This sits on front and off to the side of the temple, it is really
beautiful day or night.

day or night. I love walking around it and spending time on
the grounds.

one block behind it and 3 blocks north of it. I so love that
everyday as I go for a walk when I am there, I am in the
shadow of the temple, what a blessing!
Do you see the iron piece hanging in the steep of the house?
And the two gingerbread pieces on the porch?
gift & thrift store. The owner had used it on his shop
for about eight years. I was thrilled because it was the
exact shape and look that I was trying to find for the
steep of this house.
to match the white trim of the house and also my iron
angel in the flower bed. I was so happy when I ran on
to this iron piece because I did not want to hang a star
there, I wanted something more cottage and this was
so perfect!
We had them left over from a home we built two years ago.
I never could find the right place for them, until now and they
fit here perfectly!
away in a red rock box canyon. The most wonderful plays
and musicals take place there. It is so neat to sit out under
the stars for a night of great entertainment.
They hold a big farmers market there every Saturday and
we went up to see it and see the Hawaiian dancers that were
there also. A beautiful and fun day.
This is Tom and my Ron getting a head start on the ribs!
cottage home. It was a delicious dinner with ribs, beans,
new potatoes & peas, rolls and limeade. We brought the
chocolate candy cake and some ice cream.
They are the funnest people and they have been so kind
and helpful to us as we have painted and worked on our
house. All the neighbors have been so kind and friendly!
biased but I think this is a good looking couple!

"Sprinkles"...they both look pretty cozy to me!

Our grand daughter Brickelle graduating from 8Th grade
and heading into high school next year! She is the second
from your left, the darling little blond with the pretty floral
Well, it's that time of year...time to play and have a great summer!
Sending out my love to all, have a good summer wherever you are.
If you haven't yet, sign in as a follower of this blog. Going private
has been an interesting thing! I have gone from 89-100 comments
for each of my posts, down to 12-20 comments! A bit of a shock but
then I am not visiting all other blogs any more either. I just didn't
like spending all day at the computer. I do miss them though!

Beautiful family. Love those babies. Whaat a handsome couple. Your house looks so cute. I hope you can move thei full time soon.
Love seeing these pictures. Glad you and Dad are having a great time in St. George. I'm happy for you two.
So much LOVE in all of your pics Julie.
You shine through them even when your not in them, lol.
LOVE LOVE LOVE baby Claire and all your babies.
Yes Claire's mom and dad are a beautiful couple ; )
Looks like a perfect way to spend the long Memorial Day weekend :)
How fun to make new friends, and new memories too.
Sweet grands, and looks like they have a love of four legged critters just like you do!
Enjoy your summer time, and fixing up your cute cottage.
Love the additions that you've made to the front. Cute curb appeal!!
Smiles :)
You have the most beautiful scenery in your area, and of course some of the most beautiful grandchildren too.
aw...fun pictures! I'm glad you have nice neighbors! They sound very sweet!
The iron accents are perfect for your house! So cute!
That little Sprinkles looks like my Grey Girl! :)
The kids are getting bigger and cuter each day. Your church is so magnificent looking. xo
I love your family :) So happy :)
Love your cute house! I love St George. Russ says he wants to move there...maybe one day :)
Those babies are GROWING...oh my gosh. (they come from good "stock"!) ;-) The house looks so good Julie. I love the iron accent over the porch. It's lovely, and love the gingerbread accents - really gives it a "cottage" look. And the fence just makes it perfect! It sounds so neat to be in St. George. Hugs to you and I know you are one busy lady!! :-) Glad I can follow you a bit on FB too. I'm going to try your watermelon pie recipe next month. xoxoxo
Such beautiful children! Yes they are a good looking couple! He looks pretty handsome in his uniform!
I think St. George is lovely through your eyes. It sounds like you are settling nicely. I love the iron thing on the front. Perfect.
I bet your are a wonderful neighbor to have!
I know I sound repetitious ... but durnnit Julie ... you have the most gorgeous family ever! Those children are so beautiful & radiate love. Look at those kid-lings cuddling there precious pals. Awesome!!
So love the temple ... what a spectacular sight to see Jesus' image standing there in that beautiful setting. How powerful & humbling.
Love the iron for your home, just the perfect touch.
Have a beautiful day, Julie.
Those are the most beautiful photos and I would love to live there and walk to that beautiful temple.
Those grands and pets are adorable.
I always love seeing photos of your beautiful family! Your little granddaughter is too adorable!
Beautiful photos! Your neighbors kitchen is so cute too. How fun that you are making new friends already.
Your grandchildren and family are all adorable. I think the gingerbread details you added to your house are very charming. It adds the perfect touch!!
Happy Thursday to you!
A joy stopping by to catch up with you and your precious family :)
Wow... that temple is truely stunning. I can understand why you would want to be so near to it. The photos of the kids are adorable. My youngest just graduated 8th also - another new journey in our lives. St George looks like a wonderful place to live.. I love that the neighbors are so friendly. It used to be like that here in Baltimore ..but not so much anymore.
Your daughter and son in law are a gorgeous couple. Have a great weekend.
I love what your are doing with you house. It truly is going to be wonderful. I think a cottage is just so homey.
All your pictures were fun. I know you love your family soooo much, as do I.
Julie, loved all the post but will comment on the lovely modesty of your granddaughter and her friends at the graduation. So refreshing.
Such beauty!
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