So, the next best thing is to just welcome it all and throw on the warm socks
and sweatshirts. I really resisted, but now that I have given in, I am ready.
and everything was a frozen wonderland. A big branch broke off our tree
from the weight of the ice...but it really looked pretty!
is bursting with happy Halloween decorations. I do really love the winter
holidays, they get me through the colder months.
These little ones really are coming computer savvy.
one of our church's temples had burned down. I thought it was sweet of her to
tell me that...but it wasn't a temple. just a very old church building. It was sad
and many people who used it felt so bad. Well, it has just been announced that
it is going to be rebuilt as a temple! It will be really beautiful, a very special new
beginning for this old lady.
This is Bridal Veil Falls and it looked so beautiful surrounded by the fall colors.
be willing to trade my new car for their red truck but he said, no thanks!
thrilled to see that it was still there and still carried that name.
people were stopping in, looking up their ancestors and family lines.
running the streets with our cousins, that was before Park City became
such a tourist place and home of Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival.
I miss the old Park City even though I still like it now too.

Now it's lined with cars and hard to find a place to park!

Most of them have been bought up and are now all guised up with
bright colors. It really is fun just to drive around to see them.

peaceful there is a walking/biking path to it and all around it, it has
become a tourist site.

Our place here is still for sale, so we will just enjoy time there as we can, until this one sells.
It is so cute and all redone, nice yard and it is really cute. I was visiting with the
lady who will be my neighbor and she gave me a sack of Pomegranites and her
recipe for Pomegranite is SO good, so I am sharing it with you!
2 pomegranites. seeded
1 avacado, diced
1 tomatoe, diced
2-3 green onions, sliced
1 T. lemon (or) lime juice
1/8 tsp. cayenne
1/4 tsp coriander (or) parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
Cut the pomegranits partially through, then
break them up under water. Push the seeds out.
and the skin will float to the surface and the seeds
will be in the bottom of your bowl, drain.
Combine ingredients in a bowl
toss to coat, eat with tortilla chips.

"hi gramma" love Sophia.
Park city looks like a lot of fun, we'll have to visit it one of these days. Glad you guys had a fun weekend there. :)
Hi Julie! Fun decorations about your home! Love the red truck too. Such a bright color! Thank you for sharing the photos of your weekend trip to Park City!
Julie, you visit the nicest places to be found in Utah! I must plan a trip, I would love to see it. I am happy that you purchased a home. Best of luck to you and your husband. It is nice to know that your new neighbor is so nice. I love pomegranates, too. xo
WOWZA! This post is packed full of fun stuff! I am crazy about your skull treats! They look adorable! I just love Halloween and I love how decked out that one house was up in Park City! I also painted that same which that you have. I stopped putting her up on my front door just a few years ago, but I still keep her, I love it so much!
Can't wait to see pictures of your new home! That is exciting!
Love your Halloween decor..and especially your trip down memory lane. I'm looking forward to photos of your new home!
The Pomegranite salsa looks delicious!!
Hi Julie!
I enjoyed your post. I have Grand parents that also lived in Park City. It's amazing to see the growth and changes that have taken place over the years.
I spend every summer there! I can't wait to get there, especially when it's super HOT in Arizona!
Thanks for taking me back! I also love the twinkling lights through the winter months and the antique shops.
I'm homesick now LOL. It looks like you had a great time! Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, Brenda
LOVE your post! I visit Park City often, especially through the summer! Thanks for taking me back! Your pictures are wonderful! Have a great weekend!
Love, Brenda
That is such a beautiful trip and I love that Park City. I also want to say congrats on the purchase of your new home. Is is close to your kids?
Glad to hear that they are going to rebuild the church also.
Have a great weekend.
Sophie is a cutie pie.
I have heard alot about St. George. Can't wait to see your new home. Have you sold yours.
Beautiful pictures. Can't go wrong with that scenery.
It's always fun to get up to Park City, and Heber, etc. Such a beautiful drive through the canyons!
How exciting for you that you were able to find a home in S.G! Can't wait to hear and see more of that adventure!
Does this mean that you've sold your current home?
Hope you have a beautiful weekend!
Hi Julie!
Your Halloween decorations are so cute - love the witches!!
Your pictures of Park City are so beautiful! I have only been to Park City one time, we were just passing through, but I thought it really had that, "the future meets the past" kind of feel to it.
I'm excited to see pictures of your new home in St. George! What a great adventure, and you will be closer to your family... :0) Pictures of the grands are adorable - kids really are so smart!
Have a wonderful week-end
Hi Julie, this is a wonderful, photo filled post. Loved it all! We'll be anxious to hear more about your new home. Have a great weekend!
Looks like a nice place to visit! And how nice to be able to see your grandfather's old house! Love the decor in your house, especially the pellet stove!!! Yes, it's getting cold here also and we're expecting a huge snow storm tomorrow! Thanks for your comment!! Enjoy your weekend!
Julie, your home looks so cozy and cute with all of your Halloween decorations. Maybe you can send a little of that cold weather my way? It was 88 today!
I always feel like I'm traveling with you. It is fun to see your photos, and share your yummy food!
Hi Julie! Oh, how talented little Sophie is - she can fly! :) She's adorable.
Your area is so beautiful and the Halloween touches are so cute at you house! I'm not scared at all! :)
St. George? You bought a home in St. George? We stayed the night there when we drove through Utah! It's a precious little place! Can't wait to see it!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
It was good to catch up on your news Julie :)
Happy Fall..big hugs to you!
Deborah xoxo
gosh, there is just so much FUN in this post.
I love your halloween decorations. I don't put out near the decorations as I used to, cause I have so much less space now, and..well, the grandkids aren't here to enjoy it, and that's half the fun
I love Park City too, but it is kinda of totally become a YUPPIE place. That moose with the boots on was very cool.
That pink house...well, my friend Claudie certainly would love that.
you bought a 1937 home, can't wait to see pictures and follow you with what you do with it.
thanks for the salsa recipe, I was hoping you'd post it. can't wait to try it...especially when you can buy pomegranates from Costco already seeded and ready for ya to use. (yes I am lazy)
Today has been a difficult day, and as always, stopping by your blog has given me a much needed lift! I love your decorations and 'escaping' with you on a little road trip! THANKS for taking me along! ;-))
Enjoy your weekend!! Snow is expected here in Virginia...
Julie, I love how you put so much time and love into your posts.
it was wonderful to go down memory lane with you!
What a beautiful place.
Have a pretty day!
Your posts are always one of my favorite stops in blogland, Julie. So much fun and things happening. What a wonderful little trip, too! :)
And I must make that salsa! oh YUM!
Julie- What a lot of wonderful, awesome pictures...from the pictures of old downtown to the mountains to the family shots. Gotta tell you- those are about the cutest witches I ever saw! Is that a certain brand/collection? They are just pretty (for witches!;>) I am gonna check your recipe file for those ghoulish cupcakes...really cute.
Any bites on your property yet? xo Diana
Well! So much to see and say...I think your new town is adorable! I can't wait to see your home. I'm sure those were some happy memories with cousins.
I think you should have gotten those red boots and a nice piece of turquoise!!!
Park city is one of our favorite spots to visit. Great pictures.
Thanks for the fun and different salsa.
Good Morning Julie!
Wow what an interesting post...lots of things to comment on! You've sure got your house ready for Halloween and I LOVE those cupcakes...what a hoot! Congratulations on buying a new home and good luck with the sale of your 'old' one. I'm excited to see your new home once you're ready to show it. It must have been wonderful to wake up to all that glistening ice with the sprinklers going. Thank goodness for wool sweaters and a wood fire ;) We lit our stove last week I think it was but then it got up into the 80's it's freezing here this morning. To my sister from Manitoba Canada it will be warm here and knowing her she'll be bringing Capri pants and sandals just in case it warms up to 60 LOL! Thanks for your kind comments about the guest room...I can't wait till it's occupied ;) Have a wonderful weekend!
Maura :)
I love Halloween, too.
So anxious to see you 1937 house. That's the year I was born so I know exactly how old your house is. :))
Good luck on selling your ranch.
Julie -- congratulations on your new home -- and what a nice neighbor lady to share both produce and a recipe -- your post has so many wonderful photos and I always love seeing your precious grands -- so cute :)
Hi Julie,
You always have some of the best posts! I love that Park city, pretty sure I need to visit there someday soon!
And that little Sophie, what a doll baby she is, I just know her and Adi would have fun together!
I hope you show us some pics of your new little house, that sounds so fun!
I hope your place sells soon. I am sure with the housing market it won't be easy but I am sure it will eventually since it is so amazing!
Happy Weekend to you,
Dearest Julie,
What a gorgeous area you live in. Oh, what a surprise to come to your pomegranate recipe, just happened to receive some huge ones from a friend here in middle Georgia. I was so surprised to learn they grow here too. Will get us one for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Love to you,
Beautiful photos! I've never been to Utah but after seeing so many of your photos I think I'll be visiting there someday.
Congratulations on your new home! I so enjoyed all these lovely pictures! My husband would love to have that old car as well! He has a 62 Ford galaxy that he is trying to find the time to restore it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I remember Park City as a freshman at BYU and it was rather small and charming then. I think I could have a good time there now after looking at your photos. Wow, you did a good job as usual with your photos.
I love your pictorial posts, Julie ...on top of all your other talents, you have a real good eye with a camera! So happy you found a new place too and that you already met at least one nice neighbor. I love the older homes ...they come with a history and a personality all their own. Can't wait to see pictures of the new place.
Have a blessed week!
What a treat for me to visit with you tonight.Julie, love your decorations and I know there are some grandchildren who are loving them even more. i too am amazed at how these young ones are such great techies!
congratulations on your new home, I am looking forward to you sharing more. Sounds like you have a wonderful neighbor.
This post was filled with wonderful memories,I always enjoy reading about how those memories were made.
As always such a joy to visit.
What a beautiful post. Love the pictures of Park City. I too love to visit there and walk the beautiful old main street. I remember when it was just a little town in the mountains. I can't wait to see the house you bought in St. George. You will have it beautiful. Love reading your blog. And thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. Hugs to you, Karie
A FUN post, full of life and excitement. LOVE the decor, photos and the exciting news of your new home!! FUN!!!!
Your house is one cozy place, dearest Julie. We do not celebrate halloween that much here across the seas. But I cannot wait to start decorating for CHRISTMAS.
Happiest of hugs to you xo xo xo ox
Goodmorning Julie!Nice and colorful blog.Just like fall.
Cant wait to hear about your new home,wishing you all the best when you move.
Right after church I'm making that salsa! I'll have to steal a couple of pomegrantes on the way home. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll do it Monday. :)
I feel so connected to you Julie. Like the quote said "WE AS WOMEN NEED EACH OTHER... WE CAN STRENGTHEN ONE ANOTHER AND HELP EACH OTHER TO BE BETTER WOMEN, WIVES AND MOTHERS." I do believe the internet has been WONDERFUL for so many of us. I know I would NOT have met the BEST girls in the world if not for blogging.
Your love of nature, 6 golden retrievers, your grands, your children, your husband, your faith is just, well, warming to the heart.
You bought an old house? WOW congratulations Julie.
I bet you can't wait. I know your house is big and beautiful, but cozy in the winter, in town, might be a nice change. We also went from a HUGE house to a little 950 sq. ft. home on the river, in the country. I wouldn't change it... I think I've already told you all this.
Wendy, my BGF (bestest girlfriend, like Bubba Gump would say) is from Utah. Claudia, my other gf is in Utah and now you!! Might be time to think of a little visit when the weather is nicer ; ))
Randy LOVES pomegranate, so this might just be a nice change.
Park City reminds me of a nice old western from the movies. I've always told Randy how cool it would be to shop locally in a sweet town like Park City. It seems like a very "up" place to live now.
Oh sweet memories of your grandpa's house. I pass by my grandma's house often when in Cornwall.
Wendy was right about hat PINK house. LOVE IT. It's funny, the inside of my house is all pastels and mostly PINK, but outside it's all white, red, yellow. Opposites for sure.
I keep looking at your watermelon pie over there on my right... I'm hungry right now and could surely grab a slice of it. Must try next summer. Randy is baking bread right now, smells great.
Ok I've rambled on and on.
Just wanted to thank you for your kind words Julie. I love coming to your "HAPPY" spot.
Love you
Love me
I have always wanted to visit Park City! And you gave a tour that made me feel as if I had!! Thank you so much for this, Julie :)
Have a wonderful day!
xo, misha
p.s. come by! Annie is having a bday giveaway!
what a beautiful post such a strong sense of family and belonging.You have written a post that just proves why America is a wonderful place to grow up. Those necklaces would lovely on you with your coloring!!
You've been a busy girl Julie! Park City is so beautiful at this time of year. Your new little grandgirl is adorable. And a new to you house in St George, how exciting. Have a great Halloween. Mimi
Oh, Julie!! I am so excited to see you new-old home!! You know I love the old ones. ;)
Your halloween decorations are just wonderful. So fun and festive!! Sophia reminds me of the Little Man holding that iPhone 'self' and watching videos! They are going to be so tech savvy.
Beautiful photos every single one!! Thanks for the pleasure of seeing them. blessings ~ tanna
Wonderful collection of fall inspiration! My favorite photo is Sophia in the pumpkin patch!
Park City is one of my favorite places to go. Have fun with the trick or treating tonight.
Happy Halloween!
Thanks for the tour. I love that old red truck, someone's pride and joy.
That salsa looks interesting, I will have to give it a try.
So many cute things, fun things, scary things and breathtakingly beautiful things here today, Julie. I loved all of the inspiration.
Perhaps the most exciting thing is your new/old house. It sounds charming and your neighbor already sounds wonderful. The salsa looks delicious.
Happy Halloween!!
I just love your posts, Julie. Always so full of love and home and family and church and Utah. All of my favorite things. Love your little Ace Hardware witches. The Sundance, Park City tour and Bridal Veil photos made me homesick for our home away from home and the Pomegranate Salsa looks amazing. Just yesterday a friend gave me three pomegranates...I am going to try your recipe! Something about the Autumn that just makes me want to be in the kitchen.
Hello Julie! Congratulations on your new home in St. George! Very exciting! My husbands parents use to live there. Beautiful place to live, Thanks for the recipe and Happy Halloween! Love ya, Maryjane
Great post as always. Loved all the wonderful pictures! Those antique shops look so interesting, they are calling my name!!!! ha! Glad you had such a nice get away! xoxox
Hi Julie,
Park City looks like a wonderful place to visit. I am glad you had a good time, and were able to remember family times you had there growing up.
Congrats on buying a place in St. George! It really is a beautiful place. I am sure your new home is gorgeous and that you will fill it full of family love!
Enjoy the many blessings that this Season brings.
So enjoyed your trip & the beauty you share. The terrain/scenery is breathtaking. How fun to visit the old home places, memories flooding, I am sure.
Your decorations are so fun,Julie.
Congrats on your new home. I'll bet you will be happy when the move is over & you are nestled in.
I cannot believe how young these kid-lings are operating computers & other technologies. Amazing.
BOO-T-ful Halloween wishes ~
Hugs, Marydon
What an AWESOME post Julie. I felt like I was touring! I would love to come out there and do what you just did! :-) I am happy you have found yourselves a place to live that you like and will pray your home sells. In the meantime...Have a happy FALL with your family and Happy Halloween yourself! :-) thanks for sharing the recipes too. and thank you for praying for our military. **that is SO fun that you rode the cows when you were little. What a childhood. Hugs to you. xo
Park City is wonderful! I'm with you on the boots and the turquoise ~ two of my favorites! Such nice photos, as usual. Can't wait to see pics of the new place you bought. Seems you already have one nice neighbor ~ love pomegranites too!
You have been a busy bee! Ha! Your Halloween and fall look super fun. Such adventures for you, as well. I, too, have ancestors from way back when, who lived in Park City. And, looks like your new St George home has just been waiting for you----such a good neighbor already. xo
p.s. Love your little Sophia. What a doll.
I love this post ~ It is chock full of Fall!! It has been cold here too, We've been buring a few bags of pellets a day.
I love the photos and cupcakes.. so cute.
That red truck is pretty awesome!!!
Have a fantastic November.
Goodmorning Julie!Thanks for the visit to my blog.....always nice hearing from you my friend.Have a nice day,its really cold here this morning Im shivering even iside with the heat on.Must get a cozy throw to put around me.Blessings!
I love Utah. I've been several times with my sister who is LDS. That red truck is my dream truck. Don't ya think it would look spiffy parked in front of my beach cottage? I'm soon to be an empty nester so I think I can retire my 10 year old mini van! My youngest son is looking at going to school in Salt Lake. Loved this post and I'm filing that salsa recipe away for later.
Such an unusual ingredient for salsa.
Thanks for the recipe.
Cougar cracks me up with his head poking in from the trunk! That is SO funny!
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