First thing I want to do on this post is to say a big THANK YOU to each
and everyone of you who left a comment on my previous post. It was a
touchy subject for some, but you were all very brave and left such very
insightful and touching comments. I really appreciate your dear friendship &
your very kind words. We are more in agreement than we know, and I am so
touched that there are so many wonderful women in this world. I love each of
you and thank you for your sweet comments and input into the this conversation,
it was fun to hear what each of you had to say....loved it!
and everyone of you who left a comment on my previous post. It was a
touchy subject for some, but you were all very brave and left such very
insightful and touching comments. I really appreciate your dear friendship &
your very kind words. We are more in agreement than we know, and I am so
touched that there are so many wonderful women in this world. I love each of
you and thank you for your sweet comments and input into the this conversation,
it was fun to hear what each of you had to say....loved it!

I am just catching you up with this post. We went to be with our daughter and her
family as her little baby Claire was given a name and a blessing. Lots of people in
town for it, so we stayed at a motel. We had our door open and in walks this BIG
old Siberian husky! I look out and there is no one around, he just comes on in and
makes himself comfortable! So I call the desk to see if they know anything about
him, they don't. They send a guy up to check it out. Meanwhile my husband goes
down to get him a plate of breakfast food, which he gobbled down. He is friendly
but as we try to check his collar, he growls. We were finally able to get a look at it
and it says South Dakota animal shelter!!! We had to leave so I don't know what
they did with him...hope he made it back to his home.
this little swallow was trying to hide from it all on my back deck.
I stepped out and got within about 6 inches of him and took his
picture. I felt so bad for him because the wind was so fierce!
It was a cold day and there they were travelling for miles to
reenact their ancestors trek..it was really neat. I loved this gal's
pink pioneer dress.
traveling the length of our state of Utah.
little bathing beauties Ella and Sophia.
There is nothing like holding their sweet little bodies
and hugging and kissing them!
she looks so much like her daddy, and reminds me of a
little baby bird!

Grammy Michelle made for her...we just couldn't stop admiring her
all day long!

Such a happy day with people we love and share this little
angel with, what a joy! Now you see where her black hair
comes from!
first dance class...all wrapped up in what is going on. There
is nothing as sweet as a little child!
Next post will be about our vacation...I have missed all of you,
my sweet friends...it's good to be back sharing with all of you!

Dear Julie;
Such a gorgeous "catching-up" - so great to hear from you. Don't you just love the grands---they are such a blessing!
She is adorable, Julie. She certainly takes after her dad. Nice to have you back and look forward to your posts. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
SO fun coming upon the wagon train and seeing the costumes, the animals and all that went along.
As always, so nice to see your dear family and to welcome those new little ones joining your family.
You have such a precious family!!
Julie, Little Claire is absolutely adorable. What a pretty blessings dress, the person who made it is very talented.
Little Ella is adorable too! What a beautiful family you have.
Oh my goodness Julie! That husky is lucky that it was you guys - friendly dog loving folks - that he wandered in to! How crazy was that?!?!
LOVE the wagon train too! My kids did a Pioneer trek this summer too and the photos are just so fun to see. (Beautiful pink dress indeed!)
Your family is so beautiful ... love that new little Claire too! (My daughter is trying to talk her husband into using the name Claire for this next baby - we love it!)
Welcome back, Julie, missed you but understand you are so busy with your large and beautiful family....baby Claire is a little doll, so sweet. And that lost dog knew just what room to wander in = where he would be treated very well! xo
Oh.. I hope that that big gorgeous dog found his way back home, or to a new loving home. This past weekend, we rescued 2 puppies that had been dumped off on the side of the highway, and a horse that had broke out of it's pasture and gotten out onto the road coming into town. Good thing we know the animal control guy :)
Love those sweet family pictures. What a joy and a blessing family is!
The wagon train---- very COOL!
What a wonderful, testimony building opportunity.
Have the best week :)
I love seeing your cute grandbabies. Love the legs on the bathing beauties. Little Claire is beautiful. She sure has big brown eyes. They are so brown. Usually they stay blue for awhile. I love the wagons you saw. How neat was that to happen upon them. I have missed you.
Julie that baby has such gorgeous eyes!!!and the dress is adorable.
i read your post about The Help...like you i read and saw the movie...living in PA i didn't see any of that...i would like people to think i would've been a Skeeter.
i agree with the things you said about the mormon church getting a bad rap now with two candidates running for president. i have to say, that when i come across a blogger who is very happy and you can really feel that coming thru...i'm not surprised that they are of the mormon faith...i have read about it, mainly since the 'SISTER WIVES' came to tv...
i have a tough time agreeing with those people. enough rattling on...maybe i'll email you some of my thoughts...
i am blessed to call you a friend.
You most definitely know how to enjoy life and that's a good thing!!!
Little Claire is simply adorable and a little bird describes her well, that's a gorgeous little bird...just wanted to be clear on that issue.
Your daughter's little family is stunning!!
You should be a proud Mama!!! :-)
As usual, I am late to read your news but am so glad I have finally caught up. Thanks so much for sharing these happy and beautiful pictures of your sweet family. I loved seeing them all and it is such fun watching your family grow!
I also wanted to thank you for your thoughts on "The Help" and on your faith. I will always admire you for your honest and steadfast faith in Jesus' teachings and feel blessed to have met you through blogging. If only everyone could read your posts!
Best wishes,
Hi Julie!Ive missed you,I was just thinking about you today.Im glad all is great with you and the family.The little baby is so aodrable,she looks so funny because almost all your family are blondes ha.But shes a real sweetheart.Love her blessing photos in her little dress.Your daughter is so pretty holding her.Much love to you,Becky
What a beautiful family you have and the newest little one is precious.
How fun to watch that wagon train too.
Can I first say how ADORABLE that new little Grandbaby is! Holy cow she is beautiful and I love her big brown eyes!!
In one of my travel magazines I read about taking your family on a pioneer trek. It's a week long adventure away from all the modern conveniences. I wonder if that was what you saw?
That dog is gorgeous and I hope he found his home or maybe he was running away from home!
Hi Julie,just wanted to say its not documented that smoking is the cause of all Esophageal cancers.You would think soooo but no.There are many many people I have known who have died and never smoked in their lives.Besides my husband quit smoking so...if there were facts I would of stated so.Have a lovely evening.
Clair is one beautiful baby, her daddy will be sorry one of these days that she has those big brown eyes,haha !
Being grandparents is so wonderful.
Hi again. The dolls from McDonalds are from a couple of years ago. They had them two or three different times. They look kinda vintage, don't they. One year they had all the Wizard of Oz dolls.
What beautiful pictures of your grandchildren! Especially the little one with those big brown eyes! And what fun the re-enactment of the wagon train! Looks like you had a great time! Enjoy your day!
Claire is so precious!
Love the pioneer pictures. Glad you had a nice vacation.
Welcome back. You're so fortunate to be able to go to sweet, adorable, baby Claire's blessing. You look beautiful. It will be nice to hear about all the fun you had.
Too funny about the husky walking into your room! So glad he was (kinda) friendly! I always enjoy seeing pictures of your family! So glad you enjoyed your time away!
Hi Julie! You have such a beautiful family and your new little g'daughter is so precious! Loved your photos, thanks for sharing them with us.
OMG Julie, that baby Claire in her baptismal dress is just the most beautiful little creature!
And that wagon train was such a neat thing to see! I can't believe you got snow already...glad it was you, I am sure our's is coming!
I love seeing pics of all your beautiful grandbabies, what a nice post!
Hugs to you,
A baby bird...awww...that is the perfect description of that sweet little grandbaby! That just makes me smile. She has the most amazing eyes!
All your children & kid-lings are just gorgeous, Julie. Claire is adorable ... what is her church given name.
Look forward to the next vacation pics.
That wagon train was awesome. How fun to run into it.
Have a beautiful week ~
That's ok, I totally understand. Bet it's a pretty one tho ...
Have a beautiful week ~
Hello sweet Julie
I'm catching up too. I've been busy and now getting ready to bury mom Nov. 4th ; (
It's so nice to see all your beautiful family pics. You look so so proud.
LOVE little Claire. I can't wait to hold our new addition to the family little Aubree.
It's not that cold here, but it's coming fast.
Love you
Hi Julie!
What a fun vacation! There is nothing more precious in this whole world than an adorable grandchild, being blessed by her father...what a choice opportunity! She is absolutely beautiful, as are all of your sweet grands!
The wagon train was great! My husband had a chance to go from Idaho Falls to West Yellowstone in a wagon train as a boy - an experience he will never forget!
I hope that big Husky found a good home, he was beautiful! How weird that he found your room?!
So good to have you back sweet lady!
Love those baby pics! What amazing blessings.
Congratulations! She truly is a beautiful little baby, and looking at both sets of Grandparents, I can see why. How could she not be? Your other grandchildren are too, you are truly blessed.
I read your previous post, you started something there. I read all the comments, you received many thoughtful ones too. I think I especially agree with Mrs. B, and how appropriate since I too am a Mrs. B.
Anyway, I have missed on keeping up with you, glad I found you back on my Google reader. ( you rarely show up in it)
Just beautiful. Such joy! xo
She is a brown eyed beauty!
Oh my goodness. That dress is absolutely gorgeous!
You are a blessed grandma!
It looks like you had plenty of grandma loving time. The pictures are awesome!
It is so wonderful that you are there for those big events.
Looks like you had a wonderful week! Husky's are my favorite breed of dog. They are so beautiful. I hope the poor fellow got back to where he was supposed to be!
Claire's dress made by Grammy Michelle is so beautiful! What a blessing to have another sweet grandchild.
What a wonderful surprise to come upon the wagon train. My girls would of loved to see that! They would of been oohing and ahhing and snapping pictures! :0)
What a fun trip and your photos are wonderful. Love all those kids. I have to say I am verrrry jealous that you have so many grandkids and I have only two.
What adorably sweet grandchildren you have! Little Claire with her big brown eyes is a doll!
It is always wonderful to catch up with you and see pics of your beautiful grands! You are right, holding a baby makes everything else in the world seem less important.
hugs, Linda
Great pictures....sweet family memories. :) If you were in South Dakota....you just had to go a little farther north to get to my farm. :) Hopeing you can stop by and say hi...and also join in my new recipe swap!!
What a beautiful post, Julie!
I love the pic of the little angel with both grandparents on both sides!!
Maybe you could call the shelter and find out about the pup? He sure is a beauty :)
Glad your back and look forward to reading more!
xo, misha
Such a lovely family!
I think I may have had to take that husky with me...so beautiful I have a big heart for dogs!
Hope you have a great week!
She does look like a sweet baby bird safe in the arms(nest) of her mama and grandma! Congratulations and blessings to all. I have been out of town for a couple of weeks and have not been able to check in lately. How is the selling of your house going. Still praying for you! I am certain there is a surprise blessing in the "house department" coming your way! ;)
That wagon train is awesome...how neat!
Oh Julie, you are so blessed I can't help but feel happy for you... what a trip. Hugs to you and thanks for sharing the joy. :-) smiles...
I loved that wagon train and handcarts. Those were really nice. I wish my kids all got to have one of those experiences. Beautiful photos of the family too. Love those little grandkids.
wOw Julie,
Never a dull moment down your way! Between pups and babes it's fun to catch a glimpse on your last go round. Congratulations on that beautiful new baby with eyes as big as saucers!
OOO, Julie...you have indeed been blessed with the most beautiful grands...every single one of them is just precious...and, you MUST know that I KNOW how much you love them.:))
That poor dog is a long way from home. It would be interesting if he could talk and tell of his journey.
Fun times filled with family, it doesn't get much better than that.
Hi pretty Julie! Oh, what a wonderful beautiful family your have! Little Claire looks so adorable in her gorgeous little dress! You always have the best stories!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Every time I come to your sweet blog I get grandbaby envy! I guess it would help if I married one of my kiddoes off first! LOL! Your babies are so beautiful! It's so wonderful you get to enjoy them often.:)
awwww I am loving little claires hair, my girls had full heads of hair at that age too. She is such a cutie. I love the grandparents photo ~ such a special gift!!!
Hope that you had a great vacation!!
Your grand babies are G O R G E O U S
I must confess I have recently experienced a bit of "grand baby envy"...all the ladies that work in the shop all have a "cuddler" or two and my kids are not even close to this stage in their lives...someday.
Until then I shall live vicariously through you...sending hugs a plenty...Rosie
Oh that sweet baby does have the best eyes ever!!
What a wonderful trip you had and that wagon train would be so neat to see.Do you know how many miles they traveled?
You are truly blessed with all of the sweet grands.
Beautiful family photos.
Hi Julie!
Oh my, you have had quite a time!
Your family is so beautiful!
The activities you have going on are so much fun to see! Those horses are just stunning!
I am wishing you the best weekend and some nice Autumn weather!
Can you believe our early snow!
*blessings always,
Precious, precious babies!! LOVE Claire's blessing dress!! t.
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