Wanna come along? Sharing one of our most favorite places with you.

It's early morning as we head out, it's not far, come on!

Don't be scared...it's just a little ghost dressed up like a rock!

Oh, and don't be scared of him either, he's just little
water snake, see.. he's saying good morning!

You will see lots of pretty Fall colors so keep your peepers open!

How's this? Your first peek at the lake! Come on, lots more to see.

A mother duck with her babies...

There it is again...gorgeous right?!

Are you tired already? Maybe you would like to sit here for a moment.

We stayed here once, love these tiny old time cabins that look out over the lake.

I see lots of spots, how about you?

Come on, we have got a lot of ground to cover this morning!

Forgive me, but I just have to stop and get in this lake...have to!

Look, someone has made a bench for us to sit on...

By the side of the bench is this plaque...love that!

This is the third tree we have run into like this...
Looks like the beavers indeed have been, busy beavers!

Oh wow...the color that melts my soul...

I love the birch trees with the colored leaves.

Another pit stop...hold your horses...

I have to get this stick that mom threw out for me!
I can do it, I can do it...even though the water is...COLD!

Well, come on...no stopping and staring...even though it is beautiful.

This trail is so long as it goes along the lake, and so peaceful.

The warm morning sun feels so good on the neck...WOW,
lookie there!

And there...So much beauty to see!

Yup...pit stop again, gotta keep my tummy cooled off!

"Follow my tail as I follow the trail!"
LOL Sounds like a song!

Now this looks like a great place to roll, what do you think?

"Sniff.. sniff", whats that? Hope it's not that moose mom walked into last time!

Looks like a great "moose place" to me!

Come on, we better get out of here!

Now this is more like it, only the birds chirping here.

Hurry along...not so much
gawking guys!

But I'm tired...my feet hurt!

Alright, I'll give you a minute, but time is short,
look at all these leaves that have already fallen!

So many gorgeous spots along this trail,
we just have to stop and take it all in!

And listen to the little streams that gurrgle along...

And roll in the grass some more...this is the best!

Oh my...can we just stop here, for say...a long time?!

Perfect stillness...

Here's the old lodge, we have to walk down it's deck...we have to!

Let's stop at the water fall...

and here, just to admire the color!

Yes, more belly cooling time...come on, try it, you'll like it!

Getting close to the end of the lake...

Watch for the fish...this stream is always full of them, as it empties into the lake.

Looking for fish...

and yes, another tree bites the dust...beavers!

OK, we have to sit on the rock for awhile...we have to.

Look at those old timers...looking for beavers I bet!

WOW...almost sacred.

Not almost...sacred for sure...can you feel it?

Look, these people have a deer stautue at there cabin!

Oh my heck! It moved!

And it's mama is looking at us too!

Go away now little dears, and let us enjoy this spot, we were here first you know.

Well, there is tons of room here to share...more gorgeous color.

On the way home....the hills are alive...with precious gold!

And look...it even has a heart! What a perfect walk,
thanks so much for coming, now go find some gold for yourself.
Wondering where we have been? Fish Lake, about 20 min. from my home.

Thank you God, for giving us the beauty of the earth,
one of the things that matter so much to us.
I am loving this Fall...are you?
It is indeed absolutely beautiful. Where is this magical place?
That was the most gorgeous walk I have been on in awhile! I cannot believe how much color you have already - we have none yet, but never the less, I still love fall and I am looking forward to it!
Thanks for the beauty today! :-D
thank you Julie for letting us share in such a beautiful journey. it was almost like being there..
Beautiful scenery! Well, except for that snake. I am terrified of them, even dead ones.
Siiiiigh!! That was wonderful!
What a spectacular and enjoyable walk!!! I can feel the crispness in the air just looking at your pictures!! But I don't know what part I liked the best--The bench with the plaque? (I LOVE that hymn!) or the amazing color of the trees, which remind me of when we lived in Alaska. Fall is just barely starting to arrive here in Virginia, and your walk reminds me of why I love being out and enjoying it so much!!
PS: Your boy Cougar is so handsome and a great guide!!!
We're supposed to have a cool-down tomorrow night and maybe it will start to look like Fall. I so wish I could join you for this beautiful walk...it is indeed amazing and like you I do love Fall! Thanks for letting us tag along with your pictures.
Thanks for sharing so many beautiful photographs of the aspens, Julie. I love aspens. Even the sound they make with the slightest breeze moving through is just beautiful!
Hi Julie!
What a beautiful walk! I could almost smell the lake and the trees . . . just gorgeous! I love your dogs, they are so cute!!
God really does love us!!
Yes, I'm thankful for God has given us! And thank you,Julie for the walk, I'm not even tired! :)
Beautiful photos, I really enjoyed them.
Oh My GOSH! There is beauty all around! What a GORGEOUS walk, my eyes couldn't get enough of all the color and beauty!!
I hope the little guy got carried with his sore feet and all!
Absolutely love the yellows of autumn!!
I loved my little trip with you!
So much fun and so gorgeous!!!
Thanks for asking me along :)
Deborah xoxo
Julie- What a beautiful spot you have there. And only 20 mins from your home? A perfect place to spend a day! I'm wondering if you have had any activity on your house yet? Isn't it funny-that when we are thinking of moving we appreciate all that beauty that temporarily belongs to us on a deeper level? xo Diana
STUNNING! I love each and every photo. What a blessing to be able to see such colors.
I love it! Thanks for sharing.
I love Utah in the fall~GORGEOUS! I am loving fall here too~this season makes me feel so alive! :)
Julie, this place is GORGEOUS!
I love all the golden photos of the trees and your dog! Your little shih tzu is precious too!
There's nothing quite like the calm, stillness and beauty of a lake ... the autumn colors do make it sacred. How close we feel to the Creator of it all when we are surrounded by such beauty!
Enjoy all the sweet memories that you made there!
Simply gorgeous Julie!
I love the colors and the beautiful lake, just not the snake so much. hehe.
And I love seeing your mule deer...we have whitetails and their ears are so different!
Hugs friend,
Gorgeous beyond words! xo
Breathtakingly, beautifully, magestically STUNNING, Julie!! Oh, how amazing our God is!! YES, thank You and thank you for the photos!! YES! blessings ~ tanna
Beautiful photos, Julie! Except the one of the snake!!! :0) They bring back memories of my time in Colorado. I loved autumn there. The Aspen trees are so beautiful this time of year with their golden leaves. Looks like you had a lovely time!
Amazing pictures, Miss Julie! I can't believe how much fall color you already have there! Gorgeous!
Fish Lake is a gorgeous place! How blessed we are to have it to enjoy.
It is always so pretty, but it's a little magical at this time of year. Thanks for sharing all your pictures with us.
Hope this week is a great one for you!
It is all so absolutely gorgeous.....except for that snake!
What a beautiful walk! I love your tired little ShihTzu. Toby would have been tired too. I am impatiently waiting on all the colors to pop out here. Usually around the second weekend in October it is the best!
Thank you so much! Julie, this was magnificent :) And your pups are adorable!!!
Have a wonderful day!
xo, misha
Lovely walk,I loved the baby ducks.Cute.Thanks for the little trip into your beautiful world Julie.
Have a nice day my friend!
I want to sing:
Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What A Beautiful Day! Love your pictures! The autumn leaves are gorgeous! Thanks for the lovely walk and sharing the beauty!
Beautiful, Julie!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Wow, I really felt like I was with you. Thank you for the cool nature trip.
Fickle Cattle
THAT was a most wonderful walk with you Julie! SUCH FUN! I enjoyed each and every photo!
Julie, thank you so much for taking us on a walk with you! What a wonderful one it was! Beautiful!!! I love the ghost dressed up like a rock!
Julie, Julie, Julie! Oh how I loved taking this walk with you! Your pictures are beautiful and your story telling adorable!!! I am so crazy about your dogs (but especially Cougar - I think that is his name!) What a wonderful companion he is!
I want that print of Elder Uchtdorf's too!!!
Amen! One of the greatest things about blogging is that you don't even have to leave your chair to see some of the most beautiful places in the world. Amazing veiws, thank you for the walk.
I would follow Cougar anywhere.
Oh Julie!
Thanks to your gorgeous pics I feel as though I've been on vacation! What beauty! Thank you for letting me tag along.:)
Great photos and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!on Baby Girl Claire.
Love, Heidi
I have to thank ya for sharin' but honey...ya can keep that slitherin' reptile!!! Heeehehe!
What a beautiful journey you too us on today. I totally enjoyed your beautiful pictures.
God bless ya sweetie!!! :o)
It sure is beautiful in your neck of the woods this time of year. I bet that doggie slept well that night.
Thanks for taking us on this beautiful walk at Fish Lake. The birch trees are really gorgeous. The photos are perfectly captioned!
The most gorgeous walk ever! Lucky you!
Yes! Even here in Southern California we are getting Fall like weather. It drizzled here at the beach today. Your Golden looks just like my Bella. So lucky to be off leash on her fabulous walk. We must stay on leash around here but, the walk about is always worth it. Well, thanks very much for the tour. I feel relaxed just having looked at the pictures. Blessings, Tia
Hi Pretty Julie! Oh, my goodness - what a gorgeous post! Are you sure, really sure you want to sell your place and leave all of this gorgeousness? :)
I'm just breathless seeing all of the fallen sights and the beautiful water. The deer!! What a beautiful place to be.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hola dear Julie, I´m always remembering the lovely Harwards and have each one of you in my heart, eventhough I don´t have the time these days to visit much blogs.
sending you lots of hugs my dear
you sure do live in Gods country wow,, thanks so much for taking us along on this trip,
thank you for bringing me along on this "sacred" hike/adventure.
How can such beautiful nature be anything BUT sacred.
such beauty.
What a wonderful day that must have been.
we had a golden retriever...why is it that IF there is water around, they jump in and love to get wet.
Hi Julie- this is just a gorgeous place to be. Too bad we don't have aspens in Texas... Beautiful pictures of autumn. Thanks for taking us on your trip. Isn't God just the most wonderful artist of all? No paints in this world can match the brilliance and variety of the Lord's paintbrush!
Oh Julie thank you for the beautiful walk. I love that first spot with the bench and I think I could stop there and you could pick me up on your way back.It was such a serene and calming spot. The snake would have put a big damper on my walk.LOL
Wow! I can see why it's one of your favorite places. It's so nice of you to share it with your people... So did Julie enjoy cooling her tummy too? ;)
Blessings, Debbie
This was absolutely gorgeous and I enjoyed every step with you . . . would love to take the walk with you! All the belly cooling made me smile and remember the love of my beloved Kirby. Thanks for the uplift Julie.
Beautiful pics! I could do without the snake...I so want to get up in the mountains this weekend and see the changing leaves. In Utah they are already predicting snow! I need more Fall!
Thank you Julie, you have just made my day a little brighter. I thouroughly enjoyed my walk around the lake with you and your pooches. See you this weekend friend!
that was certainly a very relaxing although tiring journey with you. I was a little scared by the snake but by the time we got to the belly cooling off part I was feeling much better :)
Oh, I am loving the yellow leaves, they are gorgeous.
Beautiful leaves, beautiful weather, beautiful trail and amazing animals! Thanks for taking a walk for us.
Hi Julie,
WOW!!! How very blessed you are to be able to have this lovely place only 20 mins from your home! All of the photos look like a postcard. Those deer looked right at home. The water looks crystal clear, and I love all of the trees changing color. God is SO good to give us so many beautiful things to see!! Thanks for taking us along with you today...:)
Blessings to you,
Breathtakingly beautiful pictures! I really enjoyed this "walk" with you and the dogs...thank you!
What a beautiful journey! It was awesome. Thanks for taking us along!
Loved all of those pictures!
oh my goodness! Julie, your pictures are absolutely amazing! It must feel like a dream to live there!
Julie -- we may not have the reds that others have but those yellows can take your breath away I have never been to Fish Lake in the fall -- what a mistake. Love the Ghost Rock too! Joni
Absolutely breathtaking ~ so very beautiful. Now that snake...that's a whole nother story ~ gives me the creeps and I would be running away...if I could run. :-)
Thanks for sharing such beauty!
You are quite the story teller! I loved it, and the scenery is out of this world beautiful!!!
Hugs Cindy
Gorgeous photos, Julie! I'm not looking forward to the snow you are getting already, though. We are enjoying an unusually warm Canadian Thanksgiving weekend here in our area, and I was shocked at your photos of snow. God Bless you and your family.
Julie what a great walk in that gorgeous setting. Is that your view? The dogs are so adorable and fun.
It brings me peace and serenity.
I would love your thoughts on my Autumn decor so far, oh and I have a new giveaway as well!
Art by Karena
Julie what a surprise find your blog of course I will follow I already put yr link on my fan page and I'm speachles for such beauty..plus I love Cougar as I have a golden retriver as well and adore horses my twin sister would die to live in a place like this .My compliments for this reportage and all beautiful views you share with us!!!!
An amazing blog
Susanna ( alias Victorianage)
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