You would be right if you guessed Sophia!
Oh, and her mommy and daddy came too. ;D

We went to a special place here that, everyone that lives here has
grown up with...BIG ROCKS. It's a super fun place created by our
dear mother nature just for kids! It is chuck full of all shapes and
sizes of giant rocks, looks like something right out of a Western movie.

There is so much to do here, you could hike it all day. There are real
Indian writings in a few caves too. Kids can imagine all sorts of things here.

It's a great place to have a bonfire and roast some hot dogs
and giant marshmallows and just chat the evening away.

Looks like a little girl is having a good time..YUM!

And grandma is too, anytime she has a sweet grand baby in her lap!

We joined our daughter's in laws for this fun time at Big Rocks,
they are such nice people, we love to be with them.

I think Sophia loves chickens like me...she had me go around to all
my chickens and make the chicken and rooster sounds..over and over!

It makes us so happy to be around our grands!

I took lots of pictures of these kids and their sweet baby.
I loved Sophia's cute outfit, it had little cherries all over it!

The next morning the kids had fun in the hot tub out on the deck.

Sophia loved the little bath toys I got for her to play with.

Then we went for walk around the back of our place, I had my
camera so I took some pictures around some of the places here.

See that little hand...she's talking to grandma!

Lots of rocks here to perch on.

And pretty little flowers that grandma picked, "just for me!"

Their little dog was trying so hard to stay balanced on that rock
(on your left) and he stood there for quite awhile too!

Oh, it's fun when daddy gives rides and grandma
plays the ...I'm going to get you game!

A sweet couple in a beautiful place...in every way.

I just kept taking pictures...such a beautiful back drop!

And we just had to put the little Miss up in a tree...

And she loved it! I think she will be a tree climber like grandma!

One last shot in a different direction...and before they have to go.
Always makes me sad when they go, but we will be together again,
that's what families are all about...here on earth and in Heaven too.
I am going to be busy with more family this weekend, so if I don't
get right back to you, please know that I will catch up with you as
soon as I can.
Oh, and by the way...Our place here is...FOR SALE.
We have decided to go a different direction in preparing
for this last quarter of our lives. We want to go and serve
the Lord more, and to be able to do so, so we are down sizing
big time. We will most likely sell this place with most everything
in it....more about all of that in the next post...stay tuned!
Your post made me smile! Sophia is an absolute doll! Great photos! It certainly looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time!
~ Tracy
Such a cute little family!
Wow! I can't believe you are selling your gorgeous home. I can't wait to read along with your new adventure!
Julie, I wish you all the best in your new endeavors. I will miss seeing your beautiful farm in your posts with the breathtaking scenery. But you will absolutely positively bloom where you are going to be planted, I am sure of that. Good luck to you. xo,
I almost feel like I'm living there through your beautiful posts!
I totally understand and it must require a ton. BUT STILL, it makes me have tears.
I love all the pictures of your cute little family. All of the backdrops are gorgeous!
Have a fun and busy weekend with the family.
Oh my you will miss your lovely home and surroundings. I understand tho, there comes a time for us all. Does not matter where we live if we can still have our family and friends nearby. The rest is just stuff. Memories are what we take with us wherever we go. Love your sweet little Sophia...what a cutie.
You're selling your beautiful place? I hope it all works out for you.
Adorable pictures, beautiful scenery, fun family. You've got it all!
Truly, what a beautiful little family your daughter has (and YOU!) That little Sophia is just a doll! They are lucky to have a grandma who loves taking pictures - you got a lot of really cute ones!
I am anxious to hear about your plans for the "next chapter" ... sounds exciting for you! (That and a LOT of work!)
I love the photos and all the descriptions but my favorite has got to be the one where their backs are toward the camera...just very unassuming and carefree!
I hope your home sells quickly!
WELL! sister...I'll say this you sure know how to throw a doozy into your posts... I am scrolling, smiling, scrolling, smiling, scrolling, smiling...then I come to AND OH, BY THE WAY....finger comes up off the mouse, smile freezes, and I read it 2 more times...DID I READ THAT RIGHT??
WOWZERS...what a surprise..a good one, for obviously amazing blessed reasons, but oh my....it WILL be hard, I am sure...even as I go through my leaving here...I will pray for you as you tackle it all....WOW...Hugs to you!!!!!! Enjoyed visiting with you. xoxo
Awesome pictures! My mom likes nothing better than when I bring my son! Have a great weekend!
Seriously? You're moving? Ahh.... Well, obviously it's a wise decision or you wouldn't be doing it. :)
My daughter was driving through Utah yesterday and I thought of you. I told her of the beauty she was going to see... When she got through the state it was the same report I've been getting the entire drive. Nothing but desert. The poor girl has been through eastern Oregon, Western Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, and is now 1 hour from their destination of Dallas Texas. And they only started driving late Wednesday night!! Monte is in a wedding in Dallas and though they will be doing a little sight seeing on the drive home, they didn't have time on the way down. Kind of disappointing...
Blessings, Debbie
Gorgeous pictures Julie. That little grand-daughter is the cutest little one. She reminds me of mine. What news you have!! That is such a big step in life and I'll be checking in to see how you are progressing. It's never easy to leave the family home.I'm sure you have mixed feelings. Onward and upward...on to better things. Hugs to you, Deb
Look how big this darling is getting! Adorable denim and cherry outfit and beautiful photos!
Big plans in your future! Looking forward to hearing more :)
Enjoy your weekend with family!
What a beautiful grandbaby, family and home! You are blessed. :) Good luck with the new direction....that sounds like it will be a fun adventure!
That little Sophia is one precious sweetie pie! I'll bet her cheeks are just raw from all the kisses you must give her.LOL! What a doll!
And as usual I am blown away by your photos of the beauty surrounding your home! Thanks for sharing it with us.:)
Little Sophia is getting so big...and cuter than ever!
I better not tell my husband that your place is going to be for sale! I think I told you before, that is his dream home location for sure!
The pictures of your kids and baby Sophia are beautiful!
I have to admit I was quite shocked when I got to the end of the post and you said your place was for sale.
I always think you have a little piece of heaven on earth out there!
So sweet..sweet..sweet! Beatiful pictures!!!
Such a beautiful family. Sophia is adorable. Her parents look so young. I like your summer hairdo. Looks so cute on you.
You are going to sell that beautiful home? Somone will be so lucky to live there. I am sure you will be happy with whatever you decide to do. Good people make good choices.
downsizing - O may goodness - this is going to be hard -- but I know it can be done - that's what we have done completely but I'll tell ya -- I for one is missing the farm life and see the need even more then ever after what Ive experience this past year.. best of luck and blessing to you! hugs..
Oh Julie what special visitors..Sophie is darling, so are her parents. and btw the grand parents are pretty special too.
We are making plans now to visit our youngest daughter, Jill and husband in Brookings OR. They just bought their first home and I'm anxious to see it. She had deer in the back yard.
Just loved the pictures.
Hi Julie,
What an adorable grandbaby you have, almost makes me excited for the time I will be a grandma- although I really DO NOT mind that it will hopefully be awhile before I am a grandma- but boy will I have fun!!!
The nature around your place looks like it is the backdrop for a western movie- very cool! Are there snakes??? Was thinking about that when I saw y´all out there grilling at night in the desert and putting your grandbaby in a tree!!!
It will be sad to sell your home and leave...I have moved from lots of homes...you get use to it and your new place becomes a home too, but it is sad leaving behind the wonderful memories a home holds...I guess new memories will be made in the new home and your life will be easier without such a big place to run...good luck with the sale!!!
Have a great weekend! Amy :-))
Julie that first picture of Sophia in the tree is my favorite one of all.
And...we are on like-minded paths in the direction our lives are heading..it is scary/wonderful, isn't it? xo Diana
Wonderful pictures. That Sophia is such a little doll. Looks like you had a very nice visit.
Cute kids and grandbaby! :)
For sale? How exciting....can't wait to see what is next for you!!
Oh wow...I hope the selling process is smooth for you!
Looks like a nice time had by all. Great shots.
such a beautiful family and what a back drop,, wow1I know all about down sizing, we sold our home and gave away and sold most of what we had,, moved to anapetment,, due to health reasons my husband took an early retirement.Its been seven years and it was hard at first.We still have 10 acres we are building a cottage on but the transition was quite freeing,, some days when I'm tired I feel a abit lost,, want to go "home",, thats when I miss what I'm most used too, but,on the whole we have no regrets, good luck on this new next part of your life journey,
Julie, Sophia has really grown into an adorable toddler.She still has a precious smile!!
I know she makes you happy..your pictures show you very radient.
Now for selling your home...If you are doing what God wants you to do...it will all work out.I know you will miss your animals..yet there is simething kinda of freeing not having them and being responsible for them.You can go when ever and where ever you need to without having to get someone to watch and feed.I am proud of you for doing what God has asked you to do.So many won't and don't listen to Him.You will be honored in this!!
Hugs and I will be here for all your adventures! Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Beautiful family photos Julie. We have a place here in So. Cal. called Vasquez Rocks. I loved going there as a child. I was a bit surprised to read your comment at the end, but then though that it makes sense that you'd want to spend this time serving the Lord. Your heart reflects your love for Him in everything your write :)
How fun! Such a little darling, Sophia is:)
Oh, my! Sophia is so beautiful, Julie! I'm so glad you all had such a wonderful visit. My Little Man loves rocks; he would have certainly enjoyed this! I'm envious of the fact you are wearing a vest and jacket! LOL! It has been brutally hot here since my return from Virginia and I would sure like a cool spell! Enjoy your family visit this weekend! And, I will look forward to hearing about the changes in store for your life! blessings ~ tanna
hi Julie, wishing you and your family the best in next chapter of your lives.
Lovely pics!! Sophia is sooo cute!! and you like so nice! gloria
I was so close to you I could have stopped for lunch the other day. I stayed in Panguitch coming back from SLC and spent some time going
into Bryce Canyon and into the back hills just riding around. I'm so tired from that trip up to Idaho I think I will just lay here on the couch for forever. And that includes tomorrow. I'm finding somebody to play the organ for me one more week.
Julie: You are as strong and beautiful as your surroundings. I truly wish you well in this new direction.
What a sweetheart Sophie is and all your family are beautiful. The scenery there is amazing Julie!
Thanks for sharing the loves of your life with us!
Exciting news!!
Have a great week!!
Deborah xoxo
HI Julie!! I find myself always coming to your blog at the end of my day--What a nice way to end it, looking at your beautiful family and your blog! I hope you've had a good weekend and all is well in your corner of the world! I look forward to reading about the start of the 'next quarter' of your life! I also need to send you a friend request on FB! :-)
I would have kept taking pictures as well. You have a beautiful family. How exciting (and hard) to be going a different direction. It will all work out just right, I'm sure. Good luck!
Adorable little grandgirl! How hard to leave your beautiful home and what will happen to your animal family? I know it will all work out for you though. Mimi
Fun Fun all the way.
Some lovely pics here.
Sophia is so cute .. it is easy to see why you can't get enough. I love the photo of the family taken from behind. What a great shot.
Wow.. You are leaving this beautiful home.. I can't wait to see what you will do and where you will go next.
Have a great upcoming week
You have so much fun, your posts always make me smile. Such sweet children. Thanks for all you do! Can't believe you are going to move--tell us more about your new direction.
Hi Julie!
Oh I love the ones of Sophie in the tree! She is a real doll!
I'm enjoying my time with Jason so much! How wonderful it is to be with family ~ isn't it!!!?!
Bless you always,
Julie, it's just beautiful where you live...those red rocks call to me somehow! I know just how special it is to have the kids home and all the grandkids to love on!!
You had a grand party, that's for sure! Congratulations on the decision to move on. We have not looked back and our opportunities for service are much greater. It's awesome that the church has sealed the rental amount for senior missionaries and more will be able to serve. I'm sure hoping that's in your bright future and will pray that your amazing ranch will sell quickly. xoxo
You know I just loved this post, Julie. Families spending time together and making wonderful memories always make me smile. Sophia is so adorable.
looking forward to you sharing of this new journey you will be taking.
Julie, you always pull at my heart~strings! What a nice visit you had with Sophia and her parents! I am not good at saying good bye, even if they live on the other part of town! Going on a mission...the Lord will help your prepare. I am so proud of you!!!! You are my sweetest example of how a LDS woman should live. Excited for you and all the big changes in your life!
Hi Julie,
I clicked on your blog and was happy to see you were back! It looks like you had a fun time with Sophia, your daughter and son-in-law! Little Sophia is sooooo cute! Loved all the photos of your family. You are truly blessed! My husband and I downsized about a year ago to be in a house that we could finish out our lives in. We would like to live part-time near family in the South and spend the glorious springs and summers in the Northwest at some point. For now, my husband is still working. I wish you the best of everything and God's blessings as you and your dear husband embark on a new trail in the journey of life. Your home is very unique and beautiful! I know you will sell it soon and, you are right, it would make a great B & B! You are a great role-model for your children....giving unselfishly of yourself. Hope you can keep blogging as you begin your new journey so we can all see the wonderful journey you take! xoxo Kim
Looks like GREAT fun!! :) Come on over to visit and say hi! I would also love for you to join in my link party....sharing post of yours with recipes, craft or projects. :)
A lovely visit...and I'm loving the short hair too!
Wow! How fun!
A Mission?
I wish wish wish we could go now. We're on the 9 yr plan. 9 yrs till we can retire and then we want to be able to go. We sold all the cows. Just this last month. Something I never thought I would see. I have some mixed feelings, but they do hold you down. We are still selling hay though, but in 9 yrs, who knows. We have talked about selling it all, lock stock and barrel too, so we can be free to serve a mission.
So, good luck! I'm way jazzed to see where you will go and what your adventures will be!
Always love seeing Sophia and her family. She is getting so big and as cute as a button.
Good luck with the changes that are ahead for you and your husband...with the selling of your home and goods. Home is where you hang your hat...will be fun to see where you two hang your hats in the future. xo
Such an amazing view from your hot tub. You must just love it! Sophia is one cute little peanut.
Hi Julie, loved seeing your family photos. Beautiful family and beautiful scenery around you, too! I was a little surprised to read that your lovely home is for sale! Can't wait to read about your new plans. Take care, Cheryl
That little Sophie just steals the show! Even with all your gorgeous pics Julie! She is so adorable and looks a lot like her Grandma!
Ask her Mommy how she gets her to keep her headbands on, Addison just won't have it for more than about 30 seconds!
Hugs and have a great 4th!
What a blessing your family is to you. Aren't we so lucky and blessed that families are FOREVER?!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us.
I wish you the best of luck with your new adventures! One thing I can testify to you, and surely, you already know this; the Lord works in mysterious ways, and He is in charge. Things always work out.... even though sometimes we don't know how they will work out.
I am so excited for you and your new adventures. A new chapter in your lives. Hope it all works out just exactly as you pray it will!
p.s I can tell you, we love our downsized life! So much more time to live life and enjoy it without so much house and stuff in the way :)
I can't believe how fast she is growing. My goodness.
I didn't have a recipe except your
"I like the one with fruit and nuts" but I did make a pasta salad using fruit and nuts..took it to my home fellowship group and they loved it. Ate it allll up. :))
Well, that's exciting news!! :-)
Cute, cute pictures and an even cuter family!!
Wow, I am shocked that you're selling your gorgeous place! I know you have good reasons though.
The photos are great ~ as usual!
Wow, I am shocked that you're selling your gorgeous place! I know you have good reasons though.
The photos are great ~ as usual!
It must be in the name, because we have a Sophie (grandniece) that just lights up our world!!!
Have a great fourth, sweetie!!!
Hi Julie,
Such a sweet family! It looks like you had a great time together. Sophia is getting so big!! :)
Ahh, to sell and serve the Lord. How come this does not surprise me? You will be fantastic! We may not be far behind you. A mission is definitely on our horizon.
Good for you and Ron! Hugs, B
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