear Julie,
I love the paintings you shared. They are just beautiful!
Your grandchildren are all so precious! Such sweet little ones. We did the same thing with our daughters when we moved into our house...we have the imprints of their hands on our patio. Megan had just learned to print her name and it is so cute. It always makes me smile when I see it. ♥
Thank you for sharing your cake recipe. My husband will love it!! He loves cinnamon rolls.
Have a wonderful week!
I just love the look of those paintings. They remind me a lot of my life growing up.
I am for SURE printing off your recipe to make for this weekend.
Beautiful art. What a talent! Capturing the spirit of home and family life.
How blessed we are.
Have a wonderful weekend with all your 'blessings.'
And, thanks for the yummy recipe.
Gee... I'm sure getting a lot of yummy recipes to try :)
I love the portraits at the first. They say so many things and are beautiful. My Mom canned everything also. So many good memories..
How did I miss this post?
I love the paintings they remind me of how grateful I am to be a woman!
Oh Julie, look at those darling faces of your grandchildren! Priceless! This post is very special and reminds me of days gone by also. Sweet memories of growing up and raising children. Wow, what a talented artist she is. Thanks for always bringing out the tender side of womanhood. You make me proud to be a woman and LDS!
Love ya,
P.S. THANK YOU for the recipe!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by today Julie! I am so happy that you visited and left a note about my mum's party. I will have to make sure my mum sees this post...you are both so similar! I can just imagine how well you would both get along if you met each other! Non-stop chatter about your kids, grandkids, cooking...all the things that make your lives (and you both) so special!
Take care and I hope you have another wonderful week.
Blessings and best wishes,
Julie, You make me proud to be a woman and a housewife. Thank you,
Have a pretty day!
Amazing artistic talent, beautiful cake and beautiful grandchildren~lucky you to have so many so close by!
Hi Julie,
YOur posts are so good, they always inspire me!
And I love seeing little Sophie and your other adorable grandkids!
(and that recipe, OMG that is so wonderful looking!
Have a nice trip!
I love these paintings, they make life look so blissful. I had just recently listened to an old talk in general conf. about these things, I guess a reminder for me to appreciate being a mom and grandmother and look at the good. Thanks for the recipe, I sure have been hungry for those rolls. I don't know why, but menopause seems to make me hungry!
Hi Julie! I have been out of town too and am getting caught up on all of my blogging friends posts. I LOVE this woman's paintings! WOW! They look like photographs, they are so realistic. What a gift she has.
How lucky for you to have grown up the way you did too. Sometimes I feel bad for my kids that I am not more of a baker or "canner" or gardener ... you are an inspiration!
Hi Julie: This art really speaks to me too. I identify with so much of these activities and love it. Thanks also for sharing this cake recipe. Sharing it with some grands soon. Happy day wishes.
Wow! Made this today. So rich and so good and it's probably evil but let's not tell anyone. What else do you have up your sleeve?
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