This past weekend we were at our St. George home. It is
about 3 hours from where we are still living right now. We
are spending weekends working on our new-old little house.
This weekend we all worked hard putting up a picket fence.
Our daughter Lindsey and her hubbie Michael came down to
help us. In this picture above, Sophia stands by the cute little
front door of the St. George house.
this is our view. It is the St. George Temple...I can't even
begin to tell you how beautiful this is to be able to see it so
close to us. The next morning I went for my early morning
walk and the morning glow on this pure white temple was
more than breath taking!
are tight as a drum, I really love the old time
character in this little 1937 home. Our little dogs
were watching us work outside on the new fence.
is on the north side of our little home, I love the
big old red Victorian home across the street!
wonderful help from Michael and Lindsey. He brought a
cat with a post hole digger on it and a big truck that we
brought all the supplies home in and they both worked so
hard all day long. It would have cost us around $800.00 to
rent all of that equipment and even more for the help! It
rained a bit and the wind blew most of the day but we all
worked hard and got so much done.
to be so cute when we get it all done. We will be there next
weekend too doing some more work on it. We still have to
get all the pickets put up and then we are going to paint the
fence white to match the trim and shutters on the house.
graphic designer and she did it for me. She used Blurb,
it's around 250 pages and it cost $ worth it!

I was holding her yesterday, what a
butterball she is! So cuddly and fun to
hold and such a sweet personality.

held it's annual General Conference. It's two days of morning
and afternoon sessions with talks by many of the men and women
leaders of our church. This is a quote by one of the great men in the
presidency of the church, I really liked what he said about us just
loving one another and not judging anyone at all.

ran right into a snow storm. It was bad, we couldn't see at all,
the snow was whirling and coming down so hard. Nevertheless,
the robins are back so it must be Spring right?!

the house because the weather was not very good outside!

this last week in Disneyland...lucky ducks!

This is a cute thing to do with them, what could be more
yummy than Peeps? Peeps dipped in chocolate! ;)

Pineapple Supreme cake...recipe on the box!

Just buy the regular Cinnabuns in the can, use one as is for the face
and another one to shape into bunny ears, push some raisins in
for the eyes and nose, some almond slices for the teeth, bake
according to the directions on the package...

I promise, some bunny is going to love them!

Hope you all have the most wonderful Easter...
The true meaning of Easter means everything to me.
I KNOW that Jesus Christ lived and died for you and for me.
I KNOW that on the third day He rose again so that we each
might be able to do the same thing and come and be where He
and God are to receive all that they have and share a love that
is beyond compare, a love that we can't even begin to comprehend.
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Julie, I love the book...that is amazing. And you are right completely worth the money. If you had scrapbooked that it would have cost way more...not to mention the time. Time you can spend working on your house taking more pictures for the next book! I don't put enough pictures on my blog..I should think of it more as a scrapbook than a blog. Thank you for sharing!
So excited for you and your new little cottage...St. George is so amazing...The little Grands are so very cute...thanks for sharing. Julie, would you mind if I used that "stop it" image on the side bar of my blog? I was really struck with the message also...It is so cold here today...all last week it was so warm and lovely..glad I worked in the yard then..I can always do the spring cleaning when it's cold and windy outside. Luv Peeps!! keep up the good work!!
Love all your photos. Those little girls are just precious. Love your photo book. Well worth the money. They will be treasured for years and years.
Your new little home will be adorable. It's good to have relatives with the right tools.....big tools.
Yummy Easter buns.
Happy Easter.
I am so happy for you!
Your little house is going to so darling, and you love it so much...all that love is going to shine out from it's darling windows!
Isn't it fun to see the temple at night?!
We loved that about living in Manti too.
So wonderful to have all the help with the fence and those sweet grands to keep you company.
Conference was wonderful. Loved it!
I need to get my blog printed looks like such a fun way to remember things.
Have a great and happily busy week!!
Happy Easter to ya :)
I love your blog book! Such a great idea! The fence is coming along nicely! Love the recipes you shared! So easy! And I "shared" that photo from you on Facebook on my daughter's page. She loves peeps also!
I just love your cute little fence! We have a picket fence in the back yard and I love it's charm every day!
Without Him, we are nothing, Julie. I love the view you have of the temple. My son lives up the street of the Kensington Temple in MD. & I so love driving that street to view its presence when we are there.
Your new home is just darling & the fence is a charming touch.
The kid-lings are as beautiful as ever ... you are so blessed with such a handsome family.
Happy Easter to you also. May He continue to shower you with blessings.
The book, the fence, sigh, the grands, the Cinnabunnies, all so so sweet Julie.
I know how much work you are going through to make your house a home.
SNOW????? again???? YUCK. Robins are a good sign, that's for sure.
You are such a great grandmother, mom, sister, friend to all.
SNOW!!!!!????? OH my I have to say I'm SO glad it's not here!!! I am loving the surprises coming up in the yard....NO MORE SNOW! :-) Your house and yard are looking so good. It is going to be wonderful. Ya'll are HARD workers... RAH! Loved catching up. Glad you blogged about all of it. The Temple is beautiful ...what a view. better than the disney world castle with fireworks... :-) Hugs to you Julie! xoxo
Claire will have to have a bodyguard in about twelve years.
A picket fence! How sweet!
Peeps in tuxedos! Ha!
And those cinnamon roll bunnies...that is genius.
That book is wondeful. I wonder if a computer IDIOT could figure out the program enough to put a book together? I would love to get my blog in a hard copy for the grands someday.
I love your little place, too. What a joy to be able to get there and get the work done and not have to live in the mess every moment. Your view is just spectacular. Is there anything more blessed than be able to see your church home?
Those Cinnabunies are SOOOO cute. I HAVE to make them...and speaking of cute-your granddaughters are just darling. I hope you have a blessed Easter week-xo Diana
oh I love your new home. I am so envious! to be close to that temple. wow. Hey, your blog book looks fun. I will have to look into that. Have a great easter.
I love your new cottage and so close to the beautiful St Gorge temple. We are lucky enough to be 5 minutes from one and 10 minutes from another! So glad your kids were able to help with the fence and bringing the equipment. I love these sweet blessings. Your new book, Easter goodies and sweet little ones brought a smile as always.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony of the Savior once again. (Is Elder Uchtdorf's quote on the chalk board, a sign you made? May I share it?) It was a wonderful conference...I keep listening to it over and over...
you guys WERE busy...the fence looks great and I can't wait to see it painted.
It must be fun to fix up you new home...settling into you "next chapter" of life.
I have never liked peeps...but my daughter loves them. She likes to let them get HARD and then eat them.
You ARE a busy lady! Love the wreath on your front door ~ so springy and fresh.
This post is chock full of all kinds of goodies! I am so excited for you and Ron and this new house adventure. The fencing looks great.
The family photos are great and that pinapple upsidedown cake.. looks amazing!!! That's my favorite!
Have a great Tuesday!
Hi Julie,
Your new cottage looks beautiful! How sweet that your daughter & family are helping you to get the fence up. Little Sophia (and all of your cute grands) will have some fun memories at Grandma's house!! :)
How amazing,,,that temple view, all lit up. Very pretty!
When my parents, left California and moved back to St. George to retire (my mom was born and raised there), they lived on Diagonal, in an older home...that we loved. It had really thick clear glass squares (like glass bricks) for some of the windows. And, a porch that wrapped around the front of the house that we use to have family dinners on when we visited. I don't remember exactly how close that was to the temple? It didn't seem really far. You are very blessed to live in such a family-friendly, and beautiful community! Enjoy!
Cute pictures as usual, Julie! Your fence looks really nice! I can't wait to see it painted white. It is really going to make your home there look so homey.
I love to make the cinnabuns. I am going to have to make those bunnies. They are easy to make and look adorable. Thanks for sharing this idea!
My daughter Hope loves Snoopy and Peeps. I am definitely going to have to show her this comic!
Happy Easter to you and yours too! What a blessed holiday. There is so much hope and promise in Easter.
Love how your book turned out. I have been making books through Blurb for a few years now and I think they are hands down the best!
Your St. George house is so cute. I have fallen in love with it! I can see why you like it so much - it looks very "homey" - I think it will be well loved by your family.
I just love the house. St. George is a place I could live. Except for the heat in the summer. But it probably cools down at night more than it does here. Were you able to sell your Escalante house?
That fence is going to look wonderful! Can't wait to see it finished!! Cute Easter ideas, thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week!
Love your blurb book, I need to do that! Your home in St George is charming, and so fun! Happy Easter!
I am loving your little house in St. George, Julie. You know I love the Old Girls. ;)
You always make me want to make a book from my blog... then I just pitter along and don't get it done. (I'd like to borrow your daughter. hee hee!)
Your family is beautiful and sweet as always and I know they love to enjoy all the goodies you make and share with us.
Take good care and take in every moment of this Easter season. blessings ~ tanna
ps thank you for allowing me to continue to tag along. ;)
You just have way too much fun, Julie!!! How nice that you live so close to your grands. Your sweet little house is in such a pretty area, what a blessing for you and your hubby.
Your recipes look very good, I may do the bunny one for our little nephew who is visiting us this weekend with his parents.
Have a wonderful week, Hugs, Cindy
Your new home is so cute and I can not wait to see the white picket fence.
I sure do envy you on the view that you have of the temple.
Happy Easter to you and yours
What a BIG job, but, your fence is going to be so nice when all is said and done.
I cannot even begin to imagine taking a daily walk by the Temple. Such a blessing.
Happy Easter to you and yours. xo
Good morning, Julie!
Your new/old home is darling! What a joy to have your kids come by and give you so much help.
Lots of yummy treats! Love them all.
Happy Easter to you and your precious family!
I love your blog book. What a neat idea. So nice of your daughter to put it together for you. Your fence looks great. I bet you love it too. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter. Your treats look so delicious. Pineapple upside down cake is my husband's favorite.
It worked Julie!
Wonderful fence and so charming with the house. I look forward to seeing more!
I am NOT a lover of Peeps but if you put chocolate on them? Well, I would HAVE to try one! :)
Happy Easter!
Your new home is going to be so beautiful. I love the picket fence. It will be perfect because you are such a homemaker.
It will be great to live in St. George. I have been there 2 or 3 times and it is like heaven.
Your blog book is so cute. I think that is the reason I keep blogging. It is about my kids and grandkids too..
Oh Julie you do have so much going on! All wonderful happenings! I LOVE your fence that is going up and your view from your front porch ... heavenly, just heavenly! I love the St. George Temple. It is such a sweet one! You are so blessed my friend! I am so happy for you! And I love your newest book! Your daughter does such a beautiful job at it! Is she in business to making money on it? If so, I am interested!!!!
Happy Easter to you and yours!
Just saying hi!
The book is truly amazing!
Love the house in St George...
Big hugs!
I loved everything about this post!! Your house is going to be so darling with that cute fence and of course your grandchildren are so adorable!!
I printed my first blog book and absolutely love it. I decided to do one each year.
The Snoopy cartoon gave me a good chuckle!
Hi Julie! Stopping by to say hello!
Oh I love the idea of a blog book! I'll have to check into it. Your second one looks like it turned out as nice, if not better than the first one!
Your little ones are just the most adorable grandchildren!
Your heart must swell to be near them!
I hope things are going well with your new home. I'm sure you are so very busy ~ I can't even imagine packing my own house up!
Happy Easter, Julie! May He rise every day in our hearts ♥
God bless you, always,
Oh Julie, Your new home is just wonderful- though your old home is one of my favorites too :)
The view of your Temple is just breathtaking and so peaceful. I can only imagine how excited you must be looking forward to this new chapter.
As always, your grandbabies bring such a smile to my face- so beautiful
xoxo Pattie
Hi Julie,
I have just had a heck of a time figuring how to log in.
Finally I did it, need to give you a different e-mail address too.
Love all your cute grand pics, the picket fence is so charming and your new little house is just adorable!
I am hoping all is well, haven't heard from you on FB or here for so long.
Take Care,
Cindy @ Applestone Cottage
Oh Miss Julie, those cinnamon bunnies are almost as cute as those grands of yours.
Your home is gonna be magnificent...I can't wait to see the finished product!
God bless ya sweetie and have a fantastic weekend!!! :O)
Ok, Julie...just checking on you! Have you fallen into a mountain of unpacked boxes and gotten lost? haha. Hope all is well. Miss you!
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