While I was in St. George for 3 weeks working like mad...
We took a break and went up to see our kids in Ceder. This
little darling is our Sophia in her cute Easter dress!

On to our daughters place, the kids had just got a new swing
set and boy were Caleb, Ella and Sophia having fun!

Little Miss Easter bunny Sophia.

Just to show you what it looks like around our little home
in St. George, this is off to our left as you go out the front
door. There are so many sweet song birds, it makes me so

Off that same side...

The covered back patio area, so fun to sit out there
taking in the bird songs and the smell of honeysuckle!

I LOVE the old windows in this house! Built in 1937 and it
has so much of that old character that I love.

Looking out back at the old, old grape vines that have been
around this area since the pioneers...they have grapes on them too!

I worked so hard on these kitchen cabinets...They were oak
so I had to clean them, then put a layer of Primer all over
them, that took a full day. Plus I did the same to all the doors
and door frames.

There are a bunch of cabinets in this kitchen, which I love, but
what a lot of work! A couple of days I worked so hard and so
long that I went into the chills, then cramping! Some Advil and
a hot bath got me fixed up for the next days work though.

You can see here all the ugly oak-ness of it all.

All the walls in the house were stark white! I like white but
not that much of it and not blinding white!

The house was a real mess while I was working but you get
an idea of the layout and how it looked.

We hauled bits and pieces of some of our oldest furniture down
so we had something to use. When our house here sells, we can
then fix it up really nice.

They front foyer and little steep stairs that go up to two
bedrooms or whatever rooms.

I nearly threw these out because I hate the work of doors
like these but I didn't, just primed them too.

I love birds and birdhouses, so I have hung a few around
the house, they make me happy and hopefully the birds too!

I painted these...wild huh?! Oh well, maybe some little wild
birdies will love them! They really stand out and are so cute
by the house.

...Welcome To Our Nest...

This seagull reminds me of the true story of how they came
and gobbled up fields and fields of crickets, saving the pioneers
crops..in answer to their prayers.

This iron angel was just that, iron...so I used up 2 cans of
white spray paint making her...so beautiful. She sits right
in the middle of yellow honeysuckle.
If you are sticking around, part 3 and 4 of my three weeks
in St. George, they are next! (Click on older posts)
Hello Julie! You have gotten so much accomplished in you sweet home! The visit with your grandchildren was a good break and they are so cute on the swing set. You have been so busy and it is nice to have your update!
Awe! The Grands look adorable!
And what a lot of work on the house! Labor of Love, huh? Can't wait to see the finished project.
I too love birdhouses. I'm torn though as I have my bird feeders and houses, but when I let the cat out... she is so naughty! Lets just say she had a feather sticking out of her mouth last week and has been grounded since...
The kids are just adorable! I love what you did with the cabinets..take it easy on yourself, no more aches and pains! ; ) ..easier said then done
Great Scott, you slow down girl...what am I saying??? I know what it is like to get started and want to NOT stop til it is done...but DO take care of yourself. Glad for that hot bath and RAH for Advil... I hear you! It is all going to be so wonderful and it WILL be worth it. It is a good tired at the end of the day...yes? ((((hugs)))) to you. Good to see the little pink cheeked cherubs again. :-) xoxo
Love, love, love the bird houses and i love them all bright and wild colors, ha! You have worked so hard on your kitchen cupboards. And, i too, have those crazy-daisy doors with the slat's in them-ha! They are currently out of our bathroom, waiting to be painted. Would like to replace them sometime in the future. Keep up the good and hard work. So much joy in making a darling house into a darling home.xo
You have really been busy! Those cabinets look like the ones here prior to being painted white also. I used to have those louvered doors in a house and they are tough to paint. I wish you luck! :)
LOVE all the windows in the house and the kitchen is very spacious. I know it's not like your other but it will be perfect for the 2 of you. So many lovely things about this new house and the property. Oh, and the bird houses and angel are adorable!
Great to see the grands...growing like weeds. :)
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