Welcome to my new private blog, so glad you
found me here!
She takes Sophia about every week and Sophia loves it!
she gets to climb up in the big cat with daddy and drive!
and a favorite video, life is good for 19 month old Sophia.
super hero characters! He really gets into it too and he becomes
that character totally!
safe and above the water! They really love one another so much.

(see my last post) this weekend we will be busy
painting and putting up a picket fence. I am sure
we won't get it all done for awhile but it is so fun
to be doing it!
I am so glad you found your way to my blog...
going private was a big step for me and I am
still trying to get the hang of it. Thanks so much
to my daughter Tiffany for switching it over for me.
I don't know what I would do without my daughters
Tiffany and Lindsey who I call often for help with all
things computer! They have a good laugh at me but
then they jump in and help me get things right.
Going private was important...you know how I love posting
lots of pictures of our grands! I then publish my blog posts
into a book. I just got my new book in the mail, (my daughter
Lindsey did that for me) and it is so beautiful, I'll share that
with you next post.
*(Be sure to click on my "followers box")*

Julie- Thank you SOOO much for including me on the list! I feel honored that you let me peek in on your life and see those beautiful grands of yours. I also can't wait to see what you do with your house as you move forward with your project~ Blessings- xo Diana
Would be upset not to be with you to enjoy you & the family, Julie. I so adore the beautiful kid-lings you have. You are so blessed with such a handsome family.
These pictures are just too cute! Love the bath tub suds & up the tree ...
Thank you for allowing me to continue to be a part of your wonderful life.
Have a lovely eve ~
~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/30 ~
Oh, I can see why you went private, those kids are so cute. I love her big eyes too! Precious precious. Glad you are having fun with your new place, loved the cartoon of egg shell!
I am proud of you...beautiful grandkids....I am also extremely happy for you...
I'm so glad to still be here. Your "babies" are soooo adorable.
Congratulations, Julie. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am glad I can still visit here. All the best on your new blog and your new home. xo
You are so blessed Julie. Those grand babies of yours are just angels! Thanks so much for inviting me along
Hello Julie!
Thanks for inviting me! Could never loose contact with you! Love all the new pics of the grandkids ... boy are they adorable!
I can't wait to see your new picket fence! Have fun getting it ready to move in.
Love ya,
Your littles are so beautiful. They really are. Your new look is nice. I don't blame you for going private.
They are such beautiful children and grandchildren.
I look forward to seeing what you do with the house.
Thank you for the invite! I love your new look! It's always great to see your adorable grandkids! I always leave your blog with excitement to have my own someday! I think you are wise going private. I have a private family blog as well, you are welcome to join, just send me your email. I can't wait to see your beautiful picket fence in St George! Blessings to you and your family!
Love, Brenda
I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs help with my blog. My daughter had to set mine up, too. I just click on new post, upload pictures and type. If I want to change backgrounds or styles - or add something - I'm out of lunck!
Julie, I love to look at all your adorable GRANDchildren, they are just precious :)
Your daughters are beautiful, just like their mother.
It's the Cherub Post! A Band of Angels you shall have one day soon filling up your new house to the seams...I know you are having too much fun right now. :-p Painting when it is for YOU...and NOT for someone else (for resale/marketing a house) IS fun. Roll that roller, swing that brush and turn up the music. :-) I said I wasn't going to paint anything for a YEAR after I finished the very last room at Woodberry...Not sure I will make it a year, but I'm already at 6 months and resisted the urge SO Far! :-) Want to paint my screened porch and do the ceiling blue...we shall see...If I get a "helper" this go round, I shall break down and pick up the roller. Hugs to you dear Julie. Can't wait to see the "NEW" and sparkling house...LOVED seeing the babies.
xoxoxoxo HUGS to you.
Hi Julie! I so appreciate you allowing me to be part of your blog! I do love getting to see your sweet family and go on your adventures with you! Look at all of your darling little grands!
Looking forward to seeing what you do with your new house.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Three beautiful generations, Julie ...well, FOUR including you and your sweet hubby! You are truly blessed!
Can't wait to see the pictures are you make the new house your own. I love picket fences too. Especially if they have lots of flowers planted on both sides!
: )
I'm so glad I can still come here and see these precious children! They are all adorable...little Claire just steals my heart. She resembles my Abby when she was little with those big dark eyes and dark hair.
Can't wait to see what you do with the new house. Have a wonderful week!
I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your white picket fence! They definitely make a house look homey and cared for. I agree with you 100%, Julie. Your great-grandson does have a happy face! He's a cutie and I love his precious smile. :0)
I love the look of your new blog...thanks for including me. Those Grands are so cute!!
Julie, I'm here, I'm here yippee.
I've ALWAYS wanted a picket fence. I still do, but maybe it will be around a little garden patch ; (
I'll await your pretty pics. I can't wait to see what you do.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your sweet grands as you know. I'm usually not over the moon about so many baby pics, but I know how precious they are to you and I love you dear friend. I feel your smile from ear to ear when you talk about your kids. I'm happy to be a part of that here at your new private blog.
Enjoy every minute of your transition.
Happy Monday evening.
Love Claudie
So glad to follow. You do inspire me so much and I love reading your posts. Your Grands are just that! GRAND! I can't wait...no... I can wait! Tee Hee! my girls are not there yet and I want them to be ready... and married :)
Im thrilled for your new house and excited to get to see it grow into a wonderful home full of memories.
The new look is perfect for your blog.
Thank you so much for including me... you really really inspire me! Love & Prayers! {{hugs}} janis
thank you Julie for the invite!!!
i so enjoyed your posts before and hated to think that I'd lose track of you and your beautiful family!
those babies & peeps are adorable! oh how i love seeing them dressed up as flappers and bows and bubbles! i think that's the true meaning of the phrase: if you've got them ~ flaunt them!!!
i must tell you, i went to my first LDS church service this past Sunday with my co-worker!!!
Hi Julie,
I'm glad to keep up with you and your sweet family. Can't believe how fast they are growing up!
Thank you for inviting me to continue to be apart of your blog. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your family. Your grandchildren are so adorable!
The pictures of your grandkids are so beautiful!!!
Wow! See there, I didn't know you had moved ... I need to get caught up! I am so excited to have just had my second little "grand" born last week! They truly are just special little souls to us grammies aren't they?! xo
Love Claire's big eyes...yes she looks quite squishable :)
Seeing all of those sweet children with their precious faces is always a heart warming experience. Could anyone look at the shot of Sophia in her pink bathrobe and happy face and not have all their trouble melt away.
Great popping in to say Hi!
Hi Julie!
Love the new look of your blog! Thanks for letting me come over and visit.:) Your grandchildren are so beautiful and that little Claire is a living doll! What a great idea to make a book out of your blog. I know they are so precious to you.
PS Good luck with all the home projects.:)
So happy to be onboard with your blog. Those grands are just delightful. So fun to see how much they have grown. Grand baby #2 arrives this summer for us, and we are so very excited.
Happy days working on your new place. I do love a white picket fence. It will look so nice. xo
Your grands and the great grand are all so beautiful, such fun for you and grandpa.
Hugs, Cindy
That Claire has her mommy's eyes! Gorgeous! :)
I hope you're enjoying nesting into your new home. Sound like lots of work, but fun, too! :)
Oh my gosh... they don't come any cuter than that!! I know that you are having a blast with those grands.
After you went private I started thinking about doing it myself. My oldest daughters exboyfriend visits my blog atleast 10 times a day. We asked him to stop, threated to whip his butt, and he still lurks. He thinks that we cant see him , that he is blocking his ip address... but his block is not working and we do see him. It sucks to feel uncomfortable in my own blog. : ( anyway, I am so glad that you invited me to your private world. Have a great night.
oh every picture and child is absolutely precious julie!!!!
such a sweet sweet family....
you've done good Mama......
love you,
Hi Julie,
Thanks for the invite! Your grands are growing so fast. They are such an adorable blessing. God is so good to bless us with such sweethearts!
Enjoy every minute. I know you are...:)
Happy Thursday, dear friend!
p.s. Thanks for your sweet comments. To answer your question: No, I did not get a new camera. It is the one I have been using for years. I might graduate someday to something more high-tech...:)
I got in :)
Thanks again for the invite!!
I so hope that what ever I did correct this time, that I can do it again ....LOL
Know what you mean about switching over blogs...sheesh...I think my 'tech support team'(aka..my son and daughter) is thinking of stringing me up.
Lovin' all the pictures of those sweet blessings of yours. Gee.. what happened to the time? They are all growing like weeds!
Best of luck on all your fixin up of the new place. I'll be thinkin of ya :)
Your little grandbabies are just so adorable! What a wonderful blessings, Julie!
They are all so adorable!! The Elmo brings back memories of both my girls. :-)
Have a great nap!
Your grandchildren are so adorable. I can tell how much you love them!
I'm hoping to get back in to the blogging world so I'll be by more often. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you get many of the things done on your new home.
We're heading to St. George over Spring Break with our grieving daughter and her family. I think it will be the best thing for all of us to get away.
Hope you enjoy Conference. I know I will!
I am so glad and happy two of my favorite people follow your blog...Claudie (who I spent a week with last summer, she is a RIOT) and my dear Tauna!!! What a wonderful world blogging can be. This is how sometimes, we meet really wonderful people in our lives.
Your grands are beautiful. I can FEEL your joy and pride over them. Cause it is exactly what I FEEL over mine. Can LOVE be greater then that!! I didn't realize however that you were a GREAT grandma. Wow girl.
keep us abreast of all your changes on your new house. It is fun to join you in that excitement.
As I am reading your blog, I'm listening to conference on TV. Seeing your beautiful family, I again totally understand your protecting them with a 'private' blog. I admire you for that, and for all you do for your wonderful family!
I hope the moving is going well.. I am so excited for you!!
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