My daughter Lindsey suggested that I do a post on my blog about the temple, so here it is. I hope you will feel the "spirit of the temple" as you ponder on the temple here for these few moments. I hope you will "Love to see the temple"~
One other word is equal in importance to a Latter-day Saint. HOME. Put the words holy temple and home together, and you have described the house of the Lord."
I am so grateful for the incomparable blessings that flow to me from the sacred ordinances. I love to go there, take off my watch, feel unhurried, absorb the peace.
I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday,
to feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple. I'll go inside someday.
I'll cov'nant with my Father; I'll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place, where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I've learned this truth: A family is forever.
As a little 5 year old, my Tiffany stood at the pulpit and sang this song in sacrament meeting as the music number. She sang this solo, in the prettiest little soprano voice, I was so proud of her!
My greatest joy has been to sit by the side of a daughter in the temple, as she is about to be sealed to her eternal companion. This, is the JOY of posterity!
Ron and I love serving in the Manti Temple, we have been doing this now for two and a half years. It is such JOY to speak sacred words, to serve the Lord, as we serve his children that come there, seeking his peace. We love it so much, every time we leave, we are filled with great happiness. It is so true that, "As we touch the temple, the temple will touch us."
Serving in the temple has expanded our vision and it helps us to be closer and more focused on the "right" things. It is a blessing to our marriage and to our family, because as we go forth from his house we are armed with his power and his name is upon us.
Brigham Young said; "Now is the time for labor. Let the fire of the covenant which you made in the House of the Lord, burn in your hearts, like flame unquenchable."
We do now and will yet face great challenges to the work of the Lord. But like the pioneers who found the place which God for them prepared, so we will fresh courage take, knowing our God will never us forsake.
The house of the Lord brings us such great joy and comfort in the midst of all our sorrows and enables us to have faith in God, knowing He will guide us and sustain us in the unknown journey that lies before us. We have no reason to worry or to feel despondent, we will never be lost if we hold to the temple, because His hold on us, is "Eternal." Jesus Christ is REAL, he is our Redeemer and Savior, he directs the affairs of His church through revelation to His anointed servants. He is the Master, the Lord of this earth, he is incharge, we have no reason to worry. WE need only to follow him..GO to the Temple now~
This was a great post to read after I just got back from the temple tonight. :)
Two things I noticed as I was there tonight. 1) Not a speck of dust anywhere. The light fixtures, floor boards, etc, are immaculate in every way. I don't think I would feel the same if it were dirty. 2) It is so quiet. The session we were in was very reverent and I really appreciated that. I rarely get to be in a situation where it is so silent. I loved it.
I love the temple so much too, I wish I could go more often and I am going to try. I loved this post mom. The first picture you took is so beautiful!
what an awesome post! thank you SO much!
Beautiful, Thanks. You are so awesome, I love you!
Oh, how you speak my feelings too! There is nothing like knowing the Lord entrusts his Sacred Ordinances to MY HANDS!! And the opportunity to schedule his ordinance workers for their assignments, knowing several miracles will occur each week, just by "coincidence!" This past Saturday a sister had just begun serving in the Sisters' dressing room. In walked a family (their daughter was being sealed) and the mom had served with Sister Hannig in the Las Vegas temple a few years ago! Talk about hugs all around. Second miracle: I "by chance" assigned a couple to serve as endowment patrons at 12:00. What I didn't know was that they had guests in town and they were coming to do THAT VERY SESSION, so that they could be finished just when their hosts would be through with their temple service. You can't help but know that the work in the beautiful sacred Holy Temples is the work of the Lord!
Wow - awesome pictures of the temple! Those are good enough to print and hang on your wall. I love the Manti temple - it's where Michael and I were sealed, and it will always be a very special temple to the both of us. Thanks for the post! :)
I finally have a few minutes to comment. Wow!!! I can't wait until Roger and I can work in the temple. I love to hear about and be apart of little miracles like those that daily occure in the temple.
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