us. I took this off my front porch after a big storm.

of our little grands. I love to go to the D.I.,
a big thrift store that belongs to our church.
They always have the best things, I bought
a toy for the little grands there, Sophia loves
her Cookie Monster!
to get my hands on this first and then as it sat
in my basket, everyone was eying it and asked
where I got it! Caleb loves to put his cloths on it
and loves his Superman!
Tiffany and their children. It was so much fun for all of us.
"tampaleen"...the kids sure do love it. A few days later
Tiffany's kids got one too, how fun!
that every July 24th...With the "Days of 47 Parade and Rodeo".
That was the year, 1847 that the Mormon pioneers came into
the Salt Lake Valley and settled this desert of a place.
parade with lots of awesome floats and bands and horses.
Families camp out over night on the streets to make sure
they have a good place to watch the parade! It becomes
a big tradition for some families that do this.
first group, he was the wheelwright for the company of pioneers
and their wagons. I am so proud of him and so grateful that
I could live my life here in this beautiful state of Utah.
and for their courage when they were driven from their
homes...they sought the Lord and He brought them here
to Utah for a refuge and a safe place. It was nothing but
a barren desert then but it has bloomed as a rose!

baby. It is the cutest/ugly little thing ever!
in their window wells! What perfect toys
for a boy! He is taking very good care of
them too.
little better way for a kid to spend a summer!

is so enjoying life. We sure love this brown eyed
potty trained, and she doesn't want that
old binky anymore...she is a little lady now!

Our friends and neighbors had a shocking thing
happen in their family.
This young man was fishing when a huge storm
came up...he was struck by lightning and he and
his dog were killed.
He and his beautiful, sweet wife Maddy had been
married just one year. She was back at their camp
with some others while he went to fish for a bit.
When he had been gone a bit too long, she went to
check on him. She said that as she walked around
the lake, she felt this great peace come upon her as
she looked at the lake and the beauty there. Then
she found her Jesse, he and his dog were laying there,
he looked so peaceful, she thought he was asleep, but
he was gone.
It has been a time of love here in our and help
being given to this family. Their amazing faith holding
them up. God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, bringing
great peace and healing to them. The great peace comes
in KNOWING that they will be together again one fine day,
and that all their dreams will still come true. Families truly
are a forever thing. Jesse had on a full rubber fishing suit,
he should have been fine, sometimes God has another plan,
much bigger than we can imagine. We will continue to give
support and love for this wonderful family and God will take
care of each one of them and carry them on, blessing them
all the way through their lives.
Life is short...handle with prayer and be ready always to
follow God's ways. His ways are always the best way.

I know that he has gone home to a better place but right now I am shedding tears for the sweet young bride he left behind..and the angst she must feel. We just wonder why sometimes-or at least I know I do. Do you know when my Dad was a young man he stood under a large tree during a thunderstorm. He was holding his horse. The lightening "split" and hit the tree and horse and spared him..although he was deafened for quite some time after that.
I love all the pictures of your grandkids and you. I just love the hair on Claire. It just reminds me of little baby bird feathers. They are ALL just dolls...and love the tampoleen...we had one, too, for many years. We cannot buy them here anymore because they are considered dangerous. What a was such grand fun for the kids when they were young. xo Diana
Oh Julie, that is so sad about the young man and his dog. But all the words afterwards are so healing. Always good to see a post and to see how big your grand kids are getting. xo
Just love seeing your beautiful grandchildren.
I love donkeys,,,,,I think they are cute. They have the funniest personalities.
Beautiful sunsets.
SO sad about the young man fishing. He and his dog together....such a rare occurance. So amazing how she felt the peace in her heat. Still so sad.
Enjoy the summer, it will soon be over. It's okay to me if the days get cooler.
Wow, there is a lot in this post ... so much to comment on! First off - love your grands and the fun that you always have together! Aren't trampolines so fun?! And GOOD FOR YOU for jumping with them! It has been awhile for me.
I can't believe the size of that superman! I have never seen that one before. And why would people bother asking where you got it when you are in D.I.?! They certainly know there wouldn't be another one, right? ;)
That is a very sad story about that young couple. A good friend of mine was stuck by lightning and killed in Mapleton about 30 years ago. He was in his early 20s too ... it was tragic, but somehow the way it happened brought the family peace as well - as if it were just his time to go. The gospel certainly helps you deal with death in a different light.
Love to you my friend!
I love those pioneer ancestors. The more I find about them and write about them, the more I realize they are just like us today in so many ways. Blogging is wonderful because it finds me cousins!
Thru the tears ...
What a lovely celebration of the feat the Mormons overcame as they moved on to settle Utah. God has enriched many a barren land.
You & those beautiful kid-lings are so fun together, Julie. Claire's eyes are so beautiful. What a wonderful time you share with them & each of us.
Tickled with the sandbox pics. There must be something about the texture of sand that captures every child.
How tragic a loss, but he & his pooch are resting with Jesus. Prayers lifting for he & his family. Too young to go, but he was needed elsewhere.
Have missed you but so enjoy each visit & share of you & with you, Julie.
That sunset is amazing ... God's artwork is my favorite. I chase sunsets, as you have seen.
Have a beautiful day ~
Hugs & love,
You have had a very fun and eventful July! The grands are getting so big and that trampoline looks like a lot of fun!
So sorry for the loss of Jesse. Life is short and we have no idea how long we have. Humbling thoughts, for sure.
I would LOVE to jump on a trampoline again Julie. My back will not allow me to do so. Looks like you had sooo much fun, but then you always seem to be their sunshine and I love that. SWEET, BEAUTIFUL grands.
What a parade, like Disney, lol.
I have magnificent sunsets here, and you have them off your front porch WOW. We sure are lucky.
Ok really? That little donkey is NOT UGLY!! He is so sweet and I just showed Randy his sweet face... awwww
How so very sad about that young man. I'm hearing more and more freak accidents happen lately. Colt's friend, age 19 was also hit by lightening. He was on his first date with a sweet young girl. I'm so so so sorry for this family Julie. I send my love and prayers.
Love Claudie
It looks like you are having a wonderful summer spending time with your adorable grandkids! I'm so sorry to hear about that young man. It is so sad and I will remember his wife in my prayers.
Hi Julie!
Love that 'tampaleen'! How cute!
And that cute Claire and her watermelon... she might just grow up to love those watermelon rind pickles.
How lucky that you were able to go to SLC, and see the parade in person!
We watched it on t.v here, and then enjoyed our own little town parade.
I heard about Jesse on the news, and I was fairly certain that you would have known him..... small towns are like that.
My heart goes out to his sweet wife, and family, and all his friends that will miss him.
How lucky and blessed we are that Families Are Forever!!
Praying for those that have lost him... comfort and peace be with them.
Hi Julie,
Such wonderful, fun photos. Gorgeous kiddies and pretty grandma. Such a sad occurrence for that young lady.
I also have a great heritage that I am so grateful for. God is good!
I hope August is just as wonderful for you!
Love and hugs, Cindy
Oh Julie, that story has me all teary eyes! So sad. My heart goes out to his wife and family!!
I was all smile seeing cutie clair with her watermelon. Just when I thought that she couldn't get any cuter!
Love the Tampaleen ~ looks like grandma was having FUN!!
have a great weekend. Happy August.
Hi Julie,
What a fun time you are having with your grands! Is that legal to have all of that fun?! :) God is so good to bless us in so many ways, like our sweet grandbabies!
So sorry to hear about your dear friends. We don't know why...God does. When we meet Him face-to-face I am sure all of those questions will be revealed to us.
Thank you for your kind sympathies and words for the loss of my dear brother. Sorry for your losses, that is hard for you I am sure. I am so glad we have the hope of seeing them again...:)I am also grateful for the comfort God gives us!!
Blessings for a happy Friday!!
Great post Julie, but a tear jerker too!
Your grands are so adorable as usual!
And I loved seeing pics of that awesome parade.
It seems like you have had an amazing summer!
I was just thinking what a FUN and joyful post this was...all the gorgeous photos of your grands. And LOOK AT YOU jumping on the trampoleen!!
Love the potty chart.
Then the last part broke my heart. I think that is one of the things I struggle with MOST....having enough faith to believe these tragic things are Gods Will.
These things are just hard for me, I KNOW them to be true, but still, so hard.
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