There's nothing in life that's worth doing, if it can't be done on a horse! We SO enjoy riding together, spending a day away with "us and our horses"..wonderful

Apache, the sweetest horse ever, he loved to lick your hand, give all the grandkids a ride. One of those, "best horses ever"~

I love the smell of a horse, the feel of a horse, the sounds of a horse, the trustability of a horse...the smell of the saddle, the smell of the pines..pure Heaven, all of it!

Ron and I enjoying a ride in the hills up by Fishlake..a great way to spend a day

Who ever said a horse was dumb...was dumb! They are; Friendship without envy, Beauty without vanity, Nobility without conceit, A willing partner, yet no slave."

The only thing better than having a horse, is having at least two horses!

Nothing is as fun as raising a new foal...you and it's mommy, taking care of and loving it!

Nothing so peaceful as spending time in the pasture with your horse . You don't "break" these animals, you come to an understanding with them.

"The eye of a horse see's into the soul of man

It's so much fun to have a baby foal...to feel their little nibbles, to scratch their backs, to have them follow you around, to watch them lift their tail and fly like the wind~

To have a horse that you can totally trust, is a gift from God .

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse

God took a handful of Southerly wind, blew his breath over it, and created horses.


"Horses"...the most beautiful, the most spirited and the most inspiring creature ever to set foot on the grasses of America.

Horses have brought such joy into my life, as a child, I'd spend hours out with our horse, just laying on his back, soaking in the sun shine, feeling him move under me. Sharing my sugar daddies with him, I'd put a piece of twine over his head and around his nose for a bridle and ride him around. I loved to ride bare-back, running through the fields, jumping the ditches. I'd tell him all my troubles, he was my motivation for getting my chores done so I could go riding. His name was Rusty, he was part wild mustang and part work horse...he was so kind, he tended me real good. It broke my heart when Dad retired from farming and we moved to the city and Rusty went to live with one of my brothers.
Later in my life I would have more horses to enjoy, I've been blest to have had wonderful, trustworthy horses all my life. To this day, I still have horses, we enjoy them so very much. I'm glad the weather is warming up, time to dust off the saddles and head for the hills~
Someday, when I am old old, and I can't ride anymore, I'll still want to have horses...as long as I can hobble out to them with a treat in hand, feel their soft muzzles, stroke their silky necks and share a hug, sit and watch them graze and bow their noses and swish their tails, I'll be at peace with the world
Hopefully, when I get to Heaven, there I'll see all my great companions who have gone on ahead, to blaze a trail in Heaven for us and who have come back for me, there, I hope to find "Rusty", "Fiddlers Fancy", "Omar Sareef", "Apach","Big ole Black", "Mr. Red", "Jeff" and maybe even some more. The first thing I'll say is; "Where's my boots and my saddle?" "I'm going for a ride!" Eternity might just be long enough, for "taking the long way home."
I've heard stories about Rusty, my Mom loved him too. My Abby loves horses, she wants one so bad. I hope she gets one or two when she is older and out on her own.
I love some of these pictures. There really is something about horses. I have never owned any, but I too love to ride when I get a chance. You are so fortunate to live where you live and be able to spend so much quality time in nature with your husband.
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