So, the next best thing is to just welcome it all and throw on the warm socks
and sweatshirts. I really resisted, but now that I have given in, I am ready.
and everything was a frozen wonderland. A big branch broke off our tree
from the weight of the ice...but it really looked pretty!
is bursting with happy Halloween decorations. I do really love the winter
holidays, they get me through the colder months.
These little ones really are coming computer savvy.
one of our church's temples had burned down. I thought it was sweet of her to
tell me that...but it wasn't a temple. just a very old church building. It was sad
and many people who used it felt so bad. Well, it has just been announced that
it is going to be rebuilt as a temple! It will be really beautiful, a very special new
beginning for this old lady.
This is Bridal Veil Falls and it looked so beautiful surrounded by the fall colors.
be willing to trade my new car for their red truck but he said, no thanks!
thrilled to see that it was still there and still carried that name.
people were stopping in, looking up their ancestors and family lines.
running the streets with our cousins, that was before Park City became
such a tourist place and home of Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival.
I miss the old Park City even though I still like it now too.

Now it's lined with cars and hard to find a place to park!

Most of them have been bought up and are now all guised up with
bright colors. It really is fun just to drive around to see them.

peaceful there is a walking/biking path to it and all around it, it has
become a tourist site.

Our place here is still for sale, so we will just enjoy time there as we can, until this one sells.
It is so cute and all redone, nice yard and it is really cute. I was visiting with the
lady who will be my neighbor and she gave me a sack of Pomegranites and her
recipe for Pomegranite is SO good, so I am sharing it with you!
2 pomegranites. seeded
1 avacado, diced
1 tomatoe, diced
2-3 green onions, sliced
1 T. lemon (or) lime juice
1/8 tsp. cayenne
1/4 tsp coriander (or) parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
Cut the pomegranits partially through, then
break them up under water. Push the seeds out.
and the skin will float to the surface and the seeds
will be in the bottom of your bowl, drain.
Combine ingredients in a bowl
toss to coat, eat with tortilla chips.